Chapter 161 The Triangle in the Hot Spring

Ever since Clancy started breaking the seal, she knocked out a bunch of buildings in the courtyard.

There are not only houses, but also hot springs, various workshop facilities and water conservancy equipment.

Even indoor planters have been worked out.

Craftsman is indeed a magical profession.

As for the split of the hot springs, it was naturally ordered by Luo Wei in private, not to let the tragedy above happen again.

Entering the men's changing room which is prepared in earnest, changing the bath towels, actually leads to the same bathing place.


Luo Wei didn't intend to just go in like this.

After all, Iluth is still inside, so let's listen to what they are talking about first.

"Huh... really relaxed~"

It was Vermeer's voice that came first.

Saya: "...I have to say, as long as Ke Luoxi doesn't blow it up, there is nothing to say about the things she creates."

Vermeer: ​​"That's right... It's several times more enjoyable than the special hot spring shop in the city, no, more than ten times..."

Saya: "? You're not talking about the Youjia couple's hot spring, are you?"

Vermeer: ​​"Eh? How do you know?"

Saya: "..."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning: "Why don't you talk anymore?"

Luo Wei sat on the bench and shook his head. After relaxing, their chat was really full of topics.

Fortunately, Ilus was not involved.

Otherwise, with her temperament, Saya might become angry from embarrassment, and she would tell the truth about covering up her embarrassment with anger.

After being silent for a while, A Yining continued: "That female crooked demon named Luyi, if possible, I hope I can pay attention to it, don't let her..."

Saya: "Hmph, it's none of my business, that guy deserves his death."

Vermeer paused, her tone became a little more serious:
"Is this really none of Saya's business?"

"What? I, I..."

You can feel it by listening.

There was a bit of tit-for-tat in the air.

"That," A Yining's helpless voice came, "I just want you to pay more attention."

But the relationship between you is really complicated.

Vermeer usually sticks close to Ro Wei, but she can accept the three of them spending the night together.

Saya always sees him unhappy, but she is willing to come and hug him all night.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them didn't seem to talk about anything, A Yining couldn't understand what kind of relationship they were.

In other words, it was an incredible thing to evolve into such a relationship.


Originally, when Saya came to him that night, she should have considered not living in the same tent with him, but Luyi's appearance made her feel uneasy.

Ayi Ning was a little thankful that her sister wasn't here, otherwise, with her temperament, she might immediately become one with Lu Yi, so what's the matter.

Plus I lost the bet.

In the end, apart from the night supervision, the only two people in front of me could be counted on.

Saya: "I don't want to either! It's that guy every time...!"

Vermier: "But, didn't Saya also try on my feet?"

Ayi Ning: "?"

Ilus: "...?"

Ayi Ning was even more confused.

What kind of relationship is this?
Saya: "I... Isn't that you two in front of me?"

Vermeer: ​​"Sayye obviously wants to know more, doesn't she?"

Luo Wei was stunned for a while in the changing room.

Vermeer is so serious...

She just wants to be herself.

But, should it be said that Saya's sentence "death deserves it" provoked her? She felt as if she didn't care about anything, and was only responsible for secretly flirting with him, and she didn't want to admit that the conflicts accumulated in the past It exploded immediately.

It's as if the things you cherish can be discarded by the other party at will.

Being able to force Xiao Erwu to this extent shows that he really cares.

Saya couldn't speak for a while, and it didn't make sense apart from the relationship, and it didn't make sense to admit it, and she felt extremely embarrassed by being up and down.

There was silence in the hot spring for a while, until a voice suddenly sounded.

"It's good to see you again...Ah!! Why are you in the water!"

Luo Wei frowned, this voice...

It's Mena.

Looking at it this way, if the younger sister Ayi Ning counted half of all the members of the Shura field, it would have reached four and a half at this moment.

He suddenly hesitated to go in...

In the end, it was A Yining who broke the silence and said to Mena: "There are drying racks in the changing room, and there are bath towels inside if you want to soak in the hot spring."

Mena: "Okay...then I'll be blunt."

Hearing the footsteps approaching, Luo Wei frowned again.

Why does it seem to be coming towards me? Is it because I can see that there is no one else, and the door curtain is blue again?


