Chapter 154 The Hanging Earth

City Without Crown, Bottomless Mine, Level 130.

Quiet garden.

Atetana's Beast Realm has encroached on a small area, and those who bear her mark can use this link to gain support from her presence here.

That is, Luo Wei and Vermeer.

"Sorry, I can't distinguish more divine power imprints for the time being, and I can only provide this level of support at present."

"No." Luo Wei shook his head.

Two is more than enough.

Opening the domain in the place where the gods intertwine consumes a lot of energy for her, and she has been working hard for it day and night these days, just to provide them with rear protection before the seal is released.

"Go when you're ready, and I don't have to worry about you."

Luo Wei turned his head, glanced at the other members of the expedition, and then nodded to Ke Luoxi who was wearing the high-ranking demon god's battle suit and was waiting in front of the seal with a hammer.

"let's start."

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time!"

Ke Luoxi was full of excitement, she turned around and looked at the seal that had been conquered for so many days.

"Watch me blow you up!!"

With a bang, the forging hammer slammed heavily on the spherical device covering the seal, smashing it to pieces.

It was the magic synchronization ball she created to break the seal.

Accompanied by a burst of shaking, the entire courtyard, which was free from the outside world, seemed to be connected to something. The shaking lasted for tens of seconds before stopping, and finally hit something.

The seal dissipated on the door.

And after that, there was an ancient area that was isolated for 200 years.

According to this understanding, maybe that fallen angel has been inside since then.

"Let's go."

Vermier, Saya, Aining, Iluth.

And Rowe himself.

No need to say anything more, having made so many preparations for this moment, Luo Wei took the demon god battle clothes from Ke Luoxi's hand at the door, and put them on himself.

Then, step through that door.


The field of vision changes rapidly in front of you, as if you have traveled through a time tunnel, spanning more than 1000 years.

In the end, it was fixed on top of everyone's heads.

It is the ruins of an ancient city hanging upside down.

Standing on the desolate and broken land, the sky behind him glowed with a hazy yellow light like the doomsday. It was shrouded in clouds or dust, not like the scenery in the real world.

And the huge city is built in front, the inverted roof is only a few meters high from the ground, and the taller buildings are poked into the ground, giving people the feeling that the whole city is inserted upside down on the ground. .

The gravitational force did not change, and there were debris falling on the ground. No matter how many times I watched this incredible scene, it was very shocking.

"It always feels like I'm going to fall..."

From Vermeer's point of view, it was as if the upside-down city was suspended from the ground by something. Once this force was lost, the whole city would be mercilessly suppressed.

Saya came down from the sky and shook her head at several people.

"It's mostly dirt."

Flying up tens of meters, you can see the other side of the city, as if the city was dug out by hand by some extremely huge existence, and then placed here upside down.

Faced with such a scene, several people looked at Luo Wei.

"So, any idea?"

"You'll know if you try it."

He bowed his head and stepped forward into the city limits, jumped up—

Then Vermier saw him standing upside down on the roof, as if he had become a person from another world.

"Eh... Eh!!?"

Several people showed surprise one after another, never expecting such a situation, Saya even raised her head and glanced up.

When she just flew up, there was obviously no such change.

Ayi collected her mind and walked into the city area. After looking up and down for two seconds, she jumped up. She suddenly felt that the sky and the earth were hanging upside down. Can't help but condense.

Vermeer, Saya, and Iluth hung upside down like bats.

But now the whole land is covered above the head, which is far more oppressive than the city.

Soon several people tried it again.

Compared with Iluth's lightness and Saya's flight adaptation, Vermier, who is not very good in physical ability, sat down on the ground, feeling aggrieved.

Luo Wei would not follow her and let her get used to it.

Moreover, she has a lot of flesh on her butt, so it's okay to fall.


Ass blossomed.

But rather than the pain, she was more frightened by the realization that the earth had turned into the sky, and at the same time there was an early warning response from the magic power.

"Something is coming!" She tried to stand up while supporting the staff, but the divine power print on the back of her hand suddenly glowed.

This represents...

The power of the gods is affecting?

Before Weimir could remind her, a lavender light bloomed from Iluth's body, and the void shield of the enchantment spread out.

Without saying a word, the purple-haired witch protected the five people with her divine core.

