Chapter 176 There is a way to make money the fastest...

Saya kicked his face away with a boot, and every feather on his wings was written with resistance.

"I still have something to do, I don't have time to do this with you...!"

This guy can't stand it at all!
How can someone get more and more vigorous! ?
"Oh? Let me guess, your deposit requires a lot of procedures, and you need new procedures when you do it, right?"

"How do you know..."

Saya choked for a moment. No one else knew where she was when she went to do these things by herself, so how could she know everything?

Luo Wei looked at her and shook his head.

Everyone knows that there is no such situation as Crown City, the private banks run by businessmen are facing a large number of withdrawals, and the investment projects are locked up. There is not so much currency storage, how can it be possible for you to withdraw it easily.

After being kicked for two days without knowing it, it can only be said that this angel is still too young.

"I can help you get back the deposit, after that you should have time, right?"


There must be a limit to talking big.

I was ready to spend a day in this matter, but he said it like an extremely light thing.

"Don't believe me?" Luo Wei saw her suspicion, and smiled, "How about a bet, your deposit will be available within 10 minutes after arriving there."

Three 10 minutes? ? ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
First of all, you have to submit the previous materials, then fill in the form again, issue an application, and conduct a qualification assessment...

"Then it's settled."

While thinking about it, Luo Wei suddenly interrupted her train of thought, and Saya was stunned for a long time before she recovered.

That's a deal?
What's settled...

Co-authoring is my default!
"Hey, wait for me!"

Saya chased after him, walked with him, and started dancing and discussing something.

Athetana: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Seeing that they were beaten to death three minutes ago, and now they suddenly talked normally as if nothing happened, the two silently looked at each other again.

It's their problem, right?

Is this all right? ? ?

Athena let out a long sigh.

"Young people nowadays, I don't understand more and more..."


Crownless City, North Craftsman Street, Craftsman Bank.

Luo Wei led Saya into the hall. At this time, the only customer in front of the counter got up and walked towards them with a bitter expression on his face.

And the clerk at the counter stroked his curly beard with hooks, without hiding the complacency on his face.

That look seemed to say:

Too weak, next.

Luo Wei walked over unmoved, sat down on a chair, and Saya, who was holding a large stack of application forms and certificates, stood aside, her face full of suspicion.

I'd like to see how you can solve it within 10 minutes.

"Deposit or withdraw?" The teller smiled professionally.


"No problem, show me the deposit contract."

Luo Wei took the bottom sheet from Saya and handed it to the other party.

The teller thought for a moment.

"Hmm... You, have you prepared all the materials?"

"No," Rowe replied bluntly, "I'm going to start from scratch."

Start from scratch! ?

Saya next to her was so startled that her eyes almost popped out, what the hell was he talking about!
Starting from scratch, it must not take another two or three days! ?
Luo Wei ignored her, and skillfully took out the pen and paper, and put a magic projector on his shoulder.

"Come and tell me, what procedures do you need to prepare for getting a regular term here?"

The curly bearded teller subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Could it be that this person intends to summarize the entire process and then sell it as a withdrawal manual?What's that blu-ray box on his shoulder for?

but it does not matter.

Rules can be changed, idiot.

He stroked his beard and talked eloquently, and Luo Wei quickly wrote most of it on that piece of paper.

"Also," the teller raised one leg and continued, "A few days ago, the demon kingdom and the lake elves officially went to war. During the war, we must ensure that the deposits are handed over to those who really need them. Therefore, we must pass our internal special approval."

"Okay, I understand," Luo Wei raised his gaze and looked at him, "Is there any more?"

"Go and do these things first," the teller smiled, "That should be all."

He tossed the quill from his hand.

In this way, another one is solved.

How can it be possible for you to easily make a withdrawal manual? I am afraid that few fools will be fooled by this level.

"Then what if I make a deposit?" Luo Wei asked suddenly at this moment.

The teller came to God immediately.

"You only need to deliver the stored currency and sign a form. I personally strongly recommend regular storage here. It not only has..."

"That is to say," Luo Wei interrupted him, and looked down. "You only need to pay for deposits, but so many procedures are required for withdrawals, right? OK, I understand."

Teller: "?"

Before he could react, Luo Wei got up and stood up, controlling the Magic Projector to face the paper he had written on.

"Shocked! Citizens of the Crownless City must watch it! So many steps are required to withdraw money from the Craftsman Bank!"


Hearing that he suddenly read aloud in a critical tone, and carefully read the list line by line with the box on his shoulder, the curly bearded teller was a little confused for a moment.

"You... what are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Luo Wei continued his actions without raising his head, "just read the headline for the report."

The curly bearded teller paused after the quill pen, and a bank executive inside rushed over immediately when he heard the sound.

"That, that, you want to withdraw money, right?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, I haven't started the formalities yet."

"No formalities, no formalities," the person in charge kicked the curly-bearded teller away, and said with an apologetic smile, "What are you planning to report?"

"Nothing," Luo Wei responded lightly. "During the war, I plan to set up a newspaper office to report various current situations related to the war in Crownless City and publicize it to the citizens of the city for free."

The smile on the person in charge froze.

"Newspaper? Oh... ok ok, we should publicize it well, just give me the deposit slip, do you want to withdraw all of it? ok, wait a moment..."

Saya: "???"

In less than a minute, the other party came back panting.

"Hello, here are all your deposits, with interest totaling 60 forests, 1 forest and 27 woods, please keep it."

Luo Wei didn't count, and casually placed the purse on top of Saya's mountain of materials, right in front of her eyes.

Saya: (x)
She looked up at the time, only 15 minutes had passed.

The bag of money was placed in front of him.

