Chapter 184 The Person Who Stands With Him

Rowe returned to the silent courtyard, and Saya was still lying on the bed.

"Fever gone?"

Saya gave him a look of contempt, and angrily wrapped the quilt tightly.

"I was retreating, but I almost got up again when I saw a person wrapped in black bandages rushing in."

Luo Wei smiled and untied the bandages. Sheila only needs to do spot checks, and completing this incident on the way to the Demon Kingdom can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

If she can become a saint with her own will, it will be of great help to the future situation.

"You... have you solved the problem of a first-level god?" Saya asked hesitantly, seeing how he was thinking.

"It's not a solution, it's just a decision to see her." Luo Wei smiled knowingly and closed his eyes, "I'll give you a day off today. After all, I unbuttoned you to get sick, so there's no need to make a personal order." gone."


Saya's complexion suddenly changed.

This dog thing, everything can be pulled on it, as if unbuttoning that button is very serious for her.

Luo Wei looked at her reaction and smiled, wrapped in the quilt so angry, it looked really different from usual, so he couldn't help sniffing it closely.

"...You are still here!?"

Don't even spare the patients!

Luo Wei pulled away with a smile, very satisfied with her body fragrance, and tapped her face lightly.

"Then you can have a good rest, and I won't bother you."

When he left, Saya lay there without recovering for a moment, and the residual feeling on her cheek made her a little dazed for a moment.

avoid the topic...

"Take care of yourself, I don't need your care..."


After coming out of Shaye's room, Luo Wei looked for Athetana.

As a god, he spoke in as much detail as possible, hoping to get some advice from the mother goddess.

After hearing this, Athetana glanced at him with a slight sigh.

"It's rare that you take the initiative to ask me. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I can't give you a definite answer this time. The Demon God of Outer Worlds doesn't know much about the whole world. As for asking Urs, it's better to prepare in advance. I think you It's already been decided."

Luo Wei scratched his head helplessly, "That's right."

"Then do it." Athetana looked at him, already knowing that he had more control over the world of gods than herself, and she just wanted to find peace of mind with her, "She made a promise to the ancient demon king Maybe my wish can come true on you."

Observe the way of human existence.

Luo Wei did remember that, although it was just an accidental information, it was probably the regret of the Demon God "during his lifetime".

But for a god who was on the verge of falling, does this really make sense?

"Don't be suspicious, the world knows very little about her, but she made a wish to the king of the demons, and the reverse may be the same. And you, haven't you been living as a human being?"

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment.

Think back to the demon god who asked what the real beauty was, and heard countless stories from travelers, but still maintained that pure white land.

In the end, when people captured the birds and excavated the land, it was dyed with various bright colors, probably because she saw the appearance of real creatures in the battle of gods.

"Thank you," he said with closed eyes and a smile, "you are so humble."

Athetana leaned forward and took the initiative to cover him with a tender embrace.

"I can't do much, leave the rear to me. Don't forget that there are still many people standing with you."

"it is good."

He smiled sincerely, this time he didn't turn around and hug her, and let the other party treat him like a child, falling into that gentle embrace.


In the evening, Luo Wei waited in the lobby of the Wishing Church until Vermeer came out of class.

"Huh...huh? Why is Luo Wei here?"

"Can't I come?" Luo Wei stood up and waited for her to come.

"No, no..." Vermeer lowered her head while holding the picnic basket, her voice gradually became softer, "It's better to say that I hope to be like this every day..."

Luo Wei heard her muttering, and rubbed her head. In comparison, his own saint was better.

Even if she is a little more stupid.

"How was today's class?"

"It's... quite difficult," Vermeer stepped out of the church with him, and walked side by side on the street, "Shatis said that although the goddess' spells can no longer borrow divine power, they are also knowledge in the realm of gods, and there are many more. I couldn't even figure it out."

"Didn't you say something about the imprint of divine power on your hand?"

"Eh?" Vermeer blinked, "Is this okay to say?"

Luo Wei sighed and smiled, even though he was taught there every day, he didn't fully believe in Shatis. It seems that this elbow is really turning out to nowhere.

"Do you have to hold that basket with two hands?"


Wei Mier looked down, it had been a long time since they walked together, but she felt a little nervous...

Just as she was about to let go of one hand, Luo Wei's hand came up and took her right hand away.


Vermier's eyes suddenly panicked.

"Well... there are a lot of people."

Huh, it's okay to be in Baigang Town, this is a city without a crown...

At this time, it was the end of the day's work, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going, and Vermeer felt that everyone who came to meet them was watching them, as well as street vendors and pedestrians who stopped...

"What, you're about to become a saint, and you start to look down on me? My preparatory saint?"


