Chapter 203 The Teacher's Talent Show

After the entire process of the ceremony was over, Shatis sat alone on the bench in the front row.

Vermier, who had taken over the status of saintess, prayed quietly in front of the altar for a while.

In her heart, she still doesn't understand what a saint means. It's just the talent she got from that battle of gods and the accumulation of Bishop Monica's teachings for more than ten years, which gave her such a qualification.

Prayer brings peace of mind.

In today's turbulent situation, in order to prevent this qualification from affecting the truth from the abyss, there is only one thing to do to bear the responsibility.

That is to support, to do things that no one else is doing, and to solve the disputes that endanger the world from the root.

After finishing her meditation, she got up, and Vermier looked at Shatis who was still sitting there.

"Don't worry about me," Shatis caressed the back of the chair with cracked wood grain, as if mocking herself for being as old as these abandoned objects, "You go."

Vermeer bowed deeply to her.

"Thank you for your teaching during this time! I will never forget it in my life!"

"Okay," Shatis turned her eyes away and waved her hands, "The meals you bring every day are enough to be considered rewards, there is no need to let a ghost of the last world linger."

It's almost a month away...

Vermier squeezed her fingers, although Shatis never mentioned it, making people feel that she has no nostalgia for the world, but Vermier doesn't think so.

Because when she eats the dim sum made by herself, she occasionally shows a smile that is not a smile.

After I go back, I'd better try to discuss it with everyone.

Although she couldn't follow the path envisioned by the other party, for herself, Shatis was already equivalent to her second teacher.

"I'm leaving."

After making a decision, Vermier didn't intend to add any more expectations or worries to the other party, and chose to leave after a salute.

Shatis sat there for a long time, staying in this old place that no one remembered, leaning on the bench and slowly fell asleep.


Walking out of the underground passage and returning to the old bishop's office, Vermeer immediately heard an old voice addressing her.

"My Lady of Saintess..."

Seeing the old bishop bowed his head to him, Vermier quickly waved his hands, "No, there is no need to salute like this, big bishop..."

She wanted to call the bishop for a while, but suddenly realized that her current position was higher than the other party, and she was at a loss for a while.

To become a saint, it seems that all aspects need to adapt X﹏X
"My Lady of Saintess."

After being called out again, Vermier turned around in a daze, and saw Luo Wei in black leaning against the bookcase, as if he had been waiting for her for a long time.


Why didn't I realize that he was here, was it... the one who learned from Ayining, and used magic power to restrain his breath on purpose?

Really, really!

How should I respond to this... Could it be that there is a bark, the old bishop will be terrified.

In fact, Luo Wei had just returned from the Battle of the Gods Ruins, and when he came to the bishop's office, he was quite surprised to hear that a ceremony was being held inside.

The silly girl who took off her shoes in the small town and stunned him has now become a noble and noble saint.

Although that stupid look, it looks the same as before.

"Is Shatis still inside?"

"Yes... yes." Vermeer thought it would be better not to address him casually.

Otherwise, you will either shock the old bishop, or you will be shocked if you go out...

"Then come with me to meet her."

Luo Wei glanced at the old bishop. The latter was slightly surprised, but he didn't say anything. He just handed a wooden box with the seal of the church to the two of them.

Inside is a seal that symbolizes the identity of the saint.

Luo Wei nodded and hugged her with one hand, and walked underground with Vermier, feeling more familiar than his own home.

"Try to purify this." Luo Wei said suddenly on the road.


Although Vermeer didn't know what was going on, she quickly thought of something and used the magic power to purify the entire wooden box.

No exception.

"It seems that the people above still know how to cherish their saintess." Luo Wei said with a sneer.

In front of Vermeer today, I can't hide it from her if I want to. The Church of Prayer cannot be blamed for the last round of breakup, but after all, it offended the entire religious world. In the end, there was no divine power to support it. of.

Better to be careful.

Of course, Luo Wei wasn't too worried this time.

What does it have to do with Ryan whether Vermier should be a boy or not?
The two soon came to the re-closed church door, Vermier gently raised her hand, and the re-closed seal was quickly released.

"It has become stronger, my lord saint."



Luo Wei froze for a moment before realizing it, shook his head and smiled.

This silly girl's thinking logic is really different.

The two walked in from the hall, and saw Shatis sleeping on the bench. Vermeer saw her appearance, and realized that Shatis must have sacrificed so much in order for him to learn all the goddess spells. Ying should not have the energy to be so tired.

But Vermier endured and didn't say anything.

She was worried that if she paid too much attention to this matter, it would delay the progress of the whole plan, so she opened and closed her lips.

"Just say whatever you want," Luo Wei said bluntly.

"I...I want to help her, but I'm worried that it will add to the burden."

"So, you want to help her, right?"


Luo Wei nodded, he just wanted Vermeer's attitude, and considered whether Shatis' behavior in this world was worth her saving.As for the soul vase, he used it for Maria, so naturally he doesn't have it now, and it might not be so easy to persuade a shadow that has finished its mission to stay in the world.

He pointed to the bench on the other side.

Vermeer quickly understood, and walked over there quietly with him, intending to quietly wait for Shatis to wake up.


The light of stained glass, the smell of dust.

Shates slowly opened her eyes, her empty eyes prevented her from seeing things clearly, and there was always a circle of black shadows lingering around.

This allowed her to quickly understand her own state, and held her forehead in thought for a moment.

When the consciousness gradually subsided in her mind, she stretched her body slightly, accidentally saw her pale and bloodless arm, and her expression froze for a moment.

Afterwards, she let out a light sigh, like illusory air, leaned over and took off her shoes, letting her white and bloodless feet step on the cold marble, feeling a little more secure.

Then Shatis stood up, holding the shoes in her hands, not looking at the altar surrounded by white flowers, not asking whether her mission had been accomplished.

After all that won't get an answer again.

When she came to the front of the hall, she put her shoes aside, stretched out a hand gracefully, and was bending her legs slightly, when the figure on the bench on the other side made her expression tremble.


Luo Wei sat there, with Vermeer who was sleeping peacefully lying on his lap, and cast a helpless look at Shatis.

He didn't mean to peek.

Who knew that the apostle of the goddess, after waking up and observing her physical condition, suddenly couldn't help but want to dance in the hall?
Shatis stood there maintaining her movements.

It seemed that he was thinking about why Vermeer, who had already left, not only came back, but even brought Rovi along.

She didn't even notice.

Is it because you are too tired?
The two looked at each other for ten seconds, time felt very slow to Luo Wei, the other's lifeless pupils did not convey any waves, like a ghost without emotional thinking.

Afterwards, her movements, which had been stalemate for more than ten seconds, began to proceed slowly.

She doesn't care if there is an audience.

A person, in an abandoned church hall, stands on his bare toes and dances alone and gracefully.

Luo Wei watched this scene quietly.

Xia Tesi's dance is very beautiful.

Like the proof that she is alive, and like the afterimage of her left in this world, there is a kind of fleeting broken beauty, the emptiness and empty eyes on her face make people feel weak and soft. A tenacity to persevere.

With her toes on the ground, without even making any sound, she danced, as light as a feather, maintaining an excellent sense of body and balance, like a silent mime, presenting all the beauty on the screen.

Are you on a mission?

He didn't dare to make any noise to disturb the performance, but the corners of his mouth could not help curling slightly.

and so……

Is this part of the teacher's talent show?

(End of this chapter)

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