Chapter 179 It's Just a Button
Are you still not letting go...

Standing at the door, A Yining's expression became stiff. If she turned around and left here, wouldn't it make Saya feel as if she cared about their relationship?

Saya's complexion was not much better either, she was facing her with a flushed face, but she didn't dare to look at her.

What did she go through...

"Ahem, I'm here for tonight's training, you...?"

Luo Wei hugged Saya and made way for her.

"Then come in."

The very indifferent tone is also in line with the guess that he intends to clear up the misunderstanding.

Ayi Ning thought about it, and decided to go in, pretending not to see the intimacy between them.

However, seeing the confiscated plates and the messy and misplaced sheets inside, she gave another wry smile in her heart.

This is too...

It's almost as intense as never letting go of a moment.

"Shall we start?" she said over her shoulder.

These two people, don't plan to keep showing her like this all the time, it doesn't matter, but she doesn't plan to bother them here all the time.

Luo Wei lightly brushed Saya's neck, causing her jaw to shrink.

"Have you learned it?"

Saya's face was full of shame, she gritted her teeth and did not respond.

Luo Wei hugged her and came to the bed without tidying the sheets, let go of Saya and put her aside, then said to A Yining:
"Come up."

come up...

Ayi Ning's face turned black, if it is not proved clearly, then it is really impossible to wash it off by jumping into the river.

She sat down opposite Rowe with a cold expression, only then did she notice that he was wearing Saya's pajamas.


Closing her eyes, she remained unmoved, inspired her own energy, and was ready to repair the magic power for him.

After practicing for so long, after putting on the Demon God's Battlesuit, there is only some finishing work left, after that, there is no need to...

Seeing that Luo Wei stimulated the magic power, she withdrew her thoughts and devoted herself to the repair of the magic power.

Then immediately find out what is wrong.


How did he poke out some of his magic power?
Opening it and taking a look, Ayining couldn't help but gasped, her breath was almost out of order.

He actually...

Is it because of what happened to Saya just now?

How do I fix this?

The two sat facing each other, and they were so close to themselves when poked out. When they lowered their heads, it should not be too obvious, and then thinking about the appearance of seeing the real thing, Ayining's breath suddenly became unstable.

She tried a few times but didn't calm down. She shouldn't be able to, but she seemed to be able to smell the smell.

"You..." She frowned and opened her eyes, only to see Saya on the side avoiding her sight in panic.

This made Ayi Ning's heart sink.


Watching my reaction?
If I say here that they have to deal with it before training, doesn't it mean that I have noticed it... Last time in the hot spring, Saya asked if it was a weapon, but I don't know if she knows it now.

This risk cannot be taken.

As a younger sister, I am concerned about that kind of place.

But... there is no need to poke so high in front of my sister...

He must know that he already knew it, and he can judge it by using his breath. He didn't say anything, because he tried but couldn't suppress it?

Ayi Ning: "..."

This feeling,

Obviously both of them knew it, and it was too...

It's almost like poking for her.

Why do I have to come to them at this time...

Ayi Ning was about to cry, she silently recited the scriptures twice to divert her attention, but when she regained her senses, it still didn't stop.


It can only be this way.

She closed her eyes as if she didn't know anything, silently repairing his magic power, pushing it little by little with air.

Then... deliberately avoid that area.

Just around, carefully and carefully, proceeding...

However, the training of Qihuashen requires extreme concentration. Doesn't this mean that I not only noticed it, but also focused on trimming my surroundings.

It's like staring at it all the time.

After doing this, she found that it came out even more, and occasionally shook.

Uh... that's not the case.

not like this……

In the current situation, it was as if the reaction was caused by her own sight, Ayining blushed, but she had no chance to explain or argue.

If this continues, Saya will definitely notice.

"Okay." Ayining said suddenly, holding back her breath, forcibly maintaining her composure on her face.

Saya on the side was stunned, and asked:
"Didn't it all end when his mana was exhausted before?"

"That' should still need to use magic power later, so just half of the training today will be fine."

"How is this possible!" Saya suddenly felt cold, "His magic power must be exhausted!"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Saya: "..."

The two looked at each other, A Yining now knew what Saya was up to.

He wanted to use up all of Luo Wei's magic power so that he could escape and resist.

so close.

Didn't notice her side.

"How can I do that?" Ayi stood up and said, "How can I influence the two of you to make out, just don't hurt yourself again."

Saya: "!!!"

Having said all that, Ayining turned around and left without going over, for fear of revealing a flaw on her face.

"Hey, wait...wait..."

Luo Wei opened his eyes until then, and stopped Saya, who was reaching out to A Yining for help.

"How about it, do you need me to teach you again?" He said meaningfully.

"no no--!"

"Then you know what you should do, Miss Saya?"



"I, I know you bastard! Don't get close to me...! You... lie down, lie down..."

