Chapter 169 What happened last night?
"I... I don't have to..."

Vermeer tremblingly looked at the feather stick, although she could feel that she didn't want to leave her alone, but when she saw Lovely's reaction, she was filled with uneasiness.


I haven't had time to ask Athetana for advice.

How did it come to me?

The legs shrank back subconsciously, but was caught by Luo Wei.


got caught.

Different from Lovely's knee high socks, Vermeer's white silk has higher upper legs. Although she usually looks silly, she has to admit that her figure is full of reverie, which perfectly stimulates him to be Every point of the male.

Coupled with that unique dreamy appearance and pure heart, in the field of "girls", I am afraid that no one can match it.

Climbing up along the calf line, her red face, shy and uneasy but trying to accept the emotion, is like a mine full of gems, just digging on the surface can give treasures.

Taking off a sock that was still warm from her, Luo Wei sniffed it in front of her. The girl lowered her head in embarrassment, her solitary toe shrank timidly.

And when the soft young hair is brushed gently.

The girl bit a finger, raised her neck slightly, as if she was enduring, but couldn't help concentrating on the touched area.


Seeing her body trembling with goosebumps, Luo Wei leaned over, breathed in her ear, and asked three words softly.

The girl's eyes turned a few times, she looked up to see him, then fell, and finally converged into one syllable.


Seeing Saya staring at him blankly, Vermeer shyly turned her head away.

After experiencing it personally, it is even more difficult for her to imagine how the Love gift "box box box" was issued.

It's not very exciting...

Do you want to hug him, want to be satisfied with his kisses, and at the same time want to satisfy him?
It's the princess's problem, my problem... Luo Wei's problem?

Biting his lips lightly, this experience of being treated at the same time, and Saya had never had it before.

Shouldn't it be more competitive?
Blushing, Vermeer imitated Lovely who couldn't stop beside her, and tried to make a sound:

"Box, box, box, box..."

Lovely turned her head, the emotion on her face had already flown, and she looked at her at a loss.

There was still some sane expression remaining, as if saying "Why do you want to imitate me...", "I don't want to either!!"

This made Lovely couldn't hold back anymore, and responded painfully and joyfully.

Wei Mier thought she was cooperating with her, and the two began to echo each other sentence by sentence.


"'t learn...hehehe——!!"



Lovely broke down.

It was even more impossible for Luo Wei to let her go. The concentrated area swept the fertile area under the feet with fluff. Lovely rolled his eyelids, stuck out his tongue, and his consciousness completely sank.

Until she stopped, she was paralyzed there, without a bit of the nobility of a princess, her chin was drooling, her tongue was sticking out obliquely with a silly face, Biye couldn't stop her gestures.

From the travel dress, you can still see your stomach twitching from time to time.

"Hey, hey, little feet of miscellaneous fish... it belongs to Mr. Luo Wei."

Wei Mier on the side couldn't stop laughing long ago, her face was flushed like a tide, her chest heaved up and down, and her whole body lost all strength.

She forced a glance at Lovely.

The fifth princess has simply become a different personality...

"Okay, it's none of your business here, go and watch for us outside the door." Luo Wei said to Saya.


"Don't worry, I'll give you the two cups of copper acid I promised you."

"I'm not caring about this!!"

Saya stomped away.

Luo Wei sat there, watching the two of them cling to their locked ankles.

In the past, he was forced to choose one of the two in Wailing Valley, but now there are no restrictions of those conditions.

On one side are white silk that reveals the color of the skin, and on the other side are slender feet with striped stockings.

and together.


When the feeling came from under their feet, neither of them could move, but they clearly felt that only half of the feeling fell on their own feet.

The other half, in another person's place.

When pulling and bouncing away, the other party can feel the feeling of bouncing back.


It's so cunning at the same time...

Vermier looked towards Loveli, hoping to get the corresponding emotion from her eyes, but the fifth princess had lost her wisdom long ago, as if she had already gone to another world.

No matter what they are doing, Luo Wei walks in the boundary where the two are locked, experiencing two flavors at the same time, sharing the feelings brought by different types.

Wait until it is confirmed that Lovely is unconscious.

He kissed Vermeer again.

And the kid blocking the way compared his hands, he had been educated to the point where he didn't even have the sanity to look at them.



The next morning.

Lovely woke up abruptly.

It was not the soft bed I was used to sleeping on, and I seemed to be trapped by something, shrinking in place and unable to move.

The sound of even breathing came from above.


She raised her head and saw the sleeping faces of Luo Wei and Vermeer, the two were very close, and she was right under them.


It was only then that Lovely realized that he was surrounded by the two of them like a sandwich biscuit, with his hands and feet trapped in their arms.

I... slept with them last night! ?

Thinking back, she didn't know when the fragment was broken, and she called Saya in panic.

"Well... I'm..."

Rubbing her eyes, Saya slowly sat up from the end of the bed, yawned, and looked at Lovely who barely raised her head in the middle.

"My lord, you are awake..."

Lovely paused for a moment, she absolutely didn't want to be seen by the two of them at such a time, she was blocked from the front, and she moved down bit by bit to get out.

I got stuck in the middle of the drill, and my hair and skirt were all pressed by that guy.


Slowly pulling it out and getting away successfully, she glanced down, and her two socks were missing.

Without caring so much, he pulled Saya out of the room, and then asked anxiously in the corridor:
"What happened last night?"

I actually... slept with them?
"I don't know..." Saya looked at her with some frustration, "I was kicked out, and I was called back in the middle of the night."

After midnight?
Lovely was taken aback.

Have I already...

