It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 189 1 Must Be Pregnant and Inconvenient to Come Out

Chapter 189 It Must Be Pregnant and Inconvenient to Come Out

When he came to the quiet courtyard, Luo Wei immediately called everyone together.

"Machine Goddess?"

After listening to his story, Saya looked at him nervously.

Ayining and Yilusi fell into deep thought. This was the first time that Yilusi clearly expressed her state of thinking.

"What's the reason?" Athetana asked calmly.

"It's all." Rowe responded aloud.

Saya frowned at him, "You mean, everything that happened can be related to the resurrection of the Mechanic Goddess?"

"Then you may have made a mistake." It was Iluth who answered her, with a thin layer of suspicion hanging in her purple eyes, "The goddess of mechanics has appeared in the world many times, and she has never been resurrected once. "


Saya froze for a moment.

Doesn't this mean that every time the goddess of mechanics appears in this world, it has nothing to do with the previous one?
Iluth didn't want to explain to her, but just shook her head and looked at Luo Wei, "I want to know the reason why you came to this conclusion."

Goddess Mechanics is a created god, and they are actually considered a faction. They only have life and death, and there is no such thing as replacement and recovery. Only a very small number of people who have experienced the truth of history know about this. aspects of cognition.

But how did he tie it all together to come to such a conclusion?
"This question is very complicated and involves some secrets of the gods, but it is actually very simple after solving it." Luo Wei looked up at the crowd and said, "The Hooffire Empire will manufacture ancient magic weapons. Attention now, Lanshen, who has the leader of the temple here, will not agree at first, even if it is because of the ancient covenant that he will not come to this world in person, but facing such a god who dominates the world, how can a mortal body be able to stop it? God's punishment?"

A powerful goddess of mechanics who can reach the level of a first-level god.

Even in the battle of gods 200 years ago, the Goddess Mechanic had fought against the camps of ancient gods and modern gods, but she disappeared in the end.

"As for creating such a god, apart from ancient magic techniques and experts in this field, what is the most effective way?"

Seeing Luo Wei looking at her, although Saya was still thinking about Lan Temple, she turned around relatively quickly.

"You mean, the war on the surface is a sacrifice?"

After the angel finished speaking, Iluth glanced at her with a slight smile, as if she was expressing that apart from love and hatred in the world, her brain was quite good in other aspects.

As for why they are staring at Saya, it is probably because they have experienced the God Resurrection incident of the Mechanic God Sect in Baigang Town.

"About this point, it is true," Athetana took a slow breath, "Creatures themselves have magical powers, and I was able to return to the world only because of the flesh and blood of countless created creatures."

"So," Ayining paused, "The artisans will give the hooves and fire empires a design, and let them start a war. The first meaning is to capture the crownless city and build ancient magic weapons, and the second is to cover up the underground. The act of manufacture has already begun, and the third layer is to provide sacrifices to the Goddess of Creation Machinist."

Several people took a deep breath.

I didn't expect that there were so many tricks behind this dispute. From Luo Wei's narration, the strategy was obtained from the Marshal Nan. Should it be said that he is the one who claims to be comparable to the Prime Minister of the Lion Garden?

"The manufacture of weapons and the creation of goddesses should be one," Luo Wei said. "The weapons are the carrier, and the goddess is the soul. The creations obtained in this way may be difficult for any country in the world to resist."

More popular point.

It is equivalent to the goddess opening a Gundam.

But they don't understand it.

"You confirmed it from Felica?" Ayining asked again.

Luo Wei nodded, "She is so easy to catch, obviously because the magic doll has already taken the initial shape of a god, and can no longer be used to meet people. If we cut it down at this time, it will really be the end of everything. In the case of being raided by us, it can be regarded as a helpless result."

It turned out to be the case.

Ayining quickly thought that the reason why Filika wanted to negotiate was because she didn't want to give up the existing manufacturing conditions. The emergency transfer should have a considerable impact on them.

In the end, Ilus plotted against her.

In front of this witch, she really couldn't take chances.

"What about the Craftsman Association?" Saya asked at this time.

Rowe shook his head.

"It's not entirely clear yet. Felika has more than one magic doll. If this is part of their transaction, the artisans may also be making goddesses, but remember the two Colins?"

"You mean," Ayi Ning frowned, "the craftsman society has other schemes besides making the goddess of mechanics?"

Luo Wei didn't answer, but after thinking about it, he knew it was not that simple.

The plan for hundreds of years is also related to the fallen angels and the truth about the destruction of the world. The ability to copy people is not just for viewing.

Thinking about it now, when the fallen angel took away the gemstone that sealed the breath of the ancient god from the crater, wasn't the shell made of magic technology?

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be involved in such a serious incident." Athetana glanced at them worriedly. "My suggestion is that we'd better find allies and not try to solve it alone."


In his expectation, besides the leader of the Netes clan, the fifth princess Lovely, Lewis from "Shadow House", who can be called allies now is...

Accompanied by a halo-shrouded sound, several people turned their heads and saw movement at the portal above the stairs at the far end of the courtyard.

There is the entrance to the Garden of Silence.

When the light dissipated, standing in the front of the head, the blonde hair like the sun looked particularly eye-catching.

