Chapter 174 The Withered Pure White Garden

After Luo Wei sent Vermeer to the church, he went to John's workshop.

Ryan has returned from Silent Night Forest.

"Long time no see, my dear friend."

The two hugged, and Ryan felt more reliable to Luo Wei, but his clean eyes and golden smile did not change at all.

Dealing with disputes between various forces must have made him grow a lot.

"So, you used that divine core to improve the team's strength?"

After listening to Ryan's recent experience, the demon god of Silent Night Forest is close to the level of a third-level god, and this battle is not easy.After going through hardships and hardships, Ryan did not use the god core to become a god, nor did he use it to forge weapons. Instead, he asked the dwarves and dragons to help arrange the ceremony, absorbed the power from the god core, and protected himself and Sheronde and others with divine power.

"Yes," Ryan suddenly smiled, "Compared with personal strength, I think this improvement is more effective."

"It's rare for me to agree with you this time." Luo Wei also smiled.

Under normal circumstances, the practice of absorbing the power of the god core is very rare. This destroys the integrity of the god core and will not make people a godhead. It is more similar to the effect of Athetana's divine power imprint. Generally speaking, no one wants to Share power with others.

Luo Wei understood Ryan's approach very well.

Sheronde and the others are definitely not weak. For example, Jas is the leader of the young generation of orcs, Jinlisi is the ancient survivor, and Joey is a typical God who rewards food but has a bad mouth. He took risks with Ryan and experienced adventures. , Dealing with major events, the growth path has long been different from that of ordinary people.

But they weren't Ryan after all.

Wei Miershaye and the others grew up fast because of his guidance as a character in the second week, and Ryan didn't know this. It is not only the most direct way to increase the team's overall upper limit by absorbing the god core, but also a manifestation of their mutual trust.

"I'm more relieved to hear you say that," Ryan said with a smile. "Are you interested in a competition? I want to know how far away you are."

"……no problem."

Luo Wei thought about it and agreed.

Although there is no suspense.

The flame demon sword in Ryan's hand is still the B-level flame demon sword in Gulia Demon Palace.

And he was wearing a high-level demon god battle suit, holding an SSS+ weapon...

The two came to the backyard of the workshop. John's workshop was much larger after it was expanded, and there was enough open space.

After half an hour.

"It seems that I'm still far behind, and I can't force you to use your full strength." Ryan put away the sword with a smile. "Compared to last time, you have become stronger than I expected."

"You didn't use your full strength." Luo Wei held down the hilt of his sword and smiled.

Lane now often has downstream levels of SSS.

You know, Vermeer also experienced high-intensity battles, and Ryan hasn't explored the Garden of Silence yet.

He is far behind him in the progress of the God War Relics.

If the opponent is not himself, but a mortal enemy that has to be defeated, this guy's will explodes, and the demon god who died tragically in the Silent Night Forest is the best illustration.

"Haha, thinking of having a close friend as strong as you in front, I am getting more and more motivated to fight now!"


Luo Wei had a stomachache for a while.

Although agreeing to practice is intended to motivate Ryan.

But with the development of the plot, Ryan should get the sword in the near future, and after experiencing the baptism of the relics of God's War, his peak state should not be too far from his own.

If there is no good enough god core, it is hard to say who is strong and who is weak after the godhead.

"Luo Wei, I wanted to have a drink with you, but unfortunately I may not have the chance today."

"It's okay." Seeing that Ryan still had something to do, Luo Wei withdrew his thoughts and nodded, "I'm just here to take a look, you go."

The chaotic chess game has been set.

When the flames are burning, the next time we meet will be in the Garden of Silence.

After spending a day in the Yinshen sect's workshop, Luo Wei took Vermeer back in the evening, finished training with A Yining after dinner, and then waited alone in the room.


However, as the night passed, no one came to knock on the door.


The next day, the ruins of the battle of the gods.

After staying for two days, the group returned to the exploration of the Land of the Gods of War, and Luyi had never been to the subsequent area. Luo Wei guided the direction of the shortcut and kept going down.

Saya's face was still as cold as ice.

And Ayining unexpectedly discovered that she was still standing with her before anyway, but now she doesn't even talk to her.

Facing her inquiries and suggestions, Saya didn't even look at her anymore, and handled the battle and food alone, maintaining a completely isolated indifference.

After posting several times but being ignored, Ayi Ning felt uneasy.

It was as if she was being blamed by her, and the only thing that could be blamed was obviously only one thing.

She... she knows?
"What's the matter? You seem to be unstable." Iluth passed by and asked lightly.

"No!" Ayining retorted subconsciously, and then realized that she was a little overreacted, so she quickly withdrew her thoughts.

Ellis smiled and walked away without saying anything.

A Yining panicked immediately, and she didn't know the reason at all, but she seemed to be convicted of betraying her sister at Saya's place, and her feet began to feel uneasy.

Luo Wei looked this way, and she immediately gave an anxious wink.

I couldn't talk to him for confirmation, so I could only hint in this way.

Luo Wei: "..."

Although it didn't mean that, but the younger sister's reaction now... really seems to be worried that the affair will be discovered.

Cooperating with himself, trying to make a good statement with his eyes...

Luo Wei sighed deeply.

Calm down first.


Saya didn't come to him after hearing such stimulation.

Does she know too much?
In the next four days, Saya didn't speak a word to them. If it wasn't for the resonance device still in Luo Wei's hands, she might have planned to act alone.

