Chapter 187 Let me take it home and taste it

The four marshals of the Hooffire Empire each hold a skillful machine girl.

When Rowe heard that it was related to mechanical technology and saw the coat of arms of the Hooffire Empire, he immediately guessed that it was the Marshal of the West, not the Marcus of the East.

Felika Jednoah.

She is a mixed dwarf, and unlike Marcus, she does not have the martial arts that Marcus is proud of. The most outstanding field lies in her research attainments in magic technology.

The other party was obviously not ready.

Otherwise, with the marshal's temperament, they should be greeted by countless magical self-discipline agencies.On the one hand, it means that the machine girl has monitored them for only one or two days. On the other hand, the other party probably did not expect that someone would explore here at this time.

Seeing her machine girl Domi fall to the ground, Felika's expression changed, but she still stood there, staring up at him.

"What do you want?" she asked.

Luo Wei turned around slowly, blocking the immobile machine girl behind her.

The other party will be led out by him, explaining that the things inside cannot be seen by others, so that she will even come out in person and suppress it as a marshal.

And Luo Wei took advantage of this and successfully forced the machine girl out.

It can also be seen from this that Marcus doesn't know what's going on here, and he doesn't even know that Felica is in the city without a crown.The mission of Marshal Magic West seems to be an absolute secret, even to Marcus.

To put it bluntly, it was because their appearance was too unreasonable. Who would have expected that someone would come down from the ruins of God War at this time?

Therefore, her intention of asking questions was to test how much information they had, and her understanding of them was limited to Duo Mi's observations in the past two days.

I'm afraid Felica didn't expect that their hostility was so serious.

Thinking of something, Luo Wei pointed at her deliberately.

"What we want is you."


As soon as the words fell, Felica who was standing there was suddenly pushed by someone, and she staggered and fell in front of Luo Wei.

Luo Wei: "..."

Filica: "?"

She pressed the switch hidden in her hand, and the purple magic power was entangled, and the magic effect was disabled, and nothing happened.

As for where she was originally standing, Iluth smiled lightly, and kept pushing Felica out with her hands.

The two guards reacted quickly, and the witch snapped her fingers, causing them to fall unconscious on the ground.

Then she took a deep look at Luo Wei.

The point seems to be that this is a reward for not excluding her.

Luo Wei spread his hands helplessly. He was deliberately changing the subject. I didn't expect Iluth to do it directly.

Felica has mastered the distance so well, there must be some magic mechanism hidden on her body, and the switch in her hand seems to be the same thing.

Should it be said that she is the Witch of Silent Night?

Not to mention Domi, even he doesn't know that Iluth has the ability to instantly stop the magic function.

Luo Wei squatted down on the spot, looking at the unyielding face under the green hair.

"Are you really the marshal himself?"

Luo Wei knew that Felica had two or three magic dolls as clones. This kind of technology was only available to her in the world, and it was even more precious than the machine girl.

Grabbing one back can be regarded as a huge blow to the other party.

"You..." Felica gritted her teeth and said, "Do you really know what you are doing?"

Luo Wei pinched her neck with one hand and lifted her up.

Dolls don't suffocate because they can't breathe, which is the easiest way to tell.

Felica's face turned red quickly, and Luo Wei let her fall. Felica who fell to the ground coughed violently, and her knees were bruised.

It turned out to be me.

Luo Wei's initial expectation was to capture the machine girl back, cut off the other party's detection line, and then turn around immediately to be caught off guard.

However, with the help of Ilus,
The big ones and the small ones were caught together.

"I really didn't expect you to show up in person, is it because the things inside can't be hidden?"

In normal times, this woman is not so easy to catch, and it also shows that their appearance has seriously interfered with the plans here.

Luo Wei looked up at the surveillance projection that was still in operation.

"Take them and go inside."

Carrying Filica on her shoulders, Saya carried Domi and was about to go deep when the ground suddenly shook violently.

boom -

Not able to think too much, several people stabilized their figures and rushed inward without turning their heads.

Following Athetana's guidance, passing through the end of the winding passage, an open underground area suddenly appeared in front of him.

This place seems to be a space for making something, like a large-scale underground construction site. Judging from the traces, it is roughly estimated that the light parts are more than ten meters high, leaving an unnatural depression on the rock wall.