She hastily touched her body, but there were no traces of fading, but she was still not sure if she had been done something outrageous.

I just want to prevent him from getting close to Vermier, to take come...

"But before leaving, I heard what you said." Saya said.

"What did I say?"

"What's the 'little fish feet are Mr. Luo Wei's stuff' or something like that." Siya thought about it, and made a comparison.

Lovely's face turned red and trembled, and his breathing became short of breath.

"That...that's not me!"

She wanted to run away now rather than go in and question her.

He did.

Really in front of Vermeer...?
"What are you doing here?"

Turning his head to look, Saya, who was wearing a Valkyrie battle suit, was walking from the corridor.

Lovely's thoughts were interrupted, and she hastily adjusted her appearance, but she didn't dare to look at the angel's face.

This look is too out of control...

Saya frowned and looked at the door next to them, "Why hasn't that guy woke up yet, what time is it?"

"I, I don't know..."

With messy hair and pleated skirt, Lovely pulled Saya and ran away without looking back.

Saya looked at their backs there, turned around after concentrating on it, and unscrewed the door after a moment of hesitation.


She just glanced at it briefly and closed it again.

"This bastard..."

Seeing that the fifth princess was so panicked, she didn't wear any socks, and her appearance was completely unkempt, maybe the three of them did the same thing last night!

Treating the fifth princess the same as treating yourself?
Saya clenched her fists.

Isn't it okay to be with anyone?

When they met later, Vermeer told several people that they were going to the church to learn magic, so they had to be absent from exploration temporarily.

Shaye crossed her arms and watched the interaction between the two, always feeling that something was wrong than before.

That idiot priest clearly showed embarrassment about what happened.

"That... Saya has been watching us."

Luo Wei spread his hands, "Maybe I heard something last night."

"Eh? Eh...!"

Thinking back to last night, I still blushed a little. Lovely, who had lost his mind, was right next to him, even in front of her...

Hmm... This seemed to make him even more excited.

Really, it's too bad, the queen's socks are all over.

Although I am also an accomplice...

"Then, then I'm leaving, you must be careful."

When Vermeer left, the atmosphere in the room was somewhat dull. Luo Wei glanced at the four women standing there, only Luyi was still in high spirits.

Leaving aside Iluth, who was always on the sidelines.

Both Sha Ye and A Yining seem to have evolved into a certain atmosphere of estrangement.

It seems that they have a deep grudge against themselves.

Closing his eyes, Luo Wei thought of a countermeasure.

He decided to take advantage of the situation in reverse.


Relics of God War.

From the upside-down air fortress to the lower level, enter a vast and layered underground space.

This place used to be the underground stronghold of goblins, an ancient race. After being exterminated in the battle of gods, there is only such an underground labyrinth full of organs and seals that once blocked the footsteps of many explorers.

But Lu Yi couldn't be stopped.

Using space tricks to jump to the other side of the bridge, turning on the switch to remove the barrier, and the bridge deck lowered, only then did a few people understand the role of Luyi.

With such a complicated structure, it completely saves the time for them to operate the mechanism to solve the puzzle.


But no one spoke up.

Luo Wei also remained silent. Even though he still remembered the operation methods of most organs, there were still some difficult seals, and it was easy to enter by using the crooked demon's high interference in the space.

This makes people feel that the goblins did research on this at the beginning. The knowledge of the unknown gods gave them the gift of wisdom. After the entire race was exterminated, it is difficult for the goblins with low intelligence to contact them.

"Lu Yi has many friends here, should I take you to meet them first?"

"it is good."

Luo Wei responded in a deep voice, followed behind Luyi, watching her easily dismantle various traps, and the five of them walked inside like a straight road.

Crooked Mo quickly introduced her first "friend".

"Look, it's him. I could still talk when I first saw him, but now he's completely motionless."

Obviously, it was a corpse.

Wearing a white standard battle suit with wings, sitting there with his head down, his body has turned into bones.

"The godhead of the Holy Feather Temple."

Saya just mentioned one thing and didn't want to say more. On the one hand, it is said that the Holy Feather God used to be an angel, but after he became independent, he was conferred as the present god.

On the one hand, it can also be seen that she has a certain degree of understanding of what happened last night.

Luo Wei checked for a while calmly. He had seen it in the last round. There was a high probability that this temple warrior was entrusted to investigate something, but he fell down here halfway, and there was nothing to worry about.

"Can you take us to meet your 'alive' friend?"

He planned to use the method of guidance to let Luyi take them to the predetermined route.

"No problem!" Lu Yi said excitedly, "I have a friend who is a blacksmith, not far below here, but there may be some troubles on the way, you have to be careful!"

Untie the mechanism and find the way to the area below. The few people just stepped into the mud and rocks in the mine-like environment, and a bunch of wandering figures popped up around them, including four god-eaters. type.

"Run! Don't stop!"

A Yi Ning looked at Lu Yi who had reached the exit on the other side after a leap, and held the Dizhi sword in his hand.

She now probably knows how the godhead "friend" above died.

Crooked Demons are used to thinking about problems logically based on their own behavior, and are not good at thinking from the perspective of others.


She knows more about the race now.

On the other side, Luo Wei had already stood in the fighting position, immediately fought those wandering human figures, and accurately hit their flaws with the sword of Cangliu.

Ilus watched this scene with concentration.

He seemed to have expected it.

It was even clear that those bodies were godheads who hadn't died completely on the battlefield in the past, and they made the best choice for the fighting method against human beings.

After these days of observation, things are getting more and more interesting.

Deliberately let Luyi lead the way.


Are you looking for something out of your control?

 This chapter and the next chapter are free, sorry for the trouble (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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