Chapter 156 Chrisy's Art of Chatting
Vermeer on the lap pillow slowly fell asleep.

The air was extremely quiet, save for the crackling of the fireplace.

Boya City.

Their ultimate goal here is the Heishan Palace, which is located on the outermost edge. Judging from the resonance device, there is not only one way to the lower level.

I chose there because I experienced it in the previous round.

Ryan will be here sooner or later.

When the threat of the demon god in the Silent Night Forest is lifted, Ryan can get the low-ranking demon god battle suit, and at the same time, he can give the god core to himself or his teammates to forge weapons.

But it will be a matter of later when people with a large group of forces appear in the quiet courtyard.

Now Luo Wei's own progress has surpassed a lot, and Ryan's control of the situation on the surface has also surpassed his previous round. The location of the fallen angels that he had not been able to reach, and even the deeper ancient battle of the ancient gods, have become can be achieved within the plan.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes.

The truth that could not be unraveled in the last round is finally about to catch the hidden tail.


Looking down at the side face who was sleeping peacefully, looking at this guy is really easy to get sleepy.

Several other people were also sleeping soundly. Whether it was on purpose or not, they didn't turn their faces to their side.

The most excessive is undoubtedly Ilus.

Those black silk feet are really irresistible, they are just right on the outside of the reclining chair, but I can't attack her now.

Rowe couldn't help thinking.

To some extent, this is also a kind of being played by her...


Crownless City, South Craftsman Avenue, Crosy Workshop.

"Excuse me, is your shopkeeper there?"

The sales area at the front desk that was lit was closing, and Ke Luoxi was just carrying the packed material box to go back to the quiet courtyard when she heard a customer shouting.

Um?Are there any guests this late?
"Ah, that... we are closed now." Bai Lier said as she cleaned up the counter in front.

"Really, but I have something very important. If you are here, can you tell me?"

The woman's voice was clear and soothing, although it was not loud, it seemed to have some kind of holy echo, giving people a sense of inviolability.

Ke Luoxi couldn't help frowning.

Didn't it mean that Marcus's problem was solved?How can there be women with nice voices coming to you at this time?

Could it be...the one who came to find Luo Wei?

Cough cough, thinking that all around him are beautiful girls, it's totally possible!
No wonder Marcus was rejected...

If Marshal East of the Empire was a little girl, the ending might be different... Well, speaking of it, the little girl doesn't seem to have anything to do with the word Marshal.

Putting down the wooden box in her hand, Ke Luoxi cleared her throat and walked forward.

Bai Lier was communicating with the woman standing in front of the counter. The woman was wearing a white and blue hood inlaid with gold, and her whole body was covered under a large robe with a holy seal. The exposed arms were slender and white, so white that it made people feel a little weak that kind of beauty.

Although wearing a hood, the long white curly hair and exposed jaw line are also surprisingly beautiful. Not only are they not inferior to the individual facial features, but they also add a sense of mystery that makes people want to take a peek.

Rowe has a good eye...

When did you know this?

Forget it, there are already a lot of people I know when I don’t know when...

"Cough...well, I'm a craftsman in this workshop, so I should know the person you're looking for."

The woman turned towards her, the complexion of the two was very different, but Ke Luoxi didn't feel inferior.

Because both Ayining and Vermier have said that only this kind of skin color can show their beauty.

"Are you... a craftsman? I remember that in Wuguan City, shouldn't a craftsman be a shopkeeper?"

"Well, generally speaking, that's the case," Ke Luoxi wiped her nose, "but the person you're looking for is quite special, so it doesn't matter if I'd rather just be a craftsman."

The woman froze slightly.

"You already know her specialness?"

"What's the matter, is it strange?" Ke Luoxi asked back, "But the special I mentioned may not be the same as what you said, and... I'm not in that special list, so you don't have to worry."


The woman stretched out her hand to line her chin, as if she was thinking and fell into some kind of doubt.

And Ke Luoxi was also very puzzled. It seemed that this woman knew Luo Wei very well, and she knew his specialness from the moment she came up.

"Well, can I ask, where is she now?"


Ke Luoxi remembered that their exploration of the God War ruins should be completely kept secret, and wouldn't it be good to let Vermier and the others know?
That day Luo Wei took Wei Mier out shopping alone, but Saya looked up from time to time at the door.

After all, this person is not familiar with him, so if he said that he is biased, he must be biased towards Vermeer and the others.

That can only let her back down here first.

Let Rowe find his own way to explain it later.

"I think he's... having fun with other women in my custom suit."


Ke Luoxi could clearly feel the other party's eyes tremble.

It seems that it hit the opponent a little bit.

But I feel that I may not be telling the truth, after all, they always play together at night without me...

Seemingly deciphering what she meant, the shock in the air lasted for a while.

Ke Luoxi was a little embarrassed, and comforted: "You don't have to be too sad, in fact, I think you are pretty good, if you take your time, maybe you can play with them faster than me."


The other party's expression was even more shocked, and he even took a small step back, and he could hear the sound of taking a deep breath.

But this time, it took only a few seconds for the other party's answer to come.

"I... will come again next time. Please help me tell her that she has been selected. I hope you don't forget the responsibility you have."

"Okay... okay?"

Before thinking too much, the woman walked out of the store with a little unsteady footsteps, dragging the long back of her robe.

Bai Lier looked at the reopened store door with a bewildered expression.

"...Why do I feel that the communication between the two of you is not on the same topic?"

"Huh? Is there any?"

Belle: "..."

What to say.

When the other party came to look for Vermier, there was nothing wrong with what Ke Luoxi said, but why did it sound so strange?


There must be something wrong, hurry up and smoke catnip to wake up.

Bai Lier slipped her tail and slipped away.

Ke Luoxi stood there and was about to go back to carry the box when she suddenly thought of something.

On the hem of the woman's back, it seems to be a symbol of praying for the church.

Okay, I get it now.

It must be that Luo Wei got to know other women in the church through Vermier's relationship, right?

late at night.

Seeing that it was almost time, Luo Wei gently used the blanket folded in advance as a pillow, and placed it under Vermeer's head.

Little Erwu Zai licked his mouth, but still slept peacefully.

She must be tired too.

Standing up and standing in the middle of the living room carpet, the four women were lying there defenseless.

He smiled wryly and shook his head. When he passed Iluth, he didn't deliberately turn his head to see her sleeping position, and came straight to Saya.

The angel held the spear tightly in her arms, and the barrel of the spear sank deep into the ravine along her center, with the lower end held between her legs, although she was in a posture of deliberately entering battle at any time...

But why do I always feel...

I kind of envy that gun.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei couldn't help but have an idea.

He squatted at Saya's feet, holding the end of the gun.

Then gently push and pull up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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