On the morning of the fifth day, Luo Wei got up and glanced at the figure who had finished watching in the middle of the night.

I don't know if it's a side effect of keeping my proud heart in place, this round of love and killing with her may be unavoidable.

After going back.

It seemed that one of them had to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Let's go."

Luo Wei took out the resonator and took a look. After taking a shortcut in the past four days, the next teleportation point is not far from the camp.

The traces of the black line are getting heavier and heavier, and the concealed truth is getting closer and closer.

"Luyi, I've never been here~!"

"It's okay, just stay with us."

In fact, since the blacksmith's place, it has been an unfamiliar area for Luyi, but Luo Wei guided her, making her think it was a secret passage she discovered.

In order to be able to play in the city, Crooked Demon did his best. The battle became more and more difficult after taking a shortcut and going deeper. Luyi also took out her dagger to join the battle.

It's all about making up for the knife.

Crooked Demon is very good at surprise attacks, but not good at dealing with multiple enemies. The price of high space mobility is that it has little protection ability.

"Look, there is a deserted garden ahead!"

Luyi shook her hands excitedly, Luo Wei raised his eyes from his meditation, and suddenly his eyes froze.


At this moment, a hallucination appeared in front of his eyes.

In an instant, the deserted garden came back to life, full of pure white flowers.


Not only that, even the floor and the soil all turned white, shrouded in a pure white halo, and it was impossible to tell what was what for a moment.

He squinted his eyes intently, and the breeze blew a scent of flowers that didn't smell much, making people feel like they were in a dream.

If I remember correctly, there was nothing to care about here.

"Yesterday, today, how are you doing?" 』

A light female voice like hello floated in his mind, and Luo Wei lowered his head, and saw that his body had also turned into pure white, and there was no trace of blood on his hands.

He had heard it before.

In the dormitory of "Lamahi the God of War", a voice suddenly came from behind calling him a starless person, causing him to leave Iluth aside.

"Who are you, Ancient God?"

He tried to speak consciously.

There are many gods sleeping in the ruins of the battle of the gods, and they need to be careful when they are approached by unknown voices.

What's more, there was no such sound in the last round, so we have to be more vigilant.

"That will disappoint you, I'm afraid. 』

The aria-like female voice narrates shallowly, as if reading an ancient poem.

"I may not be as wise as you imagined, and I am not a god admired by the world. 』

Luo Wei was dazed. Compared with the last time, the other party can now hear his own voice for a conversation, which means that they are closer to where she is.

Looking back, Ayi Ning and the others were trapped in a blur of light, turning gray and white and isolated from pure white, as if time had stopped flowing.

"what do you want."

Luo Wei returned to thinking and asked while maintaining his composure.

The breeze passed by gently, the light and shade floated, and there was a sense of sacred innocence.

"It's what you want that doesn't belong to this world." 』

The voice came from a clearly designated direction. Luo Wei raised his eyes and saw a thin white figure standing in the place where the Wugou white flowers were in full bloom, with white hair and gray eyes, and was immediately submerged by the surging sea of ​​white flowers.

"Come to me, Starless One. 』


Leaving such a sentence, the pure white garden withered and faded in an instant, leaving only the unbearable ruins, which continued to disappear within a few seconds, turning into an empty space.

"Huh...? Why is the garden gone?" Lu Yi wiped her eyes aside.

Look again or not.

"I... I saw it too," Ayining said, "But for some reason, my body seemed to pause just now."

Iluth was silent for a moment, and looked down at the lines on her fingertips.

Time passed.

She raised her eyes, looked at Luo Wei who was standing there without moving, and asked a rare question:
"what happened?"

Luo Wei stared there in a daze for a while, took a deep breath, and trembled unconsciously behind his back.

He didn't know how to explain it to them.

The one who appeared in the sea of ​​flowers just now is just a kind of differentiated familiar, but he can easily stop time, restrain powerful godheads like Saya and Iluth, and even invade the territory of other ancient gods.

In that piece of pure white, no blood vessels can be seen under the skin, as if the body and soul have been completely eroded.

Luo Wei didn't think that the deity was in a better state than the other dying gods, otherwise the relics of the gods would not be able to trap her at all.

But he can do this with his remaining strength, and he knows that he doesn't belong to this world just by perception.

Needless to say.

It is a first-level god.

"I'm afraid Lugda's detection has yielded results."

When he was in the Heishan Palace, Rugda burned his god core and found out that there were three first-level gods underground, and one of them had already rejected him.

But it can also be understood that Lugda's behavior will also be sensed by these former world rulers, and in turn cast their gazes on them.

Therefore, the pure white god saw that he was not of this world, lowered his posture and spoke to him as a mortal, expressing his will to find her.

This is the most reasonable explanation.


What is the meaning of the starless man?

When asked if she was an ancient god, why did she say that she would disappoint him?
Luo Wei couldn't get the answers to these questions for a while, but compared to the remaining ancient god "Lord of Dreams", this pure white unknown god is obviously more inclined to communicate with him, and even possesses more abilities beyond imagination. transcendent perception.

He walked forward slowly, and saw a small pure white flower blooming in the cracks of the bricks and stones that turned into an open space, so fragile that the air current caused by his walking would sway.


Crouch down and go.

Luo Wei gently held the stem of the flower, and several images flashed in his mind.

That was before Wuguanchengyuan appeared.

To the southwest, the beginning of Silent Night Forest, a land of war-torn demons.

Standing amidst the filth.

There is a land made entirely of pure white.

(End of this chapter)

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