Chapter 188 Luo Wei's One-way Deduction

Saya was immediately ashamed beyond measure.

You bastard!
I lost my face to the enemy!
Ayi Ning finally understood, Wei Wucha sighed, last night...she wasn't even woken up, although she didn't know exactly what they did, but Saya kept silent.

"Really, although your indecency can come in handy sometimes, you should pay attention anyway."

"Don't worry," Iluth smiled softly, "The magical creation is always hundreds of meters away from us, and the surveillance projection has not been turned on. No matter how fierce you are, you will only be seen by her alone. "

Ayi choked up.

Why are you saying this to me?

Also purposely used "you" instead of "they"?
Saya on the side couldn't sit still.

"You knew it from the beginning!?" She stood up annoyed, "Why didn't you tell me when you found out?"

"Hehe... I should have said that I'm only in charge of fighting." Iluth seemed to enjoy Saya's expression now, "Besides, before the truth is revealed, I'm not sure it's the machine girl."

Ayi Ning shook her head slightly, it turned out that Iluth had already controlled everything.

this witch.

It's really hard to guess the mind.

"So, what are you going to do with them?" She looked at Luo Wei and said, "Are you really going to make them hate...evil that or something?"

"Evil? What does that mean?" Saya frowned, "Using a magic projection to take pictures, you plan to let Marshal Xi become an idol?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Iluth: "..."

Luo Wei rubbed the corners of his eyes sadly.

First, there are the little boys who sold themselves and counted the money backwards.

Later, there were idiot angels who fell for money and didn't know it.

You two are really good sisters.

Let Ilus check Felika's body, confirm that there is no black crystal from the Tibetan Artisan Association, pull out all the magic components, and tie them with a special chain, Luo Wei carried the immobile machine girl into the tent.

"Seeing your master's appearance, you should know what to do, right?"

"You...what do you want to do...! Don't do that to that lord!"

"That depends on your performance," he said coldly, "as long as you perform well enough and are willing to cooperate, I don't need to touch your master."

Since he was regarded as a pervert, he didn't mind taking a few steps ahead of the other party's psychological expectations.

Domi's face showed panic, and after a moment of silence, Luo Wei saw that she was silent, and carried her to Felika's side, and began to untie his belt.

This made Ji Niang scream out in panic: "I will do it! I will do anything! Don't touch her! Please!!"

"very good."

Luo Wei turned around and held her in front of him like a puppet.

"Let me tell you in advance, I have a dozen or so friends with the characteristics of beasts here. They are very hostile to humans, and they even want to avenge humans at the cost of extermination. Until now, they have not let go of it. So, next time, if you spit out something Lie, I will invite them in to 'entertain' you. When the time comes, the half-dwarven blood in your master, I can't guarantee whether it will be a good thing or a bad thing."


Domi swallowed in horror.

"Come on," Luo Wei looked at her coldly, pressing his face several times bigger than the other's face close to her, "tell me what you have observed and when did you start."

Domi's body trembled, and she told them all about monitoring them.

The time and content are all right.

" were licking... licking the neck of that woman in red and white clothes last night. I couldn't see her expression clearly, but she...but she seemed to want to push you away, but she didn't..."

Speaking of the experience, she trembled even more.

Rowe sighed.

In addition to the strong strength they showed, as well as the corresponding weapons and element types, they knew that he was a pervert.

"Who did you tell all this information to?"

"You...don't embarrass her! Everything comes to me!"

"Answer my question," Luo Wei narrowed his eyes, "I don't want to repeat it a second time."

"Of course only Lady Felika!"

"So, her magic doll isn't here?"


Domi was taken aback for a moment.

Luo Wei got the answer, posted it closer and said: "The next question, you'd better not give me any hesitation, otherwise it won't be so easy to put on the pants you took off."


Under his persecution, Domi answered frankly about the imperial army's creation of ancient magic weapons.

And one of Filica's magic dolls was here.

Is that right?

After Felika arranged everything, when the manufacturing environment became harsh, she chose to negotiate in person because the magic doll was more useful than herself?

But Luo Wei faintly felt strange.

She broke into the Hooffire Army's manufacturing base suddenly, she was indeed powerless to stop it, and it was an accident to catch herself... But couldn't she move the position and then call a puppet over?What is the irreplaceability of the one inside is even more important than the real one.

Moreover, they did not see the actual creation, and Felica seemed to try her best to avoid being seen by them.

Mingming Duomi has already admitted it now.

"Are you sure, what you are building is an ancient magical weapon?"

"That's what I was told, and I know it's all done according to the design drawings!"

It seems that's all she has.

After taking Domi out and handing it over to Saya to resolve their personal grievances, Luo Wei returned to Felika's tent alone.

Then wake up the sleeping Marshal Xi.

Filica: "..."

"Let's talk." Rovira sat down on a chair, crossed his legs and looked at her with his fingers crossed, "but I guess, when you decided to come out to see me, you transferred part of your memory to the magic chip Bar."

"If that's the case, it's useless for you to ask me now." Felika said while locked there.

"Indeed," Luo Wei nodded, "so you don't need to answer anything, just listen."


Felica condensed her expression and looked at the man in front of her again.