And things are gone.

"Ahem..." Felika's expression turned ugly after being bumped all the way, "I didn't know the reason for your visit, but it seems that you have more information than I imagined."

Luo Wei looked up at the surveillance projections here, and knew in his heart that this woman had already made arrangements.

"Is the matter here worth covering up so much?"

Felica did not hesitate to take such a risk. On the one hand, she wanted to cover up the truth, and on the other hand, she had to come forward to negotiate because she would have serious consequences if she left rashly.

However, they did not listen to the negotiations at all.

Therefore, when she fails, even if she pays a heavy price, she must transfer everything here unconditionally, so that they will not see it.

A Yining, who finished the investigation first, shook her head towards him.

"The one who just moved, I'm afraid it was prepared in advance."

Several other people also investigated around, except to find the teleportation relay point, the only way to go further back is to transfer the magic circle.

Luo Wei thought for a moment.

Since the other party thinks that he doesn't know yet, let the other party continue to think so.

He patted Felika's buttocks without hesitation, and the slaps made a lot of noise.

"Heh, the taste of the Marshal of the Empire, let me take it home and taste it."


"Hmm... The Magic Projector is a good suggestion. I will take a good picture of the process of you and that machine girl falling in love."


He couldn't help but carry her forward, and pushed Saya and A Yining, who looked dull, to the teleportation point, looking impatient.

When the teleportation returned to the quiet courtyard, Rowe made a silent movement, and asked Athetana to be in charge of the teleportation again, and sent all of them to the Wailing Valley.

After arriving in the valley, Luo Wei asked Iluth to cast a spell to make Felika faint, cut off all the magic functions on her body, locked her in a separate tent, and locked Domi with the anti-magic wave sword. After returning to the gloomy and cold, he came in front of several people.

"The Hooffire Empire is building ancient magic weapons."

He first gave an obvious answer, and then spoke again:
"On the surface, Marcus is leading the army to start a war, but the Marshal Felika, who was sent behind the scenes, has already reached an alliance with the Craftsman Association, and has already created part of it in the ruins of the battle of the gods."

"Sure enough, the blueprint was just a cover from the beginning," Ayining thought after listening to Luo Wei's conclusion, "But I didn't expect that the Hooffire Empire and the Artisan Association turned out to be an alliance. Could it be that the destruction of Crownless City was just a gimmick ?”

Rowe shook his head.

"No, I think there is a deeper reason, involving that centuries-old plan."

Thinking back to the last round, the destruction of the Crownless City happened in real terms. Since it was not done by various forces on the surface, the Hooffire Empire and the Artisans will secretly stand on the same side, and there are fallen angels behind them. Be careful that the possibility of blowing up the whole city is very low.

In other words, there is a great possibility that the destruction of the Crownless City was the result of the initiative of the Hooffire Empire and craftsmen.

Although I don't know the exact reason yet, I caught Felica who was in charge of this matter by surprise and forced them to move their positions. The next actions of these people may not be so smooth.

The current focus is to have Lovely send someone to investigate where the magic weapons have been transferred, and at the same time dig deeper to dig out the craftsmen's union.

He had a bad feeling about it.

Now that the Hooffire Empire is blatantly making ancient weapons, what are the artisans making?
"Then...why did you say that just now?" Ayining hesitated, "You must have said it on purpose...?"

"It's just an audiovisual disturbance to a certain extent. Although they have entered their field of vision, they still don't know how deep our purpose is for the time being." Luo Wei explained.

If you face the truth behind the scenes, you will inevitably be noticed by the other party, and you will feel uneasy about being found out about the scene.

But how sure about the truth of the craftsmen's association, and actually rushing to the fallen angels, this can be completely covered up.

" say that, will the other party really believe it?"

Ai Ning expressed doubts.

That's too perverted... There is no premise, can ordinary people think of such an abrupt intention?

"They will believe it." Luo Wei turned his head and glanced at Saya.

Saya: "...?"

see what i do?
Luo Wei spread his hands helplessly.

"If my guess is correct, that clever girl probably saw all the things that happened last night."

Iluth: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Saya: "???"

"What!?" Saya froze on the spot, "Could it be that you want to say...!!?"

Rowe sighed.
Silently nodded to her.

(End of this chapter)

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