Chapter 171 Can't You Hug First, Then Call Them?

"Both my knees are red."

The bent legs proved harmless, and the scene wrapped in black silk seemed real or fake.

Justifiable and reasonable complaints, unintentional casual tone, subconsciously attracted the eyes of several people, and looked at the position she led, the truth behind the half-hidden black, on the contrary, was even more intriguing.


Luo Wei watched this scene in silence.

Evidently, Ilus was fighting back at him for kneeling.

Unlike Ke Luoxi, this witch is not only unintentional, but also proficient in this way, turning around with ease, even if she intends to, she is completely out of the identity of the perpetrator.

Ayi Ning's face had been stiff for a long time, staring at Iluth's stockings, her expression froze.

Only Saya is still expressing dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong with your knees being red? No one forces you to walk on your knees."

Iluth smiled slightly, cast a light glance at Luo Wei and turned away.

"How do you know that no one forced me?"


In the meantime, Iluth didn't answer, and didn't look at Luo Wei again, but she looked at Saya with a little more pity.

Saya wanted to say something.

But for some reason, she suddenly felt pitiful, and she couldn't explain why.

But in the current situation, with that bastard who is willing to treat anyone present, she has no way to fight back with tea art, so she can only look away impatiently while holding the spear.

The bonfire was lit and crackled.

Ayi stared at Luo Wei on the side holding his sword and looking at the flames in a daze, and gradually waited for the movement on the other side.

Ilus began to take off her socks.

The slippery black stockings came off little by little, still so elegant that people couldn't take their eyes off, and the cold white skin gradually revealed like a scroll.

until that moment.

The blush on both knees is clearly visible.

Ayi Ning closed her eyes and didn't look anymore. In the subsequent practice of refining Qi and transforming God, she used Qi to probe Luo Wei's whole body.

Only the right knee showed signs of injury.

One side?
Thinking of the related picture, she lowered her head and bit her lip.

When did they do this.

But compared to the secret communication between the two of them who didn't know when, combined with the estrangement in the past few days, the behavior without any explanation, and the sudden strange feeling, Ayining felt a little more of another emotion.

Did he...

Are you mad at me and Saya?

The night passed.

Luo Wei, who only kept watch in the first half of the night, kept watch all night, but didn't wake up Saya.

Ayi Ning clearly felt his indifference now, and Saya, who hadn't rested for two days and one night, woke up in a bad mood.

Should I talk to her?
However, A Yining is not sure whether the nature of the events she and Saya have experienced are the same, after all, their half-hearted intimacy...

After making some preparations, the five of them explored along the underground palace, and accidentally found the teleportation point not far away.

"How to do?"

Ai Ning asked proactively.

Lu Yi naturally clamored to go back, and the others were more willing to continue exploring, but in fact, even if everyone had their own opinions, I'm afraid they had to do what Luo Wei wanted.

This has formed a tacit understanding of their exploration.

"Go back first, I have something to do in the city." Luo Wei said coldly.

A Yining had no objection, and glanced at Saya, only to find that the other party just stood silently, with a slightly downcast expression.

This surprised her a little.

Before going to bed, Shaye was still very energetic and disdainful to Iluth, but now she didn't even say hello, and her face was not very good.

Walking for so long under the pressure of divine power.

Is it really sick?
As soon as he returned to Wuguan City, Luo Wei left the workshop in a hurry. Several people looked at his back without explaining anything, and guessed that he probably went to see Vermeer.

For the rest of them, Yilusi went back to the guest room to read, Ayi Ning went out with Luyi, and Shaye, who was not energetic, went to North Street alone to deal with the deposit.

In the evening, shortly after they returned to the workshop, they happened to bump into Vermeer who had come back from the church humming alone.

"Eh...? Why are you back?"

The girl looked at them in bewilderment, and stopped abruptly at the door, thinking that she was hallucinating.

Why don't you say a word when you come back...

Hearing what she said, Ayining and Saya were slightly taken aback.

"Did he not look for you?" A Yining asked.

"Eh?" Vermeer blinked, "No, no."

do not know why.

