Chapter 180 Are saints all fools?
In the middle of the night, Luo Wei was woken up by the damp feeling of sweating.

He opened his eyes, touched himself, and found that he was not sweating.

Then put the back of her hand on Saya's forehead in her arms, it was surprisingly hot.


The aftereffects of slacking off?
He got up to get a basin of hot water, wiped off her sweat with a wrung hot towel, thought about it and changed the position to sleep with her.


Saya woke up half asleep, her voice seemed a little weak.

Luo Wei lay down slowly, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Relax and sleep."


Saya whimpered weakly, feeling dizzy, subconsciously shrunk in.

I could only faintly feel that there was someone holding me tightly in the second half of the night, even though my body was soaked, I didn't let go.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Luo Wei took Bai Lier to the courtyard and asked her to help take care of Saya.

After greeting the others, he rejected A Yining's suggestion and set off for the Demon Country alone.

that kind of place.

He planned to go there as the High Priest of the Yin God.

Otherwise, Marcus and the others would know that he was involved in the obvious situation, and he would have to follow a troublesome third-level god behind him.

At the same time, in order to avoid the troubles of the Demon Kingdom, Luo Wei is going to bring a genuine Yinshen believer with him——

Priests may be fake.

But believers are 100% innocent.

When they came to the "Dark Night Sunshine" workshop where the believers gathered, several people who were preparing for the synthesis room saw him wrapped in black bandages, and immediately succumbed to his fear and bowed their heads.

"My lord priest."

They said in unison.

Luo Wei, who had changed his voice, looked down at them coldly: "Which one of you is free today."

He didn't pick, any one would do.

"It's all according to your orders, my lord." The believers buried their heads very low one by one.

Since the death of the former high priest, this group of people has been living like rats in the gutter, and they will die someday. If the new priest finds out here after he takes office and finds out that there are patrol priests leading them, it will be considered a disguised form. It is natural for this group of people to be fearful and obedient after renewing their lives.

Luo Wei didn't mind a new priest coming.

Don't waste free resources.

Just as he was about to choose someone who looked honest, he suddenly sensed someone approaching outside the door, and he remained silent.


After a while, the side door was pushed open, and the three men in gray robes hurriedly saluted after seeing him, holding various storefront decorations in their hands.

"Master Priest, I'm very sorry, we didn't know you were here..."

"Don't panic, do your own thing."

female voice.

Speaking of which, when I first saw these people, I did hear that there were women among them, but I didn't meet them in the two days before I came here.

This made him squint his eyes, a little suspicious.

"What are you guys doing these days?"

Hearing what he said, the three of them knelt down immediately, trembling uncontrollably.

"We've been shopping for decorations these days, so we haven't seen you."

"We dare not lie to you!"

"That's it, I can take it apart for you to see."

This is indeed the case, and the scale of the decorations in the store is also in line with the description. Luo Wei didn't intend to ask any more, but the female priest who spoke last opened the bag aside, as if she must prove it to him.

A little rash.

Luo Wei ignored her, and then another heroine called out her name.

"Sheila, stop!"


Luo Wei turned his head and looked coldly at the female priest who unpacked the bag.


Sheila Heinna?
"I'm very sorry, she is a very reckless girl!" Another female believer at the side explained, "Please hold your hands high!"

Luo Wei ignored the other people's words and looked directly at the girl: "What's your full name?"

"Sheila Heinna," the girl said, looking up.

It's really her.

Luo Wei had a murderous intention. This girl is not someone else, but the child of miracle who is affected by the god war factor like Vermier and possesses the awakened multi-element traits.

There are four such people.

In other words, there should have been more, but only four survived.

This girl named Sheila will become one of the four saints of God Wars in the future. She belongs to the Yin God sect and is called the "Saint of Black".

If you think about it carefully, the former priest will definitely not face Marcus alone. I am afraid that the main believers in Wucheng City have already been killed and injured. In addition, the disorder of the earth veins here is more likely to cause awakening. Not surprisingly.

It's just that Luo Wei didn't expect it.

The Black Saintess is actually just a coward now, she was not discovered by the Yinshen sect, and she thought she had been enshrined in secret a long time ago.

In other words, her teaching time is still very short?
"When did you join the sect?"

"Half a month ago, my lord priest." Sheila replied, there was a girl's stubbornness in the eyes covered by the hood.

Luo Wei didn't listen to the woman on one side as security for her, but turned around to look at the men on the other side, and grabbed the person in front and asked a question.

This is indeed the case.

And it is currently only a single-element user.

What did she go through that made her look like a different person?
Standing there contemplating for a moment, Luo Wei decided to keep her. If the Black Saintess did not appear in Vermeer's plot, the situation would only become more difficult to judge.

Heh, maybe Ramon thought of himself that way back then.

But he is neither Ramon, nor will Sheila be the next me.

"I need you to go out with me, Hilaite."

Luo Wei said coldly.

The woman next to her suddenly panicked, almost believing that Sheila would never come back, but she dared not speak.

And Sheila knelt on the ground, looked at him, and showed a bright smile.

"As you wish, my lord."


Teleport to Silent Night Forest, Iluth's hometown is the closest place to the Demon Kingdom, which can save a lot of time.

And Luo Wei also got the first-hand information about Sheila.

Joined the teaching half a month ago, he was a vagrant before, a wind element user, and his magic power was not even as strong as a weak chicken like him.

Heh... Does this count as abducting the cult saint in advance?
It seems that the chaotic situation in Wuguancheng can indeed cover up a lot of things. If he hadn't planned to investigate the Lan Temple, he would never have contacted with the Yinshen sect, and it would be impossible to encounter it normally.

It can only be said that there must be an effect.