Wei Mier suddenly yelled in the street, which really attracted all eyes.

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and smiled.

"If you feel nervous, hold my hand tightly."

"...Okay, okay."

She blushed and lowered her face, and held his hand tightly.

Ugh...why would I...

But for some reason, she never wanted to be like Saya and the others, who would be separated from him because of some changes, no matter whether she became a saint or not.

Luo Wei also took the picnic basket in her hand.

"I said, you will always be mine," he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to."

"oh oh……"

Depressed mouth.

Her face was very red.

Go back to the workshop, teleport to the courtyard of silence, and tonight everyone went to the Valley of Wailing together. Although Vermeer often goes there, it is the first time to bring Luyi together.

Ayi Ning was heartbroken.

Since eating, I have been yelled by the crooked demon to explore in the valley, and I have been shopping all day tomorrow.

After dinner, Luo Wei sent Saya to the tent first, told her to take her medicine on time, and after being kicked out with a look of disgust, she went to Vermier's place again.

Even if he came here, Xiaoerwuzai was still studying with a brazier on.

Athetana was right.

In any case, there are many others who stand with him.

Approaching quietly from behind, and being hugged suddenly, Wei Mier was startled and turned around to confirm, then shrank her neck, pouted and said:
"I... I'm reviewing."

She always felt that Luo Wei was very different today, as if he was very active.

What happened in the past two days?

Luo Wei looked at her indifferently, "Kiss me and let you go."


Vermeer gently held his face, and gave him a long and affectionate kiss.

Until her emotions became more and more difficult to control, she quickly let go of him. If the beast is awakened here, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'll forget all the content I just wrote down.

Luo Wei rubbed her head, knowing that she was working so hard to get back to the team as soon as possible.

"Go on, I'm going back to sleep."

Feeling that he let go of his hands and turned around, Vermeer stood up suddenly, rushed over to hug him and kissed him again.

"That... I have a request..."


Vermier lowered her head in embarrassment.

"If... if I finish learning, as a reward... can I... for the second time..."

Luo Wei slightly opened his eyes and looked at her.

Then he smiled.

"Then you have to be mentally prepared."


Going back to the tent alone, Ahu Lili was not in the valley because of her idol, so she avoided the embarrassing situation of meeting.

After Ayi Ning finished shopping with Lu Yi, she avoided the latter and sneaked back to the tent, and glanced outside vigilantly.

She didn't want her to know that the two of them slept in the same room.

After the training, Ayi collected his breath and concentrated, opened his eyes and said, "Your Qi Refining and God Transformation has been completed."

Luo Wei felt it, and after trying to activate it a few times, he thanked her.

"Thank you."

" don't have to be like this," Ayining said, turning her eyes away, "We are also considered family members."

"Then will you still come to see me at night?"


Ayi stared at him with some resentment.

It stands to reason that after finishing the training of refining qi and transforming into gods, there is no need for her to come to him at night, but she is so indifferent to him during the day, and she really wants to get some balance from her at night.


In this way, isn't it really getting close to him under the guise of training?
"Okay, okay, as long as you can tell that I'm a younger sister," she said with her hips on her hips, "You can always tell me about the first-level gods, and if I'm right, we should have It’s very close to the truth about the Craftsmen’s Association, so you’re going to settle these things first, right?”

"I still can't hide it from you." Luo Wei smiled with emotion.

Tell her some relevant information. Although Vermier and Saya didn't open their mouths, they probably wanted to ask.

For the exploration starting tomorrow, he should be able to reach the depths by taking two short cuts, go to areas he has never understood, and find the answer from the unknown abyss.

"Understood," A Yining nodded after listening, "I will do my best, and you should not take it lightly."

Seeing that she was about to go back to her bed after she finished speaking, Luo Wei stopped her from behind.

"Did you forget something?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

She was stuck there for a moment.

"...You really never forget these things."

Knowing what he wanted to do, Ayi Ning sighed helplessly, turned back, let him lie on the bed covered, and told him those bedtime stories with a soft and quiet voice like a flat lake.

I saw him falling into a deep sleep, breathing evenly.

She couldn't help feeling distressed.

The content of chatting about daily life is about to be finished.

What should I do next?

In the early morning of the next day, Vermeer saw off the five people in the quiet courtyard, and watched them walk to the big portal.

"Are you okay?" Luo Wei glanced at the calm Saya.

"It's up to you to say." Saya held the spear horizontally, and her complexion looked very good.

Ilus on the side didn't say a word, but she arrived very early today, and I'm afraid she also smelled something unusual.

"very good."

Luo Wei nodded, and looked at Lu Yi who couldn't wait to move forward.

"Let's go, let everything float to the surface."

(End of this chapter)

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