He glanced at the hemp rope in the basket and suddenly had an idea.


When Mena lifted the curtain and saw Luo Wei sitting there shirtless, her eyes froze, as if she was surprised that other men were not allowed to enter from the perspective of physical possession, why should there be a separate men's changing room.

Then she lowered her head and saw the bulging circle around her waist under the bath towel. She suddenly lost her leg and fell backwards to the ground.

"What's the matter?" Luo Wei lowered his voice, stood up and cast his shadow on her, "Did you come to find me on purpose?"

Mena's face was full of horror, her legs were shaking.

"I have something else to do, let's go first!"

This is not only to the stomach, it will be penetrated directly from top to bottom! !
With a whoosh, the wet woman turned into a blue flash of panic in panic and disappeared.

Luo Wei took off the hemp rope wrapped around his waist, threw it aside, and clapped his hands.

Get it done.

In the situation of Vermier and Saya, it is better not to let the bewildered people come in to disrupt the situation.

Let Mena go back and use a ruler to measure, and then doubt life.

Soon, he heard Iluth's voice in the hot spring:

"I'm going out first, you go on clubbing."

Leaving when Mena is likely to come back, this is consistent with Rowe's speculation.

The last time Mena and Iluth met, they probably weren't in harmony, and Mena probably didn't tell Iluth too much.

In other words, Iluth didn't like to hear it.

When the sound of the witch changing her clothes and leaving came from behind, Luo Wei took a slow breath and opened the curtain.

Time to go in.

Seeing that it was he and not Mena who came out of the courtyard, Ayi Ning was startled, hugged her chest and shrank under the water.

"Isn't this a women's bath!!?"

When Vermier and Saya saw him, their expressions changed at the same time.

Luo Wei didn't say anything at first, and went into the water opposite A Yining who was gritting his teeth, and then looked at her and said:
"In order to let you guys have more space to soak, I didn't ask Ke Luoxi to build a men's bath, do you have any objections, my sister?"

Vermeer: ​​"?"

Saya: "?"

Seeing that the other two were looking at her, A Yining slightly opened her mouth.

How, why does it seem to be my problem?
She blinked and explained to them: "My, my brother-sister relationship with him is not what you imagined."

The two people who didn't understand it at first felt a little strange when they heard this, but they couldn't put it into words.

At this moment, Luo Wei moved closer to her.

"You've been fighting hard these past few days, let my brother rub your shoulders for you."

"What...! No, it can't be done."

"Hmm...? Shouldn't my sister listen to my brother?"

"...You did it on purpose."

Ayi Ning bit her lip, feeling uneasy for a moment, no matter how you look at it, she is using her brother's status to oppress her, and then transfer the conflict to her.

but i...

The two of them really misunderstood!

Seeing her blushing and shrinking into the water, even burying her neck in it, Luo Wei stood there indifferently.

Now that things have been picked up.

How can you stay out of it.

"Anyway, the three of you have seen everything, so it's okay to have a drink together."


Standing in front of her, Ayining turned her head in panic, her ears turned red with embarrassment.

Why mention it at this time...!
That picture jumped out again clearly.

Still standing so close... What can I say to be a good sister without worrying about being like my own sister?

Luo Wei circled to the back, and Ayining quickly dodged in the water.

"No... This really won't work, at least when I get dressed."

She turned her back and bit her lip.

Doing this kind of thing in a hot spring, being touched directly, the atmosphere will definitely become weird.

"Okay," Luo Wei stopped there as expected, "So you hate me so much."

He sat down where he was, while Vermeer and Saya kept their eyes on Ayning.

It is not a simple transfer of contradictions.

They cannot avoid conflicts with each other, but tit-for-tat is prone to confrontation, and the triangle relationship can divert part of the attention.

No wonder the triangle is the most stable polygonal structure.

"What did the three of us see?" Saya said suddenly, "Is it the weapon with a strange shape? You even took it with you when you went to the hot spring?"

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Vermeer let out a sigh of relief.

Hmm... Saya doesn't know a lot of things, did I act a bit bully like that just now?


Thinking of her saying that she deserved her death, she felt angry for some reason!

