Chapter 194 Still a baby angel

Saya was probably really shy.

She buried her head there without saying a word, this was the first time for this angel.

Even if she said she wouldn't get angry, as usual, she wouldn't care so much.

That is to say...

Luo Wei stretched out his hand gently, turned off the magic projection, and Saya buried her head in the pillow in front of the blacked out screen.

Then, untie the rope that bound her from behind.

During this period, both of them were silent.

Until the ropes were all thrown aside, the atmosphere was brewing in silence, Saya buried in the pillow and slowly turned around, buried under his chin, and hit him hard with her fist.

It was as if to accuse him of how much he had gone too far.

But without the usual verbal expression, there are more other emotions mixed in.

Such as... How will I face your problems in the future.

How can an angel who is usually arrogant and rough-headed deny that she doesn't have a slender heart at the moment.

It's just that it's all revealed to him.

Punch after punch hit her chest one after another, Luo Wei just put her shoulder lightly, accepting her messy heart at the moment.

After so many times of falling in love and killing each other, she vented to get it back, but that didn't really use her full fist, and the silence that could not speak, but it also showed that she was bullied and in a weak situation.

Such a scene... Isn't it equivalent to shaking yourself in his face?
Also invited me to watch...

Damn, hate, hate, hate, hate...

After fighting in a row for a while, Saya stopped, but she still didn't have the courage to be seen by Luo Wei.

She didn't jump into the abyss.

The abyss came up by itself.

A little fear ignited in her heart, which made her, who had never conceded defeat in battle, feel timid for the first time.

Luo Wei gently grabbed her wrist.


The fear in Saya's heart was even worse. She subconsciously thought that she was about to do something excessive again, but she watched her hand reach into the hem of the opponent's jacket and stop under his ribs from the inside.

Holding her hand up and down as a sign, Saya opened her eyes slightly, and understood the other party's purpose for some reason.

The best way to eliminate fear is peer-to-peer.

After doing such an outrageous thing to her, in addition to fighting back with her fist, she can also respond in the same way, doing anything to him.

This idea was understood in an instant, and Saya was a little surprised by the tacit understanding in the silence.

Does he...

Is it because I saw my mood that I turned off the video and untied the rope?
He...was worried about my mood?

In normal times, Saya would never think so, but what happened now, he continued to bully her, it was enough to make her feel completely afraid, there was no need to let her down and give the initiative to her.

In order to verify this, she gently stroked his waistline, trying to find out the sense of shame in him.

The trembling coming from that body surprised her slightly.

She lowered her head and smiled knowingly.

then you,

You have to remember how embarrassing you are at this moment.

Saya also stretched her other hand in, as if she wanted to get back the previous debt completely, searching all over his upper body for the place that would make him tremble.

Then focus on repeatedly attacking with her unskilled techniques, which she can only understand from the feedback.

Until he heard an uncontrollable moan from him.


For some reason, Saya felt a sense of relief, and remembered the feeling that she was willing to give him arms before.

I also thought of what he said, the agreement not to put her affairs aside.

Does this include my mood too... when I don't understand and feel helpless...

I... will there be such a time?

She still didn't have an answer, but for some reason, she didn't feel confused, but felt an indescribable peace.

In the clothes, she slowly climbed up his back with both hands, close to his arms, but raised her arms to hold him.

Thank you for caring for me once, and thank you for worrying about my mood now.

What I have decided, will not change now.

Letting you embrace is what I am willing to give.


At night, Athetana sat in the courtyard, listening to Ayining's various mixed emotions.

Most of those contents don't match up.

But gradually pieced together, she seemed to realize the key.

This girl from the East probably feels differently from Vermier, Lovely, Lily and the others.

For my sister...?
"I... I'm afraid I can't give you any advice."

Athetana faintly felt that the result that Luo Wei wanted was not on the same line as the result that Ayning wanted.

But we've been through everything together...

Perhaps it was because she was the one who experienced these things, not her sister, that she had doubts about her thoughts, so she came to find herself.

If you self-righteously debunk it, who knows what consequences it will cause?

"It's okay," Ayining calmed down a lot after she uttered, "I'm very grateful that you are willing to listen to me talk about these messy thoughts."

"you are welcome."

Athetana spoke softly, but sighed inwardly.

She still doesn't know the existence of Her Royal Highness and Lily... If she knows, will she become clearer or more suspicious.

Let them go their own way.

"By the way, since you didn't tell him," Ayi stood up and asked, "Then...can you tell me the details?"

Athetana gave her a worried look.

Between you children, I am afraid that you will still be caught in this kind of hidden murderous rivalry.

She sighed, raised her head and said slowly:
"Do you... know about peaches...?"


Ayi Ning opened her mouth, blushed and left.


