Chapter 155 An Unfriendly Environment for Vermeer
Swinging the sword to cut open the heart of the monster protected by divine power, Saya shot through it with a blazing fire and nailed it to the wall.

There was silence in the air.

The crowd panted slightly, their expressions collected, and they still waited for a long while holding their weapons. During this process, Vermier continued to add magic blessings.

Until Luo Wei took the lead to put away the sword.

"Looks like it's gone for now."

Turning his head and looking, there were a total of eight corpses of God Eaters lying on the ground. These things searched for the door like lost demon gods, but they were looking for the God Core.

A Yining jumped over from the other side of the ground.

"It's not all that kind of stuff here."


Luo Wei didn't intend to be too sure, and immediately saw Iluth also fall lightly. Although he didn't raise his head deliberately, the raised skirt still gave him a glimpse of the black suspenders and stockings.


Pretend not to see and take out the resonator, no matter the black crystal or the blazing sun gun, it can be sure that it is not on this floor.

Saya came over to check with him, and shook her head cluelessly, "Speaking of which, what's going on with this place, why are there ground on both sides?"

"Who knows," Luo Wei put away the resonance device and waved his hand, "but it's very convenient to see the girls' skirts."


Saya stood there in a daze in the red and white court battle attire, only to notice that the four of them were all wearing skirts.

Could it be that during the battle just now...

Ayi Ning hugged her chest and looked at him helplessly.

Really, it was always serious and mysterious things that he said so frivolously.

Luo Wei went to the side to confirm Vermier's condition. In fact, none of the five of them gave their full strength, not to mention that Saya only had 30% power, and the high-level Demon God's battle clothes improved Luo Wei far beyond imagination. Transformation God does not need to open.

But only Vermeer, because of the situation of the battle, she was forced not to display her full strength.

"Are you ok?"


Vermier responded, gritted her teeth and glanced at Iluth.

Luo Wei knew what she was thinking.

As a spellcaster, Iluth's performance is much more comfortable, but this is also very good, after all, there is competition to grow, let her think about how to use her magic, so that she can go further.

After a short break, everyone collected the materials of the God Eater.

Crosie was ecstatic.

"Which direction shall we go next?" A Yining asked.

Luo Wei looked forward, the cover of the earth made the field of vision not wide, and encounters along the way were unavoidable.

And they can figure out where it is in no time.


Stone murals recording ancient texts.

Displaced and upside down earth.

A wandering unknown creature.

The God Eater who appeared suddenly.

A nest builder that sucks divine power.

A central square full of tombstones.

The corpse of a warrior with a mortal body.

After experiencing all this, although the sky was not dark in the city, several people were a little tired from the continuous battles. Looking at the still intricate city road ahead, they knew that this section of the road would not be finished today.

Finding a big house in an open area, Ayining used her air to sweep the accumulated dust out of the door at once, preparing to spend the night in it.

This ability to do housework is very virtuous at first glance.

Lighted a fire in the old fireplace, and sat down in the living room, but Vermeer only dared to lean on the ground.


Whenever she had time, she practiced switching back and forth between the two sides of the ground, which made her ass bloom completely.


Luo Wei took out the water bag containing the milk and handed it to her. The girl drank with a sigh of relief, and the milk slid down the corner of her mouth to her neck.

Really hard work.

But clumsy, should it be said that the limbs are not coordinated enough, thinking about using wind magic to control the descent, but after passing the upside-down limit, she didn't react, and directly came to the double landing, and her ass fell to the ground with tears in her eyes.

So cute.

Obviously, the healing magic had already healed the injury, but the continuous fall made the phantom pain come out.

"Am I stupid..."

"Isn't it great progress?" Luo Wei said with a smile, "Now it can land safely, but it can't be so fast."

"But why can you do it so easily..."

Luo Wei sneered, leaving aside the other three.

How do you know I wasn't like you last round...

"Boya City, an ancient city-state that believes in giant power," Aining recalled the content recorded on the found stone slabs. Only Vermeer and Iluth could understand those words. This place was betrayed, the ancient god uprooted this city and closed this space in the flames of war, and the wreckage should be the Jedi Great Rift Valley in the southwest of the Hooffire Empire."

"It's just the first corner of God War." Luo Wei reminded.

"I didn't expect that such a distant area would be dragged here..." Ayi Ning sighed, "The power of the gods is really incredible."

It is indeed unbelievable.

The ancient god should have crushed the city that betrayed him, but he stopped at this last moment, and maintained this state with his divine power for thousands of years after his soul died.

What happened in that era was too tragic and unremarkable.


Saya fell silent at the side.

There are also many corpses of angels in the city. Their bodies have decayed, but the feather holes on the back of the armor can prove their identities.

For these seniors who died in the battle of gods, Saya didn't know which side they were on.

There is also the tombstone in the central square, which was obviously erected after the end of the battle of gods, but there is no information on it that can prove the identity of an angel.

