Chapter 183 Am I a Saintess Trigger?
Rowe laughed at Sheila's reaction.

"You're going to beg for mercy without even trying?"

No wonder it is always said that human growth is to slap the past self to death.

Black saint, you also have today.

Sheila struggled a few times, the spells and rituals were confused in her mind, and she didn't know which one to choose.

Mainly this pose...

Isn't it possible to do whatever you want if you are locked up like this?
Ahh...!She obviously didn't want to think that way, but her mind was very confused, and the steps and guidance of the technique were all wrong.

"If one day, you really fall to this point, and the other party doesn't accept your begging for mercy, what will you do?"

"High me!"

Luo Wei shook his head in disappointment, "If there is a day, I probably won't be there, and I won't be able to hear your plea for help."

"No...!" Sheila blushed instantly, "I mean save me now! Behind...something behind me is tickling me!"


Luo Wei glanced back, and several clusters of plants twisted like water snakes, spinning and scratching her waist and thighs from behind.

Magic dancing grass.

It is a large plant that leans towards it when it receives magic power and twists like a dance.

Isn't this... just right?

"I can't save you. If you can't break free by yourself, I don't dare to think about what will happen next."


Sheila clearly felt that something that didn't know what it was was getting closer and closer, and it was still climbing up.


However, her head was also fixed by magic, and she couldn't see what it was.

A living monster! ?

Could it be a demon! ! ?

Feeling that she was close to the extremely bad part, her face was red and smoking, not to mention that this gesture was in front of the high priest.

"Please, please forgive me!"

Luo Wei sneered, "For those who are malicious towards you, the more you beg for mercy, the more excited they will be, and it is impossible to stop."

He didn't know what happened to Sheila after that, and the Yinshen sect didn't specialize in doing that kind of thing, but it was always right to use her weakness to force her.


It's about to make a weird noise.

I also want to spend my whole life with the man I love the most and give him a healthy baby!

How can I explain it in the hands of monsters...

"Think carefully about what you have learned," Luo Wei reminded, "Obviously you have the ability to do it, but you think you are weak."

"Am I... very powerful?"

Sheila blushed and said falteringly.

I just joined the sect, and the previous priest died before I learned anything... They all said that their group might be treated as traitors.

I don't need it now, but... I don't even know the barrier of chaos.

"Are you doubting my vision?" Luo Wei said unmoved when he saw her hanging there and began to tremble.


Lord Priest, do you think I am powerful?
Also, if this is not the case, why did you choose me to go with you and teach me those high-level spells.

Can I really, can use such a powerful spell?
Shame overcame her timidity, she recalled the knowledge she had read carefully, and tried to activate the spell of breaking free.

Ah... I have already remembered it so seriously, I must...


The black magic power flickered twice like an electric current, but it quickly went out again.

Sheila opened her eyes and glanced at Rovi, feeling that important parts had been rubbed by rotation, she couldn't help but make a sound.

"Master Sacrifice... Sure enough, I'm still... Please don't watch..."

"It's too early to give up now. Before it's irreversible, how many attempts are worthwhile."

Luo Wei shook his head helplessly in his heart, this guy is really just a little girl now, he has neither fighting spirit nor understanding of persistence.

That's right, no one is born with a firm will. Before going through hardships, she just lived on the track of an ordinary person.

For the serious injury she was about to experience, Luo Wei just gave her a platform so that she could have a chance to successfully jump out.

The black magic was beating again, and Sheila tried several times but failed to activate it.

There was a tear in her voice.

"Master me..."

"I can't save you." Luo Wei shook his head at her, "It turns out that you are at this level. It seems that you should be thrown here and used as nourishment for monsters."


Because it is useless, it will be thrown away.

A sect that joined the dark camp obviously to avoid being sold out...

don't leave me...

Fear defeated shyness in her heart again, Sheila roared out with all her strength, and the magic power of blue wind surged from her body.


With a bang, all the vague shadows that bound her were shattered, and fell from mid-air onto the grass.

Luo Wei's eyes sank slightly.

This is... using your own magical power to transform the escape technique?

Sheila, who is the Holy Maiden of Black, does have this ability, but now that she is so weak, can she do it?

I thought she needed to do it step by step, but it seems that this is her talent.

"My lord priest... don't leave me... woo woo..."

Luo Wei sighed deeply.

