Chapter 191 Physical health is the most important thing

Athetana looked at the two helplessly.

" must compare..."

Wei Mier and A Yining looked at each other again. Now that they have taken this step, there is no reason to back down.

There was a hint of tit-for-tat in the air.

"How do you compare?" Vermeer asked.

"I can do it." Ayi Ning looked at her.

The pressure came to Athetana's side immediately, complaining that she glanced at Rovi.


Does he like to see girls jealous of him? It can be regarded as a way to successfully integrate in this environment.

"I... I feel the same way."

"If you must want to know the truth of this matter, then I will tell you the answer—in fact, Vermeer is bigger."

The two glanced at each other.

As the mother god of the orcs, but in terms of emotional resonance, humans and the orcs are consistent.

Vermeer and Aining waited for the answer.

Athetana: "...?"

A Yining was still a little nervous at first, but soon relieved.

"Then... come here and hug me from behind."

Athetana: "..."

How on earth can it be achieved...while maintaining this softness, it still doesn't hang down, as if stubbornly locking everything in the most beautiful moment.

"...Huh?" Vermier was stunned.

"Wait...!" Athetana turned around in panic, and Vermier and Aining leaned over from behind.

Athetana didn't look at Rovina's pointed eyes, but turned to the two people who were waiting for her answer.

"Mother God, at least let me know where the gap is...!"

Am I different?That sister should have it too?But if you don't say it... then he won't know... No, he must not know this!But after he tried it with his sister, he would definitely know...


She treats everyone like a gentle mother, without embarrassment at all, and treats them as tolerant as her own children.

If it is in front of other women, there may be doubts.


They will definitely want a non-neutral answer, choose a tactful way, and it would be best if they can compare the results like this.

Vermier leaned gently on Athetana's shoulder.

At least, let these children turn their backs on him.


"That is to say, the first one is better, right?" Ayi said solemnly.

The two stopped behind Athetana, and then hugged her from underwater one after another without making a sound.

What, what to do! ?

Now that I have been confirmed.

For some reason, I kind of want to keep going like this...

Because every time I cried, Bishop Monica would put aside whatever he had on hand, and ran over to her anxiously.

Although they have encountered supporters who can act as mothers in their growth, they really don't know what their biological mother looks like.

But she also wants to know, if it is so big, can it really be more attractive?

She only gave A Yi Ning a look, and signaled: Do you really want to tell him about your excellence?
Ai Ning's face suddenly turned red.

Wait, I'm facing him right now!

The development of the incident has become a bit beyond expectations, but for the happiness of my sister, to prove that my sister will be better than the people present, it is the best choice for the mother god to confirm.

However, the biggest factor.

"What...?" Ayi was stunned.

Vermier swallowed her throat.

The Goddess seemed to be checking her, pressing to see if there was any lump in it, just like how the master checked to see if he was injured when he fell himself when he was a child.

Not to mention the sneak attack from behind every time, and the tricks are also very obscene, shouting something like a strange old man, "My little Ayi has grown up again."

"Do you still want to decide the winner?" She asked softly.

There was gentleness in her eyes, and she opened her hands towards them.

"Is that so..." Ayi was dazed, "But I want to declare in advance that although my sister and I are twins, but my sister is better developed than me! So if I win, it doesn't mean that my sister will lose."

Athetana was facing Luo Wei, she turned her eyes away in embarrassment, hugged them tighter with both hands, and slid in between them.

But if it's not just size that determines everything.

This is the second time I have felt the feeling of a mother in someone other than Bishop Monica.

A Yining calmed down, anyway, this information is also very valuable to her sister.

When the two of them finished, Athetana turned her head and saw that the three of them were all looking at her with a "how" expression.

Luo Wei said from the side: "Hugging from behind won't make a decision, isn't there any direct way to confirm?"

how come...

Fortunately... At least I chose the way of carrying it back.

Had trouble with him too.

"Hmm..." Luo Wei closed his eyes behind them, "Now the size is known, but it doesn't prove who is better, right?"

"Okay... okay." The two replied.

Although it is natural to act like this at ordinary times, it is for evaluation after all, so I unconsciously focus on the feeling of being squeezed.

"I don't think this method can prove it at all." She raised her eyes and said, "It must not be used as a victory or defeat."

Why do you want to get involved in such a topic...

Athetana: "..."