What does he want to do?
Even she herself can't remember whether she has tampered with her memory, so how can he draw the correct conclusion.

"West Marshal of the Hooffire Empire, Felika Jednoah, a dwarf-human hybrid, one of the most outstanding magic technology researchers in the world." Luo Wei looked at her and said.

Felica was unmoved.

It's just some information that can be known with a little investigation.

"Received a secret mission from the empire, contacted the Artisan Association of Wuguan City, and led the subordinates to the depths of the ruins of the God War to secretly manufacture ancient magic weapons and carry at least one magic doll."

what……! ?

The expression on Felica's face did not change, but she already knew the other party's plan in her heart.

Is this man planning to deduce the part of her memory that does not exist by means of inference?
But even this kind of information is said directly, what else is there to deduce?
and many more……

I, did not transfer this information?
"A day and a half ago, for some reason, I learned that someone had gone deep into the ruins of the war of gods, and sent Duo Mi, a clever machine girl, to monitor and make corresponding preparations."


Felica looked up, but she didn't find her machine girl, but she must have been captured by them.

"Finally, when the other party was likely to break in, I negotiated in person. Although I was accidentally captured, it was also expected. The magic doll who heard the signal took his subordinates and the unfinished magic weapon for an emergency transfer."

Luo Wei said every sentence, squinting his eyes.

"So, why did Marshal Xi take the risk himself when there are obviously dolls? It's because the next action doll is more useful than himself, and Felika loves her country very much. As a last resort, she would rather put As an abandoned child?"

Felica still didn't show any reaction on her face.

how could I know.

If the reason for this is the memory he deleted, there is no way to verify it now.

At least, the self with a complete memory thinks this is the best choice.

"But what if it wasn't for that?"


"It's because the puppet is irreplaceable... must be a puppet, not the real person." Luo Wei looked at her face that seemed to have not yet faded from her childishness, his eyes fixed in thought, "and Felica seems to be very reluctant to allow people to see the manufacturing site, even if Domi is threatened to know about the manufacturing of weapons."

"You—!" Felica uttered but fell silent again.

She couldn't help but start to wonder in her heart.

I... why did I make such a decision?

Luo Wei also seemed to have fallen into a dead end, took out a pen and paper from behind, and wrote these down.

Then he wrote more in a larger space and read it:
"At the beginning of the dispute over the Crownless City, it came from the design drawings of ancient magic weapons revealed to the Hooffire Empire by the artisans. The Empire sent Marshal Marcus to deal with the matter face-to-face, which aroused resistance from many forces, and the war will eventually break out..."

"This is most likely the idea of ​​Marshal Nan. The talented and resourceful man who is said to be able to catch up with Randall, the Prime Minister of the Lion Garden, will never do useless actions. Marcus himself does not know that Felica is in Wuguan City. On the surface, the expedition to the West was to cover up Felika's underground operations, but in fact..."

Felica's eyes shrank uncontrollably.

Not only to himself, why is he so familiar with other marshals, he is an imperial man?

Moreover, he is well aware of the situation on the surface, why can he go so deep into the ruins of the battle of Gods, since he knows so much, doesn't he plan to affect the battle situation on the ground?

There were many doubts in her heart, but at the same time there was also a kind of uneasiness.

The other party really knows too much.

It seems that the things that I tried my best to cover up are being dug out little by little.

"Actually..." Luo Wei rolled his eyes, feeling that the truth was approaching, but there was still a piece of the puzzle missing.

In the other party's plan, is there anything abnormal that I haven't noticed?


Next stage, letter?

If Urs and Lovely's letter was no accident, but a harbinger of the next phase of that centuries-old plot, then...

Mechanics Religion?

Mechanic faction, Machinist... Goddess.


Luo Wei's eyes were startled, granular goosebumps appeared on his body, but his eyes were gloomy and gloomy.

"Ha ha……"

He sneered, raised his head, and looked at Felica, whose expression became a little at a loss.

"So that's the idea you guys had."

"What do you know?" Felica asked anxiously.

Now this feeling is obviously a plan that I should know, but it has become that the other party knows but I don't know anything.

This made her feel completely at a loss.

"It's okay to tell you." Luo Wei colludes everything in his heart, no longer has any doubts, "Because I also want to know, if you are asked to make a new choice now that you have lost your memory, will you still do it?"

"What do you mean!" Felica struggled with the chain.

"It's very simple. You abandoned yourself, you, the son of humans and dwarves."

Felica was slightly taken aback, but she felt that it was impossible. If the other party came to such a ridiculous conclusion, then she could feel relieved.

"You mean, my puppet abandoned me?"

"No, no, no," Luo Wei looked at her calm reaction, and smiled lightly, "It was you who abandoned yourself."


What a joke.

Nothing to do with the puppet, myself, abandoning myself?

how can that be!

"I also think your idea is too extreme. If you are no longer there, even if the puppet is exactly the same as you, can it still be regarded as the real you?"

"Tell me, the answer!"

At this moment, Felica could no longer calm down, and almost shouted out with a roar.

Luo Wei slowly got up from the chair and turned around contentedly.

"It's simple."

He stood there for a moment.

"Because humans cannot become goddesses of mechanics."

Leaving Felika in a daze, Luo Wei walked out without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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