"It's unimaginable just to peek from this corner." Ayining shook her head.

"Maybe we can't find the truth anymore," Vermeer said slowly, "We only know the final result."

There are very few records in the church about this battle of gods.

I only know that the present gods are the final victors, succeeding the ancient gods as the masters of this world. Since then, the first-level present gods have never descended on this continent in person.

But still, there are remnants of ancient gods existing in the deep corners of the world, but their faith is gone, and I am afraid that they no longer have the same divine power as before.

"Okay," Luo Wei reminded, "It's good to know what's going on here, and we're not here to do archaeology, so we'll be endless if we investigate."

"You really dare to say it," Saya gave him a contemptuous look, "You obviously know this place very well."

Rowe shrugged noncommittally.

The matter of the ancient gods and the present gods is too complicated, and he doesn't know the truth, he just wants them to realize what kind of area this is.

After all, the more you go down, the closer you get to the area where the decisive battle was, the more unbelievable things will happen.

What's more, they are not the only Hakka people here.



Crownless City, West Artisan Street, a certain hotel.

Bella flew into the living room through the window and dispelled the magician's disappearance.

"I'm back." Sitting in the chair, Marcus said with his eyes closed.


Bella hung her head in frustration.

I actually stayed in the hot spring hotel for three days, and my legs are still a little weak.

"What's the matter, his attitude makes you very dissatisfied?"

"No... what he wants to express is that he doesn't want to get involved, and talks about An Sheng's life and other nonsense."


What did I do in front of that person...

Still talking nonsense... there must be something wrong with the language module!

Marcus opened his eyes and looked at her, "This mission seems to make you a little different from usual."

Bella was taken aback for a moment, and quickly explained: "...I'm just very irritable, that guy is a person who can influence others."

She sighed inwardly.

How can you talk to Marshal about this kind of thing...

It can't be said that I couldn't help spraying the magic fluid all over the floor in front of that person.

The marshal will definitely think I'm a pervert.

"For example, if it is possible, I don't think there is any need to go to him again. He really accurately judged my existence as you said, although... I guess it has been uncertain before."

"Ha ha……"

Marcus smiled lowly.

"Doesn't this just show that he is very judgmental? I wasn't optimistic at first, but the line has never moved. It's hard not to think that he is planning something."

"Maybe..." Bella flew to one side of the chair and sat down, "But the attitude he expressed is that if he provokes him again, it is very likely that the power of the five princesses of the Lion Garden will be used to counter us, which will make us become enemies with them."

"Oh? He really expressed this attitude?"

Bella thought about it carefully and nodded.

"Yes, I don't think he's afraid of us."

Marcus fell into deep thought for a moment.

I thought it was a cunning rabbit, but is it actually a wolf with teeth?
But for some reason, he always felt that even if he didn't get involved in the other party's incident, he would run into him again one day in the future.

Thinking of this, Marcus picked up the Magic Projector at hand.

"Pick me pick me up..."

Idol project, is there any deep meaning in it?

Bella looked at the picture in the hands of her marshal, and thought of the reaction of the girl named Vermeer, as well as her own experience.

"My feeling."

She became more and more certain in her heart.

"That guy is probably a pleasure-seeking bastard...!"


Luo Wei sneezed inexplicably in the living room.

After eating the stew cooked with dehydrated vegetable leaves with dry food, everyone discussed the topic of fighting and God Eater for a while, and then decided to rest early.

The vigil operates in shifts.

On the first day it was Luo Wei and Saya, on the second day it was replaced by Aining and Iluth, and on the third day Vermeer Rowe cycled like this.

As the only male in the team, Luo Wei didn't have any complaints about guarding the first midnight of the first day.


Saya was lying by the fireplace with a gun in her arms, Ayi Ning was sleeping on the edge of the carpet, and Iluth moved a recliner over, gracefully took off her shoes, and the arches of her feet wrapped in black stockings hung outside the recliner .

And Xiaoerwuzai lay there tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

In other words, the butt can't sleep yet.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Luo Wei walked over leaning on the scabbard and patted his thigh.

"Lie down."


Wei Mier took a careful look at the others, and after seeing that there was no movement, she maintained the posture of lying on her side, and gently put her head up.

Obviously it doesn't hurt anymore, I'm afraid it's because I feel sorry for my butt...

Luo Wei smiled and shook his head.

He put his hand up before asking her.

"Knead for you?"


Vermier's body trembled, but she didn't move.

She is the hardest one today, and the current environment is very unfriendly to her, whether it is fighting or exploring. According to her throwing method, if there is no treatment, I am afraid that she will really fall into eight pieces.

But still trying to overcome her shortcomings.

Luo Wei lightly held the sword with his hand, looked at the eyes and let out a breath.

Faced with four beautiful women, it seems that this vigil will not be boring.

(End of this chapter)

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