Chapter 175


Thinking about the picture that flashed into his mind, Luo Wei gently picked up the little flower, which leaned against his hand softly and bonelessly.

It seems that I have to find time to go to the Demon Country alone.

Even if there is a trace of clues about that god, it is fine to decide whether to go to see her or not.

"Is it at this time?"

Once again, there is a lot of war there now, and this is what Ryan has a headache about.

Using the resonator to resonate the flowers, Luo Wei got up and turned his head, and found that everyone except Saya was looking at him.

Luo Wei: "..."

Seeing him talking to himself, I want a more detailed explanation.

"To put it simply," he said, spreading his hands, "Because of Lugda's self-assertion, we were targeted by a first-level god, probably."

Ayi Ning: "???"

Iluth: "..."

Lu Yi: "Who is 'the big one'...?"

Rowe shrugged and smiled.

"But don't worry, I seem to be the only one being targeted."

"How can we not..." Ayining subconsciously blurted out, choked suddenly and quickly changed his words, "How can we not solve this matter first, what if it affects the subsequent exploration?"

Luo Wei closed his eyes, and responded noncommittally: "Just give me a little time after I go back."

give you a moment?
Do you know what you're talking about? That's a first-level god!

Seeing that he was going to solve it alone again, Ayi Ning complained and glanced at him, and went to the ancient god's bedroom before anyway, so he passed away, what happened this time?

What exactly did you do?
Otherwise, there are five people in a group, why are you the only one who is staring at you?
Luo Wei: "..."

Please restrain yourself, sister, our adultery is about to be exposed.

He knew that this matter couldn't be explained, but when it comes to level one gods, it's always right to be cautious.

After successfully arriving at the scheduled teleportation point and returning to the quiet courtyard, Luo Wei left immediately to make preparations.


After holding back for five days, Saya spoke for the first time.

"I am very concerned about my own life."

Noticing Ayi's fixed gaze, she quickly withdrew her demeanor and coldly went back to the room with her arms folded.

However, after waiting for the room.

Saya closed the door and leaned against the door, then let go of the spear casually, suddenly feeling weak all over.


The exhaustion of fighting alone for days, the resistance to the erosion of the divine power domain, the endless boredom, the aftereffects of being exposed to heavy rain and restlessness, after being put on hold for a long time, at this moment, they all seemed to find her.

After hearing that idiot provoked a first-level god.

"Is this your revenge again, I must let me see you dead to be happy...?"


"Doesn't it matter how many catties and taels you have for yourself...!"

She supported her forehead for a while, and waited until her thoughts gradually calmed down, and she no longer thought about that person, then she set off to the bedside and let loose her long golden hair.

Go take a shower.

Then go to North Street again, and today I have to get the deposit back no matter what.

Just as she was holding a change of clothes and preparing to enter the bathroom, a voice suddenly came from behind the curtain:

"What a coincidence, let's wash together?"


Saya's spirit trembled violently, and her soul was almost frightened away. The clothes in her hand dropped several times before she could hold them firmly.

Looking over there, standing behind the curtain, the person leaning against the window with a calm face, whoever it is if it's not that bastard!

Her eyes widened.

"When were you there!!?"

"Of course it was before you entered the door." Luo Wei folded his arms and squinted his eyes, "I can't tell, so you really care about me."


Isn't this guy going to prepare for the matter of a first-level god?

How could it be in my room! ?
How did he get in!
All heard! ? ?
Luo Wei admired the change of expression on her face the whole time. As the owner of the workshop, he has the keys to all the rooms in the workshop, which is reasonable.

Glancing at the clothes she held in her hand, he sighed: "Tsk tsk, you occasionally pick some cute styles."

"get out!!!"

With a white background and red lace, Saya naturally wouldn't let him look at it, she folded her hands and pushed him away angrily.

Luo Wei took three steps back and then stopped, walking towards her again. Since he successfully caught her by surprise with the information of a first-level god, he naturally wouldn't stop there.

When he stretched out his hands, Saya pushed him away again.

"what are you going to do!?"

"What do you say?"


