Chapter 196 This brave man is too ghostly

The man didn't seem surprised by Luo Wei's speech.

He smiled, reached out and took off the hood, revealing short brown curly hair, "But no matter what, as a host, you should welcome guests."

"Then you should cover your face."

Luo Wei waved his hands, as if he lacked interest in talking to the other party.

Saya: "..."

Why is this development different from what you imagined?
Since this guy is so determined to leave it to him, let's see what he's going to do.

"Actually, we are members of the Artisan Association of Wucheng City," the man looked at them calmly, "and here is the secret war preparation station we established to create important equipment for the upcoming war."


Luo Wei looked up casually, and was about to walk behind the opponent when he took a step.

The man symbolically stopped in front of him.

"I don't intend to stop you from exploring, but there are some combat preparation areas here... We want to prevent the information from falling into the hands of the enemy as much as possible."

"Then let the prettiest of you come and talk to me."

Seeing that Luo Wei didn't intend to stop, the man chose to keep a distance and followed beside him, saying neither humble nor overbearing:
"For the Hooffire Empire, please allow me to express my thanks to you."

"In war, in order to avoid disputes with the greatest enemy, we can only provide them with the information they want. Please understand that we also have difficulties."

"For this reason, I hope that on behalf of the craftsmen, I will hire you. You are all outstanding explorers. No matter what the conditions are, please help protect this city."

Rowe stopped.

He looked at the other party with a cold expression, "If you are willing to inquire, you should know that I have long refused to intervene in the war."

"Of course we know, Mr Lovie Brooke..."

The few people behind frowned.

Calling out Luo Wei's name directly, the other party didn't seem to shy away from investigating them.

The man continued: "But if the Crownless City falls into the hands of other forces, wouldn't the workshop you supported be unable to continue? We are also very optimistic about Ke Luoxi."

"Is that all you want to say?"


"Obviously," Luo Wei turned around impatiently, "If there is such a day, we will take Ke Luoxi to take refuge."

The man stood there in a daze.

A group of people passed by him, Saya refrained from talking, but what do you think...

This guy didn't ask anything?
Ayi Ning was vaguely aware of some intentions, should it be said that it was him, in the past many times only he knew the information, and they followed behind only to understand afterwards.

But this time, they already knew about the Mechanic Goddess, but he was still able to pretend to be confused in front of the enemy, as if he had read the script with them in advance.

I didn't feel it when the New Year's Eve dinner army, the idol plan, and threatening Lugda, but now I'm silently watching from behind like this...

How insidious...

"Wait," the man stopped them, "After all, we can't force it. I can ask if any female members volunteer."

Luo Wei looked back at him.

"What's the point of volunteering?"

All the women: "..."


The man stood there in a daze for a moment, as if he never thought of such a request.

Ayi Ning couldn't help holding her forehead among several people.

Who is the villain...

However, this fits well with the image he deliberately kept under the surveillance projection yesterday, that is, he said that and kidnapped the women at the scene... He didn't return for another day, and the whereabouts of the two kidnapped were unknown...

What kind of exploration team is this...

Think about it carefully, don't talk about the other party, even he doesn't know what Luo Wei wants to do.

All he knew was to find the Sun God Spear, the Fallen Angel, and uncover the craftsmen's association's conspiracy.

But what about the purpose?
Rowe never said it.

Even if they don't know, how can the members of the Craftsman Association know?The private conversations of the few of them are all in an absolutely safe environment, and the information they can hear is nothing more than supporting Ke Luoxi's workshop regardless of the external situation, and now they have added a team that focuses on exploring the ruins.

This made Ayi Ning roughly understand.

The man in front of him was probably just a pawn used to test them.

The other party was probably also puzzled, how could the leader of such a team with incomparable bravery and heroes be so perverted.

It’s okay to fall into evil, but also ask for involuntary…

Maybe it's a portrayal of Saya being seen by Domi that night?
Therefore, Luo Wei actually didn't intend to chat with the other party at all, nor did he plan to collect information from the other party.

This group of people can't run away.

Asking questions reveals intent, just look with your eyes.

Still the same.

Every time I do things first and then negotiate terms with you...

"and many more……!"

After the man slowed down for a while, he stopped them again, and the expression on his face seemed to be buzzing.

"Don't go any further, the very dangerous."

Luo Wei turned his head and seemed to be too lazy to answer, but when he heard the news of concern, his brows frowned.

This made the man slightly relieved.

"Is there such a good thing?" Luo Wei said suddenly.


good thing?

Looking at the man's expression, Luo Wei pointed to himself and those around him.

"Thank you for the reminder. Those who explore and hone themselves like us, naturally go where the danger goes."


The man was silent for a moment, but Luo Wei stopped looking at him, turned his back and drew out his sword.