"This can be regarded as making up for their regrets," Luo Wei said slowly, "Both of them haven't seen their mothers since they were born."

Wei Mier was born as an orphan in the war of gods, and A Yining and her sister were also raised by the female sword fairy of the sect since they were infants.


Unlike Vermier, who can prove to Luo Wei that she can't do so, right now can be said to be the only chance to objectively prove her sister's worth.

Fortunately, she didn't let her pass.

No matter how you look at it, you have the advantage, and you still have your hole cards.

Carried in her arms by her gentle chest, Athetana gave them maternal care as she followed one side of the head.

My sister didn't know if it was said in the story book that rubbing like this would really make it bigger and bigger.

"I can't completely think so..." Athetana looked at them, trying to give the most suitable evaluation, "The second one is too soft, and it sinks a lot through the bath towel, so I don't feel the strength so much Big, at least from the appearance, you should know that they are very close."

She thought back to sitting on the other party's lap and listening to her teach her those knowledge in a mother's gentle tone. Looking back, it would only make people feel at ease.

Seeing Wei Mier and A Yining looking at her thoughtfully, Athetana showed a trace of panic on her face.

Athetana cast a reproachful glance at Luo Wei, lowered her head and said in protection, "Then, for the time being, you can treat me as your real mother."

"Me too... I don't recognize the outcome with doubts." Ayi Ning choked.

In this way, it should be fine.

"I don't mind another round of competition." Ayining said calmly, holding her chest.

"The first one... give me more strength."

She didn't intend to say such words in front of Luo Wei.

"That's true," Athetana said looking at her, "because she is so soft, so the clothes may change if the clothes are a little tighter, and it will only be bigger than it looks."

She treats them as her own children, and it's okay to care about their growth and development.

"Also, don't you want to try the difference between the mother god and yourself? She has done so much for you, and by the way, she can help the mother god to confirm whether she is healthy, right?"

"I also want to compete one more time." Vermier said, "No matter what, I don't want to end up so unwillingly."

Don't you realize he's watching...

"I... I'm afraid you will overthink it." Athetana said.

"It seems that I have the answer." Athetana said slowly.

This atmosphere lasted for 3 minutes.

But Athetana was different.

Athetana: "...!"

Bishop Monica also took on a lot when she was a child, and often had no time to hug herself, but Vermier understood.

and many more……

Seeing that there was no embarrassment on the faces of the two of them, and they maintained their usual expressions, she breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, such behavior did not cause them any misunderstanding.

At the same time, the mother goddess couldn't help being curious.

"Obviously not," Luo Wei smiled, "If size can determine everything, what can you compare to in front of the Mother God, there must be other outstanding qualities, right?"

"Then I suggest, don't say who it is, let the mother god judge for herself." A Yining said.

Athetana was also taken aback.

"This... Actually, you didn't count yourself as a loser." Athetana wondered.

Ayi Ning: "..."


Indeed, the amount of generosity in front of me is hard to say even if I and Ayining add up...

She took a sip, determined not to give in here.

Vermeer: ​​"..."


Her expression became bewildered for a moment, as if the secret of her body would be revealed to him from her sister.

The two were held at the same time, even though Athetana's slender and long hands could not completely cover both sides.

What's more, it was A Yining who provoked it on his own initiative. If he loses to the opponent here, wouldn't he always be outnumbered in terms of body shape in the future.

Or... just ask her in private.

In front of that child, this kind of conversation was deliberately carried out.

"Come on, boys."

Shouldn't softness be an advantage? She couldn't accept losing for such a reason.

"Can, is it possible?" Vermeer asked uncertainly.

this... this this...

Knowing that I have no experience, do you want to embarrass me...

"First of all, you are all very healthy and I hope you understand that this is the most important thing."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Then he slowly let go of his hands and let go of them.

answered almost simultaneously.

"I...I can't accept it." Vermeer said with her head bowed.

As a mother god... I am not like someone who has neither feelings for women nor a habit of shooting these children...


Athetana took a slow breath.

Sighing softly, Athetana turned slowly in the water.

Compared to sister is the most wretched one...

The two looked at each other, A Yining was still obsessed with why Luo Wei knew about this, but saw that Vermeer had already walked out.

Athetana sighed slowly.



Before she had time to say more, she felt four hands climbing up at the same time.

Athetana: "...!!"

You knead like this...

Are you really checking your health...?
(End of this chapter)

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