Isn't this not doing what the other party said at all! !
"Oh, what's wrong with your face." On the other side, the person in charge caught a glimpse of the bruises on Luo Wei's face, and said quickly, "We have a special herbal ointment for bruises, just wait a moment and I'll bring it to you. "

"I see, there is no need."

"Where is it! It must be!"

The person in charge ran to the back with a huff.

Saya looked at Luo Wei from the side in a daze, and was a little distracted for a while.


No matter how powerful you are outside, it's not because you were beaten by me.

Do something amazing...

After a while, the person in charge came over and sincerely handed over the ointment, and presented a small bell with red ears hanging on it.

"This is a little wish from us, please accept it..."

Luo Wei put the bell in front of Saya, together with the money bag, she opened her mouth, but said nothing.


It's the so-called spoils.

The two left the bank, Saya reached out to put the money bag away, and threw everything else into the bag.

Then I found a waste point and prepared to throw it away.

"Wait, wait, what are you doing!?" Luo Wei quickly stopped her.

Saya held her chest and turned back angrily, "I've finished everything, what are you doing with these things?"

Luo Wei looked at her with trembling lips.

"Do you believe that with these things, I can let you sit in prison?"


Saya lowered her head and glanced, for some reason, he made it sound like the bag was full of her own crimes.

Forget it, he has a point anyway.

Feeling that the wallet in her pocket was bulging, Saya was in a rare mood not to quarrel with Luo Wei.

"Speaking of which, if the other party would rather be told by you than accept it, how do you plan to withdraw the money?"

She wanted to know how this guy was so sure that the other party would submit to him.

If the opponent is dead on to the end, wouldn't 10 minutes be enough?
"you guess."

Luo Wei laughed at her beaming look.

Of course, he was not sure that the other party would definitely be threatened. Whether he could see his extraordinaryness from the magic projection was just a hint, and he could really expose it without withdrawing money from him.

For a private chamber of commerce bank under this anarchic structure, the biggest fear is not that there are too many people withdrawing money.

It's that no one saves money.


The content of his bet was only that Saya would get the deposit in three to ten minutes, but he didn't say where he got it from.

For her, the 60 cents are all her belongings.

For Luo Wei, the boss of the big workshop...

Oh, it's just pocket money, you can give it to her at any time.

On the way here, the angel lady asked him seriously what the salary slip was and where it should be issued.

As everyone knows, she doesn't have such a thing at all, and even Bai Lier's income in the studio is higher than hers...

"Come here! Fragrant and big chicken balls in white sauce!"

Hearing the yelling from the side of the road, Saya's attention was immediately attracted, and she stopped asking.

Anyway, his mind is full of conspiracies and tricks, and if he knows it, it may not end well.

"I, I got the money back, how about treating you to chicken balls?"

"The fragrant and big one?" Luo Wei laughed.

"if not?"


Heh... the thanks he wanted came after that.

When the two came to the food stall, Saya touched the wallet and waved her hand very proudly.

"Boss, I want all the chicken balls!"



Luo Wei praised secretly at the side, it's the same as saving money at ordinary times, but it's easy to lose a huge sum of money.

Sure enough, money corrupts the soul.

So this kind of price should continue to be borne by him alone.

Seeing Saya carrying a whole bag of chicken balls and handing him a bunch of them lavishly, Luo Wei smiled wryly. It was the first time in history that he was invited to dinner by this angel.

This made Luo Wei decide to tell her the surprise as promised.

"Speaking of which, when do you plan to pay back my eleven sets of clothes?"


Saya stopped touching her pocket.

The chicken ball in the mouth, it is not fragrant immediately.

And the fullness felt in the hand seemed to be suddenly becoming barren, and it was far away from her in the blink of an eye...

"No, isn't it the money for the eleven sets of maid clothes," she said hesitantly, "I haven't forgotten! It's a total of 55 cents, and I'll give it to you when I get back!"

When he left Baigang Town, he had paid for the clothes in advance, and the two of them had signed a bill of arrears, but even if she hadn't signed it, she would have found a way to repay it.

I don't want to owe him anything.

It's just that he didn't mention it all the time, so he planned to use the bank money to make money from mining, and give it to him when he accumulated a little more.

So what if I give it to him now.

I still have 5 Sen coins!Next time you can definitely make money!
"Did you do something wrong?"

Luo Wei looked at her with a sneer, and took out the arrears contract from his arms.

"What you need to repay in total is 263 forests, 72 forests and 59 trees."


Saya's eyelids twitched.

"You... what nonsense are you talking about! That 55 Sen coins are clearly written on it!!"

Luo Wei was indifferent, and shook the list in front of her, so that she could see it more clearly.

"Didn't you also keep one? Didn't you read the details on it? Since you all know that bank deposits have interest, why do you think there is no such thing as borrowing from others?"

Saya: "..."

That kind of thing is annoying when I see it, why should I look carefully...

At the beginning, this bastard, but he just let himself pay for the clothes, and let himself use that method...

"But how could there be so many!!"

She really couldn't understand why the debt of 55 cents became 263 in a few months! ! ? ?
All my possessions... not even a small amount...

"Come on, let me show you."

Pulling Saya who was holding the chicken ball aside, Luo Wei started his compound interest calculation.

Saya acted like a bewildered child the whole time, holding the bag and snapping her fingers, the amount went up somehow.

One three six seven nine...

It was exactly the same until it finally settled on that number.

Saya: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Saya: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

"I... will find a way to raise money, give me some time!"

"Don't be so panic." Facing her reaction as if being forced by usury, Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly, "You know that there is a way to make money the fastest..."

Saya choked out a breath.

That is……

Private, private order...

Luo Wei put away the contract sheet without changing his expression. He knew that angels don't value money, but they value contract integrity. He drew closer, looked at her face, and raised his hand to pinch her chin.

Saya didn't resist.

"So... what to do tonight, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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