Seeing him approaching again reluctantly, Saya reached out and summoned a spear, threatening him.

"Don't come here again!"

Luo Wei didn't listen to her.

This made Saya's complexion change suddenly, and the backlog of hatred in her heart surged up. At first, she thought that anyone could do it, but later found out, whether it is the fifth princess or A Yining, anyone can do it, but only She can't.

Think of me now, don't you?

Saying what won't put my affairs aside...

All liars!
Gritting her teeth tightly, she took two steps back, swiped the gun with obvious intentions, and signaled him not to come any closer.

Luo Wei did not hide.

The barrel of the gun hit his arm directly, knocking him flying and breaking a crack in the wall.


You can avoid it by taking a step back.

Why not hide! ?

Luo Wei stood up from the wall with one hand, his left hand was broken, and his face was cold.

"There are only two results today."

"Either you beat me to my knees and beg for mercy."

"Or... I'll lick you to your knees and beg for mercy."

Saya: "!!!!!!"

She was dumbfounded.

"Are you crazy? You...!"

"You know it clearly, don't you?" Luo Wei interrupted her loudly, "Since you don't come to me, then only I will come to you."

"Get out! I won't let you...!"

By someone like you...

Saya looked around confusedly, ran into the bathroom without looking back, and locked the door, and then the sound of the key turning the lock was heard immediately, and the door was unscrewed.


She was stunned for a second, seeing Luo Wei opening his mouth to dazzle, jumped out of the window without any hesitation, and came into the courtyard.

There is a fucking key! !
Saya was already frightened into swear words in her heart. This is what she heard when she went to the bank and heard people scolding the street. How many things did this bastard prepare!
Turning around and seeing the other party chasing after him, Saya spread her wings and flew up without even thinking about it. The courtyard is like a sphere, so it's no problem to do flying training. Now he won't...

Then, she saw Luo Wei take out his left-handed sword with his right hand, draw a magic platform in mid-air, and catch up with two steps.


With a click, Saya, who had never thought that the opponent had the ability to move in the air, was caught off guard and was knocked down from mid-air by Rowe.

what! !
He obviously can do this, and he let me deliberately hug him and fly! !
big liar! ! !
When the two fell heavily to the ground, Shaye punched Luo Wei, who was approaching without hesitation, and sent him flying several meters away.

Athetana, who set up the Beast God Domain beside her: "..."

Sitting in the open-air hall deep in the workshop, you can almost see the entire courtyard. This scene cannot be regarded as unseen.

Even though she has experienced many disputes in the world, Athetana has never seen this scene, especially after Luo Wei stood up without any regrets.

Is this a new way of playing...

A Yining and Lu Yi who heard the movement also rushed out, and they froze there for a while.

"Look, Uncle Luo Wei wants to lick Saya!"

Ayi gave a sharp pause, and quickly covered Luyi's eyes, but she was dumbfounded.

Although the brutality between the two of them had been witnessed for a long time, Luo Wei, who was being beaten at the moment, looked calm and did not hide at all, while Saya, who was beating someone, was full of fear.

In the end who is the perpetrator, even for a moment can not tell.

Saya's movements became uncertain, and Luo Wei knocked her down with a slight smile, and lightly brushed her cheek.


She clenched her fists tightly and bent her legs to try to push him away, but she hesitated for a moment. The feeling of her cheek being licked made her feel electrified, and she endured it humiliatingly for a moment.

What the hell are you...

With her eyes closed, her breathing became heavier and heavier, and the slippery tip of her tongue touched her ear. Saya shuddered violently, pulled him up and pressed him to the ground as if awakened, and punched him hard.

This punch made Ayining's eyelids twitch, and she couldn't help gritting her teeth.

Do you want to inform Vermeer to come back?
I can't let Saya continue to fight like this. In the past, it was just a mess in training. Now Saya is a godhead, and Luo Wei doesn't resist. Is it okay to fight like this?

Now she is a little angry with Saya.


It's two people who are angry!

How can you treat him like this, and how can you treat yourself like this?

Do you really think no one cares?