"My lord priest, where are we going?" Sheila covered herself under the hood, looking curiously at the quiet environment around her.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me." Luo Wei leaned on the scepter specially made by Ke Luoxi, and did not answer her words.

Who would have thought that the black saint who will be worshiped by countless believers in the future is still just a naive little girl, with a bit of temperament that is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, which is different from other believers.

This can be regarded as evidence that she has extraordinary characteristics.

"Well, I'm still afraid, but I know you're a good man."

"Good guy?"

Luo Wei was almost laughed at by this sentence.

The title of High Priest of the Yin God has nothing to do with being a good person no matter how it sounds.

" gave us the opportunity to live in the sun, and you did a lot for us," Sheila said without thinking, "but the biggest factor is that this is a girl's sixth sense! My feeling is accurate! "

A girl's sixth sense.

Rowe shook his head.

With Vermeer's physique, it is not surprising that Sheila, who has met him once and has similar characteristics, has a transcendent and outstanding perception.

But they are fundamentally different.

The collision factor left over from that battle of gods has never been evenly divided, and the fluctuations produced by divine power and authority are not the same result. At least Sheila only mastered four elements even in the end, and there are other things mixed in her body .

"If you rely too much on this talent, you will encounter catastrophe one day."

And judging from the time node, I am afraid it will be soon.

"Really, really? Do you admit that this is a talent? This is the first time I've heard someone agree with this. Tina and the others have always said that I think too much!"

Luo Wei sighed insignificantly.

Is the focus here?

He took out the "Prisoner's Secret Book" from his arms. The ritual book in Ramon's hand was actually just a copy. It was divided into seven parts, and there were seven secret books in total. The real original book was kept at the altar of the Yin God Sect. among.

If she becomes a saint and is qualified to refer to the original scriptures, she will learn these spells sooner or later.

And Luo Wei will pass it on to her now.

But not all.

Part of the content was imprinted with a rubbing spell, printed on another blank parchment, and Rowe handed it to Sheila.

"After learning on the way, if you can't do it, you will be thrown on the way."


Sheila opened her mouth, and from the expression on her face, it seemed that she didn't think it was a gift, but that she was making things difficult for her because she said the wrong thing.

A saint who is terrified of studying?

Luo Wei really wanted to go back to the previous round and tell her the dark history to her who had become the Black Saint, to see what expression she would show on her face.

Now this girl is more afraid of a spell book than she is of him.

The two walked along the dense and deep forest towards the direction of the Demon Kingdom.

Luo Wei was as familiar with this forest as his own back garden, avoiding the vortex lairs that brewed monsters on the way.





Tripped over by a tree root, startled by a moving plant, and fell into a pond, Sheila held a book and didn't look at the road, bluffing along the way.

Luo Wei didn't help her.

This is not a little girl who needs to be petted. Compared with the setbacks that caused her personality to change drastically, these are probably not even pediatrics.

Sheila was also very persistent. Even if she fell into the pond, she held the book high in both hands and sank with bubbles.

Luo Wei picked her up with a scepter, and couldn't help thinking——

Are saints all fools?
Walking out of the forest, the dark sea of ​​trees came to an abrupt end, as if it had drawn a clear line of demarcation from the outside world.

What appeared in front of the two of them was an ancient and barren land, with the high ridges of the mountain road blowing yellow sand, and it seemed that it was not easy to walk.

But it's not just the road that's daunting.

On the outskirts of Silent Night Forest, there is an enchantment set by the witch and the ancient gods of the past, and at the same time, it is shrouded in high mountains. If you want to go to the Demon Kingdom, you must pass through a gourd mouth.

And because of the war, the demons pushed the checkpoint even further.

I am afraid that he is worried that under the guidance of Ryan, he will lead the elite soldiers to make an assault from the Silent Night Forest.


Soon, several heavily armed Mozu warriors surrounded him, and there were still people watching from a distance behind. If something happened, the information would be passed on quickly.

"Pilgrim." Luo Wei put the scepter aside and opened his hands to show no hostility.

Sheila hid behind him timidly.

Luo Wei couldn't help shaking his head inwardly. Compared with the high priest of the Yin God, she was actually more afraid of a few demon soldiers.

"A pilgrim who came out of the forbidden forest?" The questioner's tone was full of doubts.

Luo Wei slowly raised his bandage-wrapped face, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop by two degrees.

"Since I know, I still plan to stop me," he looked at the questioner coldly, "If I am hostile, you are already corpses."

The faces of the soldiers changed, but no one showed timidity, and no one took a step back.

It seems that the demons are ready to start a war.

"What denomination are you from?"

Luo Wei did not intend to answer this question.

Even in the dark camp, the Yinshen sect is not a well-received existence.

The atmosphere on both sides became stalemate, and a tall demon came out from behind.

"Prove to me your strength. If we can't stop you, you can go on a pilgrimage." The demon said.

"no problem."

Luo Wei replied lightly, saying that he was letting go, and I am afraid he will still be supervised.

But it doesn't matter, the demons are currently too busy to take care of themselves, and there is no way to put much energy on him. At least he and Sheila don't look like allies of the elves at first glance.

The two sides confront each other at a distance of less than ten steps.

There was no deliberate announcement, the tall demon warrior rushed up first, it seemed that he was speculated that he was a clergyman who emphasized magic, and planned to use close combat to decide the winner.


With a muffled sound, Luo Wei pulled up the scepter at hand, came first, and swung a beautiful round dance chop, and the demon who should be the team leader flew out heavily.

Demon soldiers: "..."

Sheila: "..."

Seeing them stunned, Luo Wei shrugged and raised the scepter again.

What's wrong.

I'm a high priest, so it's reasonable to know how to use swordsmanship.

(End of this chapter)

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