"It seems that the allies are here." Luo Wei lowered his head and smiled.

Standing there is undoubtedly the protagonist of "Sword of Dusk"——

Ryan Healy falls.

And standing with him, in addition to those familiar partners, there are also the lords and elites of the major forces.

Dragons, lake elves, wild elves, dwarves, and human rulers...

Luo Wei even saw that Marcus Marcus was also in the ranks, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Domi had already been hidden in the closed room of the workshop by him, waiting for Ke Luoxi to claim it.

"Luo, Luo Wei...?" Ryan stood at the front and was a little surprised when he saw the dark figure standing up and walking this way.

Luo Wei showed a helpless wry smile: "Ah, you are here."

In view of Marcus' behavior before, these power lords almost still remember him, and it saves Rowe to introduce himself to these old friends from the previous round.

But they also seemed to be very surprised. They didn't expect to see him when they explored the mine so deep.

Marcus squinted his eyes deeply, as if he began to reconsider his motives, while Bena, who was behind him, hid and did not dare to show her face.

What makes Luo Wei more afraid is——

People from the craftsmen's union are also there.

And they are all first-level and second-level master craftsmen. It can only be said that it is not necessarily a good thing to summon too many allies, and there may be other ingredients mixed in.

"Luo Wei, I really didn't expect to see you in this kind of place."

Ryan came up to hug him with a smile, but Luo Wei had already expected that the next meeting would be in the Garden of Silence.

It seems that the war between the elves on the lake and the demon kingdom has evolved to the point where Ryan needs to enter the relics of the battle of the gods to find the asylum weapon - that thing can repair the enchantment of the elves on the lake on the shortcut they skipped. In exchange, Elf Queen, Elf, will give the holy sword of fire on the lake to Ryan.

These are all well-written plots.

"Did you all make an appointment to come here together?" Luo Wei remained calm and glanced at the people exploring around the courtyard.

"Uh...most of them," Ryan glanced back, scratching his head embarrassedly, "I met people from the craftsmen's union on the road, and many of them, including Marcus, were forced into Here comes."

"It seems that there are various factors..."

Luo Wei focused slightly, probably wondering why the people from the Craftsman Association came here.

This is probably one of the back-hands arranged by Filica, to hold them back and monitor them in the quiet courtyard. Although part of the reason for Athetana to come is to prevent this situation, but...

Looking over there, Marcus stood below the edge of the beast god's domain, and looked up at Athetana who was sitting in the open-air palace.

Two third-level gods.

If Marcus knows about Felika, I don't know what his position is.

"By the way, why didn't you see that lady priest?"

Ryan looked around and saw that several of Rowe's teammates were guarding the edge of the built building, as if to indicate that this was the area occupied by Rowe and the others, but he did not see his best friend's fiancee.


"I see, it must be inconvenient to come out during pregnancy, right?" Ryan said suddenly.


He still remembers it.

Counting from the end of autumn last year, it is almost summer now, and it is really inconvenient to go out and walk around...

Shouldn't it be time to put a pillow on Vermier's belly?

Luo Wei looked at Saya standing there with a long gun and a cold face, and said to Ryan: "Can you let your fellow travelers not disturb the area we built?"

Ryan reacted, nodded vigorously, and patted him on the shoulder again.

"Leave it to me, dear friend, I will explain it to them."

"It was a great help." Luo Wei nodded.

It had been expected that they would not be the only ones in the Quiet Garden, so the initial plan had divided them into separate areas. After all, if something happened to Wuguan City, they would have to spend a long time here.

Watching Ryan leave, Marcus no longer looked at Athetana, but came to the wishing tree.

Luo Wei did not intend to monopolize this kind of public facility, but from their territory, there is a road that can lead directly to the wishing tree without conflicting with other people.

Luo Wei walked over to him.

When Bella saw the alarm immediately, Marcus turned around and smiled at him.

"Shouldn't I be surprised to see you here?"

"Thank you." Luo Wei replied briefly, and then looked up at him, "You shouldn't be the type who can't tolerate gods at the same level."

"Hehe, you are really humble," Marcus laughed, "You are a workshop owner who lives in peace, you really know how to choose a place."

Luo Wei had a helpless expression, "I was found by you."

"Hehe, I told you that you can't hide." Marcus turned his head and looked around, then came back and said, "Don't worry, my target is not you this time. Before I figure out the situation, I won't I plan to be your enemy."

"Me too." Luo Wei replied quickly, as if he just wanted to keep the other party in check.

But as Marshal East of the Empire, Marcus probably also had some doubts, such as why he didn't order him to launch a general attack for so long.

Now it seems that part of the progress of the war follows the progress of the birth of the goddess of mechanics below.

But what Ryan did was definitely not in vain.

Combining these forces will definitely form a strong and powerful rope, and the war cannot be manipulated by a mere artisan association. Even if Marcus receives the order, it will probably be dragged into a stalemate.

This was something he, Marshal of the East, needed to worry about, and Luo Wei didn't bother to share his worries.

In the evening, Vermeer came back from the church and first heard about the Goddess Mechanic in the workshop.


Then I saw a large group of people in the quiet courtyard.


Finally, Luo Wei told her not to ask anything, and stuffed a pillow under her clothes.


(End of this chapter)

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