Chapter 172 So Did You Lock The Door?
What's your favorite part of a woman's body...?
Luo Wei didn't expect that, he thought he would ask about something serious, but planned to chat with him about his hobbies.

Elise didn't ask casually.

If she answered feet, she would immediately know whether he was not paying attention or looking away on purpose when he took off his shoes.


In addition, when they came out of the workshop, those two people followed all the way behind, and they didn't know where to hide and eavesdrop.

How could he confess.

"That depends on who that person is," Luo Wei raised his eyes and said, "It's useless to seduce someone you don't like, and you still like someone you like even if there is a gap. As punishment, you can lick her to her knees and beg for mercy."

Licking to the knees and begging for mercy?

As soon as he finished speaking, two weak waves of magic power appeared in the air.

Like someone shivered.

Ilus smiled unaffectedly, leaning on the table with one hand lining her chin.

"It doesn't seem like an answer."

"Really?" Luo Wei said without any burden, "Whether it's the head or the butt, it all depends on who is on it."

Obsessed with this kind of thing.

He wasn't going to admit it in front of them.

At the same time, I don't think Iluth wants to get closer to him. If the frozen heart is as charming and frivolous as it looks, she won't be single for a thousand years.

Hearing his answer, Ilus stopped asking and smiled instead.

"It sounds like you're pretty good at using your tongue."

"It's just a way of expression," Luo Wei responded, "Of course there are more than one way, and it's too late to regret it now."

At this time, outside.

On the roof of the tavern and in the side alley, two people's faces trembled at the same time.

A Yining held down the hilt of the sword that had been inserted into the ground to activate "Di Ting", and couldn't help but gasp.

He wants to lick Saya until she kneels and begs for mercy?


After confirming that the two people who came out of the tavern were heading back to the workshop, A Yining went back to the quiet courtyard first, and heard the outside door opening and closing soon after.

Knowing that Luo Wei was indeed concerned about the estrangement, she sat by the bed, recalled the past few days, and finally understood what the problem was.

"What the hell am I doing..."

On the night of soaking in the hot spring together, when I found him, I clearly said that I didn't hate him, but I just didn't want to disregard the occasion, but the next day because of Lu Yi's incident, I strongly drew a line with him.

I didn't think about it that much at the time.

Think about it carefully, isn't this an overly blunt reneging?

"Why didn't I think of that then?"

Sighing and holding her forehead, Ayining's mind became a little confused. On the one hand, she wanted to prove her innocence and draw a clear line with him, and set an example to keep Luyi away from him; Like alienation, it is a natural result that he will be angry.

How to do it?
Who can teach me how to be a good younger sister...

After sorting out his thoughts for a moment, he shook his head, at least he was not his sister or Saya, so he didn't have to bear the consequences.

Go and make it clear.

He got up and came to Luo Wei's door, knocked on the door and went in. The two didn't speak much, and they were facing each other to start the practice of refining Qi and transforming gods.

Luo Wei: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

When the procedure was over, A Yining finished her luck and opened her eyes, and saw Luo Wei turned her back without saying anything.

Sure enough, very indifferent.

Thinking of her determination to speak clearly, Ayining hesitated for a moment, and tried to ask:

"Or, I'll give you a massage on your shoulder."

"Need not."

Ayi Ning pursed her lips, now she could roughly understand the other party's mood.


She said in a concentrated voice, pulling his sleeve from behind.

"Do you blame me for drawing the line too cleanly?"

Ayi's eyes were a little gloomy for a while, although she said so, she still didn't know how to maintain the relationship between the two so that Lu Yi and others would not be suspicious.

Luo Wei took a slow breath with his back there.

Let me tell you that extremes must be reversed.

He turned his head and looked into her eyes, feeling a panic flashed in the eyes of Ayi Ning who was a little too close, and hastily avoided it a little.

"I miss your sister."


Ayining's eyes flickered twice, before she had time to react, both hands were on her arms, and she pulled them slightly.

Her eyes widened slightly, watching the chest in front of her getting closer and closer, countless thoughts came to her mind, but for some reason, they were suppressed by the sentence "I miss your sister".

I want it too……


Being supported by her shoulders and leaning against her chest, Ayi Ning blinked, the real feeling of being hugged made her subconsciously have the idea of ​​breaking free.


Doesn't that mean that I'm planning to draw a line with him again?

The entangled emotions in her heart were constantly intertwined, and in the end she failed to make her take action. Compared with the emotion of apologizing to him gaining the upper hand, it was more like the result of being unable to resist.

And as the time of being hugged gradually increases, the idea of ​​pushing away becomes weaker and weaker.


There's really no way to get him.

"You're hugging my sister." She said helplessly.

The corners of Luo Wei's mouth were slightly raised, and his palms were slightly inward to hug her more, and at the same time, he rubbed his chin against the top of her head that exuded a clean fragrance.

Isn't it my sister...

Your sister is here, I don't care about her...

