Chapter 198

The thin skirt and long purple hair fluttered in the wind.

Iluth set up her staff and stood in the ritual circle in the witch's domain.

Shaye sat on the side patiently, watching the surroundings with Ayining, while Luo Wei took advantage of this time to confirm the external movement with Athetana.

The answer is no exceptions.

But Rowe still asked Athetana to tell Vermier to be more careful in the Church of Prayer, and if something unexpected happened, she would be sent over to join them as soon as possible.

And let Lewis's people send a letter to Lovely, and let the warship first investigate the border of Lion Garden. If something is wrong, give up the investigation and return to the territory of Lion Garden.

As for the workshop, I asked Bai Lier to watch it early in the morning, and the magic power to send all the employees to the quiet courtyard can still be gathered.

"Are you worried about the situation outside?" A Yining asked.

Although she saw that Saya was not unhappy, she deliberately showed a look of indifference.

This is... jealous?

In essence, she and Vermeer are indeed the biggest rivalry, and Ayning thinks it is strange that they can coexist harmoniously.

"It's just a few more insurances."

Rowe said calmly.

The craftsman would absolutely not want to provoke him at this time.

It has been planned for hundreds of years, to take personal revenge at this critical moment and force him to kill him all the way, this is probably a bit of a joke.

But Luo Wei wouldn't bet on the possibility that the other party wouldn't do it.

The only thing I care about is those three places. Since I entered Wuguan City, I have not participated in the open disputes. In addition to handing over the plot to Ryan, I also let myself not be restrained and not be tied up by too many entanglements.

As for Ryan, there are not so many things to worry about now.

"Did you... plan all of this from the beginning?" A Yining also thought of this, feeling a burst of disbelief.

If it was as they saw before their eyes, their actions in Wuguan City and their seemingly sloppy policy were all planned for this moment.

In exchange for intervening in the open situation, now that they have arrived here, the artisans will probably have a lot of ways to restrain and restrict them.

But now, even the other party is probably confused. They don't know what kind of people this group is, and how they got here.

It's not that craftsmen are defenseless.

but him.

It was so unexpected.

This can also be seen from the fact that they treat their own people cruelly but have to humbly ask them for peace. I am afraid that the craftsmen will have nothing to do with them.

If there is no Luo Wei, everything here will continue to ferment in the dark until the final result is brewed.

Is that what it means to do something no one else does?
But there are still people who can restrain him.

A Yining couldn't help laughing when she thought that she had told him not to have sex with other women at night.

This is probably the privilege of my sister.

"What does insurance mean?" Saya asked suddenly.

Luo Wei: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."


Ayi smiled peacefully.

I must also like to stay with them in this relaxed atmosphere, and I hope my sister can join in as soon as possible.


Accompanied by the fading sound of magic power dissolving, Ilus lifted the magic circle that was maintained.

Several people woke up Lu Yi, who was lying on the ground and sleeping late, and the latter rubbed his eyes unsatisfied.

"Hmm... what's wrong? Time to eat?"

Saya sighed in a temperless manner, and didn't let Luyi try, naturally because she didn't want her to be accidentally eroded by the black fire after breaking in.

That bastard always thinks a lot about others.

"By the way, before going in, I need you to promise me something." Luo Wei looked at Saya and said.

"What." She hugged her chest impatiently.

"Everything is according to my pace. If there is an accident, no matter what you find or recognize, you must treat it as ignorance."


Saya looked up at him, trying to understand from that look whether it meant what she thought.

But Rowe told her there was no answer.

"I know, I know!"

After experiencing what happened to the man just now, she understood that Luo Wei's actions had his meaning.

If he thinks about it, and thinks that this can achieve the best ending.

Then she will.

"Are you sure?" Luo Wei emphasized.

"You don't need to say it a second time, I will do what I say!"

"Very well, let's go in."

Stepping on the ground where the magic circle had disappeared, the gate of the palace slowly opened under the magic power of Iluth.

Inside, there is a dark purple stone corridor covered with a red carpet.

"The breath here is very unstable," Ayining said perceptually, "It gives me a feeling of chaos and nothingness."

Ellis just smiled and said nothing.

To lift the shackles of the seal, she was supposed to be the one who knew the most about the magical breath, maybe it's not because she doesn't want to say it now, but because it's inconvenient to say it?
Luo Wei thought about it, and confirmed some thoughts in his heart. He walked forward through the corridor and stepped into a courtyard.

Look up and see the stars.

Unreal atmosphere.

"It seems that this place is very interesting," Lu Yi floated in the air with her hands behind her back, "It makes me feel that the power of many kinds of space is stacked together."

The outside is a closed palace, and the inside is an endless starry sky.

As a crooked demon, Luyi has a natural affinity for space, but this place also gives her a strange feeling.

It's as if... all of this is built on an uncoordinated mixture, but it is inconceivable to maintain a fixed balance.

