Chapter 168
Looking at Lovely standing there, Luo Wei felt a little complicated.

"What are you doing here?"

Facts have proved that the one blocking the way is not necessarily a tiger, but also a kid.

"Oh?" Lovely raised his brows, "What ulterior motive do you have, so that this princess won't be able to come to your courtyard?"

Thinking about it carefully, it should be that this kid went to the workshop and failed to find them after he learned that they had returned.

After Saya and the others went back first, they followed to the courtyard and waited.

Athetana and Aining didn't even remind them?
No...I'm afraid this guy deliberately told them not to speak up, so let's retaliate with an eye.

This time...

dong dong dong.

The door of the room was knocked again, and the corners of Luo Wei's eyes twitched.

"Oh, there are still guests at this late hour."

Before Luo Wei could say anything, Lovely smiled and hid behind the door, and opened the door sideways.

Wei Mier, who came in with a pillow in his arms, just buried his face in the pillow in embarrassment, when he saw someone standing behind the door.

"Hey... Hey! Your Royal Highness...?"

The girl suddenly panicked.

Lovely didn't care to respond to her, but looked at Luo Wei with a smirk, his eyes seemed to say:

So that's what you came up with.

Hehe, then don't blame me for ruining your good deed.

She pushed the door shut, took Vermeer's hand and walked towards the bed.

"Haven't we slept together for a long time? Let's have a good talk tonight."

After Lovely finished speaking, he raised his chin and looked at Luo Wei again.

"What are you still doing lying there, why don't you make room for us?"

Pushing and pulling him away, Lovely pulled Vermier up, the two of them sat sideways on the bed, and just started chatting.

Vermier's mind was in a daze.


Why is Lovely here...

The two chatted about Ahu Lily's idol project, discussed their dress and makeup, and were talking about how to take care of their skin. Lovely glanced at Luo Wei who was sitting at the end of the bed, whom she regarded as an air man.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you think that the topics among girls are suitable for you to listen to?"


"It's hard to come here, is it okay to let Vermier accompany me tonight?"


"If you understand, just obediently put your tail between your legs and find a place to stay. You don't care about the atmosphere and stay here like this. Don't you think you're very popular?"

Lovely snorted unabashedly, and rubbed Vermeer's ice silk stockings with her striped stockings, showing revenge.

"That..." Wei Mier felt that Luo Wei's face was a little gloomy, and tried to remind, "Why don't you go to my room and talk."

The five princes are naturally a very noble existence, and they are praised by everyone on weekdays. No one dares to act presumptuously, no matter how unreasonable, they can only let her temper.

But, it's him after all...

Like Lovely, who is used to being aloof and was born in an environment where no one would dare to contradict him, and suddenly came in front of him...

Hearing what Vermeer said, Lovely burst out laughing.

"Pfft... there's no need to worry about his feelings, but let him squat in a different nest, you have the ability to drive me away?"

She stretched her face provocatively towards Rowe.

"Come on if you have the ability, come on, come on~ come on, come on?"

Seeing that Luo Wei didn't respond, Lovely turned away with a proud face.

Vermeer is here, can he attack him with her eyes on him?

It can also make a gloomy and unhappy expression.

"Look, what's the use of him, all he can do is sit there shamelessly, miscellaneous—fish~"


Suddenly there was a locking sound from below.


Lovely moved his legs, only to find that his ankle was restrained by something.

Pulling up the quilt and looking inside, she saw herself and Vermier's ankles being shackled together by something like delicate shackles.

"Eh?" Vermier was also taken aback for a moment.

Just as Lovely pulled off the quilt and was about to question, Luo Wei, who had already approached at some point, locked their wrists that were close to each other.


Lovely moved his wrist, not understanding the meaning of this action.

What's the use of locking me and her instead of locking himself with Vermeer?

Just thinking about this, Luo Wei turned his eyes to look at her.

"Since you want to stay so much, then take a good look at it."

look at?

What to look at?
Before she could react, Luo Wei suddenly pressed up on Vermier, and kissed Vermier's lips forcefully.


Vermeer groaned softly, tried to withdraw her hand, but was grabbed by Lovely's end.


On the face of the fifth princess, there was an expression as if she had been hit hard by a hammer.


When did it develop into such an intimate relationship?

Her mind was buzzing, watching the two kissing in front of her, even breaking into the defense line of lips and teeth.

Emotions from Vermeer came through the chains on the wrists and ankles.



The passionate kiss between the two lasted for a while, and when Rovir pulled up, a long silk thread was drawn between their lips.

Lovely watched the scene of drawing silk, his eyes were dull.

"His Royal Highness..."

Vermeer's eyes were blurred, and she looked at her shyly.

Lovely snapped back to his senses, and was about to run away, but was tied up and couldn't break free, holding his breath in disbelief.

And Luo Wei didn't even look at her, and went to the end of the bed, and then Vermeer frowned, and tightened the sheet with his hands.


Lovely opened his mouth blankly.

Judging from the movement, Luo Wei was obviously doing something to Vermeer's feet.

And even though Vermeer tried her best to restrain herself, she even tightened her feet there, but Lovely herself couldn't feel anything.

Sitting there empty.

Unable to move, he was forced to watch the whole process.



When Luo Wei poked his head out from under the quilt again, he naturally stuck to Vermeer, and the latter gradually stopped resisting, and a fiery and ambiguous atmosphere spread out.

Seeing their lips approaching, Lovely's pupils trembled.

"Let me go, please..."

She spoke humbly.

