Chapter 192 The Relationship Between Friend and Child
Luo Wei watched them fight like this for a while.

Weimir and Aining looked at their retracted hands in confusion, Athetana fell down in the hot spring, turning around embarrassedly.

"There is such a thing..." Vermeer sighed.


The two looked at each other, then lowered their eyes again and became determined.

"Athetana said, I didn't lose." Ayining said, "So, just like I won the first round, it doesn't mean you won."

"I feel the same, but the Mother Goddess only talked about softness. I believe there are many advantages that have not been mentioned."

"Really? But so what, my sister is better than me."

"Even if Anai is here, I still won't lose...!"

"Well, how about another round of competition."

"no problem."

Luo Wei watched the two of them compete like children, and turned his head to look into the distance.

Ke Luoxi and Luyi were having a quarrel, Shaye looked at this side intentionally or unintentionally, her mouth trembling with disgust, as if expressing:

what are you guys doing...

Luo Wei withdrew his gaze, and faced the two people who were still arguing in front of him:
"I heard that angels with high talents have a golden ratio. This is probably the so-called standard of beauty."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Ayi glared at him with a dark face.

Really, let’s forget about that just now, continue to treat me like a fool now?

You'd better make it clear that Athetana didn't tell my secrets, nor did she use strange tricks, all this is to prove that her sister is outstanding!

The two walked towards Saya.

"Wait, what are you doing here... wait!"

Luo Wei looked at their backs and smiled, went to get the iced drink, and came behind Athetana who was still sitting in the water.

"Are you ok?"


Athetana didn't look back at him, but held out a hand to keep him from approaching.

"Just stand there and save me some dignity, okay?"

She spoke as sincerely as possible.

Luo Wei didn't speak, but just handed the drink in her hand, the cold touch made the other party tremble, and after shrinking subconsciously, he realized what it was.


After taking the drink and holding it with both hands, Athetana regained her composure slightly.

Luo Wei said, "I thought you would blame me a little for going too far, in the case of embarrassing you."

Athetana pursed her lips.

"...I treat you as my own children, you know."

Luo Wei was silent for a moment.

"Really, I thought our most basic relationship was that of friends."


After saying this, she turned and left. Athetana sat there, listening to the sound of water splashing away behind her, and looked down at the drink in her hand.

Am I too subjective to determine his identity?
However, there are so many people who are close to you and care about you.

I just want to continue like this, to protect the tribe and you.


Spent some leisure time in the hot springs.

After several people got up one after another, Luo Wei stopped Ke Luoxi and led her to the door of the closed room of the workshop.

Seeing the machine girl imprisoned in the anti-magic force field, Clossie didn't understand what to do at first.

Until Luo Wei said that she could use it for her research at will, and it doesn't matter if it blows up, the craftsman's eyes lit up, and he threw himself into his arms without hesitation.

"I really love you to death!"


Luo Wei pouted with his hands hanging in the air, and looked at Saya who followed to avoid the two people.

As expected, the latter gouged him out with contemptuous eyes.

However, at the next moment, Ke Luoxi let go of him, and rushed forward to hug the unprepared Saya.

"And you, I love Saya too!"

"No...don't be so exaggerated." Saya's face changed, and she had just escaped from there, but now she was strangled again and was almost out of breath.

"No exaggeration," Ke Luoxi raised her head, "I never said what I wanted, but you gave me what I wanted most time and time again, I..."

As she spoke, she couldn't control her emotions a little bit, she buried her head and rubbed against Saya's chest.

Saya: "..."

I shouldn't have followed.

Luo Wei could understand Ke Luoxi's mood.

There are only a few skillful machine girls in the world. As the essence of magical technology that can simulate an independent personality, it is a natural barrier from simple machinery to intelligence. No craftsman does not want to study it.

But Luo Wei didn't just want to make her happy.

"Don't be so happy, as a price for your research, I have a few requirements."

"Whether it's sleeping with you or what, I'm willing to do anything!"


She has such a nonsense temper, and now there is no time to treat her.

Luo Wei supported his forehead and said, "That's the enemy's ingenious machine girl. You must not relax when you are researching. You must prepare corresponding emergency measures for me."

Ke Luoxi nodded vigorously.

"Also, I gave you the research in the hope that you can achieve results in countering magic technology. This and the divine power defense device I told you before are the two most important topics for you next."

Divine power resistance device...

Saya's eyes became serious at the side.

He has already decided to face that first-level god, so he must have made such preparations.

He didn't tell them exactly what he planned to do.

"I already have an idea about that device," Ke Luoxi said after thinking, "After all, you bring back so many divine power materials every time. As for the anti-magic technology... are you trying to deal with other clever machine girls?" ?”

Luo Wei's face darkened.

That is naturally also a very important factor, he doesn't want to be followed and peeped by the fourth machine girl.

But it's more than that.

"I hope that the results of your final research can also play a certain role in inhibiting the goddess of mechanics."

"Machine Goddess...!"

