Chapter 186 Three Times, You Are Really Enough
"To little friend Lovie Brooke:"

"I hope this letter didn't bother you. If it did, please allow me to apologize for being thousands of miles away."

"I shouldn't bother you in this way, but I have some discoveries in the recovery of power, and I think you should know."

Listening to Athetana read the content, the Exile Demon God was as humble as ever.

The letter pointed out that in the process of hunting down the Mechanic Cultists and recovering the power of the Demon God, Urs found some hidden clues about the past. It has developed into a cult that seeks taboos like it is now.

And the traces he found were——

Fallen Angel.

As early as hundreds of years ago, angels with dark wings got involved in the Mechanics Cult.

It turned out to be the case.

Rowe came to some conclusions.

In Baigang Town in the past, after the Mechanic God Cult failed, the fallen angel went to the volcano to recover the breath of the ancient god the next day, and the sudden movement of looking at the camera surprised Siya.

I thought it was the high-level power bestowed by its master to make it aware, but looking at it now, it is because they themselves have enough understanding of magical creations.

Are the two related?

This made the Mechanic Religion incident in Baigang Town look like an abandoned child thrown out for some experiment.

"Everyone, listen to me."

Using the sound transmission jewelry to explain the deduction again, Luo Wei emphasized that the answer to the abandoned son was a bold assumption he made, but if everything was really prepared for the current conspiracy of Wucheng City, it shows that the previous speculation about the artisan association was a little bit deviation.

——This is not a plan limited to Wuguancheng for more than ten years or decades.

Rather, it is a vast premeditation that has been prepared for hundreds of years and executed everywhere.


Several people were silent for a while after listening, Iluth looked over and seemed to say, I didn't expect you to solve such an incident.

At the same time, it seemed a little surprised that such a conversation did not exclude her.

"You might as well combine the two first," Athetana said in a deep voice, "Let's see what conclusions can be drawn first, maybe the reverse can also verify the authenticity of the clues."

"...In this case, I have a hypothesis." Ayi Ning closed her eyes and said, "Do you still remember the open dispute in Wuguan City, what caused it?"

That is……

The ancient magic weapon plan of the Hooffire Empire.

Several people were silent for a moment again, Saya frowned.

"What do you mean, the Mechanicism Cult, the Fallen Angels, the Craftsmen's Guild, the Ancient Magic Weapons... are all connected?"

"That's right," Ayi Ning nodded, "Although this is also my bold guess, don't you think it's too coincidental? The Hooffire Empire wants to make magic weapons, the fallen angels are related to the mechanic faction, and the craftsmen will be related to the fallen The angels are closely connected again. Going back to the beginning, wouldn’t the timing of the hooves and fire empire’s obtaining the blueprint be too appropriate, just to coincide with the node of the craftsmen’s conspiracy under the table?”

"You mean, maybe the craftsman will leak that blueprint on purpose?"

"Hmm... but there's no real evidence."

The causal relationship seems to be clear, but Saya's brows are still not loosened.

"But the question is, if the blueprints are released by craftsmen, why do they let the Hooffire Empire attack their own city?"

"This..." Ayi Ning pondered for a moment, this is indeed something that doesn't make sense.

But there may be some internal reasons, they have not yet known.

"Before the truth is revealed, the motives are always contradictory." Luo Wei was noncommittal, and looked down at the force seal, "I want to confirm first that the God of Bone and Blood did not leave any marks on your body, right, Athetana ?”


Athetana didn't expect to point at herself suddenly, and after realizing it, she showed a smile that couldn't help him.

"Don't worry, I have repeatedly confirmed that there will be no seeds of conspiracy brewing in me."

Back then, she was in the same ceremony with the God of Bone and Blood, and after the end, the other party's consciousness completely disappeared, and she was sure there was no residue.

As the mother of beasts,

Am I so annoying...

Luo Wei nodded, already having some guesses in his heart.

"Let's read the next letter."

The other one was from Lovelet Tothea.

Related to Ayi Ning.

Lovely sent a reconnaissance team from Huihe Town to Baigang Town along the Kingdom Road, and found a strange ruin with very new traces underground in Wild Ash City.

Out of caution, they let the trained hunting dog enter with a surveillance projection, but the picture was affected the moment it entered, and nothing could be photographed, and the hunting dog failed to return.

A large area of ​​anti-magic barrier?
"Is Saya still there?" Luo Wei asked, "Tell that scouting team not to go down, and continue to investigate along the road to Baigang Town, and ask for news about Aninin on the way."

"I'm... well, I understand, I will tell the princess."

A Yi Ning looked at him helplessly, not knowing what to say in his heart, when facing these things, he was really serious.


She didn't expect that the things she avoided could be related to the mechanic faction.

Luo Wei raised his eyes and looked at everyone with gloomy eyes.

"Since it has appeared in the Lion Garden, it is not sure whether it is the machinist's conspiracy or the method of Prime Minister Randall, but what is clear is that Randall must have a great degree of knowledge about this matter, so that the brat also Get ready."

"oh oh……"

Ayining and Yilusi frowned.

Did he slip up or what, he actually called the five princes of Shiyuan a little ghost?
Only Saya looked at him with contempt.

Rowe continued:

"Everyone, I don't think it's a coincidence that these two letters were delivered one after another. I'm afraid that the plans of all parties have entered the next stage. If there are no accidents, there will be unexpected forces ahead."

Is this a surprise or not...