Watching like this, being left as air, watching the two of them kiss.

Is she a girl who can be ignored and nobody wants.

Vermier opened her eyes and exchanged glances with Ro Wei.

Uh... how bad, provoking Lovely in this way.

She nodded.

Although, although there was such a small concern, it cannot be denied that the relationship between them is not indifferent, and Luo Wei will not let Lovely leave the stage.

Vermeer also knew it in her heart.

Rather than asking for her opinion, it is better to say that he is concerned about her feelings...

"Didn't you say you wanted to stay?" Luo Wei stopped there, closed his eyes and said.

Lovely lowered her head in shock, regretful for having done such a stupid act, and lost all expression on her face.

One leg was bound, and she bent the other leg and buried it there.

"I'm sorry...forgive me...I don't dare anymore..."

Luo Wei stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, lifted her face, and let her current expression be fully revealed in front of him.

She wanted to spoil his good deeds, but because of her own decision, she suffered such a big blow.

The fact that he likes to play tricks has not changed at all.

"Aren't you very arrogant and want to drive me away?" He said calmly.

"Forgive me...let me go..."

"That is impossible."


Forced to face it with this posture, the expression was clearly seen, the corners of Lovely's expressionless eyes welled up, and the pupils fluttered in the eye sockets.

At this time, Luo Wei pinched her face with his hands, and imprinted a kiss on her porcelain doll-like profile.

The reason why she was deflated, didn't it mean that she cared.


Lovely sat on the spot blankly, his body trembled violently, a line of clear tears fell silently from the corner of his eyes.

For... why kiss me?
I haven't made up my mind yet... In this way, wouldn't I...have to act recklessly again?


The corners of her eyes turned sour suddenly, and her grievance suddenly overflowed.

Why do you have to wait for me...

Luo Wei covered her face with his hands.

"So, are you ready for punishment?"


Lovely couldn't calm down at all, and was stunned for a moment.

Then what awaits her is the super spin like a drum washing machine, and the merciless rubbing of the dog's head.


"You arrogant brat, just wait, you will suffer tonight."

"What... I'm the king#¥%*...!"

I am used to being pampered and pampered on weekdays, so every time I come to his place, I am really complacent at the beginning, and even try to let him find a nest to stay alone.

People can't help but want to grit their teeth.

If it wasn't for the fact that her relationship has not been confirmed yet, she should be put here...

After a whirl, all the thoughts in Lovely's mind were scattered, saliva was dripping from his chin, his eyes were a little rolled, and his delicate long hair was scattered like an uncombed doll.

Vermier didn't dare to speak from the side.

Is this the fate of contradicting him... If you are shaken like this, your brain will really become stupid...

"Press her down later, don't let her laugh too loudly, or everyone else will hear it."


Vermeer was suddenly assigned a task and was at a loss.

With Lovely's current demeanor, can he still laugh?
She saw that Luo Wei took out the feather stick from the drawer, went to the end of the bed, and took off Lovely's other stocking.


"Hehehehe...! No! Not now...!"

The ankle was pinned down, and the fluff from the feather stick brushed the most vulnerable area on the soles of her feet. Lovely suddenly laughed like a madman, and the saliva dripped down her chin and onto her collar.

Vermeer was stunned.

Why does this laughter sound so weird...

Thinking that Luo Wei said not to let her disturb other people, Vermeer quickly covered Lovely's mouth.



Yes, is the method wrong?
Seeing that Lovely's body started to twitch and his face was flushed, Vermeer quickly let go, but Lovely stopped laughing, stuck out his tongue and started panting, rolled his eyes completely, and hiccupped from time to time.

Afraid that something might be wrong with her, Vermeer hastily cast a super-order recovery technique on her. Lovely shuddered, and then blinked after recovering her eyes. The next second, she let out a "box box box" weird laugh, Eyes rolled up too.

"Vermeer... I didn't offend you, He He He...!! Why did you make me start again...!"

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ah this...

She pursed her lips, and finally had no choice but to hold Lovely's hand tightly to make her feel better.

But Lovely's voice gradually became more and more strange.

"Master Luo Wei... Detour... Detour the little devil's feet...! I'm really dying!"


"The small feet of the miscellaneous fish are about to fly~"

Vermeer couldn't help shivering.

Were they like this before... I always feel a little out of the ordinary...

Well, it's better to ask Athetana for more advice.

Maybe I will become like this one day...


At this time, Luo Wei's voice suddenly came coldly.

Siya, who had disappeared so far, reluctantly reappeared, took a look at her master and held her forehead.

Call me at this time, maybe you are planning to make me do strange things again.

Luo Wei took out two bottles of magic copper acid and put them on the bed.

"Help me hold down your master's feet, these rewards are for you."

"What... what! Who wants this kind of reward, perverted human!"

Luo Wei didn't intend to say anything more to her, so he took out another eight bottles and put them on the bed.

"I don't mind if you want to punish me."

Saya's face froze suddenly.

I'm sorry, my lord princess...

If it goes down to ten bottles, something will definitely happen...

When Saya held Lovely down, Luo Wei looked towards Vermier and took out another feather stick.

"How can I forget you?"


 I am convinced, the last chapter went in and then came out again, I added a writer and said to explain it, but it went in again...

  If the last chapter comes out later, I will replace this chapter with the content of chapter 169 tonight, with 3600 words, and the chapter name will be contacted by the editor on Monday.

  If it doesn't come out, the new 169 chapters will be free chapters.

  Sorry for the inconvenience, TT
(End of this chapter)

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