Vermeer: ​​"..."


If there is no such shelter, he and Luo Wei will consume Athetana's divine power to resist, but Ayining has no choice but to support it with his own magic power.

A huge fleshy ball loomed in the space, somewhat similar to the God Eater on the 129th floor of the mine, but with a stronger aura, as if he was only one step away from becoming a third-level god.

I'm afraid they were attracted by the complete divine cores on their bodies.

When I first came in, I ran into such a difficult monster, and it really wasn't easy to come in.

Shaye spread her scarlet wings, and also burst out with godhead, as if she did not accept being sheltered by Iluth, she waved her spear to meet her.

The shame of being dragged down all the way in the past, it's time to wash away!

In the state of 30% power, Saya dragged the crimson light through the monster, piercing back and forth like a reentrant red lightning, and pushed the huge God Eater back several meters with a spear, and hit the stone house.

So strong.

Vermeer chanted a spell, granting the protection of light and the wind of swiftness to several people, Luo Wei and Aining greeted them from the left and right respectively.

"Ripple Sword · Diving"

"Huagui Sword·Wedge"

Ayi's brown dust-colored sword brought a dense wedge of soil, and it fell on the God Eater like a torrential rain, and Luo Wei's water-blue sword light deeply penetrated into the sarcoid.

The two drew their swords at the same time.

The hidden water ripples exploded from the inside, and at the same time the wedge of soil shone brightly, blowing a complicated sword dance to bloom on the outside.

However, none of the three pursued them.

The God Eater suddenly lit up with divine light, and the devouring power gushed out from his body, forming beams of divine power that swept in all directions.

Dodge and block.

This immediately made several people on the field look a little embarrassed, even Luo Wei and A Yining, who were holding the Demon God Sword, did not dare to let the light collide with the blade for too long.

Iluth stretched out her index finger a little forward, and the beam of light was redirected by the magic circle on her fingertips before it hit her, sweeping towards the ground above her head like a space transfer.

She looked at her slightly smoking fingertips.

Can't help but stare.


After a round of offensive, the surrounding area was completely destroyed. With sweat on his head, Vermier immediately chanted a super-level spell.

The three people who were close to him rushed forward, and even Ilus joined the battle, seizing the opportunity to encircle and suppress.

15 minute later.

The body of the God Eater was penetrated by the dark purple blade generated by Iluth's staff, and his body gradually dimmed.

A few people shook the dust off their bodies, and after looking around carefully, they came to confirm the corpse of the monster.

"If I were to deal with this one alone, I'm afraid it would really be a hard fight."

Ayi calmly analyzed.

The siege of five people together is far from a hard fight, but it is very difficult to kill.

Much stronger than the one I met before.

Vermeer also felt the same way, when she was swept by the beam of divine power, she had to gather all her magic power to block it, and she had no time to protect others.

After experiencing so many honed tacit understandings, she no longer thinks it is selfish—only by taking care of herself first can she be qualified to assist her companions.

Otherwise, it will add chaos to the net.

You will be given a severe electric shock.

"There is a divine strength beyond that of ordinary godheads." Iluth stood there and stared at her fingers and said, this was the first time she expressed a corresponding opinion, then turned to look at Luo Wei and A Yining, "If it takes away If you lose your mind core, you may be officially promoted to a third-level god."

"But there is nothing wrong with one." Ayi Ning nodded, "Its divine power is too mixed, I am afraid it came from devouring the remaining divine power."

Rowe didn't respond to them.

Just as Ayining said, even if these god eaters really become third-level gods, they are still the most trashy ones.

But after all, the divine power is there.

It is not the kind of demon cub that was just born in the Gulia Demon Palace. The God Eater continues to grow by devouring the power of God. Even if he has not condensed the God Core, it is not so easy to solve it under the siege of five people.

If you don't take it seriously, accidents may happen, and if you take it seriously, it will take time to hack to death.

Very annoying monster.

However, what Luo Wei is worried about is...

Accompanied by another burst of shadows, the space was disturbed.

After twisting.

Two more God Eaters appeared in front of the five of them.


Everyone immediately raised their guard and began to deal with it with all their strength.

Luo Wei sneered.

After all, God Eaters are everywhere here.

(End of this chapter)

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