Chapter 178 I, Saya, Didn't Beg For Mercy!

Throughout the afternoon, Luo Wei stayed with Saya.

Stir slowly in the ear, feel the line of the vest inch by inch on the abdomen, go around the neck to the back covered by the long hair.

In the evening, when there was a knock on the door, Luo Wei got up to answer it, and found Ke Luoxi standing outside.

She held dinner for two in her hand.

"Ah...well, A Yining asked me to deliver dinner."

"Understood, give it to me."

Luo Wei took it in his hand and shrugged slightly.

Ayi Ning is really well-intentioned.

It is impossible for her to send it by herself, otherwise it would be like inquiring about the situation, and I am afraid she would not tell Vermier to make a small report, and Luyi and others are not suitable either.

In the end, Ke Luoxi could only be brought over to do this.

"I didn't...beg for mercy...!"

A weak but stubborn voice came from behind, Ke Luoxi blinked her eyes, and suddenly became interested.

"What are you playing, it looks very interesting! Can you take me?"

Rowe's eyelids twitched.

You better stop making trouble...

"You have nothing to build? What have you researched with so many magical materials? Are all the orders on hand finished?"


Luo Wei's eyes sank, and he was about to drive her outside with the plate in one hand, but Ke Luoxi looked back reluctantly.

His tone was full of unwillingness.

"Aren't you going to play with me again!?"


Luo Wei ruthlessly closed the door.

This guy……

Should it be said that she grew up in a slum but was lucky enough not to see such a thing? The only person who threatened her was a wife who had the same zero experience as her.

"I didn't beg for mercy..."

Saya lay there, continuing to breathe and pant.

Yes yes yes you did not.

Luo Wei looked at it and smiled, his purpose from the very beginning was not to make her beg for mercy, but to make her hold on to that tone stubbornly with the mentality of not being able to beg for mercy.

Repeatedly emphasizing this point in her heart, thinking that she must never beg for mercy, suddenly made her sense of shame and shame rise to a higher level, and her reaction was really amazing.

After holding back for such a long time, she might be very happy when she finally won, as if he had defeated his plot.


It has long been finished by Huo Huo.

Seeing that Saya didn't even have the strength to get up, Luo Wei forked a piece of creamy chicken nugget to her mouth, and slowly slid it on her mouth, coating her soft lips with cream.

"What's wrong... who came in just now..."

All to the point of insanity?
Luo Wei shook his head and said, "I'll tell you if you taste the cream."


Saya opened her eyes slightly, subconsciously stretched out her tongue and licked it, almost instinctively swallowed the cream on her lips little by little, and her movements in a circle seduced people's thoughts.

The proud and invincible angel...

"Come on, it's time to eat, you don't want me to feed you like this, come on, open your mouth, ah—"

"Get off... get off... I don't, I don't want you..."

Putting the chicken nuggets that had been smeared back and forth several times around her mouth into his own mouth, Rowe picked her up like a baby.

"Come on, baby Saya, it's time to eat."



On the other side, Ke Luoxi returned to the lounge empty-handed.

"How is it?" Ayi Ning glanced at Wei Mier who was wiping her mouth with a handkerchief after eating stupidly, and raised her head to ask.

"Shaye said she didn't beg for mercy... Are they playing some punishment game?"

Vimir over there tilted her head.

"Huh...? Are the two of them fighting again?"

"Ah...uh, um, yes." Ayi Ning said hesitantly.

Ke Luoxi clenched her fists unwillingly.

"Really, don't take me to play!" She looked at the two and said, "Why don't we play their games too! It must be very interesting!"

"No...that's still, please forgive me for refusing."

Ayi frowned.

The game of licking to the knees and begging for mercy...

Saya is really strong, since she came back at noon until now, maybe it would be better if she begged for mercy...


After dinner, Shaye kicked away Luo Wei who wanted to come in, and soaked in the bathroom alone.

Looking at the little yellow duck hanging above the water, she managed to regain some sanity.

"Damn...this guy..."

Now as soon as I close my eyes, I can recall the feelings from my body, lingering in my mind.

He just ate all the smell on her body.

Why can't I forget...!
She patted the yellow duck with her hand, splashing water, feeling extremely complicated.

Even if he was a little self-aware, he didn't mess with some strange parts, otherwise his dog's head would have to be chopped off.

Fortunately, he didn't beg for mercy. In this way, he lost. How could he succeed in begging for mercy on his knees!

Slowly clearing up her thoughts, Saya gradually regained her composure, got up from the bathtub, dried her hair, put on her pajamas and went out.

Turns out the guy was still there.

"Why are you still...?" Saya stood at the door in a daze, "Didn't you say to take a shower?"

"That's right," Luo Wei smiled, "but I also said that today I'll be here with you all day, so where can I wash if I'm not here?"


Want to take a shower here? ?

"Go back to my room and wash!" Saya roared, "Aren't you willing to walk just a few steps away!"

Luo Wei got up and approached her.

"Let's not talk about this, did you wear what I asked you to wear inside?"

"Go away...!"

Saya naturally knew what he was referring to. After seeing the red and white one before, when he said he was going to take a bath, he emphasized that he wanted her to wear that suit.

That's obviously the original scheduled change of clothes, okay?

