Chapter 160

Going forward along the invisible road, you will be in the sky above and below.

This is a certain air fortress of the ancient gods. The name Luo Wei is not clear, and the inside has long been empty.

Although Vermeer's legs were weak, she didn't fall behind because of it, and followed his footsteps step by step, and got used to it when she got to the back. Instead of feeling scared, she smirked.


I don't know why, following his footsteps like this, there is a delicate mood.

Luo Wei turned his head and glanced at her. On the other side, Ayi Ning was afraid of heights, but she didn't expect it. She followed Saya and gave some special instructions.

There were no monsters, no traps, and after just a few 10 minutes, a few people arrived at the entrance of the palace.

And a girl in a strange costume is lying down in the sunny place at the entrance and sleeping.

Sure enough...

Luo Wei couldn't help holding his forehead.

Several people also showed doubts.

"How could there be a girl lying in such a place?" Vermeer blinked.

And the bright and flamboyant light clothes reminded her of the circus she saw in Baigang Town when she was a child.

The hair is a light turquoise, and there are decorative balls of various colors on the body, and there are stickers like stars on the face.

More like a circus dancer than a clown?

Iluth didn't say anything, just looked up at Luo Wei.

"It's the demon god." Luo Wei sighed.

Saya and Aining glanced at each other.

Just came from Lugda, and met the Demon God in less than an hour?

They began to believe that this place was really not a place that mortals could break into.

"So, what should we do?" Ayi stared at the seemingly harmless Demon God on the ground, "Should we do it first?"

"No..." Luo Wei shook his head, "Let Vermeer wake her up."


Vermier froze for a moment.

why me?
Saya snorted coldly at the side, she started to fight when she met a male demon god, and woke up when she met a female demon god, it is really principled.

Wei Mier leaned over beside the girl, glanced at a few people and shook her shoulders lightly.

"That... hello?"

The turquoise-haired girl's eyelids twitched, as if she didn't want to wake up, instead she changed to a more comfortable position, pressing her slender thighs to the side, and she could see everything behind her.

Ayi Ning: "..."

She glared at Luo Wei, who was not looking at him at all, and innocently spread his hands towards her.

Vermier shook harder, and the green-haired girl made a weak guttural sound, and slowly woke up.


After opening her eyes, the female devil yawned big, and then stretched comfortably.

"What's the matter," she looked at Vermier in front of her, "Who are you, sister is so pretty..."

"Thank you, thank you."

Wei Mier was a little at a loss, raised her head and glanced at Luo Wei.

At this time, the demon god slowly sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked at the few people, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Hey, are you all adventurers who broke into this place? I didn't expect that I would finally run into me this day, and you didn't attack me while I was asleep. It seems that you are good people!"

She said a lot of words very quickly, and everyone was a little confused for a moment.

Why is this female demon god different from what she imagined?
All eyes turned to Luo Wei.

"Oh! Is this little brother the team leader? Thank you so much, thank you, my name is Luyi, and I'm the crooked demon clan!"

Crooked demons?
Vermeer and Saya have heard of the name "Crooked Demon". It is a natural high-ranking species in the Demon Race. It is extremely rare in number and is very good at space tricks. It is generally slender and girly in appearance, always wearing gorgeous and conspicuous circus apparel.

But it seems...

No matter what kind of literature, crooked demons are described as extremely dangerous existences.

This made Saya couldn't help being on guard, and secretly put her hand close to the spear.

In fact, Saya was right to be wary.

Crooked Demon is the kind of existence that can show me your intestines with a friendly face.

The most terrifying thing is that she is sincere.

Because I don't think there is anything, it is very natural to do it.

"You're welcome," Luo Wei said flatly, "I hope I didn't disturb your nap."

"No, no, no, Luyi is very happy to meet friendly humans!"

But crooked demons also have weaknesses.

Because they are sincere, being easy to be deceived has become their weakness, but those who think that they are in control of them are mostly disemboweled in the end, and they are often killed by mistake.

"That's right, that's right," Lu Yi smiled happily, looking at the people without any precautions, "Are you from outside? There must be very interesting human towns there!"


"That's great... I don't remember how long ago I went to the human territory. It was pretty good at first, but then someone gave me money and asked me to do something, but somehow I was chased and chased out by humans."

"What did you do?" Ai Ning asked with a frown.

Born in the east, she doesn't know crooked demons, but she always feels that the dew in front of her eyes is too simple, which makes people a little uneasy.

Lu Yi said without hesitation: "It's about giving money to see my body, but I think human bodies are more interesting, so I gave them magic power and asked to see their bodies first."

Ayi's eyes narrowed gradually.

There are people like this everywhere.

"So why are you being hunted down?"

"Lu Yi doesn't know either." Lu Yi tilted her head and said, "It's just that the human body doesn't seem to be anything special, it's just blood, intestines, internal organs, etc."

Vermeer: ​​"!?"

She suddenly felt that the friendly atmosphere disappeared, and there was an inexplicable coldness in the air.