If so, wouldn't she be sad at all?
Vermier's expression suddenly became aggrieved, and he slowly moved over from the water.


Seeing her emotions written on her face, Luo Wei gently touched her head, and saw Shaye's eyes drooping not far away.

Walking among them is also something that requires brains.

Luo Wei supported Vermeer, slowly leaned towards Saya, and then handed the little boy into her arms.

Saya: "?"

Vermeer: ​​"...?"

I can feel the weight of Saya on my back...

Luo Wei ignored them, turned his head to look at A Yining who was also staring at this side.

"Shouldn't I let you come here without my hands?"


After thinking for a while, Ayi Ning came over from the water and sat down next to the two people who were hugging her.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"You guys seem to be talking about something while I'm not around," Luo Wei said, looking at the three of them leaning together, "It's rare to take a hot spring, so can't you satisfy me in this way?"

Three people: "..."

Ayi Ning frowned, "You must have heard it from the beginning."

"Who knows," Luo Wei sat down facing them, "but this is really a rare beauty."

The three were stunned at the same time.

Saya lowered her head and buried her face behind Vermier, "Then you better be self-aware! You haven't finished what you have to do, and I will hate you if you lose your life before that!"

Originally, it turned out that Saya meant this...

Vermeer pursed her lips.

But at the beginning, she wouldn't express it in this way.

A Yining sighed from the side, insisting on pulling her in, was it to reassure her, or did she think of her sister?

But this will satisfy him, and there is nothing to excuse.

In this way, the four of them spent some time in close proximity, chatting about the experience of the God War Relics and the current situation of Wuguan City.

When she went out to change into her pajamas, Lu Yi was already waiting.

"Thank you~ You actually prepared such a comfortable room and bed for me, you really are a good person!"

Rowe glanced at Athetana, who nodded to him with reassuring eyes.

"Okay, go to sleep, I'll take you to see the human city tomorrow, don't forget to keep the promise."

"Well! Luyi remembers it very much, so good night~"

The female devil followed the other women back to the room.

Athetana leaned over with some hesitation.

"I didn't teach her those aspects of knowledge, it's too early for her, you'd better stop it for now..."

"I understand... I've heard a lot about crooked demons." Luo Wei dodged her gaze, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Sometimes I feel like a child in front of the Mother God.

She always looks at it with a tolerant heart, but this attitude makes him a little embarrassed.

Whether it's Vermeer, Lovely or Ahu Lily, Athetana really knows too much about their deeds...

"If you must pursue some excitement..." She turned her eyes away from Luo Wei, "I, I have some ways to teach Vermier or Lily."

The decision seemed to make her hesitant.

Because this seems to be indulging, but it is already insurance in insurance compared to shooting crooked demons at will.

Luo Wei froze for a moment, suddenly a little curious.

"Those... have you experienced it yourself?"


When asked if she had experienced those special gameplays, Athetana looked at him helplessly.

"Are you... are you so curious about these?"

"I would like to know."

Athetana was embarrassed by his affirmation.

The faint red is reflected on the blue skin, which looks quite beautiful, like green plums dyed with peach red.

"It's just some long-term knowledge. As a god, you can control the special period and not experience it yourself," the mother goddess said with a blushing face. "Is this answer satisfactory to you?"


Isn't this tantamount to admitting that he is clearly in charge of these things, but he has no experience.

"...Shouldn't you say that on purpose to comfort me?"

Athetana raised her head and gave him a reproachful look. From this look, Rovi realized that what she said was true.

"You...I should be watching you grow up, but sometimes I don't know how to treat you."

"So, how about a hug as usual?"

Athetana showed the helplessness of being entangled by a child, but still hugged him leniently.

"I hope you understand that there is no shortage of outstanding women around you. It is my duty to wait for you in the form of a phantom beast like me."

Before Luo Wei could say anything, she patted him on the back lightly.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Being let go of his arms, Luo Wei turned around with a smile, and stopped there again.

"You too."

He said.

"It's not easy for a mortal like me to be guarded by the Mother God."

Athetana stood in the corridor for a while, and smiled at the hidden meaning in his words.


He clearly knew that he would not be shaken by this.

Do you also want to treat me like a little girl?

(End of this chapter)

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