He said it as if he was wearing it specially for him to see, how can there be such a shameless person!
"So, you're wearing it, right?"

She didn't answer, but gave him a hard look as if he was about to see through his pajamas. The latter didn't say anything, and went into the bathroom with a smile.

Three 10 minutes later.

"Where's my change of clothes?"

Seeing Luo Wei poking his head out from the bathroom door, Saya sat on the bed with a disgusted face.

"I still need to prepare a change of clothes for you?"

"What else? I come out naked?"


How could someone be so shameless!

I smelled and tasted her body, and now I have to wear her clothes! ?
Saya got up angrily, grabbed a set of pajamas from the closet, and threw it at him from a distance.

Luo Wei leaned over to catch it before landing, and glanced at it in his hand.

"That's it?"

"What else? What else do you want?"

"I haven't changed my clothes for five days, oh..." Luo Wei suddenly realized halfway through speaking, "So you don't usually wear clothes? What a pervert."


What do you mean I'm a pervert?
Saya was thinking about how to reply to him, but suddenly her face froze.

"You don't... want to wear... wear mine?"

"It seems that you are so shy, that's okay, I can choose by myself."

"Wait! Wait! Wait for me!"

Luo Wei was about to go out, Shaye quickly covered his eyes to stop him.

He still wants to choose by himself? ?

Speaking of which, the first time I went to find him, he was naked without saying a word. Does this guy have some kind of exhibitionism?
It's not like this usually!
If you refuse him here, this bastard will definitely get worse, and will definitely say "you told me not to wear it", and then take the opportunity to do something shameless.

Gritting her teeth, she saw that the guy between her fingers had come out half of her body, Shaye turned her head to the closet with a feeling of boredom, and took a set of the most plain.

"Take it and don't give it back to me!" She closed her eyes and threw it away.

"Okay okay."


The original meaning was to dislike being worn by him, how did it become as if it was given to him on purpose?
It's too late to regret it.

Luo Wei was also taken aback.

White, pure cotton, but how could she give me a set?He lowered his head and looked at it silently. It was even flatter than Lovely, and it didn't seem to be able to support her size.

Well, don't be in vain.

Holding it in her hand and sniffing it, Saya's face immediately changed, and she was about to find a spear, but Luo Wei closed the door with a smile.

Come out after changing, two people.



Sitting on the bed, Saya felt that the atmosphere was strange no matter how she thought about it.

Inhale her scent, use her bath products, wear her clothes, it's almost like becoming one with her.

"Please start your performance, Miss Saya."


To put it bluntly, don't you just want to be hugged?

Saya moved her legs and found that her heart was much more tense than before, as if she was facing great resistance even if she got close to him.

what happened……

It wasn't like this before?
Seeing him looking like he was waiting to be hugged, as if he had to, Saya tried a few times but was too embarrassed to reach out.

Don't look at me like that, you bastard! !
"I made you so comfortable during the day, isn't it normal to replace me now?"


He actually said it was comfortable! ?I didn't!

Shaye was annoyed for a while, and walked around behind him impatiently, facing him sideways, and tied him up with her arms angrily.

Luo Wei silently lowered his head.

"I don't know, I thought you were going to wrestle with me."

"Why, you still have an opinion!"

"No problem, but Miss Saya, if I am not satisfied with your service, I won't pay for it."


you dare!

She turned her face angrily, turned her face sideways and bound him reluctantly with both hands.

"In this way, you will have nothing to say."

"Indeed, it looks like it's going to throw me on the back."

"If you say that again, I can really do it for you!"

Both of them were wearing relatively thin pajamas, and it felt like the front of them was squeezed on his back, but this guy was still leaning back!

Forget it, it's still twisting!
Saya really wanted to give this guy Bangbang two punches, but in order to pay off the debt, she had to endure it and gritted her teeth hard.

Luo Wei heard her gnashing of teeth.

Looking back, her expression was as if she had eaten nine large intestines.

"Is it useful to hug someone with your expression, Miss Saya, there is something wrong with your service attitude."

"I'll screw your head off first, and the attitude will be fine."

Luo Wei took a slow breath and turned around from her arms.

"It seems that you don't know what tenderness is at all, so I have to demonstrate it once more."


Saya just showed doubts, but was hugged by the other party, and she was overwhelmed again, and she used her lips to walk around her neck unscrupulously.


Come again! ! ?

I just got out of the shower!

An hour later, Ayining knocked on their door.

Although he was a little nervous in his heart, as long as he remained completely unmoved during the training of refining qi and transforming into gods, and then asked them to treat each other well, and finally left cleanly, the misunderstanding should be cleared up.

However when the door opened.

She stood there stunned for a moment.

It was Luo Wei who opened the door, but what he saw was Saya, who was hugging her from behind, making Saya's arms squeeze in front of her, making her chest extremely full.

The angel's face was as red as a cloud of fire, as if he had been forced to experience something extremely shameful, but he couldn't resist.

Ayi Ning: "..."

It seems that the two are going to the heat.

But isn't it already night?

They shouldn't be in this state all day long...?
Ayi Ning choked, stood at the door, but took a small step back.

She is now beginning to hesitate whether to go in or not.

(End of this chapter)

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