Chapter 193 The Angel's Blockbuster

At night, Ayining knocked on Luo Wei's door.

When she opened the door and went in, she found that Saya was already inside.


Really, since there are arrangements for the evening, there is no need for me to come over.

I don't know if the misunderstanding from last time has been solved. Now that the training of refining qi and transforming gods has been completed, shouldn't they just sit face to face?

Turning her head to look at Saya, but found that the other party looked distraught, A Yining hesitated and sat opposite Luo Wei, and began to pretend that she was training him.

What is Saya afraid of?
In the hot spring before, He and Wei Mier just asked her, and they kept running back.

Just as she was thinking this way, she suddenly noticed something wrong with Luo Wei's gaze.

"...Why are you staring at me." Ayining said in an extremely weak voice.

He was obviously not training, but he was so close, and he looked at himself thoughtfully.

Glancing at Saya over there, seeing her burying her head in the back of the chair behind her, she felt a little relieved.

"...It's nothing, I'm just thinking about whether my sister has the advantages of my sister."


Ai Ning opened her eyes wide.

She suddenly thought,
Could it be that Athetana told him about the things in the hot spring about my advantages! ?
The dispute between myself and Vermeer, all of that was clearly provoked by you...

" know everything?"

Luo Wei didn't answer, but just moved his gaze down.


I don't even know myself, this... How can this kind of thing...

Ayi Ning covered her chest in shame, and moved back in confusion.

She can't stay any longer.

"Let's train here today, save your magic power, and I, I won't bother you."

She got up and left as if fleeing.

Saya: "...?"

Seeing A Yining quickly walk out of the room and close the door for them, the angel opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

So fast! ?

Luo Wei turned his head slowly, and said as if he had seen through her thoughts:
"Leave all the time to you, okay?"

"not good at all!!"

Ayining outside was holding on to the door, her breathing became uncontrollably rapid.

After a pause, she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

He didn't admit it, but if there really was a secret in him, he would know about it sooner or later with his sister.

How to do.

still is……

Go ask Athetana.

And Luo Wei in the room slowly took out a bundle of ropes from the drawer.

Saya: "!?"


10 minute later.

"What are you doing?" Saya was tied up in an unnatural movement, and the upper end of the rope was hung from the ceiling.

Although in order to restore strength, sometimes he was tied in a tent in a similar manner, but every time this guy had a cold face, as if he didn't care at all.

But no matter how she thought about it, she felt that today was different.

What does it mean to let her "get to know her"?
I don't know what to do behind her now, but I don't feel touched at all, it just makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, you are talking!"

She always felt that the atmosphere was disturbing, so she hung there slightly and swayed.

"That's it, can you shake it a little more?"


Saya frowned, and swung it vigorously in the air twice, not to show him, but to use the rope to turn around as soon as possible to see what he was doing!

The rope gradually deviated, and slowly turned to one side, leading her to turn around while being hoisted.

Then she saw Luo Wei.

And the... magic surveillance projection in his hand.

Monitor projections! ?
"You... you... are you... taking pictures of me...?"

"Don't worry, I'll show you."

"Don't worry about it!" Saya immediately became angry, "Delete it for me!!"

If the appearance of being hung up is leaked out and seen by other angels, I will not be able to hold my head up in front of my own race in this life!

Luo Wei took a deep breath slowly to calm down his surging mind.

"Don't worry, I set an automatic deletion record, and it will disappear after tonight, so all you have to do is make sure to keep me in the room tonight."

Naturally, he wouldn't do anything to leave a record and appreciate it secretly.

Although this is very embarrassing to Saya, once it is accidentally leaked out, it will be really troublesome.

Therefore, it is good to see it in person and delete it in person.

After all, these pictures are really too...

Saya gritted her teeth and looked at him, "Can you guarantee this matter?"

Luo Wei looked at her hanging up, "I said that I only accept private orders, so I will never and will not allow others to see."


Well, since you said it so seriously.

Saya turned her head away, not looking at his current expression.

"However... there is something I want to tell you in advance." Luo Wei said.

"What?" Saya responded with her head tilted.

"In order to ensure that it will not be leaked, I did not keep a backup record. You can get angry after reading it, but you are not allowed to rush to delete it, otherwise I will keep a bunch of backups next time."



Saya felt a burst of disdain.

"Say it as if you can read my mind."

Not without clothes.

It's just a picture of being tied up in order to restore strength, as long as you make sure that no one else sees it, so what.

"You promise me first." Luo Wei repeated.

"All right, all right, I won't rob, and I won't get angry, okay?"

Saya tilted her head further away impatiently.

Every time he is not tied.

"Very well, let's lie down and watch."


The rope above was untied, and Saya was picked up by Rowe.

"Hey! You only untie the ceiling, but you also untie it for me!"

It was just to untie the rope that was hanging her, and she was not tightly bound in this way!
Would he want me to use this be held in his arms?

The feet were joined together, the hands were tied behind the back, the body was still bent forward, and the hands, feet and waist were strangled by ropes.

After being placed on the bed sheet, Luo Wei covered her with a quilt and hugged her from behind.

And turn off the lights.

"What did you turn off the light for?" Saya frowned.

"I'm afraid you'll be shy."

"?? Am I shy? Are you kidding me!"

At most, it's just some embarrassing and ugly gestures, so I have to make it so serious!

Luo Wei didn't bother to explain to her, put the magic projection in front of her, and rested his chin on her shoulder lightly.

Saya: "..."

This, what is this.

But it's just hugging like usual, but I can't move myself.

At this moment, Luo Wei turned on the switch of the magic projection.

The back of the red and white battle suit appeared in front of the two of them, leaning over and hanging there, with their legs stretched straight.

"Heh... you think I'll be shy?" Saya said with a trembling voice.

Although it's just a back view, why does it look so bad.

I never thought that it would look like this from behind.

Luo Wei was not in a hurry at all.

to start.

Two people together, watching Angel herself blockbuster.

Soon, the camera began to move forward, approaching the most ominous part.

"What...!! You!!!"

Saya's face suddenly petrified, this bastard actually...!
How dare you pat my ass so close! ?

The angel's buttocks occupied the entire screen in the projection, and Saya's face turned red to the base of her ears, but that pose completely protruded out!You can even see the middle clearly!
"I...I'm going to kill you!"

"Didn't you say you're not going to get angry?" Luo Wei smiled lightly, instead of stopping, he covered her belly with his hands and whispered in her ear.


you! ! !
Saya's whole body was burning like a fire, and her mind was buzzing.

I...why should I look at this picture of myself with him. !
The appearance of the thigh being strangled and sunk by the rope was all clearly photographed at close range.

From top to bottom, and from bottom to top, he watched every inch of her legs at close range, even the feet in white socks, and deliberately stopped for a few seconds.

Saya: "..."

When the camera was pulled back and returned to the original place, at the same time, the part that occupied the entire screen suddenly shook slightly.

Then she heard two voices.

"That's it, can you shake it a little more?"

"You... you... are you... taking pictures of me...?"

"Don't worry, I'll show you."

"What do you mean I don't worry! Delete it for me!!"

Saya: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

When the picture kept shaking in front of his eyes, the angel's face flushed like a tide.

And Rowe...

He hit the replay button.

(End of this chapter)

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