Chapter 157 You Are Self-aware

In her sleep, Saya felt that someone was taking her weapon away.

But when she was about to wake up, the man sent her back again.


over and over again.

over and over again.

Finally she opened her eyes, frowning.

"what are you doing."

"Wake you up."


"Think about it," Luo Wei whispered to her, "wouldn't it save you from touching your body and wake you up?"

After speaking, he repeated the action just now twice.

"Oh, so that's what you said..." Saya's face darkened immediately, she gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Do you think I would say that...!"

She grabbed the spear and squeezed it loudly.

Even a fool can see that there is a problem, okay? !
"Shh..." Luo Wei put his hand to his mouth, "Look, aren't you very sober now, it means this is useful."

"I'm so conscious now that I want to stab you to the ceiling...!"

Luo Wei smiled unmoved, and turned to look at A Yining, it's better not to make too much noise to disturb her now.

"Then I can leave it to you in the middle of the night."

Saya: "..."

With blue veins on her forehead, she is really awake now.

Putting the spear upright by the fireplace where she could easily get it, she sat there and stared viciously, but glanced at something inadvertently.


The sleeping position of this witch.

Looking at Luo Wei who was lying on the side and completely invisible, Saya's brows gradually eased.


Consider yourself self-aware.


Early the next morning, Saya, who couldn't see the sunrise, sat at the door, wary of movement outside, and waited until several people got up one after another.

"Good morning..." Vermeer rubbed her eyes and said softly.

"Good morning." A Yining stroked her long hair to the sides of her cheeks, and glanced at Luo Wei who was sleeping there alone.

I thought that I would definitely be woken up by him at night, but I didn't expect to sleep until dawn, and my body fully recovered.

It should be said that he can do whatever he wants, but he can also weigh the importance.

The appearance of sleeping peacefully now is really different from the usual appearance of telling the situation with a cold face.

"Let him sleep for a while..." Vermeer whispered, "Let's prepare breakfast."

Ayi Ning nodded, and asked Saya if she wanted to sleep for a while, and took another look at Iluth.

The witch woke up at some point.

At this moment, he is still on the reclining chair, flipping through an old yellowed book in his hand in an elegant and leisurely posture, making people feel like he is by the fireplace in his own home.


Ai Ning shook her head.

For some reason, she began to feel that these three women were different from ordinary people, but they were restricted by Luo Wei.

Maybe my sister is the same...

After preparing the sweet soup with the ingredients he brought, Luo Wei also woke up smelling the aroma of butter, and had a full meal with black bread.

Explore on the way.

"Aren't we the first to come in?"

Ayining only met one God Eater along the way, and asked.

"I'm afraid not." Rowe responded.

For 200 years, there will always be some dependents of the former gods who accidentally bypass the seal and come in through other passages.

But obviously not including the fallen angel.

Those beings that I got acquainted with here in the last round, even experienced eight or nine hundred years, have no way of knowing what is hidden underneath, only knowing that it is constantly approaching the old battleground.

Vermeer looked up at the ground above her head.

Even if I spend one night here, this scene is still oppressive, like walking in the gap between the collapsed world. If the power of the gods can really do this kind of thing, maybe one day the sky of the whole world will...

Thinking of this, she shook her head.

Focus on the moment.

Take every step right now, even if it collapses, you won't be afraid.

"Ayining, there is a lot of magical power on the left side, estimated to be at SSS level!"

"Understood, be careful of the ground, and pass quickly."

Under the big tree on the left, a group of weird-looking creatures are worshiping. There are potholes that have been dug and filled in the ground, and there are completely destroyed buildings everywhere.


Vermeer, who was halfway flying with the power of the wind, was suddenly blocked by rocks and soil debris. The next moment, Ilus switched places with magic, and the silt monster emerging from the ground was about to hug the witch. But it was scalded by the dark purple magic circle and screamed again and again.

And then Iluth did nothing, the monster was pierced by a water-blue sword light, and threw it at Saya who spread her scarlet wings.

Saya turned around and shot through, it was too late to regret, splashed mud all over her body, and spit out her mouth.

"Why are you throwing everything at me!"

Luo Wei didn't respond to her, and quickly returned to the forward position. Iluth also dodged to switch back with Vermier, and the formation quickly returned to its original position.

The witch squinted her eyes as she advanced.

What is this innate combat experience and tacit understanding?

After passing the group of worshipers, Ayining quickly turned around to confirm. If Vermier and Saya had fought side by side with Luo Wei many times before, why did Iluth, who joined the team for the first time, also fight with him? Links strung together into a whole?
What needs to be adjusted the most now is between himself and Iluth.


Shaye's fiery gun blade burned the silt monster to smoke, and slammed it heavily on the side of the building, smashing through the wall and buried it.

Luo Wei responded lightly: "Don't you have a lot of opinions on me solving it alone?"

"Fuck! Leave everything to me if you have the ability, and you don't need to do it at all!"


As the two were talking, more ooze monsters popped up under their feet. Ro Wei dodged left and right in his slippery cloak, and first turned around to confirm that Vermeer was on guard.

Then he squinted his eyes at Saya.

"It's done."



Stepping over the broken ruins, defeating the monsters blocking the way, and being indifferent to the lost souls who accosted them, after yesterday's adaptation, the exploration speed of the few people has made great progress, and they are speeding through the old ancient city.

Saya was not the only one who was messed up.

I encountered many more monsters today than yesterday, and along the way there were God Eaters who came out to get in the way, as if they were entering the enemy's stronghold.

After adapting to the battle rhythm of the God War Relics, it became easier for a group of people to deal with monsters. Properly increasing the coordination of joint cooperation can clear the way faster, and also run into each other's tacit understanding.

Killing all the way in this way, the five of them accumulated a lot of battle marks on their bodies.

And the black palace appeared unexpectedly after a piece of wreckage, and its upper end was deeply embedded in the opposite ground.

Watch this scene.

Vermier wiped her face like a tabby cat.

"It is recorded on the slate that this place should have been built by the demons as a symbol of friendship with the city-state of the ancient gods."

"But judging from the traces along the road," Saya lowered her head while holding the spear, "the betrayal must have spread from here."

Black Good Palace.

It was originally the embassy of the demon kingdom stationed in this ancient city, but it became the camp of the gods' army in the battle of gods.

Now it has become the temple of the sinner's confession.

Luo Wei is not interested in these known histories, but if he wants to pass smoothly, I am afraid that the third-level god who redeemed his sins inside will not agree.

The serious injury does not heal, and the divine power is no longer.

Staying in this kind of place can only have one ending.

"go in."

He looked at the open black door and said.

"I'm afraid it will hang upside down even more seriously, so don't take it lightly."

After all, the one inside.

But a person who actually participated in the role of God of War in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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