After returning to the courtyard from the workshop, Ke Luoxi also heard what they said about the matter. She couldn't even imagine that such an existence might be hidden under her feet, but she also knew that she might not be of much help in terms of combat.

So Luo Wei made this request so that it could come in handy when confronting the goddess of mechanics in the future?

"Give it to me!"

Her slightly hesitant tone came from this burden, not from lack of confidence in her own skills.

If you combine the divine power resistance device with the anti-magic guide... Well, it is necessary to try.

Ke Luoxi came up with more than 30 plans only after rough consideration, full of eagerness to try.

Seeing her promise, Luo Wei led them to push the door in and released the anti-magic force field around Domi.

Domi: "..."

From the face of this machine girl, one could see haggardness and worry.

"I have good news for you," Rowe said.

Domi sat listlessly on the table and looked up at him feebly. What good news could there be at such a time.

Even if there is, it is definitely not for them.

Luo Wei pointed at Ke Luoxi, and said to Domi: "From now on, your task is to cooperate with her and meet all her research needs. In exchange, I will not only not touch your master, but also I will not do anything to you."

Saya: (▼ヘ▼#)
You don't even spare the machinery?

Speaking of which, when I was in the room with Lovely before, I thought there were three of them, maybe there were four of them including the machine girl...!
Duo Mi opened her mouth slightly, her expression still slumped, "What's the point of saying these things now?"

"Really? It seems that you are looking forward to being played by me. I said that I will take a picture of your depravity. Do you want to show an expression of indulging in happiness in front of your master?"

Saya: "..."

Ke Luoxi: "...?"

Duo Mi was stunned for a moment, recalling the perverted behavior of this human being before, she couldn't help shivering.

"I won't! Absolutely not!"

Rowe shrugged.

Stubbornness is probably an established process of depravity.

He walked to Duo Mi's side, took out a bottle of magic cupric acid, and lightly dripped a drop into the small hole next to her ear.


Domi still couldn't move and couldn't see what it was, but a bad emotion rose in her heart.

If it drips any more, it will definitely be very bad! !
Luo Wei said coldly in her ear: "Do you think I don't understand you all? Need me to describe how spectacular the scene of Bena was when I poured down ten bottles together?"

Domi: "...!!"

Bella?That annoying fighting maniac was also attacked by him?
Ten bottles?

Although I don't understand why "magnificent" is used to describe it, Duo Mi doesn't want to see it anyway.

And Luo Wei took out bottles one by one from his pocket.

A total of ten bottles were placed neatly between her legs.

Only then did Duo Mi see clearly that it turned out to be magic copper acid.

But why...

"Come on, let's choose, or choose after we finish filling?" Luo Wei pulled out the corks one by one, "Beina was down for a while, I really want to see how you behave."

will die.

That drop of solution kept flowing in her body, as if it was corrupting her mind, if ten bottles go down together...

It will definitely break.


Seeing her start to hesitate, Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "And if you behave well, I can accept taking you to see your master regularly, and I can also verify whether my words about not touching her are true."


He is willing to let himself go to see the master?

"I do."

Domi lowered her gaze, and a little hope rose again in her heart.

As long as it can be confirmed that Felika is safe and sound, it is an acceptable option to be used as a research material rather than being used as a toy for humans to vent their desires.

"Very good," Luo Wei nodded, "Once you try to escape or hurt her, you should know what the consequences will be for your master."

"I'll do it." Domi's expression became firm, "Please use me to study, whatever you want."

But what puzzled her was.

Obviously, she has no choice in this matter, just lock it in the anti-magic force field and dismantle it, it is difficult to hurt the inner core, why let her cooperate?
Luo Wei nodded to Ke Luoxi.

The latter approached excitedly.

"What model is your shell board? What power source is used for the kernel driver? Anthropomorphic or tactical personality?..."

Domi: "..."

Now she knows why she cooperates.

Is it to know her detailed parameters and give feedback in the test?
They...are they trying to create another clever machine girl?
That's probably impossible.

But for Felika's safety, do as they say.

"My shell board is an upgraded MK.4, and the kernel driver is..."

Luo Wei stood aside and watched their conversation.

Of course Domi didn't know what they were going to do, because Felika didn't tell her about the Goddess Mechanic in order to cover up the information.

This is also self-inflicted.

If I let Felica know in the future that all the painstaking efforts I have made are finally ruined on my machine girl, I don't know what kind of expression she will show.

And there was another reason for her to cooperate.

As Ke Luoxi was talking, she suddenly took out the hammer with an excited expression on her face.

Domi: "?"

Hammer, hammer?
You don't want to dismantle me with a hammer!
Domi glanced at Luo Wei in horror, but the latter had turned around and left the room silently leading Saya.

"Wait... wait, no!!"

The door was closed.

Saya stood by and took a step away with a look of disgust.

"I didn't expect you to be so perverted."


Luo Wei raised his head and gave her a meaningful look.

"Then it looks like I'll let you see it tonight."


(End of this chapter)

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