Chapter 170

When the last monster fell, Luyi jumped up loudly at the exit.

"Saya, that's amazing!"

Saya had a cold face and didn't want to respond to her.

Even a fool can see that this road is obviously a trap for monsters, and it's fine if the crooked monster is not conscious, but that guy didn't intend to remind him.

Are they testing their resilience again?

In the ancient city of Boya before, he was also unable to guard against and threw a bunch of monsters at others, including some disgusting creatures.

After the group stowed away their weapons and got used to the fighting intensity of the God War Ruins, Vermeer's absence made them switch tactics——

With three strikers as the main body, plus a caster who roams around the battlefield.

After there was no need to worry about the rear, the four pressed forward and used offense to make up for the lack of rear support.

"Go on, lead the way."

Ai Ning said coldly.

No matter what else lies ahead, she will stay awake.

Moving forward along the mine, the four of them used their aggressiveness to the extreme, quickly and decisively resolving several encounters.

"It's here~"

Luyi jumped to the opposite side and unlocked the mechanism.

The door opened, and a blacksmith's shop appeared in front of several people.

A demon with a height of nearly three meters was shirtless, standing in front of the anvil in a daze.

"Hello ~ Lu Yi came to see you!"

" we come."

Luyi passed by without paying attention, but the other three women quietly stood in the fighting position.

The remaining Luo Wei walked over casually, and the blacksmith with a dead voice didn't even look at him.

The next moment, the heavy hammer swung down——


The water-blue sword blade flashed out, and the blacksmith who raised the hammer burst a circular crack in his chest, and fell heavily on the weapon rack, his figure gradually became thinner.


After a few frenzied laughter, the body of the demon blacksmith disappeared.

The other three were stunned for a moment.

Although he was indeed on guard, it happened too quickly.

It was almost too late to tell who was attacking whom.

Saya glanced at Luyi unhappily.

"Is that what you mean by 'friend'?"

"Ah...? He is usually really kind, but for some reason..."


Saya suffocated the fire and put away the spear.

Take advantage of people passing by and directly swing the hammer, do you have any misunderstanding about the word "kindness".

And that guy, too, didn't even know the cause and effect, he swung his sword without any hesitation, and the blow was deadly.

I've never seen anyone sneak up on him.

Luo Wei put away the sword and looked at Lu Yi calmly.

"Take us to find his body."

The body of the blacksmith is further down, and the creation left here is just to collect human parts.

Well, human male parts.

So it's actually not about Lu Yi, this blacksmith really won't do anything to women.

"Huh? I do know that there is someone who is exactly like him..." Lu Yi was stunned, "But it's very low, and the farthest I've ever been has been there."

Luo Wei said calmly: "Since the creation is here, there must be some secret passage nearby, let's look for it."

"If this is the case... Luyi knows!"

Without waiting for other people to make any moves, Luyi jumped to a corner of the wall, and after a little manipulation, a portal appeared inside.

Ayi Ning glanced skeptically.

"Where does this door lead to?"

For this kind of hidden transfer door, it's better to be careful.

What's more, Lu Yi found it.

"It can lead directly to the very bottom, but it's not easy to go." Lu Yi blinked innocently and harmlessly. "It's definitely difficult to get through like Saya."


Being targeted in this way, Saya's desire for tea welled up, but to compete with her in this situation, wouldn't it be the same as stepping in and being fooled by her?

Iluth watched Luo Wei calmly.

"You can try." Luo Wei said lightly.

This is indeed a shortcut.

The relics of God War are very large, and there are many fork roads. It is definitely not possible to explore one by one according to the conventional method. It is also the result of his guidance to arrive here.

Jumping levels will miss some opportunities to deal with third-level gods, but just like the devil Lugda, even if they are coerced, it is difficult to make them hand over the god core, and it may not be useful if they rack their brains to get it done.

So, might as well go and get the ready-made ones.

"Lead the way."

The others didn't comment, and Luo Wei walked towards Luyi first.

Their indifference to themselves saves the effort of explaining, but it won't take long for Saya and A Yining to find out.

In the matter of indifference, they are still too childish.

Following Lu Yi into the portal, his vision was gradually flooded by the rainstorm. Luo Wei naturally put his hood on, and with the sound of the rain, he could vaguely see the magnificent mountain towering opposite under the night.

And they are standing on the artificial platform on the mountainside here, with a bare mountain wall going up, and almost vertical mountain steps going down, the height is suffocating.

Three women followed in.

Saya was first caught off guard by the downpour, and then sneered with disdain.

"Are you kidding, how difficult is this road for me?"

Wouldn't it be better to fly directly?

"No, no, no," Lu Yi put her hand on her forehead, turned her head and said with a smile, "You guys are watching, if you don't follow the steps, it will be like this—"

As soon as she finished speaking, Luyi jumped down the steps, and then disappeared.

Saya: "?"

"Yo hoo~!"

The voice came from above, Luyi fell down and supported Saya from behind, and they all turned their heads to look at her for a moment.

"See? If there is a step that is not stepped on, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

Missed a step?

Ayi Ning shielded herself from the rain with air, and glanced down.

In other words, you have to go down level by level, and if you make a mistake, you will return to the original point?
"Is this a rule set by a certain god?" she asked.

