Chapter 153 Her Kiss and Her Hug
There was a long silence in the air.

"No, can't you?"

It was like this every time, and any longer she waited, she began to wonder if she was doing the right thing.

This has been the case since the girl's magic was first used on him.

He obviously answered her every time.

Luo Wei sighed softly, bringing her here today is really just to let her relax and appease her emotions, doing too much in this environment will easily make her faint.

But when the girl in front of her blushed and said that she wanted to serve dinner, it was difficult to hold on underwater.

"In this case, how do you want to eat..."

Wei Mier raised her head, and the two of them were very close, their eyes shining brightly.


This stupid look really looks like waiting to be fed.

It's time to serve her a new dish.

At a close distance, only his head was exposed on the surface of the water, and Luo Wei moved forward to kiss her lips, and there was only this little contact.



The girl responded to him with words.

She knew that once she fainted, she would mess up everything again, so she suppressed it with a pounding heart.

From the length of the kiss, it could be felt that the other party was also suppressing.

He didn't simply follow his desires and ignore them.

To be able to feel this kind of intention has always been, so I have never done excessive things to myself continuously, worrying about her feelings.

With his eyes closed tightly, he felt the opponent approaching further, but before his brain could react, the defense line of his lips and teeth was suddenly breached.


She frowned suddenly, and the touch of her tongue made her unexpected.

Almost instinctively, I don't know whether it is passive or active, and the brain becomes blank.



It turns out that there is such a way of kissing...

Why are they all not written in Girl's Magic X﹏X
How does he know everything? Has he already been with someone...

Released for a short while, Wei Mier panted lightly and asked: "You and Saya...?"

Understanding her thoughts, Luo Wei just shook his head.

"only you."

After getting this answer, Vermier hugged him forward, not violently but firmly, responding to him in a learned way, as if wanting to occupy his territory and mark it like a bitch.

The idea of ​​not wanting to lose to anyone, overshadowed by shyness, was conveyed from tenderness.

At this time, Bella was on the floor in the room.


"It''s related, fill...full...full...full."



That night, the leader of the Netes tribe.

After Luo Wei and Vermeer dealt with Bella, they wandered around for a while before returning. Athetana stayed in the quiet courtyard. The valley without the mother goddess always felt a little less atmospheric.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire in the square, summarizing the information they heard in Wuguan City today.

Although skirmishes continued, unless there was a decisive means of winning or losing, it seemed that they could only be expected to find out the craftsmen's association's conspiracy from the depths of the mine.

This made several people feel a heavy burden on their shoulders for a while.

After confirming that Ke Luoxi can lift the seal for at most three days, in order to avoid any worries, Saya looked around and said, "That princess dog girl is also performing today, right? Is it okay to spend the night in the city?"

"No problem," Vermeer replied, "Mr. "Sword Wind" Cass took over the entrustment to protect them during this period, and Mr. Albert also built a separate living area for them, just beside the Knights. "

Although he didn't care about the situation on the surface, there are still many forces gathering.

Only then did everyone sort out the whole incident.

From the original point of view, the Hooffire Empire's intention to seize the Crownless City to manufacture ancient magic weapons is the main body, and the confrontation of Lion Garden Prime Minister Randall is another major threat, and the joint check and balance of various forces is the point of resistance that can be used.

But now it seems that the fallen angel in the mine is behind the scenes, the artisans will be the planners, and all the disputes inside and outside the crownless city have become a cover-up under the chaos, covering up the real motive under the undercurrent.

If we say that the original center is the busy adventurer Ryan who communicates with various forces.

Then now...

Several people looked at Luo Wei one after another.

Ryan became the procrastinator on the bright side, and he who really went deep into the mine to dig out the truth became the center of the whole incident.

And he did it even before the Hooffire Empire marched.

Now Wailing Valley has no worries about the future, has powerful craftsmen and third-level gods to help out, and has escaped from the chaos on the bright side. People who always say "don't worry about it" and "it has nothing to do with me" did it.

It's like...he got drunk and then somehow got it all set up.

Obviously witnessed the whole process together, but it still makes people feel scratching their heads.

Facing the gazes from all the women, Luo Wei waved his hands with an exaggerated smile.

"You guys look like they're mocking me."

"Then you'd better be conscious." Ayi Ning said shallowly.

"Hey~" Wei Mier smiled at the side, she always believed in this.

Saya folded her hands impatiently, still expressing her dissatisfaction with his way of doing things.

Luo Wei looked at them helplessly.

He is more worried about internal relations.

Vermeer will always stand by his side, but she also has her own thoughts, and Luo Wei doesn't intend to ignore them, and walking around with her all day made her completely happy, and she didn't talk about Ahu Lily and Saya anymore. Take it to heart.

Although Saya was proud on the surface, after experiencing so much, she was willing to give him a hug. Looking at the relationship between herself and Vermier now, how could she act as if nothing had happened.

Although trapped in the Shura field, this time Luo Wei has laid the groundwork in advance, and will not let their relationship go.

There will definitely be conflicts and jealousy between each other.

But based on their personalities, it will affect the overall situation, and it must never happen again.

Otherwise, the little boy hesitated at the critical moment of the battle whether to save or not, and Saya might have to send it on the spot.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei couldn't help but take another look at Vermeer.

