Chapter 152
70 cm body lying on the ground.

To the machine girl at this moment, Luo Wei is a giant.



Being hit by the anti-magic light ball, electric sparks appeared on Bella's body, and she couldn't move for a while.

"It's been hard work following us for a day."


Wei Mier on the side was stunned. Doesn't that mean that Ji Niang saw all their actions today?

Hmm... Where did I hear about this plot?

But this time, Luo Wei directly caught her and revealed herself, and I always feel that Siya is also responsible for it...

"you do this delibrately……!?"

Bella tried her best to recover, but Luo Wei took a bucket of hot water from the hot spring and poured it on her unceremoniously.

"Stay by that person's side all day, let's wash you first."


Hot water was poured on the short-circuited body without protection, and Bella suddenly felt a little weak in her legs.

"How dare you...!"

Luo Wei looked at her coldly, her little red dress was drenched and sticking to her body, looking a bit embarrassed.

Letting this machine girl follow behind should be the result of Marcus' intention.

And Luo Wei didn't intend to play dumb.

He was targeted by this thing back then, and he was the first to come to Wuguan City when he entered Wuguan City. He had already said that he would get his debt back.

After complaining to Loveli about Siya's anti-reconnaissance level, he also learned that the machine girl does not have magic protection when she turns on the invisible.

So no matter how strong she is, this blow is enough to paralyze her.

"Why, since you decided to follow, you should have thought about the consequences of being caught, right?"

"Wh...why should I...?!"

Bella gritted her teeth tightly and looked at him with ferocious eyes.

"Oh? Haven't you thought about it, then Marcus sent you here to let me teach you?"

Luo Wei sneered.

"Then I understand."

He arranged the ten tubes of magic copper acid in a row, and the dark purple turbid solution was a little bit blue, with a metallic texture mixed in it.

Bella saw that she frowned.

"Are you going to clean my vent? You should think about the consequences of lifting my skirt."

"Huh?" Luo Wei was curious, "Is this how it is used?"


Bella suddenly had an ominous premonition.

If not, how is he going to use it?Even prepared so much?
Luo Wei didn't know where the part she mentioned was. The magic copper acid would not cause substantial damage to the machine girl. Saya's test report was all normal, but her personality became strange, so there was no way to deal with it. She could only wait. Slowly recover.

It is perfect for dealing with them.

He came to the door again and again to make troubles, not only threatening Vermier face to face, but also sending this thing to raid and follow.

Now Vermeer has awakened the third element, Saya condenses the god core in 1% state, Rowe's own high-ranking demon battle suit and refining qi transforming god, plus the addition of Ilus and Athetana.

After making so many preparations for the ruins of the battle of the gods, I really think that the current team configuration is afraid that he will fail.

I won't mess with you, if you insist on messing with me, then don't blame me for being rude.

"Come and help."

Hearing Luo Wei's shout, Vermeer came to her side, and after helping Bella up, the two of them each held magic copper acid.

"I'll count to three two one and we'll go together."

"……it is good."

Bella was in a state of confusion.

What do you want to do together?
Luo Wei didn't intend to say anything more to her. After finishing the countdown, he poked the mouth of the reagent into the small hole next to his ear.

Bella was taken aback.

"Wait, isn't that taken internally @%#*~?!:..."

Before she finished speaking, the other five sticks were stuffed into her mouth together, which immediately made her mouth dilate and she couldn't speak.

gurgle gurgle.


White smoke rose from Bella's exhaust, she rolled her eyes and choked there, her mouth was full, she twitched twice and then stopped moving.

After ten seconds, he still didn't move.

Luo Wei frowned for a moment.

Ten sticks down, this reaction is too flat.

Bena is a skilled machine girl who is specialized in battle. Her combat power and physical fitness are much stronger than that of Biya. The more she fights, the more desperate she becomes. The personality module like a berserker will become uncontrollable even after being bloodthirsty.

Born to fight.

There is no other data stored, and it is normal to be amused by his cold jokes.

Could it be that because of this, she doesn't have relevant modules like Saya, so she doesn't feel anything?
I remember that when Saya first experienced it, she hiccupped there unsatisfactorily, and couldn't wait to have another one.


So it's Saya's problem?
There is also a gap between machine girls.

It seems that the title of perverted machine girl is about to be confirmed.

" she broken?" Vermeer blinked.


If the fire was turned off, how could she have crossed so many battles with Marcus, and the magic copper acid did not affect her movement module.

Now that she doesn't move at all, it can't be that she is so excited.

Just when Luo Wei was thinking this way, Bena, who was sitting there, suddenly leaned back sharply, her legs convulsed, and a jet of high-pressure water shot out fiercely, falling to the ground in a parabola.

Luo Wei: "..."

Vermeer: ​​[_?]
As the water pressure became less and less, Bella spat out the empty bottle in her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and love emerged from her rolled-up white eyes.

Vermeer looked at Luo Wei in a daze.

" did she...?"

Luo Wei: "..."


There has been no movement just now, is it because the stimulation is too strong, and the corresponding module did not respond?

Before she had time to think about it, Bella moved again, put her hands behind her back, straightened her waist, and began to draw circles in mid-air.


For some reason, Vermeer felt that this action was very unladylike.