"That's your sister's sister too, isn't it?"

A Yi Ning blushed, feeling as if he had become a token left by his sister. Could it be that he had put all his feelings for his sister... on himself?

Being hugged a little helplessly, with her hands hanging there limply, she said:
"If you're like this... I can't explain it to Lu Yi and the others."

"This problem is easy to solve." Luo Wei said.

"Hmm...? How to solve it??"

A Yining never figured out how to solve the problem that troubled her so much for him.

"Simple," Luo Wei smiled, "It's fine if you draw a line between me and me during the day, and cancel it in the room at night."


Ayi frowned and thought for a few seconds.


It is indeed a way.

But nothing seemed right.

"Isn't this the same as... we are behind their backs, maintaining an unknown relationship in private?"

Ayi Ning is not so naive.

Although the problem was solved, it seemed to be solved in a more serious way after being discovered.

"You don't have to think so complicated," Luo Wei looked at her and said, "We don't have an shady relationship, right?"

Ayi showed a thoughtful expression.

"That's... yes."

"So you locked the door?"

"...Didn't you just say that it's not a shameful relationship?"

"Crooked demons are not human."

Ayi Ning: "..."

It was difficult for her to refute for a while, but he was able to explain things that seemed unreasonable every time.

"Then Saya is an angel, Athetana is a god, and Iluth is a thousand-year-old witch, right?"


"What is that Vimir?"

I'd like to see what else you can say.

"Vermeer can be together."


Ai Ning couldn't help but opened her mouth.

And Luo Wei didn't change his face, and said slowly: "Can't you understand that the brother who has been neglected for a day wants to get closer to his sister? Besides, you obviously miss your sister too, right?"

Hearing this, A Yining withdrew her expression, and said solemnly: "About this point, I must remind you that I am not a substitute for my sister, not because I will have any thoughts, but if you forget this, I will I will feel sorry for my sister."

Rowe nodded.

She is so considerate of her sister.

So he didn't realize until now that his goal was her sister from the beginning.

"So you are your sister's sister."


Forget it, as long as he knows that he is a younger sister.

Ai Ning reached out and patted his back.

"If you know it's my sister, you should let go."

"Then go and lock the door."


It was intentional.

Because the estrangement made him unhappy, punishing her in this way?
Getting up to lock the door, she turned back and sat on the edge of the bed with a distance, refusing to be hugged again.

"What happened to your and Iluth's knees?"

Judging from the conversation in the tavern, they don't seem to have that kind of relationship, and the possibility of stimulating her and Saya in this way is higher.

Ayi Ning didn't want to have another witch among her sister's enemies. From the charming posture that day, no man would be able to bear it.

Luo Wei asked her back, "How do you know this matter so clearly?"

Ayi choked up.

Thinking of the related scene, his face turned slightly red.

"Didn't I say those novels..."

A storybook novel?

Are you sure you are not looking at Uncle Huang...

This immediately aroused his interest, and he said, "Then tell me first, what exactly is that scene? You should have checked with your breath that only my right knee is injured?"


Ayi Ning's face turned red to the base of her ears.

"That is……"

She couldn't say it, she read those books secretly by herself, and even her sister didn't know about them, but now she wants to discuss the plot with him...

How can I say this...

"So you don't even want to be honest with me about what you read in the book," Luo Wei shook his head, "Then I think it's better to forget it."

"No, wait..."

Ai Ning gritted her teeth.

The relationship that was finally restored, she didn't want to have another estrangement.

"Do you have to listen..."

"Anyway, it's just a fictitious plot in the book, and it has nothing to do with you," Luo Wei said, spreading his hands. "Besides, you have no experience, so you don't know if it's right."

Ai Ning lowered her head.

"It's just... step forward with one leg... in the book... it says that you can use more force..."

She was blushing and talking intermittently, her head so low that she couldn't see it at all.

"This more inside..."

Luo Wei opened his mouth slightly.

Hearing such words from a lady of great family shyly say such words, the lethality is more powerful than imagined, so she silently covered her with a quilt.

He was congested and bloated.

"It's nothing," he said calmly, "but I want to know, how did you come into contact with this kind of books?"

"...Because I'm worried about my sister."

With just one sentence, Luo Wei suddenly understood.

I'm afraid that after seeing some villain plots, I was worried that my unsuspecting sister would be deceived by the bad guys, so I took the initiative to find out.

What a caring sister.

No, with a sister like that, it's strange not to worry about it... Thanks to her, the two sisters grew up safely.

Then came to him, hmm.

There is ample time.

Since such a good return was given, Luo Wei was naturally not stingy, and told her everything in the ruins.


And not so long ago.

Saya stood nervously in the corridor, glanced left and right from time to time, and lowered her steps to cover up and wandered back and forth.

When A Yi Ning came out, she planned to go to the room to settle accounts with that bastard, to see who made whom kneel down and beg for mercy.


She heard the sound of the door being locked.


(End of this chapter)

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