Chapter 195 Vermier's Not Here... Just Use Mine
The ruins of the God War, the manufacturing site of the Hooffire Empire.

Luo Wei and his party teleported here, no different from before they left yesterday, and the surveillance projection is still in operation.

Letting them see that they are still exploring is a kind of blindfold.

Before the other party has figured out the information on his own side, I hope that Lovely can give some help. According to the current development, it will not be too far away from boarding the Wing of the Sky.

They first returned to the original iron gate, and the two guards had disappeared without accident.

That is, someone took them after they left.

Is it a cover-up...

I'm afraid the other party doesn't know yet, but I already know everything on my side.

Returning to the empty manufacturing site again, after receiving confirmation from Athetana, they stepped into the portal on the next floor.

Surrounded by stone corridors covered in deep purple.

"It seems that we can talk here." Luo Wei looked up and looked around, but did not see the surveillance projection, and Ilus also nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

But then the witch smiled again.

"The feeling here is a bit like Silent Night Forest."

"Are you referring to the channel?" Luo Wei took out the resonance device and asked with narrowed eyes.

"That's right." Iluth also showed deep eyes, as if she didn't expect him to know the forest so well.

This made her think even more that he knew the clues she had been looking for.

"Can you stop talking about yourself," Saya frowned aside, interrupting the exchange of eyebrows between the two, "Is it fun to tell riddles?"

It seems that we have a common topic with him every day.

Sure enough, I still hate this witch.

"I was just about to say," Luo Wei said helplessly, and he didn't know if there was any hidden meaning in Saya's words, "There are probably many forked roads connected here. Although we came down from above, it doesn't necessarily mean that this place is below. .”

"What's going in and out..." Saya muttered, "It's not clear."

Ayi Ning was thoughtful at the side.

"In other words, if this corridor is regarded as a main body, there are many portals leading to different locations, and the manufacturing site where Felika is located is essentially just one of them?"


Luo Wei used the resonance device to resonate with the Sun God Gun, the black crystal, and the glass bottle storing pure white flowers.

The answer is:

The Sunshine Gun and part of the black crystal are in parallel.

Another part, including the Pure White Demon God, is further down.

"Parallel lines..." Ayi Ning frowned, "In other words, the location of the Artisan Association is also one of them, but the road we took happened to pass by Felika."

Because Luo Wei and Luyi have been guiding them all the time, it looks like the God War Relics is a one-way street, but in fact there may be unimaginably many forked roads here.

And the route they took happened to pass through Felika's side.

Should it be said that Marshal Xi was unlucky?
"It seems that they are finally going to be caught." Saya understood this time, and a fighting spirit appeared in her eyes with the spear on her back.

She really wanted to ask, what exactly did the craftsmen's association do to Maria.

Why did I not come back when I had the opportunity 18 years ago?

"So, which way are we going?" she asked impatiently.

Luo Wei looked down at the result of the resonance device.

There are many black lines, indicating that the members of the craftsman union are not completely gathered.

But the golden thread...

There is only one.

He raised his head and looked at Saya: "Have you made up your mind yet?"

Some things are just his speculations, lacking sufficient evidence to confirm, but as a chapter of Saya's story line, he doesn't think he can solve the problem just by asking a few words.

"Of course!" Saya replied without hesitation, "It's all here, what's the use of hesitating!"

"I see."

Luo Wei stood up and looked towards the west.

"Let's go then."

The landform structure here is more like a corridor, square and square, leading the road to different places. Several people found a large teleportation array in the central area similar to the quiet courtyard, but it is completely different from the atmosphere in the courtyard. Athetana gave the best advice not to touch.

That must be the teleportation array that craftsmen would use.

At the same time, not a single monster was seen here.

Only the deep and long-accumulated magical breath pierced the nerves of Luo Wei, a magic waste.

He shook his head and glanced at the angel in front of him.

At this time, it is really hard to rush forward, regardless of other people's feelings.

"Hello." He stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Saya looked back at him with a look of impatience.

Luo Wei walked towards her, "Calm down, haven't you noticed that you are too impatient?"

Saya opened her eyes slightly and paused.


It seems that after going through those things, she can now listen to her own words.

Luo Wei stepped forward and hugged her involuntarily. Saya was stunned, and looked at A Yining and others who were looking this way.

Lu Yi pointed at her and laughed: "Haha, Saya said she wouldn't do this kind of thing with Uncle Luo Wei, shame~"

Saya: "!!"

Seeing that Lu Yi was going to turn her eyes to herself, A Yi Ning stared her back coldly.

Don't get me confused!
"You... what are you doing?" Saya said helplessly with her arms wrapped inside.

"Leave it to me," Luo Wei said in a deep voice, "I will let you see the truth."


Saya didn't respond, just turned to one side.

You always have a way anyway.

"I see, let go now... You don't think I'm ashamed..."

Under such emotions, Saya gradually regained her composure and took a deep breath.

Luo Wei let go of her slowly.

In the past, when Ramon rushed forward recklessly, she couldn't control her at that time, and now she won't let her rush to the end.

"Besides, don't you realize that I can't bear it anymore?"

"Wha...! You scum..." Saya muttered in a low voice, and after realizing something, she took two feathers from the wings behind her, "Take it, Vermier isn't here... just use mine."

It seemed that she had indeed regained her composure.

It's not that Luo Wei can't resist, no matter whether he uses Qi or divine power imprint, he can resolve the influence of magic power erosion, but his magic power reserve is not high, it's better to save as much as possible before the battle, even if Athetana can supply it remotely, it's not Almost infinite like Vermeer.

Saya gave herself a feather, explaining that she had analyzed this, and also used the God Core Domain to shelter him.


Why does it feel like she's a little ecstatic?

Is it because he came to find her instead of Ilus for shelter? This guy's happiness is surprisingly simple.

Just have to be blunt.

It's a bit unbearable to treat her harshly, this temper is really endearing.

"Let's go." Luo Wei patted her butt, which immediately made the angel tremble.

She glanced behind her in panic, blushing and followed as if fleeing.

Ayi Ning supported her forehead from behind.

Should it be that Vermeer is not here... It is really blatant, although it has been blatant in front of her many times.

Several people came to the portal guided by the golden line.

Saya followed beside Luo Wei, not rushing forward any more.

"There is no abnormality, but the breath inside gives me the feeling that it is more from magic power, please be careful."

After receiving Athetana's reply, the group glanced at each other and stepped into the portal in front of them.

Wait until the vision settles.


The voice came from in front of me.

Luo Wei opened his eyes, and in the open space similar to the structure of the mine, a man in a black robe opened his hands, as if he was welcoming them.

"Welcome, explorers," the man said with his face covered under the hood, "I didn't expect such an outstanding exploration team in Wuguan City to go all the way here."

A few people didn't speak, and after looking around on guard, they waited for Luo Wei to use his unique way to negotiate with the other party.

And Luo Wei just looked at each other coldly.

"I'm not interested in men."

Everyone: "..."

Really, quite his style of negotiation.

(End of this chapter)

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