A group of people took out their weapons one after another, ready to fight and move forward.

But the mine tunnel in front of me is obviously empty, the surrounding walls are very old, and the land has traces of being constantly tossed up.


Sensing something with Qi, Ayi Ning reminded, and at the same moment, the soil was stirred up, and a group of mutated human figures with bulging bodies popped out.

"Wow!" Lu Yi yelled, panicked and hid aside with space magic.

"This aura is a bit weird." Facing the strange figure emerging from the ground, Saya frowned and clenched her spear tightly. "It's not just as simple as a high position."

From these things, she felt an unusual smell, which didn't seem like it should exist in this world.

Luo Wei, who was walking in the front, waved his sword to draw closer. Naturally, Saya would not fall behind at this time, and spread her scarlet wings from the right to rush into the enemy's formation.

at this time.

There was a howling vibration in the air, and hordes of monsters burst out of the cracks around them, and the mine was almost full.

Luo Wei cut out the half-stretched sword, facing the monsters rushing from the sky and the ground like a tide, he quickly retreated.

Although Saya was reluctant, seeing him step back, she burst out with crimson light in the opposite direction, and the red light stream generated by the spear disintegrated the group of monsters that jumped up.

And the monsters in the cracks are still coming out in an endless stream.

"What are these?" Saya asked puzzled.

Luo Wei took a defensive position with his sword, looked left and right, "I don't know."

You don't know.

Ayi Ning, who also cooperated with the retreat, sighed.

In Shirley's Golden Church, he fought with Colin who also became this kind of thing for a long time.

If the main body is not dealt with, mutated monsters will emerge endlessly, and the main body has a very strong healing ability, and it must be killed with one blow to stop it.

It is impossible for Luo Wei to forget this information.


He is acting.

Could it be that he had guessed about the identity of the black-robed angel?
After some fighting, Saya's offensive broke through the tide of attacks, causing one of the mutants to die on the spot.

The crack that opened immediately closed two.

"It's the main body! The crack in the main body will be closed!!"

Saya couldn't hide the excitement in her voice, and shouted at Luo Wei... the information he already knew.

Ayi Ning felt a headache watching from the side.

She, Vermeer and Luo Wei were the only ones who went to the Golden Church, and Saya went to the Lan Temple, so she didn't know the details of the battle.

Did he play with this angel before...?
But Saya's excited appearance can really fool the craftsman union member behind him.

"Okay, let's deal with the main body first." Luo Wei smiled without changing his face, and rushed towards the group of monsters with his sword.

Under the attack of the four people, the main body was quickly killed, and the remaining monsters were easily dealt with. A flesh-like hillock rose on the ground and slowly disappeared.

But the corpse of the mutant remained.


The man froze behind, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

And Luo Wei and his team confirmed the battlefield. When they saw the black crystal stuck in the mutant's chest, Saya was in a daze.

Why is there this here?

"The corpse hasn't disappeared, don't touch it casually." Luo Wei pulled her up.

The group continued to move forward.

The man following behind had a murderous look in his eyes.


After walking for about 10 minutes, a gloomy palace appeared in front of me.

The whole body is made of unknown purple ore, with a silted dark black color, intricate and dense lines carved, and the ground boundary is clearly drawn with a purple-black magic circle area, which looks out of place in the mine where the knot god mine is poked around. .

Luo Wei stopped before stepping into the magic circle.

Saya on the side is still confused, but she can also think that those are the meeting gifts that the craftsmen will give them just now.

Questions and answers will come later.

If there is really a clue to the Lieyang Divine Spear here, it should be in this palace without accident.

"and many more."

The man stopped them from behind for the third time.

This time, not only Luo Wei, but even Saya was bored.

"Why do we have to listen to you and wait?" She turned around angrily and said, "It turns out that your suggestion is useless at all, right?"

If this is a place blocked by monsters and they have never explored, why do they keep following?

Shouldn't they be guarding their own secret combat preparations?
"This is the palace that was once abandoned by us, and there is an existence that must not be disturbed inside."

"Oh?" Rowe narrowed his eyes.

The man stepped forward.

"Take another step forward, and I guarantee that you will not survive."

"Really..." Luo Wei looked at him calmly, "But your previous suggestion seems to be from your own perspective, how do you know that we have no way to solve it?"

The man shook his head at him.

"I'm not joking, in fact it's not just the magic circle, as long as you step into this space... just..."

Halfway through the speech, the man suddenly opened his eyes wide in horror, shaking in place.

next second.

A black flame surged violently from inside his body, and the man let out an extremely shrill scream, before turning into a pool of ashes and falling to the ground.

Saya: "!!!!!!"

Saya couldn't help but widen her eyes.

In Lan Temple.

She had witnessed the same scene before.

(End of this chapter)

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