Chapter 199 The Fallen Wings Deviating from the World

The coercion of the dark divine power is mixed with the aura of the non-real world.

The wings of the fallen angel hang high under the boundless starry sky, allowing you to see the side of God exerting all his strength.

The divine power print on the back of Luo Wei's hand shone brightly, and Athetana's warning came from the other side.

"Please be careful! The other party's divine power far surpasses mine!"

Luo Wei looked up at the figure in the air.

It was originally the third angel, and it was the kind that had crossed the God War, but now it is in the form of a fallen angel, and its power will only increase more exaggeratedly.

But he wasn't about to give up.

He didn't get to this point in the last round, but in the past and future, he didn't know nothing about fallen angels.

But no matter what, she must be defeated now.

Luo Wei didn't look back at the other people, raised his long sword, and burst out aqua blue refined magic power.

Refining gasification god.

In the face of such an enemy, the result of perfunctory treatment is a dead end, since the other party regards this as the final test.

Then step over and show her.

Seeing him getting ready, the dark wings brought the angel down, and the spear crashed to the ground.

The floor tiles split, the courtyard trembled, and the divine power that turned away from the world shattered the earth. Luo Wei slid his cloak to block it with a shield, and the shattering speed was faster than he imagined.

"Ripple Sword Guangyi"

Huge rings lined up in front of his eyes, the black spear blade shredded his slash like a spider's web, and the aftermath shook and roared towards Luo Wei.

He took out the storm dagger to block it, and the force of the recoil pushed him further, replaced it with the rune dagger and stabbed out of the magic platform continuously, stepped an arc in the air, and hung upside down to attack the fallen angel from above.

"Ripple Sword·Waterfall"

Swinging the long sword down in slow motion in the air, the sword light flashed and fell to the ground.

The black-robed angel spun her spear to stop her, and the water-blue sword light cut a crack behind her, which seemed to be printed in an instant, tearing the unstable earth open a long and narrow gap.

"Yes, are you really just a mortal?"

Her expression sank, and she pulled the spear back with one hand, and the whole gun produced some kind of terrifying power. The pitch-black flame condensed like a solid, and even showed a white light like a reverse color.

"Take the call!"

With a forceful thrust, the spear shot out through the rainbow, scratching the dark purple void along the way, as if tearing open a passage in another world.

This breath of departure from the world is too outrageous.

But Luo Wei didn't plan to back down.

His sword blade was entwined with pale flames, and holding the sword in both hands, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in the state of refining Qi and transforming into a god.

If the skills that Anining taught him were to be released in one breath, then let out all the Qi Refining and Transformation Gods that Aining taught him.

Opening his eyes and severing, Luo Wei's eyes were ignited with sword intent, and he raised the long sword with both hands.

"Cang Yan - Wave Sword!!"

Boom! ! ! !
The Cangyan sword wave that was swung at full strength added Athetana's divine power, and it collided with the dark purple wave of the fallen angel's departure from the world. The force of the collision between the two tore the ground and the surrounding pillars to pieces, and the air was shrouded in a haze. In the dazzling aurora.

Ayining and Yilusi appeared next to Luo Wei in a flash.

Facing the terrifying force pushing towards them, the two swung their swords and staffs at the same time.

"Huagui·Dixing Jiuluo"!
"Night Demon Dance"

The power of the earth was pulled up, forming a huge shrunken shiny brown ball, which arrived like an earth star meteorite.

Iluth's staff poured out magic bullets with a diameter as high as one person at a frequency of several rounds per second. Every time it was superimposed, it burst out a magic power, releasing a dark purple beam of light, which became more terrifying every time.

The power of the three overlapped together, breaking through the threshold with the violent waves of the fallen angels, resulting in an earth-shattering explosion.

————! ! !
"Wow!!" Luyi stepped up to the sky with a few quick steps, and hugged her head tightly, "This kind of scene is not suitable for me~!"

The three of them resisted with their divine and magical powers in the air. Before the explosion was over, a black figure burning with black flames flashed out and swung out their spear blades without hesitation.


Breaking up their formation, Ayining accurately found the position to meet them, applying pressure from the side.

Walking all the way from the ruins of the god war, we have experienced countless battles and running-in together, so there is no need to say more about what to do at this moment.

Siege her!
Iluth lightly opened the distance with a spell, escaped the gun sweep and then returned. With a wave of her staff, she became Rowe, and the latter's sword had already fallen.

"Ripple Sword Ringing Bell"

After receiving the mana replenishment from Athetana, she restarted the Qi Refining and Transforming God, and a series of twelve slashes delayed the Fallen Angel's movement, while Ayining blocked her escape path.

"Don't think about it!"

The brown earth-colored sword energy fell like awn, and turned at a precise angle in the air. The fallen angel danced the spear to stop and shake it away, but Iluth had already chanted the god-level spell.

"The Witch's Feast"

Several doors appeared in the air, and the huge unknown blue arms grabbed the fallen angel one after another. The latter raised the height and kept dodging, but hit an unknown barrier.


Slightly surprised, she turned around and swung her gun, cutting all those arms into nothingness, but Luo Wei and A Yining appeared behind the barrier at the same time.

"Ripple Sword—"

"Huagui Sword——"


The enchantment disappeared in an instant, and the fallen angel turned around to block the joint attack of the two, but the force was as heavy as a mountain, and at the same time, he seemed to have fallen into the water, unable to exert all his strength.

She was swept down by two sword blades at the same time, and hit the illusory dining table that appeared again at an unknown time. The purple chains were entangled, and the magic power in her body was rapidly drawn, as if she was being gluttonous.

Iluth licked her lips lightly, and then released the power of absorption, and the dining table was blown to pieces in the annihilated purple light.

The fallen angel fell in the air and knelt on the ground with a spear sticking to one knee.

"It's really strong." She leaned her body and smiled emotionally. "For pushing me to this point, it's worthy of being able to get here."

Ayi Ning's complexion was not pretty.

After being surrounded and attacked like this, just letting her kneel on one knee, her breath is not disturbed, and her magic power is even more unpredictable. My sister probably has never fought against such a powerful third-level god.

But she didn't think she would lose.

Because there are more than one of them, their current strength has long been formed when the two cooperate better than fighting alone.

And... I still have mysteries that I haven't used, but if I really use them and cooperate with Luo Wei and Iluth to be merciless, then I'm afraid...

She knew in her heart that Luo Wei and Iluth were not out of all their cards.

Does he have any plans... in this case?
In doubt, the fallen angel stood up from there, with the strange white mask still intact, raised his head and raised his gun to look at them.

It seems to be giving them a little rest time.

But at this moment, a crimson light and shadow rushed her out.

The golden spear and the pitch-black spear came together, rubbing off intense sparks.

Saya's six-winged wings were dyed crimson, in stark contrast to the opponent's black wings.

Both are not the colors that normal angel wings should have.

Yet it feels so similar.

"You haven't lost all your memories, right?" Saya looked at the pure white mask with a sullen expression.

Fallen Angel: "..."

"answer me!"

Saya's wings suddenly exerted force, and she pushed the opponent further with her six wings.

The fallen angel who was knocked out slowly stopped with its wings, and glanced at her with a long spear.


She said.

"It's great that you've grown up like this."

(End of this chapter)

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