Chapter 182 The Gift of the Pure White God

A demon god of the first level god?
Now Luo Wei knew why he gave an answer that might disappoint him when he asked whether the other party was an ancient god.

It means that this Demon God doesn't know him.

In other words, he didn't know that he had gone through a round and had a clear understanding of these, but he just saw that he didn't belong to this world.

Luo Wei felt a little relieved.

He has never looked down on the demon god of the first-level god.

Taking 200 years ago as the dividing line, the ancient gods ruled the world before that, and the present gods after that, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the demon gods.

But this is an inaccurate statement.

There are demon gods in the camps of both ancient gods and present gods. Lugda, who burns the core of the gods in the Black Good Palace, is a good example. As a demon god, he first betrayed the ancient gods and defected to the camp of present gods. Back to the camp of the ancient gods.

At the same time, in that battle of gods, both the present gods defected to the ancient gods, and some ancient gods turned to the present gods and have been active to this day. For example, the God of War on the side of the present gods married several wives of the ancient gods.

Therefore, who rules the world only refers to the camp, not the gods.

And the reason why the demon gods of the first-level gods did not form a camp is also very simple——

They have their own space.

It is not necessarily connected to this world, and the passages will only be opened on specific occasions. Those passages from other worlds in the Silent Night Forest have the danger of attracting the attention of the first-level gods and demons.

It was also what Elus was looking for.

However, after thousands of years, she still couldn't find it, so one can imagine how difficult it was.

Therefore, for this world, first-level demon gods are even rarer than ancient gods and current gods, and there are even fewer known ones.

As a first-level god, rarity does not necessarily mean strong or weak, and it depends on the individual.

The other party said that he was disappointed, probably because of the general impression of the demon god in the world, and put himself in a lower position.


The trance voice came again, and Luo Wei turned his head, but there was no writing on the pure white stone tablet.

Naturally, this place is not her god position, and it is not even a passageway. It is most likely just a weak projection, as if just a glance at this world left such a pure white land.

That being the case, why did she participate in that battle of gods?

Judging from Luo Wei's speculation, such an outsider demon god has nothing to do with the human world, and there is absolutely no reason to join the war.

Even in the end, it almost fell to the end.

A gust of wind blew by, the scene in front of me quickly faded, and the blur in the distance became clear. When I regained my senses, there was only dark brown barren land left on the ground, including the one he put down before, the white bird and white flowers all disappeared. .

"My lord priest, what did I do just now?"

Sheila stood there, looking in the direction of the original stele, her face full of doubts.

The old farmer who was kneeling on the ground also got up, with tears still lying on his face, but his expression became grim.

"You—you are not allowed to break in here!"

Rowe watched the other party raise the pitchfork, squinted his eyes, and turned to look at Sheila.

"What happened just now, do you remember?"

"Did anything happen just now?" Sheila looked at him in confusion, "I seem to have this vague feeling, but I can't remember anything."

Is that so?

Luo Wei took a breath slowly, it seemed that he was the only one who remembered.

To some extent, he was really targeted.

Lightly dodging the old farmer's attack, Luo Wei helped the opponent before he fell, and said coldly:
"The Demon God of Pure White, right?"


The old farmer paused for a moment before he noticed that his face was full of tears.

"The dead birds are buried underground, and the land has been filled to cover it up," Luo Wei said word by word, "You told me all of this yourself just now."


Regardless of the shock on the other party's face, Luo Wei briefly explained what happened just now.

Even though it was unbelievable, the tears were real, and there was a feeling in my heart that had been suppressed for a long time and released.

The old farmer fell down and sat there.

"Why is it only you who can see... Is she still unwilling to look at this world again... Has she abandoned this world..."

Luo Wei didn't plan to say anything more to him, "Tell me about her deeds, maybe I can give you the answer."

In the past 200 years, believers can still be found, and it is probably not a coincidence.

Although the old farmer didn't say anything, since the resonator guides here, it means that there is still some kind of shelter.

"You... come with me."

After walking a certain distance with the old farmer, they came to the shadow of the towering rock wall in the wilderness, where there was a hidden cave.

When Sheila hid behind Rowe and walked in, she was shocked by the scene inside and was speechless.

The closed underground cave is full of small flowers of various colors, the land is fertile and crops grow, and birds of various colors perch above the cave, which is as beautiful as a dream.

It was hard for her to imagine such a place in the desert.

Even underground.

"So that's what it is," Luo Wei looked at the old farmer coldly, "The poems are all fake, you are the ones who captured the birds and dug up the land."

The old farmer stood there with his back, his already aging body suddenly became heavier, and he knelt tremblingly in front of this scene.

"In the beginning, it was just a piece of pure white..."

In ancient times, a piece of pure white land suddenly appeared in the desert here, so white that there was no trace of other things.

The first people were curious, marveled at such a spectacle, and often expressed emotion.

One day, I don't know who regretted the emptiness of such beautiful scenery, and got a voice in response.

"Then what do you think the real beauty looks like?" 』

The man replied without thinking, "At least there must be flowers and birds."

So, since then, there have been more flowers and birds on the pure white land.

People realized that there were gods watching the land and planned to set up an altar to pray for a response, but they were opposed by those who believed in the ancient gods, and the two sides had a dispute for a while.

As a result, there were more pure white and wordless stone tablets on the ground.

Thanks to it, the surrounding desert gradually turns into an oasis, and pure white birds often fly over it, turning it into a fairyland.