Lu Yi continued to smile, "I didn't expect human beings to be quite shy. Obviously they proposed it first, but in the end they ran away desperately and said no, but after all, I paid the magic power, so they should be rewarded."

"You killed them?" Saya asked.

Although these people deserved to die, it seems that this demon god killed those people with absolutely no intention.

"Huh...? Killing? Just like humans will kill wild beasts, and will be killed by wild beasts?"

Now a few people understand what kind of existence is in front of them.

Wei Mier, who was closest to Lu Yi, looked a little stiff, but she didn't know Luo Wei's intentions, so she could only sit there with a forced smile.

Ah ha ha……

a ha ha ha……

Luo Wei looked at her reaction and smiled. If it were someone else, he would have pushed Lu Yi away to show hostility.

And Yilusi obviously knew about the crooked demon, but just kept silent.

"How about talking to us about this place? You should have been to many areas."

This is one of Luo Wei's goals. It is impossible to ask him to interpret it every time. It will be much more convenient if someone in the know can tell them the information about the ruins of the God War.

There are also two purposes.

Lu Yi, who is good at space magic, can easily cross some barriers and save a lot of trouble, including the acquisition of the god core.

What's more, Luyi has stayed here for about 200 years after entering here by mistake, and is very familiar with other existences here, so she can serve as a guide.

Compared with these troubles, teaching her the common sense of the human world is nothing more than a trivial matter. Even if she doesn't understand, she can say whatever she wants, but she is much more obedient than Saya.

Soon, Lu Yi talked about everything about this place with great interest.

Although he can kill without self-knowledge, his heart does not seem to be bad, giving people a feeling that common sense of ethics and human beings are not on the same level.

"...I have many friends here, I can take you to meet them then!"

"Good, good."

Wei Mier felt that Luyi's original intention could not be judged by good and evil, and there was no problem with her usual communication, but she must be careful when making requests to her.

Those people put evil thoughts on her, which easily caused disaster.

"Well, I said..." Lu Yi's face suddenly felt a little embarrassed, her arms and thighs rubbed restlessly, "You should have many good friends in the city, and others are also very kind to you, right?"

Luo Wei was not at all surprised that she asked this.

The incident last time was not pleasant, but she was still curious about the human world, hoping to see more interesting things.

"You can think of it that way," he said, "but there are those nasty guys."

"Ah...then," Lu Yi looked up anxiously, "Then can you take me to have a look, and let Lu Yi do whatever she wants."


Luo Wei just finished speaking.

The death sights of a group of people immediately cast over.

A Yining was suddenly full of uneasiness about her brother's fate.

Iluth smiled lightly, as if she thought he was looking for excitement.

Saya clenched her fists angrily, feeling that this bastard would die on the bed sooner or later.

The last Vermier blinked without reacting.


Does such a thing as disemboweling need competition?

Luo Wei had a dark face, and explained to Luyi: "If you don't want to be kicked out, you have to do what I say, and after I show you, you have to be our exploration guide."

Lu thought for a while and quickly replied:

"no problem!"

"Wait," Ayining interrupted, "I want to ask first, what level of demon god are you?"

From the narration just now, the other party may indeed be a good guide, and that kind of character cannot be accused of saying that she must be bad.

If you don't confirm the level of strength, you always feel uneasy.

"Is it Luyi? Luyi is the next Demon God!"

SSS level.


Luo Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that they should not be so innocent, and reminded: "But it feels... If it is a crooked demon, with the right method, you should be able to defeat some third-level gods who are not strong enough?"

"How do you know!" Lu Yi seemed very happy, as if she was praising her, "That's right! Lu Yi can do it!"

Everyone: "..."

Big trouble now.

And Luo Wei knew that he was not playing with fire.

Just as they need a guide to explore the ruins, Luyi just lacks a guide in the human world.

Inspired the teleportation point located deep in the palace, and brought the crooked monster picked up under the sun back to the quiet courtyard. When Athetana greeted her, her face immediately changed.

Look at the Crooked Demon that appeared in the team.

She looked at Luo Wei worriedly.


Even if you're looking for excitement, you can't...

Luo Wei hurriedly told the story of the two days of exploration, otherwise, if this continues, the hobbies he thought of from Athetana will start to develop towards the boundary between life and death.

Knowing the whole process, Athetana asked her to guide Luyi. Luo Wei did not refuse, but made a three-chapter contract with Luyi in a clear and unambiguous way. After there are obstacles, this is relieved.

There is no better candidate than Athetana.

And the mother goddess must also know through communication that Luyi only had contact with the human world that time, and did not develop paranoid views.

A blank sheet of paper.

Such crooked demons are actually not scary, as long as you don't confuse her with evil thoughts, it's not difficult to get along with her.

Even crooked demons have some natures that cannot be changed, but as long as someone watches them, they will be fine. They have the concept of companionship and friendship.


Don't worry about Lu Yi for the time being, Luo Wei lowered his head and took a look at his dirty body.

Not surprisingly, those four people were already soaking in the hot spring in the courtyard.

cough cough...

Ayi Ning probably doesn't know yet.

There are no separate baths for men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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