Chapter 151 This Is What They Say...Dating, Right?

"Hey hey hey~"

Walking side by side on the streets of Wucheng City, Vermeer had a smirk on his face.

That's what they call... dating, right?

It is clearly a street that has already begun to be familiar, but every moment right now is filled with new colors.

It made her eager to do something with him.

Luo Wei lowered his head slightly, watching Vermeer quicken his steps forward, as if urging him, and could feel her happiness in the air.

Look to make you happy.

It was indeed the first time to go shopping with her alone.

The girl who was once easily coerced by him, an unknown person, now has the courage to face a third-level god without losing the wind, so it doesn't matter to reward her once.

By the way.

Check out what's going on in the city, and shake off some stalkers.

"Over there~" Wei Mier was excited, but suddenly looked back at him, and said hesitantly, "But... can I go?"

"of course."

It made her eyes light up.

Came to the stall selling snacks, Wei Mier curiously looked at the various snacks, pointed to Luo Wei, "Look, there are also chicken balls in white sauce!"

He had just returned from Baigang Town, and the first thing he saw was the food from his hometown.

Luo Wei didn't speak, took out the Lin coin to pay the bill, and gave it to her after getting it. After the girl blew it twice, she then handed it back to his mouth, with a faint smile on her face.


After taking a careful bite, Vermier lifted it back, looked at the place where he had bitten, blushed slightly, and bit down there too.


The girl didn't expect the soup inside to be so full, the thick juice splashed out, spilled all over her mouth, and flowed to her chin. Luo Wei stretched out his hand to slowly wipe it off for her.

Vermeer glanced at his fingers, sucked them with his lips without wasting food, and ate the remaining soup.

Luo Wei also felt her tongue flicked slightly.


"Hey..." The girl showed a playful smile.

Cherishing food has always been her characteristic, and to some extent it has also made her quite able to eat.

But it seems that I can't get fat no matter what I eat. My body is soft everywhere, but I can't see the flesh. On the contrary, it should be considered thin. And the body is soft and has the toughness locked deep in the softness.

After eating the chicken ball in his hand, Vermier jumped back with a smile, and the softness in front of him also swayed, making it hard to look away.

It was obvious that she was really happy.

"That's right, let's pack it for Saya and A Yining and take them back. Saya seems to like this very much."

Moreover, no matter how happy you are shopping, you are always thinking of others.

Good little fool.

Starting from South Street all the way, as long as it can attract her attention, she must go and see it. Shuttle back and forth on the street, and the girl seems to have endless energy. Every time she sees something she is interested in, she will think who needs it. Whoever likes it can be used for whom.

Luo Wei felt that if he continued to buy like this, he would soon become a pack animal, so he quickly stopped her.

"Don't think about other people today, just the two of us enjoy it on the spot."


Vermeer's eyes trembled.

Then gave him a dreamy smile.


From the current situation in the city, it can be seen that the artisans have become busier, and although there are no fewer pedestrians on the road, they all appear to be in a hurry.

Under the constant oppression of the open situation, the tense relationship between all parties has also affected the lives of ordinary people.

But they don't have to follow the rhythm of others. When these people are uneasy, they may be enjoying themselves, but when everything becomes clear in the future, they are likely to be in the depths of the God War Relics.

If you can't even live according to your own will, and you have to follow the crowd, then this time travel would be too shameful.

"Rover, come and see this~"

Vermeer urged, he looked over and found that she was wearing a cat ear headband.

"How is it? Do you look like a beastman~"

"Not like."


"I've never seen such a beautiful cat girl."

Facing the compliment, the girl couldn't help but secretly elated, turned her head away blushing, and hurriedly bought it.

After strolling around for a while, the two came to a tea house near East Street, which is also the site of Lewis and his "Shadow Su", and the free tea is not for nothing.

While eating snacks and refreshing tea, Vermier used chopsticks in a decent manner, unskilled but standard.

"Hey~ Last New Year's Eve dinner, I had to ask A Yining to hold it for me, but now I can use it completely!"

"is it?"

Luo Wei smiled and asked the waiter to bring a plate of fried peanuts.

Vermeer: ​​"...?"

She tried several times before she managed to pick up a pill, but Luo Wei sent it to her mouth like something, without stopping at all.