I want to give you two punches for your future self.

"Take a look back." Looking at her posture that seemed to have been tarnished, and she shrank her body in aggrieved form, Luo Wei's face was blackened.

With tears in her eyes, Sheila tugged at the hem of her skirt and looked back.

Those blades of grass were still twisting slowly under the influence of residual magic power.

"Uh... plants?"

It looks like it's moving because of magic.

"You're not satisfied? I can catch a few Yin Demons and try again."

"No need, no need!!"

After escaping, Sheila never wanted to face that kind of thing, it was already very...very...

Wait, I just made a sound?
In front of the high priest...? !

It’s over.

Sheila's heart went cold.

Originally, I was so sentimental that the other party said "I think too much", and now I am so comfortable in front of moving plants, I am afraid that the priest will think that I am a... messy woman.

Ah...what to do.

"This is just a small test for you, and I will check it from time to time," Luo Wei said in a sullen tone, "You know what to do when you go back, don't you?"

Sheila choked, turned her head and withdrew her thoughts.

"I...I know."

It seems that I have to study hard.

For some reason, her sixth sense told her that the high priest's words gave people the feeling that she would definitely suffer some serious setback in the future, even more painful than death and taking away her virginity.

But this also shows that what the high priest is doing now is indeed thinking about her.

And he didn't have any bad thoughts towards her, obviously he made that kind of voice...

Sure enough, he is a good man...

Just thinking about this, Sheila suddenly felt dizzy, and her consciousness became blurred.


Her body went limp, and she fell to the ground, her magic power scattered in the air, changing her shape.


Seeing her like this, Luo Wei's cheeks trembled.

Good guy, awakening a new element in front of me again, right?

Am I some kind of saint trigger?


At night, Sheila slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying in the bedroom of the workshop.

Moreover, neither Tina nor Xiali were on the bed, and she was the only one in the triple room.

She sat up slowly, resting her forehead.

"I remember I was..."

At this moment, the door was opened, and Tina walked in with the soup.

"Ah, Sheila, you're awake!"

"Tina...? What happened, how did I get back?"

She clearly remembered that she fainted suddenly after speaking with the high priest in Silent Night Forest.

"Don't you know?" Tina put down the soup and looked at her in surprise, "You must know that when the high priest carried you back, we all thought you were a corpse."

High Priest, carry me back?

"But the high priest said again, let us take care of you with the highest standard, and leave your room alone, and no one should disturb you."

"What?" Sheila froze.

What happened to me, why should I receive such high treatment?
"Don't you know anything?" Tina looked at her with a smirk on her face, "I found out when I changed your clothes, it was full of water stains...the high priest was when you lost consciousness...cough it?"

Sheila's mouth fell open.

Naturally, she couldn't tell, it was made by a plant, it would be too embarrassing...

"It doesn't matter, if you can get the favor of the high priest, you will definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the future, and you won't have to live the hard life before."

"No, no..."

Sheila wanted to explain it no matter what, after all, the priest is not that kind of person.

"There is no need to explain, the high priest asked me to give you this letter after you wake up," Tina continued with a smirk on her face, "It must first apologize to you for his impulsiveness, and then promise to give you the letter." Some treatment for you in the future~"

Sheila: "..."

How, how is it possible.

She held the letter in her hand and was about to open it, but found that Tina didn't want to leave.

"Do you dare to read the priest's letter?" Sheila said meaningfully.

Nothing else, her sixth sense told her that since it was sent to her in a separate letter instead of being passed on by Tina, there must be something in it that no one else could read.

"Oh, you're starting to speak for your 'Master Priest' now? Sister, I'm so sad... have you dedicated your body and heart to him so soon?"


Sheila felt very tired.

When Tina left, she slowly opened the letter, feeling a little uneasy.

However, the content of the letter was completely different from what Tina thought.

'Two elements... Awakened? '

She read it silently.

Regarding this point, she is required to keep it absolutely confidential, and her task afterwards is to learn the use of spells and magic power, modify the spells through the way of casting her own magic power, and master all the techniques of breaking free and countering.

Sheila looked at these, and even had the feeling that this letter was given to the wrong person.

How could I...

At the end, a separate sentence was written below.

She looked at that sentence with a slight smile in her eyes, and suddenly she didn't want this letter to be for someone else.

It reads:

"Protect yourself well."


(End of this chapter)

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