"Probably so~" At Luo Wei's request, Lu Yi said these thoughts again.


Ayi was concentrating on thinking, but felt a sense of deja vu, and suddenly raised his head in one direction.


In the line of sight, a figure in a black robe flew across like a black meteor, attacking Luo Wei from the side and rear.

The water-blue sword light was drawn and collided with the opponent's strange-looking twin swords, and Luo Wei was pushed several meters away by the force of the dive.

Stabilizing his figure, raising his gaze indifferently, Luo Wei held the Cangliu Sword with one hand and swung it away by his side.

Except for Lu Yi, the rest of them took precautions, watching the other party standing in Luo Wei's original position.

"I didn't expect you to come here so soon."

The figure in the black robe spoke coldly, the voice was processed so that the gender could not be discerned, and the two swords in his hands, one large and one small, did not look like the shape of the blade.

And Saya and Aining, who were standing on the side, could see a white mask on each other's face.


In fact, A Yining also received Luo Wei's order to pretend she didn't know anything.

In front of this...

Wasn't it the black-robed man who met Colin at the Golden Church and left after causing Colin's mutation?
According to Luo Wei's observation at the time, her identity was...

"Who are you?" Luo Wei said coldly.

"It's better to say, who are you who broke in casually?"

The two sides faced each other in the dark courtyard, and the endless starry sky was both chaotic and dreamy.

"So, are you a woman?"


The black-robed man was silent for a moment, then turned around and waved a violent sword energy. Several people set up their weapons to block, and the other party rushed straight towards Luo Wei again.

"Then you can try to verify."

Unbelievably quick, the distance closed in two seconds, and Luo Wei put the sword away at his waist.

"Ripple Sword Sparkle"

There was a clear sound of clashing, and the two passed by, but turned back at the same time, and their swords intertwined again.

Clang, clang, clang!

Turning sideways, stepping forward, slashing, and blocking, the two completed more than a dozen blows in a few seconds. Luo Wei slid in and swung horizontally, while the opponent jumped up.

"Ripple Sword·Huanjie"

The water-blue ring rushed out, and the opponent waved the green blade wind, intersecting with the Zhanhuan, Luo Wei sideways to avoid, and the opponent also completed the dodge in the gap of the Zhanhuan.

"Since the last time we met, you seem to have improved a lot."

"So you can talk." Luo Wei looked up at her coldly.

"But fighting is inevitable," the black-robed man stared down. "Only one of us can leave alive. Treat this as another trial."

Immediately, the white angel wings spread out behind her.


For the first time, Luo Wei felt puzzled.

The other party was the black-robed angel who let them discover the truth about Colin.

If there is no "eye" here, is it because their intrusion caused her fate?According to his plan, if she couldn't be rescued, he could release water to let the other party repel them.

But she said, "Only one side can leave alive."

"You can treat this body as a dead body. It's just a flashback at this moment. Whether you come or not is an established result. It's better to say that I have been waiting for you all the time."


Saya froze at the side, and she found that she couldn't hold the spear.

Is there any need to cover up?


"Really," Luo Wei closed his eyes, "I think I can work harder, after all, dead people are not bad for me."

"Hehe..." The angel in black robe smiled, "Your idea is really interesting, the turning point of fate has already happened, whether it happened to me or not, it is enough to see this scene."

Immediately, she spread her wings in the air, and put the two swords in a posture to meet the enemy.

"Come, let me perform my last duties."

A strong wind pressure exploded in the air, judging from the breath...the third-level god, no...the third angel (Throne).

Not the dying gods in the ruins of the battle of the gods.

But the whole body.

"Wait," A Yining raised her head and stopped her, "If you think this is irreversible, at least tell us something first!"

Angel shook his head.

"I do not remember."


In other words, her memory was extracted like Felica?
"Then why..." Saya looked up blankly.

"Really..." The black-robed angel looked down at her.

The mask conceals her emotions.

"I originally planned to wait for you to defeat the current me before letting you see it, but if you have improved so much, it may not be necessary to cover up."

The cyan airflow surrounding her gradually subsided.

Instead, there is a kind of nihilistic non-real world coercion, which resonates with this overlapping space.


The trembling sound in the air made people's vision shake, as if there was a double image in front of them.

When a black ring appeared behind the angel, a nameless black flame ignited on her body.

Saya: "!!!"

"Now you know how the black fire came about." The black-robed angel still wore the white mask, but it made people feel that she was smiling.

He just smiled a little forcedly.

That black flame had already burned her life to the brink of death.

"This flame comes from me and erodes me."

She straightened her body, joined the two long swords together, and merged them into a four-meter long spear, which she held coldly behind her back.

"This will be the toughest battle you have ever fought."


When the black flame climbed the white wings.

The whiteness quickly faded away in a blink of an eye, turning into heavy blackness.

"Be prepared, Rowe Brooke and his party!"

(End of this chapter)

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