Of course.

Rowe smiled.

The whole team can beat you, don't bully anyone you bully.

With the high-level demon god battle suit, Luo Wei is still not sure which zone he is in, and he will not be able to realize it until he has fully learned how to refine Qi and transform into a god.

But what is certain is that his actual combat is much stronger than what he showed in the quiet courtyard. After all, that dress itself is a big step-up.

Thinking about it, Urs is really willing.

I don't know how he reacted to the news sent to him.

Luo Wei got up from his seat, came behind Vermeer, and asked her, "Are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

Before she had time to react, Luo Wei picked up a peanut and put it in her mouth. Vermier, who cherishes food, opened her mouth quickly, but came before she had time to chew the second one.


Opening and closing her mouth constantly, Vermeer felt as if the peanuts were being sucked up, and they lined up to send them to her mouth.

At this time, Luo Wei stopped moving, but she still chewed.

Chewed the air.

This made her face turn red, and she turned around and hit him.

Always playing tricks on me...I used to think about making him kneel down and beg for mercy, but I'm afraid I won't be able to see that scene in this life...

Thinking of facing such a dangerous person as Marcus today, I wanted to help him block it, but also worried that I would miss his plan by making my own decisions.

But judging from his willingness to go shopping with me, it should be... not bad, right?

Really, I didn't say anything about sneaking up behind me, if I had known that he was behind, I wouldn't be afraid of that guy!

At this time, Luo Wei bent down, squatted on the side, and gently pressed her calf.


"Are you scared stupid today?"

"No, no."

"The legs started to shake after relaxing, do you think I didn't notice?"


Vermier lowered her head in embarrassment.

Anyway, I can't say no to him!

With the relief brought by the calf being pressed, the girl slightly closed her eyes and enjoyed it, feeling that he took off her boots.


Should he be here...

However, Vermeer soon realized that she was worrying too much, and Luo Wei gently pressed the soles and insteps of her feet, causing her to slump limply on the chair.


However, Luo Wei picked it up and smelled it lightly. It smelled like a girl mixed with leather. Although it was a little hot after walking for so long, it carried a soft fragrance.

This is a beautiful girl's foot that even Saya recognized.

Vermeer didn't notice his movements, and she leaned back on the chair with her eyes closed and smirked. She learned a lot by staying with Athetana these days, but it must have been very hard.

"I know a place where you can relax your whole body, do you want to go and see it?"


Vermier opened her eyes, and this perspective made her blush slightly, as if she was surrendering in front of her.

Of course she would not refuse such a request.

"Okay... okay."


Youjia couple hot spring.

Walking into the hall, the receptionist still recognized Luo Wei, and when he saw Vermeer beside him, his brows were deeply frowned again.

Why did I change to another...

Is there something special about it?

Luo Wei ignored the other party's scrutiny. In fact, he had planned to bring Vermier here, but at that time, the incident of the two Colins happened suddenly, and he never found the opportunity.

Entering the room dedicated to the two of them, Vermeer blushed a little at the word "couple", and couldn't help secretly thinking of the scene where he admitted the relationship between the two in front of Saya.

I didn't even realize it, it meant that two people should soak in the hot spring together.

After closing the doors of the room, Luo Wei stood there and closed his eyes slightly.

All right.

It's time to get rid of the guy who got in the way first.

After saying a few words, Luo Wei was pushing Vermier to the dressing room when he suddenly pulled out the dagger in his left hand from the cloak.

The magician's purple light diffused in a spherical shape, and with a burst of electrical noise, an object fell to the ground, gradually revealing its figure.

"Huh!?" Vermeer turned around, and was surprised to find a small figure lying on the ground, which looked very similar to Saya, struggling and unable to get up.

Luo Wei watched this scene coldly.

Smart machine girl, Bella.

Since Marcus entered the workshop, he has not appeared.

Sure enough, I followed.

What he just took out was one of the left-handed weapons made by Jean Keluoxi, the anti-magic wave blade.

"You...!" Bella's body was flooded with electric current, and her functions were completely restricted.

"Since it is exposed, there is nothing to say."

Rowe looked down and stepped forward.


He took out ten sticks of magic cupric acid that he bought at the workshop on the way.

"It's time to pay off the debt."

(End of this chapter)

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