Vermeer: ​​"?"

There was no such gap in status in the last round. She was not completely on her side like she is now, and she did not hesitate to break with the Church of Prayer based on her own way of doing things.

And counting this period, it's almost time for her plot to come to her door, but this time Luo Wei is not worried.

She was no longer that silly girl who was afraid of being abducted.

Make a home in a trap, or use a trap as a fortress.

After eating stew and rice, the group packed up the tableware and went back to their tents to rest, while Luo Wei had already been waiting outside the bathroom where Saya took a bath.

In front of her, he asked Vermeer to go shopping.

It's time to appease that proud heart.

Wiping her wet blond hair, Saya's eyes froze when she saw him.

"Is the inside ready for me?" Luo Wei asked with a smile.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?"

"I'm a little thirsty right now."


Luo Wei smiled and walked past her, then stopped there.

"By the way, I have something to look for you at night, so come to my tent if you are free."

He walked in without waiting for her answer, but the bath water was not poured.

It made him smile.

Ever since she fell down a few days ago and asked her if she was injured and wanted to forcefully apply medicine to her, Saya has developed the habit of falling backwards.

Being played around.



Luo Wei was wearing a high-ranking demon god's battle suit in the tent, and Ayining, who was dressed in plain clothes, was helping him to restrain the magic power released.

Saya came in from the door at this time, but stayed at the door and did not come over.

"Come in, you can lie on the bed for a while."

"Didn't you say you wanted to find me?"

"Yes, so you wait for me for a while, soon."

Saya stepped aside suspiciously and pulled a chair to sit down. Naturally, she would not listen to his nonsense and go to bed.

Ayi Ning closed her eyes and frowned slightly, but said nothing, and continued with the steps of refining Qi and turning into a god.

In this way, about three and ten minutes passed.

"Okay," Ayining said, opening her eyes, and then glanced at Saya, "How about I go out first..."

"Need not."

Luo Wei, who had exhausted his magic power, glanced at the two of them. Although he had won the bet, A Yining never took the initiative to mention this matter.

How could it be possible for her to get away with it.

"I want Saya to stay here, do you have any objection?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Still here.

" opinion."

Now that he has proved that his judgment is correct, he can only be willing to admit defeat.

Ai Ning sighed.

There's really no way to get him.

However, he didn't let himself go out. It should be because he had something to ask Saya, and he could listen to it by the side?
"Okay, turn off the lights and go to bed."

Luo Wei said suddenly.

Saya: "?"

Ayi Ning: "?"

He walked up to the angel and pulled her up with a natural expression. When she was almost at the bedside, Saya reacted abruptly and broke free from him.

"Didn't you say you wanted to find me!?"

"That's right," Luo Wei looked at her and said, "Isn't it a matter of warming the bed?"


Saya suspected that she had heard wrong.

I asked myself to come here to find him at night, and wait here for half an hour, just to keep warm...! ?

Annoyance was blazing in her eyes, she wished she could raise her spear and stab the bastard, but judging by his current appearance, scolding him seemed to be rewarding him, so she turned around and left.

Luo Wei hugged her from behind.

Saya and Ayining looked at each other in astonishment first, and then she was about to break free, but with 20% angel power, she couldn't break free from the shackles of the high-level demon god's battle clothes.

"You... let me go! It's so dirty! What a smell of sweat!"

"You mean, you want me to take it off before hugging?"

"I want you to take it off before I kill you!"

"In short, you want me to take it off, right?"

Standing there, Ayining's face darkened for a moment.

"I'll turn around, you guys have to keep your flirting voice down."


flirting! ?
Saya was stunned for a moment, and soon felt the force behind her.

Luo Wei whispered in her ear, "I don't intend to put your affairs aside."


Saya struggled to twist her shoulders, her face turned red with embarrassment.

"That's not what I meant!"

It was obviously a matter of training, but spitting it out from that dog's mouth seemed to make her sad if she didn't hug her.

How can it be!

And... Ayi Ning is still there!
"Then how about being quiet, you don't want to be pointed at by Ayining, do you?"


Saya looked at A Yining who deliberately carried her back there.

"Then you let go...let go..."

Luo Wei didn't care about her, just hugged her and walked backwards, bringing the reluctant angel to the bedside.

Into the bed, that can not help her.

Saya: "..."

He said that he didn't put her affairs aside, as if he would not forget himself even if he was with Vermeer.

what is this……

She turned her face away, lying there, her mind was in a state of confusion, since she saw the two of them going out today, and when they came back, Vermier couldn't hide his happy expression.

I don't know why, but at this moment, I feel a little comfort?

The gentle embrace interrupted her thoughts, Saya gritted her teeth and broke his hand away, turned around and pushed him to turn around.

"Turn me over...!"

Seeing the other party follow her instructions, Saya bit her lip, trying to get up and leave several times.

But finally she closed her eyes annoyed.

"You are not allowed to stretch out your hands, do you hear...!"

Feeling the embrace of the other party, Luo Wei closed his eyes and smiled, and replaced the answer with acquiescence.

In this way, not only Saya's hug, but also the problem of Ayining's obstacle was solved.

Plus Ahu Lily.

They actually thought their plan was useless at first?


Two days later, good news finally came from the Tranquil Garden.

(End of this chapter)

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