Chapter 173 Ayining's Bedtime Story
After listening to Luo Wei's narration, Ayi Ning took a slow breath.

"So that's it, you went to the ancient god's bedroom."

Even daring to break into the seal of the ancient god of war, Iluth's divine core only lasted for a moment, and he was really not satisfied with the divine core of a third-level god.

"Then why did you go today?"

Luo Wei couldn't help laughing.

It was obviously a private relationship like an underground love, but he asked him where he was and what he was doing like Zheng Gong...

Well, thinking that he could communicate with her more about the contents of the novel in the future, Luo Wei decided to be more frank.

"Over the Lan Temple, I made some arrangements."

During the day, he spent all his time at the newly opened workshop of the followers of the Yin God, and they even named it "Dark Night Sunshine" workshop.

Facts have proved that the name really cannot be taken randomly.

After this group of believers obtained the qualification certificates of quasi-intern craftsmen through underground channels, they found that the things they could forge were like sunlight in the dark night.

It doesn't exist at all.

Craftsmen don't just become craftsmen when they want to. Even geniuses like John and Ke Luoxi had to work as apprentices in other people's workshops for a few months before they started to get started, and they often worked hard in the craftsman's library.Fortunately, Luo Wei had expected it, and taught them some basic synthesis techniques with the help of the prisoner's secret book.

There is no need to forge anything, and the goods are exported by synthesis and alchemy, and all kinds of restraint and sealed props are monopolized.

In this way, each of this group of people can be a craftsman and run a workshop in a centralized manner. In addition, they secretly provide resources from Ke Luoxi and John, so that they can be effective at the beginning.

And the chaotic situation without a bright face in Guancheng is enough to cover up the existence of this small workshop.

"You really care about that side."

Ayining knew that every time Luo Wei came back, he would use the resonance device to confirm it, and there was always a black line pointing to Lan Temple.

Saya knows this too.

But compared to that side, the exploration of the relics of God War is more important, and there is no good solution.

For the time being, I believe that Luo Wei's arrangements have been made.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Ayi stood up and sighed, relaxing a little, at least straightening everything out.

"It's late, you should have a good rest."

And just when she turned around, Luo Wei grabbed her sleeve from behind, and pulled her back with her elbow.

"Stay with me more."


Pushing his back against his chest, Ayining really didn't have the nerve to turn her head, and sat there with her back facing her.

He said it was a hug, but his hand only supported her elbow, and he said it wasn't a hug, and he sat in his arms.


Is it because he hasn't recovered after being left out in the cold, or is he still thinking about his sister?

Ai Ning was a little confused.

"It's okay to accompany you, but you don't need this posture."

"The doors are locked anyway, aren't they?"


So he was actually trying to get revenge again, right?


He clearly said that he wanted to be an older brother, but he held grudges like a child, but he needed to make up for this matter.

"I...I know I was wrong, don't tease me anymore, it will be very embarrassing."

Luo Wei sniffed her scent quietly, feeling the soft long black hair from the side, and her quiet beauty beside her ears.

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I licked until I knelt down and begged for mercy?"


Ayi Ning shuddered, and slightly shrank her shoulders.

"You...should know who I am, right?"

"Of course, otherwise would you just sit like this?"


So, he was embarrassing himself on purpose?Although it was much better than being licked or something, I still felt embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"I...I already remember how embarrassing I am now, I will think about the consequences first in the future, let me go..."


Instead of letting go, Luo Wei clamped her between his legs.

How could I let you go.

Ayi Ning lowered her chin, raised her eyes and glanced forward.

Is my sister just for bullying...

I feel like I'm being bullied by him, being forced to hold him like this, my mood is completely punished.

Knowing that she is a younger sister, she was sure that she would be embarrassed, and she had to submit.

Ayi Ning clenched her lips, her shyness was about to spill out.

"Let me make amends in other ways...don't bully me like this, I really know I was wrong."

"elder brother……"

She cried out timidly.

Luo Wei's whole body trembled, as if all the pores felt the weight of this sentence, and his consciousness was hit violently.

She finally called me brother...

Falling to one side in a daze, Ayining turned her head and let out a soft "eh".

How did you fall down?
The leg was still being pressed by him, Ayi Ning blinked, and then remembered that he hadn't closed his eyes for two days and one night since he explored the ruins.


Looking at the figure with closed eyes leaning heavily on the pillow, Ayi Ning's eyes became softer, she approached his ear, and patted his back lightly.

"Sleep well."

However, she wanted to pull out her leg, but found that she couldn't.


Don't let me go...

She got up helplessly for a moment, worried that too much movement would wake him up, so she tried carefully.