Ayi swallowed her throat and looked back at Athetana. The other party seemed to be asking for her opinion, and there seemed to be some way.

The two looked at each other, and Ai Ning nodded.

No matter what the method is, it is better to use it first than to continue like this.

Athetana took a slow breath, then activated the imprint of divine power, instilled divine power, and healed the wounds all over Rovi's body.

Saya: "?"

Luo Wei: "Oh, the second round."

He pushed Saya down and buried it in his chest without hesitation.


Feeling being pushed, Saya's face turned red, and she turned her leg and shot Rovi out like a cannonball.

The eyes of Athetana and Aining followed from one side of the courtyard to the other.

The two looked at each other again.



Although the wound was healed, why did the strength increase instead?
"You... have no sense of shame!"

Feeling the eyes of the other two, Saya's face burned with shame, how dare he...!
I just fell for him...!
Veins popped out of her forehead with anger, and she became even more furious when she saw that guy standing up and walking this way again. She spread her wings and swooped down close to the ground, dragging him up, throwing him in the opposite direction and catching up at top speed, throwing him heavily Pressed on the ground, holding his hands and feet so that he couldn't move.

"what on earth do you want……!"

"Didn't you say that?" Luo Wei smiled, "It depends on which result you choose."

The situation of being watched by others made her face flushed, but this guy was still calm, and gently sniffed the ends of her loose and hanging hair.

Saya roared angrily in a low voice: "Shut up for me...!"

"I thought about it, you seem to have a third option." Luo Wei responded.

"What is it?"

"Lick me to my knees and beg for mercy."


Saya slapped two punches, and she was so angry that she wanted to go up and bite him with her teeth. No one had ever made her so helpless and had nowhere to vent her anger.

"Can't you let me go! I've been tortured enough by you!"

Think about why.

If he really intended to deceive her, why bother to cover those wounds for her, do those trainings, and prepare her for promotion in that way?
He also helped her find the Lieyang Divine Spear.

But, why do you care about other people, but don't worry about her feelings?

why! !

Saya wanted to yell it out, but she couldn't, and for some reason she couldn't.

"I'm afraid it won't work, my lady angel."

Luo Wei was pressed like this, looked at her and said.

Saya's expression jumped, and her brows became ferocious.

"If you say anything, you won't put my affairs aside. If you have any reason, tell me!!"

Luo Wei looked at her without blinking.

"How do you know that I didn't pay attention to your affairs by deliberately ignoring you, otherwise I would just pretend that nothing happened?"


Saya was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean?
Luo Wei said without changing his eyes: "From the way you looked at me and Vermier, I knew you were angry because of Loveley."


Saya pulled back slightly and let go of his hand.

"Since you know everything, why do you still..."

"Because other people would have existed, just like Vermeer existed before you."


Saya now knew why she couldn't shout out loud.

From my point of view, what qualifications do I have to criticize him? Even if I want to do this, that person should be Vermeer.

Just like the slap on the magic warship back then, the justice was so severe that it was irrefutable.

"I didn't... I'm not angry for that reason! Stop getting carried away!"


Luo Wei stood up slowly, looking directly at her with brown pupils.

"But no matter what other people are, it doesn't stop me from liking Miss Angel."

Saya couldn't react to the sudden words for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she hurriedly turned her face away, not daring to meet his gaze.

" bastard...what the hell are you talking about..."

What did he say in a hurry?
The emotional ups and downs were too great, and I couldn't adjust my mood for a while, and I wasn't sure what he meant.

"So, can we continue?"

"What? You think I'll forgive you like this?"

Think about it carefully, how can anyone deliberately neglect others to reconcile, and human beings still have this kind of reconciliation?Could it be that I haven't studied enough?
And he, on the other hand, put coming to her even before preparing for a first-level god. Does this count as seriousness and sincerity?
Am I more important than a level [-] god?
I'm only a little more important than preparation?
Saya frowned, her mind was muddled.

And Rowe said at this time:
"No, no, I think you misunderstood something."

"I mean,"

"One of us must kneel down and beg for mercy in two days today, can we continue?"

Saya: "!!!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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