The next day, Luo Wei came back from outside early in the morning.

He went to the workshop of the Yin God believers. In addition to reminding them to upgrade the craftsman level as soon as possible, he also confirmed Sheila's learning progress.

When they came to the dining room, Vermeer had already gone to the prayer church ahead of time, and the others were sitting at the dining table, only Ke Luoxi and Luyi were making noise.

Both Saya and A Yining ate with their heads buried.

Luo Wei carried the dinner plate and moved a chair between the two of them.

"What...!" Saya looked up at him in panic, "There are so many seats, why do you have to squeeze in here!"

"What, you wake up this morning and find that I'm not here, are you sad?"

"Get out!! You forgot about you last night..." Saya choked up in the middle of speaking, and quickly changed her words, "Just use your pig's mouth to eat well!"

Seeing her so energetic, Luo Wei was relieved.

She is still more used to talking back to herself, so the shameful atmosphere may be too early for her.

Luo Wei didn't intend to let her be completely based on fear, rather than letting her go, it was better to give her some room for buffering. He was obviously not forgiving, but he bullied her like that, but he didn't know why. There will be a sense of guilt.

I'm still a baby angel at heart...

Looking at A Yining again, he just gave him a slightly reproachful look, and moved away without repelling him.

"Speaking of which, today we are going to the God War Ruins with that blond adventurer?" A Yining asked.

When I first saw him, I still thought of that.

But it's been suppressed now.

Peach or something... I can hide it for as long as I can, at least I don't have to worry about it until my sister comes back.

"Well, it's just to take them for a while," Luo Wei nodded, "I was delayed by this incident yesterday, and we will go to the deep layer after we separate from them."

With this younger sister's temperament, I'm afraid she will bury it in her heart quietly, just like when she saw that scene in the tent before.

Saya used a fork to pick up the last piece of cucumber on the plate and ate it, and said, "There is no accident this time, and the craftsmen's union should be prepared."

After what happened to Felica, the Artisans Association may have already received the news. The best explanation is that there will be a first-level artisan leading people to appear in the quiet courtyard.

"Don't worry, at least they won't be able to stop us until the goddess of mechanics is actually created."

Luo Wei said coldly.

"And we're not unprepared."

After informing Loveli of the summarized news yesterday, the Wing of Sky had left Fire Remnant Castle this morning and began to detect the transfer location of the Hooffire Empire's magical weapons in the sky.

It must not be so easy to hide such a large part.

As for why Lovely didn't come in person, I'm afraid he's still brooding over what happened last time.

Luo Wei didn't feel sorry either.

After all, when this kid is not pretending to be smart, he is quite reliable.

After breakfast, I met Ryan and his party in the courtyard, and the two groups entered the first floor of the God War Ruins together.


Three 10 minutes later.

"It's almost like this," Luo Wei explained to Ryan from a distance, "Beware of the God Eaters coming up, be careful of the divine power beams they burst out, and don't try to block them directly."

"Okay!" Ryan smiled, "Sure enough, after experiencing it once, it's easy to deal with, otherwise we don't know how many stumbles we will have."

"It's nothing," Luo Wei said. "If you understand, I suggest exploring separately. We still have some places we care about."

"Okay, then please be careful all the way."

Just about to separate in place, Joey on Ryan's side suddenly stopped them.

"Etc., etc!"

He looked at Jutman suspiciously.

"Doesn't it mean that you have that level? But Luo Wei is only responsible for explaining, and he didn't make a move at all?? And, didn't it mean that the beam couldn't be blocked? How did I see that the angel and the witch were blocked??"

Jutman stood there and shook his head deeply.

Behind them, the lake elf Elfa and the blue dragon king Vanessa said at the same time: "They are godheads."

The two sides exchanged glances again.

As power lords, these two served as guest generals in Ryan's team. There should have been more elites coming, but after discovering the quiet courtyard, there were also some things to deal with in their respective spheres of influence.

These two are also godheads.

Without them, Ryan and his party would not be able to walk here at all, and the scattered protection of the demon god core would not last long.

Vanessa gave them a deep look.

Knowing this place well, if she follows them, she will naturally learn more information than aimless exploration, but she has never been able to make such a decision, otherwise the meaning of participating in the alliance will fade away.

"Don't worry," Luo Wei lowered his head and closed his eyes, "If we find anything, we will contact you in time."

Vanessa: "!"

As if her mind had been punctured, she looked at Luo Wei alone with her long eyes.

"Then let's part here temporarily."

Luo Wei didn't say much to them, and left with his people to one side.

As a comrade-in-arms from the last round, although this was the first time we met her, Luo Wei knew her to a certain extent.

This Dragon King, nothing else.

Have seen lands and cities destroyed.

She really hates Mechanic Goddess and Magic Weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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