At this moment, Luo Wei stretched out his hand and grabbed the hem of her clothes, and he would not let go.

"Tell me a bedtime story."

"……What do you want to hear?"

Seeing him lying there with his eyes closed, Ayining couldn't say anything, so she should put him to sleep quickly.

"Tell me about the plots in those novels." Luo Wei said with a smile, immersed in the aftertaste of that brother.


Ai Ning's face trembled.

Could this be something for a bedtime story?

"You see those are to protect sister, right?" Luo Wei continued to ask.

Ayi Ning pursed her lips, but did not answer.

Now that you know it's because of this, why do you want to... The villains in it are all very despicable and shameless.

Luo Wei closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Then...can't you let my brother learn it too, and use it to distinguish those temptations with ulterior motives?"

Ai Ning opened her mouth slightly.

There are indeed many similar plots in it. After telling him the consequences through the story, maybe Luyi's matter will be solved.


I only dare to peek, but I want to tell him...

I can't do it, it's too shameful!

After being silent for a while, seeing that she was unwilling to speak, Luo Wei opened his eyes and supported his head, sitting up with a sleepy face.

"Okay, I understand."


"After all, you're just a younger sister. It's my fault for telling you all my thoughts frankly."


A Yining couldn't tell for a moment, whether he was thinking this way sincerely, or complaining.

"Then... I'm leaving?" she said tentatively.

Rowe nodded.

"Let's go, and help me call Vermier here."

Ayi was stunned.

"You're not going to sleep?"


Sure enough, he was complaining.

Talking about letting her go, her legs are still pressed... like a child playing tricks, telling Vermeer to come over, isn't it just provoking her on purpose, showing that Vermeer's position is irreplaceable, and she can't win for her sister ?


Ayi Ning glanced at him reproachfully, and gently supported his back to make him lie down.

"I said... I said it's not okay?"

The consequences of going against his will are really tormenting, and I began to admire Saya for always being able to fight against him.


For my sister's happiness, my sister must have sacrificed too much.

Luo Wei closed his eyes contentedly, and at the same time pulled her over indiscriminately.

"Hey, hey...! Do you have to listen like this?"

Being so close, his calf was still pressed, and his stomach was almost touching his face.

Do you just want to fall asleep listening to your sister's voice?

Seeing that Luo Wei didn't want her to leave, as if he felt very insecure, Ayi sighed deeply, and began to talk about the plot of the story in each sentence.

The selections are naturally relatively plain.

Mostly everyday.

Even if it was such a bland segment, Luo Wei seemed to be very satisfied listening to it, and his breathing gradually slowed down.

However, the hands that grabbed her were always held tightly, as if he was afraid that if he let go of his hands, he would not be able to find her.


After confirming that he was asleep, Ayi Ning looked at the sleepy face with slightly furrowed brows, and the persistent strength of grabbing her waist, and suddenly felt a little indescribable pity.

What a helpless brother.

She stretched out her hand, gently stroked his shoulder, and smoothed his short black hair.

"I won't can sleep peacefully."

These words seemed to turn on some kind of switch, and the hand on the back of the waist slipped down.

Ayi showed a bitter smile.

My silly brother...


next morning.

A Yining came to the restaurant, and Wei Mier and Saya were already there with Lu Yi.

Seeing her limping, Vermier, who was carrying a picnic basket, asked curiously, "Aining, what happened to your leg?"

"It's okay... I accidentally fell asleep."

After meditating all night, he didn't leave until he woke up in the morning. His whole calf was already numb.

Come over for breakfast after a little delay, follow this routine every day, if you are absent for no reason, the problem may be even bigger.

"Can we continue to walk around the city today!?" Lu Yi who was beside me suddenly asked excitedly.

Several people turned around one after another, Ayi Ning said slowly:
"That depends on whether there are other arrangements for today."

After all, that person has the final say on this matter, and it is hard to say whether there is enough time in one day at Lan Temple.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and glanced at Saya.

Still very cold.

Or... colder than yesterday?

After a while, Luo Wei came from the other side of the room, brought Ke Luoxi and Athetana over for breakfast, and quickly conveyed the meaning of continuing to stay in the city today.

A Yining maintained a barrier and refused to comment, but Saya stood up directly and planned to leave without saying anything.

"Saya, are you today?"

Thinking of staying in the city and being responsible for Lu Yi, Ayining called out to her.

But Saya didn't respond, didn't stop, and left without saying a word.

Ayi Ning: "...?"

Vermier packed the picnic basket and explained from the side: "I asked her this morning, it seems that the matter with the bank has not been resolved."

Haven't withdrawn the deposit yet?
It does bore her.

Ai Ning was thoughtful, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Is that so?

(End of this chapter)

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