"Lu Yi doesn't know? But, it's very interesting here, isn't it!"

Rain curtains, mountains, vertical steps.

This gave A Yining the feeling that it was the handwriting of the oriental gods. If it was really a shortcut, it was more like staying here deliberately than being involved in the chaos of the war of gods.

It seems.

Must follow the rules.

Saya on the side spread her wings and tried, but as expected, she would be forced to move back to the original point after a certain distance, and return to the platform next to the portal.

Luo Wei didn't care about talking to them, he had already put on his hood, and began to support the mountain wall and began to descend step by step.

If Vermier was here, he might have to ask what would happen if he climbed up.


Going up, you can harvest a beautiful view in the heavy rain.

"Then, I wish you good luck, Luyi will take a step first~"

Lu Yi, who was talking, jumped down briskly, sat on the steps with her buttocks, her feet slightly touched the steps, and slid down like that.

"Get out of the way, Uncle Luo Wei, I'm going over~"

Luo Wei stabilized his figure and turned sideways, seeing Luyi's buttocks trembling and flying past on the steps, and slipped down in a few seconds, and was covered by heavy rain and could no longer be seen.


The other three people would definitely not choose to go on in this way.

Luyi is happy to slide down the slide.

Looking up one more time, Ayi Ning used Qi to protect her body, Iluth put on a witch hat, and his own slippery cloak was completely waterproof, only Saya was drenched in water.

Withdrawing his gaze, Luo Wei calmly followed the steps step by step.

To a certain extent Luyi was right.

The torrential rain blocked the line of sight and made the stone steps slippery. Without enough patience, it is easy to make mistakes.

And Saya just has no patience.

He didn't escape the fate of repeating himself in the last round, and this time, he might still be unable to escape.

"Yeah~ I'm here again, I'm here again, get out of the way!"


Saya was spreading her wings and using the floating air to step down step by step, when Luyi's voice suddenly came from above, in order to avoid being hit, she subconsciously folded her wings.



Saya's voice disappeared halfway, and the person disappeared.

The others calmly avoided Luyi who made a comeback, watching her slide quickly into the heavy rain.

A Yining looked back helplessly, it seems that in addition to the steep terrain, she also had to beware of Lu Yi who suddenly came from behind, not so much that Lu Yi was impatient, it was better to say that she was enjoying the fun here, and she would not feel anxious at all .

But after Saya was disturbed like this once, it was hard to say.

As several people kept going down, Luyi attacked from behind twice, but she never saw Saya catch up.

At the third time, Ayi Ning grabbed her by the back collar.

"Where is Saya?"

Lu Yi was taken there, and said with a smile: "It's still on the top, I saw her learn my method with my own eyes, and it seemed that her ass was too big and she popped out hahaha~"

Ayi Ning: "..."

She let go of her hand and let Luyi continue to slide down.

This section of the road was farther than expected, and I handled every step in the air in a controlled manner. Sitting on the magic wand, Iluth lightly stroked with her toes, but I didn't expect that Luo Wei was faster than them. It was out of sight.

It seems that after arriving, it will take a while to see Saya.

a few hours later.

A Yining followed the pace, her brows gradually wrinkled.

Lu Yi has not appeared for a long time.

The possibility of reaching the finish line is high, and if Rowe is also fast, the two of them are likely to be alone.

If something happened during this time, and I said that I would give him an answer, it would be empty talk.


Taking a deep breath, Ai Ning calmed herself down.

The thing she tried to avoid was close at hand, but she knew that the consequences of wasting her previous efforts would be more serious.

If the success here falls short, the matter of stopping Luyi can only be handed over to Iluth, and she has never expressed her position on this.

Calming her mind, she continued to follow the pace, keeping her Qi focused on her feet for a long time, which made her body inevitably soaked. In this case, the feeling of clothes sticking to her body was not comfortable.

Fortunately, after walking the rest of the way, she finally saw the end.

Holding her breath, she landed on the ground, and Ilus, who was not far behind, also landed safely. Ayining looked up at the steps flooded by the heavy rain, and entered the transfer door without any hesitation.

I can only let Sayedo take care.

From the transfer door, it leads to a gorgeous classical palace.

The atmosphere around is far deeper than above, even if you don't take the initiative to detect it, you can still feel the saturated divine power.

It seems to have reached a fairly deep area.

Luo Wei and Luyi sat on the circular platform not far in front, and started a bonfire with materials they got from somewhere.

When the two approached, Lu Yi took the initiative to wave to them:
"Lu Yi didn't do strange things with Uncle Luo Wei!"

Ayi Ning: "..."

She glanced at Luo Wei who was sitting by the campfire with his head bowed, his black hair was still wet, and the firewood hadn't been burned for long, and he was slightly relieved.

Sitting by the campfire, the temperature of the flames made her recover a lot, and her vigilance along the way was also calmed down.

And at this moment, Ayining saw Elus taking off her shoes gracefully, and slowly pouring out the stagnant water inside.


This movement made it difficult for her, a woman, to look away, so she glanced at Luo Wei subconsciously.

Seeing that his head was still lowered, Ayi Ning pursed her lips, and slowly moved her soaked toes.

The inside of the shoe was also soaked.

Do I want to...

 This chapter is also exempt

(End of this chapter)

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