Ayi Ning listened to their voices, and looked back helplessly before closing the door.

Although not kneeling.

But this is also begging for mercy, right?


Silent night.

Shaye hugged Luo Wei, her face was full of reluctance, and she slowly groped his chest and abdomen with her palm.

Kissing him was impossible, absolutely impossible.


why am i doing this...

Feeling her hand stop for a moment, Luo Wei turned around and hugged her without hesitation.

"Wait, wait! I just stopped for a while!"

"It's okay, you are tired too, then hug and sleep."


Saya's face turned red again, and it was fine to sleep with her in her arms, but her clothes were still so thin.

After going through today, staying in the room with him for so long, my own smell is all on him, and my mood becomes strange.

It's as if I really want to merge with him.

Being held down from behind and covered under the quilt, Saya felt her heartbeat far stronger than ever before.

It seemed that it was me who became strange.

"I have a request." Luo Wei suddenly whispered in her ear.


"Can you, undo the top button?"


She didn't understand what was the point of the first button, but she always felt a little uneasy at the thought of him.

"I can pay an extra 5 cents."


5 Sen coins?

It's only 1 Sencoin for me to hug for a night...!
Just when she was hesitating, Luo Wei hugged her even tighter from behind.

"Miss Saya, do you still remember the meaning of private order?"

"...Isn't it only for you?"

"Yes," Luo Wei slowly pressed his palm against her stomach from the hem of his pajamas, "Then I hope to have your personal order forever."

Saya opened her mouth slightly with her back there.

"'re talking nasty things..." She squeezed her fingers quietly, "As long as you don't say such disgusting things again, it's not impossible..."

Feeling his fingers tighten, Saya raised her eyes, breathless.

I must be... crazy.

"I know you won't do this kind of thing to other people," Luo Wei continued, biting her earlobe lightly with his mouth, and slowly stroking his abdomen with his palm, "So, just do this to me, is that okay?"

Saya bit her lip.

Even if you ask me to...

It's already like that today, and now I'm doing something reckless with my ears and stomach, so you're ashamed to ask how the buttons are now...!
"You said it, 5 Mori coins...?"

"What you say is what you say." Luo Wei did not hesitate.


It's just a button...

That's it... Interested?
Saya took a few breaths, but found that it was not so easy to actually do such an action, unraveling something in front of him... Isn't it equivalent to showing him.


Softly calling her name, and launching a gentle attack behind her ears again, Saya shrank her neck, and the roots of her ears became soft for a while, and stretched out her hand to cover and untied the top one.

"So... you, you are satisfied! Don't do it anymore..."


Luo Wei hugged her, bowed his body and legs forward, and the two of them folded each other. The collar, which was nothing at the moment, was able to get a real glimpse from behind the shoulder because of the gravity and the angle. .


Leaning forward, Saya suddenly realized something was wrong and was about to break free.


He called her name softly again, causing her to stop again.

Why are you calling me repeatedly?

But for some reason, there was a feeling that he recognized her as her, as if he only paid attention to her.

"That's it, okay?"


I've never……

As it is now, it is obviously only the first button, and Saya is not sure if she can see it, at least she can't see it when she lowers her head. Since she has paid 5 cents to untie it, even if she falls asleep at night, he will still...

This uneasy mood made her extremely uncertain, and the lack of answers made her uneasy.

"Then answer me seriously, have you seen it?"

"Red and white, isn't it?"


Saya's face was about to turn rotten, but it wasn't the kind of outward shame, but in her heart, feeling ashamed to be in his hands.

Is this what they mean by being shy?

Just as he didn't know what to do, the weapon behind him started to move again, and he didn't know how many times he was poked today.

"You must carry that weapon with you when you sleep?"

The feeling of being poked always feels a little strange.

"Just stay still, okay?"


Did he ask himself too many times today?

Saya didn't know what kind of idea he had, and kept moving while holding her, but it was impossible to make her kneel down and beg for mercy just because of this.

"Can you not move?" Luo Wei repeated.

"Okay, okay," Saya responded impatiently, and sighed helplessly, "You don't have to keep asking this kind of question."

Luo Wei hugged her gently behind her back.

Angel who knows nothing...

"Miss Saya..."

"What's the matter? Tell me not to move, but you keep moving."

Still poking around.

"you are pretty."


Why...why are you praising me all of a sudden?
Even if you say such words...

Just when she was a little uncomfortable being poked by that strange feeling and wanted to move her legs, Luo Wei hugged her tightly behind her back, and she was surprised by the strength.

What's going on here?
"You, you don't have to use so much force..." Feeling the other person's body trembling, she blushed and muttered in a low voice, "Since I promised you, I won't run away..."

Luo Wei raised his head, panting, and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Then don't run tonight, okay?"


Saya was speechless.

So, why did he ask me over and over again?
(End of this chapter)

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