Vermier felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit stiff, but when asked if Ro Wei went to find her, it must not have been an accident in the ruins.

"Well... didn't he say where he was going before he left?"


"oh oh……"

Vermeer didn't know what was going on.

And at this moment, the door behind him opened, and Luo Wei, dressed in black, walked in. After approaching, he rubbed Vermeer's head mercilessly, and then dragged her to the second floor.

With the picnic basket that she brought to church today, Vermeer turned around on the stairs with a blank expression on her face.

how does he...

Seems like ignoring them both?
Entering the guest room, Vermeer pointed at the outside at a loss, but didn't know how to describe it for a moment.

"How's your magic learning going?"

"Ah, ah... I have already mastered two foundational techniques, Shatis praised me today!"

Vermier first puffed up her chest full of confidence, but thinking of the situation of the two people outside, she withdrew her desire to be praised.

"That...the two of them?"

Luo Wei just looked at her and smiled, "I'm cold to other women, shouldn't you be happy?"

Vermier froze for a moment.

Then the expression became complicated.

"Well... To be honest, I never thought that there would be such a possibility..."

Vermeer: ​​X﹏X
Instead of being praised, I was electrocuted...

But then Luo Wei hugged her again, and gently rubbed her cheek, letting Vermier know that this sentence both satisfied him and dissatisfied him.

Ugh, can't you hug me first and then turn on the phone?

Maybe the two of us can be together, hehe...

Stretching her head and letting him rub for a while, Vermeer asked in a low voice: "So you did this to them on purpose? Is Saya because of Lovely..."

"You may think so."


I almost guessed it, he would definitely not run to explain something to Saya directly, so he replaced it with another plan.


Should I also use this method to attract him to pay more attention to me...

Whether it is successful or not is another matter.

But you will definitely be electrocuted badly...

Taking advantage of this time, Luo Wei explained everything in the ruins in detail. After all, only he can hear the complete version.

"The blacksmith who forged flesh and blood... the ancient god who was behind closed doors... and that voice?"

"Well, we will meet again."

Maybe it was the third first-level god found by the demon god Rugda burning the core of God. As for why he should guide him, Luo Wei didn't think it was a purely good thing.

It will not be so easy to be related to a first-level god.

Thinking of this, Vermilion suddenly came to his senses.

"I...I have to review what I learned today!"

Luo Wei smiled and didn't stop her.

The one who looks the weakest on the outside is the one that reassures him the most in this respect.

Leaning in the room for a while, Luo Wei did not forget the drink appointment with Ilus, and came to the door of another room.

I have to pay for helping to seal the god's core and protecting him from breaking into the ancient god's bedroom.

dong dong dong.

After waiting for a while, Iluth opened the door from the inside, as if she had been waiting for him for a long time. She changed into a black dress with a loose strap on the chest, her hair also changed into deep purple red, and there was a hint of strength in her shallow smile. .

Luo Wei sighed helplessly.

It seems that in this short scene, she planned to play the role before the stage ended.

And when the two went out, the other two followed suit from two directions.


South Artisan Avenue, Magician Tavern.

Luo Wei knew that Iluth was sensitive to the years and also had a lot of research on wine, so he didn't intend to pretend to be smart, and only said that he wanted the latest wine.

But when the waiter brought the wine, he still froze for a moment.

Champagne is really popped now...

The environment is full of style, the tables are covered with elegant tablecloths, and there is a violin team playing on site. This is already the most upscale pub on South Street.It's not to please Iluth, but she is a member of the Shura field after all, and dressing too sexy will add a lot of unnecessary troubles in a crowded environment.

The two clinked glasses, and Luo Wei didn't intend to play around with her.

"what do you wish to ask."

The information about her main story will not be announced until the end of the Wuguan City incident. During this time, she should also observe many clues, as long as she doesn't ask about the final boss, she can do anything.

It was up to him to decide whether to answer or not.

And Ilus just smiled lightly:
"I would like to know."

"What's your favorite part of a woman's body?"

Luo Wei: "...?"

(End of this chapter)

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