Bella spat out slurred syllables, the two of them frowned, and only had time to identify something like "Give it to me soon", and then heard something.


The magic fluid sprayed out like a shower.

The two were dumbfounded for a while, Luo Wei protected Vermeer behind him, forgetting when he stood up.



This is too spectacular.


Two 10 minutes later.

Luo Wei changed the bath towel and came out, glanced at the machine girl who was still sticking out her tongue on the floor, opened the door and entered the hot spring.

It seems that this guy will take a while to recover, let her just lie down.

Now no one bothers.

In the hot spring, Vermier had already soaked in it, and only his head was exposed at the moment. Seeing him walking over in his current appearance, he blushed and turned his gaze away.

"Really... really don't care about her?"

"Need not."

Luo Wei confirmed that the anti-magic device activated by Vermeer was running, and water soaked in from one side.

"She can't get up, and with your magic power, she can't get in even if she gets up."

Before Bella showed her figure, Luo Wei was not sure whether the machine girl was there, and always felt uncomfortable.

but now.

his nemesis.

It was finally countered by him once today.

"I always feel that it's amazing... like a fountain." The girl couldn't help sighing as she recalled the scene just now.


Luo Wei couldn't answer these words, so he could only keep silent.

The atmosphere is so quiet.

Vermier lowered her head absently, now there were really only two people left, and the girl desperately tried to find some topics in her mind.

Although pretending not to care...

But now I come to my senses, two people soaking in the hot spring together like this, with only one bath towel on them, I always feel so embarrassed.

should i do somethingOr wait for him to come?
This kind of nonsense made her even more shy, as if she knew exactly what was going to happen.

"How's the water temperature?" Luo Wei noticed the change of expression on her face and asked.

"It's, it's's quite warm."

Now Vermeer feels like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and even sent it into the hot water by herself...

He can't just forget about it...

At this moment, Luo Wei swam up to her.



Vermeer was speechless.

I don't know if it's because of being treated deliberately by him, but every time she faces each other, it's like a first experience she has never had before.

Although she hasn't fully figured out what's going on, she feels that she still has a lot to learn, but he doesn't seem to let him.

"Today is really for you to relax, not only facing such a dangerous person today, but also working hard by Athetana's side during this time."

"Hey, how do you know..."

Luo Wei smiled and flicked her forehead lightly with his fingers. Like her, only one head was exposed, and they looked at each other.

"Of course I secretly observed you while you were not paying attention."

For some reason, Vermeer is trying to become better.

And Luo Wei didn't intend to get to the bottom of it, he could feel that she had a soft heart, just wait for it to bloom silently.

He moved to the girl's side and leaned against her side by side.

"Tell me about the things that happened to you during this time."


Vermeer was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at him, as if she had already enjoyed the hot water and was ready to listen.

"Can, is it okay? I'm afraid you will find it boring if you say it."

"Then what interesting activities do you want to do here?" Luo Wei responded to her with his eyes closed. "The steam makes me dizzy. I'm afraid I will carry you back later."

Hmm... forgot about it.

It is indeed dizzying.

"Well, if that's the case, I do have some fun things to share!"

Thinking of this, Vermier regained her spirits, and began to talk about what she saw and heard around Athetana, sometimes quietly stating, sometimes covering her mouth with a smile, without noticing that she herself began to enjoy the hot water , the body and mind are relaxed.

Luo Wei listened quietly with his eyes closed, and made fun of her words from time to time.

Knowing her birth from the history of Shenzhan, and her past from her room and diary, he also wants to know every minute and every second of her now, and continue to continue in the future.

"Hehe~ So I gave that mercenary leader a hard lesson in this way, he didn't even know I did it~"

"Someone can fall into your trap," Luo Wei responded mercilessly, "The standard of being a mercenary these days is really low."

Vermeer: ​​()
She snorted and bumped him underwater.


Luo Wei smiled indifferently, "However, there are some remarkable things. It may be that I have been the prey for a long time, so I am familiar with the characteristics of the prey."

Vermeer thought for a while, and realized that she was still hurting her, she pursed her lips, and hit him with the heads that were only left on the water surface.

"Bullying people...always bullying me..."

She said aggrievedly.

Rowe narrowed his eyes.

"do you have any opinion?"

"Aww! Aww!"


"Woof... Wanger..."

Seeing his face relax, Vermeer gave a hey hey twice proudly, and twisted his head.

Did he not want me to be complacent, so he deliberately hurt me so much?
After all, he can always quickly come up with a solution when facing a problem, but he still has some shortcomings in this aspect. Facing Marcus has already exceeded his limit.

This is...

Another way to limit yourself?

"I'm like this... can I compete with the dog mother for a meal?" She said suddenly.

Luo Wei froze for a moment.

Finding that she seemed to understand her harshness, she frowned for a moment.

Brains really grow out?
"You seem to have reversed the relationship."


Luo Wei moved closer, trying not to touch her with his body, but his face was very close, and he stretched out his hand to scratch her chin.

"Shouldn't it be the bitch who is grabbing food with you?"

Vermeer's eyes widened slightly, as if she quickly understood the meaning inside.


She lowered her head, blushing as if she had just seen her for the first time.

"The dog girl is not here, can we have dinner now?"

(End of this chapter)

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