Several people stood up one after another, and it seemed that there was nothing to hesitate.

"Ah, what you guys said is so complicated..." Lu Yi didn't care so much, she just wanted to end her exploration and go back to play, "Let's go, let's go~"

Saya hangs up the spear and takes another look at Luo Wei.

"You keep having this conversation because someone is watching us?"

"I do not know……"

Luo Wei smiled wryly, he hoped that he was worrying too much, after all, he was not sure if the person he knew was hiding behind.

However, having already suffered twice, this feeling of not knowing if someone has eyes on her is really uncomfortable, and she even wants to go back and spread the fire on Saya.

If this goes on like this, even if there is no anti-magic equipment one day, he will feel it with a chill.

"Let's start a normal conversation," Luo Wei finally said through voice transmission, "I'll leave the breath detection to you, Aining."


"Okay, okay, follow up~" Luyi couldn't wait to speak, and she held back for a long time just now.

A few people walked along the open-air ruins under the starry sky, and soon arrived at a teleportation circle.

Getting the conclusion from Athetana that it wasn't tampered with, Rovi stepped in first.

The field of vision is falling.

This is a vertical passageway surrounded by ancient style walls. He used a short sword to draw a magic platform, and waited for several other people to come down one after another, and then jumped down together.

Except that he has the ability to float and fly, there is nothing to worry about. After more than ten minutes of falling, Saya reluctantly picked him up at the end, and the five of them landed safely.

Another portal appeared ahead.

"It seems to be a place like a connecting passage," A Yining guessed, and glanced up, "This is really a long drive."

"Connect to the deep layer?" Saya gripped the gun tightly, and she had already made up her mind.

No matter what is waiting for her ahead, the clues about her mentor and Lieyang Gunslinger must be not far away.

After a short wait for Athetana to confirm the portal, the five people passed through again, and the vision in front of them changed, and the scene became a bit ordinary.

"Isn't this here..." Saya choked up, and said after hesitation, "Isn't it very similar to the shallow landform above for mining, shouldn't we be sent back?"

They were in a mine at this time, with crystallized ore protruding from the wall, it really looked like a mining holy land.

However, after several people walked in, they soon realized that they had not been sent back.

"Knot God Mine." Rowe gave the answer.

These ores are all stained with divine power, absorbing the nutrients that the fallen god submerged in the leylines, and have properties beyond ordinary materials.

The name "Jieshen Mine" is also because there are rumors that if the ore blooms one day, it can bear the meaning of gods.

And here are so many.

"This place seems to have accumulated quite a lot of divine power, and... there is a human breath ahead."

Although they didn't speak, everyone was ready to deal with it head-on.

Following Athetana's instructions along the dirt road that was slightly narrowed by the ore, they ignored the side roads. About three to ten minutes later, they saw an iron gate with railings.

Two soldiers were guarding the door.

The standard military uniform on his body is decorated with the coat of arms of iron hoofs breaking through flames.


Saya paused abruptly.

People of Hooffire Empire! ?
She originally thought that she would catch the coolies that the craftsmen would dig here. How could soldiers from the largest country in the mainland appear in such a deep underground mine?

With a cold look, she saw Luo Wei walking straight up to the soldiers.

"Stop! This place has been controlled by the empire, and no passage is allowed!"

"Really?" Luo Wei raised his head and looked at the surveillance projection set up in the corner, "Send this kind of miscellaneous soldiers here, do you want to condemn us from the moral high ground after I kill them?"

The sound of magical electric currents came from the projection.

"Don't dare," said the voice, "I just want to show our position."

"That is to say," Luo Wei narrowed his eyes at the two, "it doesn't matter if you kill them all along the way, right?"

The two soldiers immediately drew their sabers.

" come in and see me," said the voice.

Luo Wei didn't pay any attention to the other party, and waved his sword casually. The water-blue ring crashed through the middle of the two soldiers, cut a circular gap in the iron railing, and the metal pipe fell to the ground with a clatter.

"I'm sorry." He looked at the two soldiers who were frightened, but still compared their faces with their sabers. "I also have my position."

"Wait!" The voice came out in time, "...I'll come out to see you."

"Very good, I'll just wait for you for 5 minutes, and we'll go in as soon as the time is up."

Ayi Ning and the others supported their foreheads for a while.

In terms of terms,

He still never disappoints.

Three minutes later, a short, blue-haired woman appeared with the help of the Magic Thruster. After taking off the device, she collapsed from the ring cut by Rowe.

No, it seems to be a hybrid of humans and dwarves, with the physical characteristics of humans, but the height is only the height of dwarves.

"Since you have come here, I don't think there is anything to hide."

The blue-haired woman said slowly.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Marshal of the Hooffire Empire West, Felika Jednoah. I hope you will not interfere with our country's secret operations here."

Imperial West Marshal?
Ayi Ning never thought that besides East Marshal Marcus, there was actually an Imperial Marshal in Wuguan City.

If she appears here at this moment, it means...

"Really... It seems that you are still not sincere enough." Luo Wei walked straight up to the unarmed opponent.

And at this moment, the magic power maintained by Ayining sensed something, and immediately sent a voice reminder to Luo Wei.

Backhand swung the anti-magic wave sword.

A petite figure with yellow hair fell from the sky.

Luo Wei turned his head and looked at the machine girl who was twitching with electric current on the ground.

"Three times."

"You guys are really enough."

(End of this chapter)

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