Until the battle of the gods came.

Neither an ancient god nor a current god, people prayed for this existence to end this war and protect this land.

But no matter how many people prayed day and night, they never got an answer.

Gradually, the former oasis retreated into a desert again, leaving only the pure white land that is indifferent to the world, full of flowers and birds.

This made people gradually disbelieve in it, and called it "Pure White Demon God" outspokenly.

till the end.

Blasphemy also took place, the captured birds, the excavated land still enjoyed the protection of divine power, but it was no longer pure white, but turned into different colors.

The believers hiding here still enjoy the qualifications of longevity and the gift of divine power. They have been handed down to this day, but they are no longer the original batch. There have been many long-term dating in the middle. Later people found the cave and saw the records left behind. to it all.

"There is also such a story..."

After listening to the old farmer's narration, Sheila sighed. She never thought that she would come out this trip and learn about the deeds of an unknown great god.

Even though he was so far away from his own world, it seemed as if he had experienced all this personally.

I'm just a Yinshen cultist...

Luo Wei closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked into the cave. There were only three houses in total.

"She has been protecting you all the time." He said coldly.


"Do you think that this gift is taken for granted? Or, is she unaware of your arrogance?"

Leaving the old farmer in a daze, Luo Wei turned around.

The other party is not the group of people who committed the crime in the first place, and it is meaningless to say these things. I am afraid that the old demon just wants to know whether he should accept the gift of Fengwo here with peace of mind.

"Also, how do you know that she didn't go to that battle of gods?"

Having said all that, Rowe took a step forward and led Sheila out of the underground cave, thoughtful in his heart.

The reason why the Pure White Demon God participated in the battle of gods may not be as simple as responding to the believers. Otherwise, why didn't she choose this place for her divine descent?

There may be something hidden behind this, allowing a first-level god to get involved in the war to determine world domination.

It seems that I can only ask her in person.

Most of the legends are beautified, and Luo Wei does not believe them all, but if he is asked to choose between the "Master of Dreamland" and the "Pure White Demon God", he will choose the latter without hesitation.

But he didn't intend to meet her without any preparation.

Coming outside, the sun scorched the earth and it was as dry as ever.

Sheila was about to say something, but Luo Wei stopped her with his hand.

"Getting out of this terrain, the first thing to do is to confirm whether there is an ambush."


Sheila was stunned for a moment, and was about to follow the instructions and stretched her neck to look around, when a golden blur blasted in front of the two of them.

clang--! !

"Ah!!" Sheila was blown away by the wind pressure, spinning in the sky, seeing the burst of atmospheric wind pressure intertwined with golden light.


The large font fell on the stone pillar, and her limbs froze and slowly slid down.

high priest...

Can you explain this kind of thing more clearly...

Luo Wei didn't look back at her, but retracted the short storm blade, and stared coldly at the figure walking in the yellow sand.

Has the Demon Kingdom still sent someone?

Holding the scepter, he walked towards the other party, and the two approached in the yellow sand. The other party was naked to the waist, tied with bandages and braids, nearly three meters tall, and held a yellow earth-colored tough spear in his hand.

"You don't seem to be a godhead." The man said.

Luo Wei sneered, "I'm about to leave, it doesn't matter if you are missing in the next war, you can do whatever you want."

The man shrank his eyes and glanced into the distance.

"That god has long since disappeared, what are you doing here?"

"Oh?" Rowe raised his scepter, "It looks like we can exchange information peacefully?"

The man was silent for a moment.

"You speak first."

"It's okay," Luo Wei smiled, "I just got a pure white flower, so I want to see who it belongs to."

"Where did you get it?"

Luo Wei didn't answer this time.

The man paused and took a deep breath.

"That god once gave life to this place."

Luo Wei shook his head, "How about telling me something I don't know, I also know that she is a first-level god, and disappeared after the God War 200 years ago."


"She... once made a wish to the ancient demon king."

The man raised his head to look at Luo Wei and said.

"I hope to observe the way of human existence."

"Is that so..." Luo Wei sighed slightly, "It seems that she has no chance."

"What do you mean?"

Luo Wei turned around and stopped looking at the other party. Since this divine being knew what happened here, it meant that the underground cave was acquiesced by the demons.

The other party is likely to ask the old farmer, so there is nothing to hide.

"Because she participated in the battle of gods 200 years ago."


Luo Wei walked back alone, helped up Sheila who was sitting on the ground crying, and took her to teleport.

The man who was stunned for a while before following up frowned at this scene.

Did he really just leave?
He put away the spear and suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems that the other party...hasn't answered how the flowers came from.


Teleported to Silent Night Forest, Sheila looked at the surrounding environment in confusion.

"Why come back here?"

Luo Wei turned his back in silence, and took out the magic potion from the cloak.

Naturally, he would not tell the other party that the magic power of a dignified high priest in himself could not be transmitted that far, and he had to score twice.

"Have you finished learning the content in the book?" After replenishing the magic power, Luo Wei turned back and asked.

"Uh... I'm done learning, I'm done, really!"

Her tone was full of uncertainty.

"Very good," Rowe narrowed his eyes, and took out the night devil dagger from the cloak, "Then let's test it."


Without waiting for Sheila's reaction, Luo Wei casually threw the dagger, and the blurry shadow pulled her up, straightened her hands and feet, and imprisoned the large characters in the air.

Sheila: "..."

" lord priest, I was wrong! Don't leave me here...!!"

(End of this chapter)

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