It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 204 Vermeer: ​​I am the Great Priest Mother of the Yin God!

Chapter 204 Vermeer: ​​I am the Great Priest Mother of the Yin God!
Xia Tesi stopped at the last movement, slowly and gracefully placed one hand on her chest, saluting to the empty hall.

The empty old church seems to be able to hear the audience's response.

Luo Wei watched from the side, did not pretend to applaud silently, and focused on watching the whole process, which was considered a compliment.

Shatis turned around slowly, her expression was not asking "how", but "tell me if you have anything to say".

Luo Wei raised his hand and made several gestures to her.


Xia Tesi looked at it blankly. The silent language is an ancient means of communication. She didn't want to know how Luo Wei learned it, but the meaning expressed was only three short words——



She didn't even want to know why.

Luo Wei had expected it, and continued to raise his hand to perform:

"The war of gods 18 years ago is not over yet."

He didn't intend to please the other party, nor did he intend to share specific information, but since Shatis didn't deny Vermeer's path, she could still come in handy in the future.

If it were someone else, Shatis might not think too much, but he has proved his vision before, and he would not say such things for no reason.

It's a deal.

The bait given by Luo Wei is to allow her to witness the completion of the unfinished business of the goddess of water purification and unravel the truth about the goddess' fall.

After all, she is already the only apostle of the goddess of water purification in the world.

"How can I trust you."

Shates asked a question in sign language.

Luo Wei shook his head helplessly. Maria's appearance made him connect many things further, but he didn't intend to convince the other party with information.

"What's the benefit of me lying to you? I saved you so that I can watch you dance every day."


Xia Tesi's eyes obviously jumped. Her wandering soul is indeed useless, but...

rude man.

Afterwards, she communicated a lot with Luo Wei in sign language, trying to figure out something, and the latter was riddling people all the time, full of empty words that seemed to be hiding something but had no clear clues.

hang her.

It was Mena's favorite thing to do.

Shatis finally sighed deeply. Even if she did it all over again, she never thought that the clue that she couldn't find after searching all over the old place would be in the man in front of her.

Can't you get rid of it?

This can be regarded as the punishment for not being able to set foot on the battlefield with the goddess back then.

"I see."

She didn't care about what Luo Wei planned to do, how to extend her life, if he couldn't do it, it meant that he was not so omnipotent, and she naturally didn't need to witness the next thing.

Bending down to pick up the shoes on the ground, Shatis glanced at the dusty soles of her feet, and was about to wash them with water magic, she frowned and turned her back.

This is probably considered talking to people, talking nonsense to hell.

Luo Wei curled his lips, looked down at the sleeping saint, and scratched the tip of her nose with the tip of her hair.

"Huh? Rowe? I...?"

"You can go."


Vermeer rubbed her eyes and sat up, seeing Shatis wearing her shoes, she blinked in confusion.

"You...are you finished talking?"

"That's it."


Vermier opened her mouth, why did they have to take off their shoes while chatting?
Should, shouldn't it be...

Seeing Luo Wei get up and leave towards the church gate, Vermeer couldn't help but glance back as she followed.


Has my teacher also become a competitor?

Luo Wei shook his head and smiled. His plan was to make Shatis the envoy of Vermeer, and use her identity to calm down those who would force her to perform her duties as a saint in the future.

Come outside the church.

The sky was approaching dusk, and Vermeer was still immersed in thinking, when a burst of electricity suddenly came from his neck.

Vermeer: ​​^
Call me as soon as you get out...

"Be patient, my lord saint," Luo Wei looked at her coldly, "I knew about the ceremony two days ago but didn't tell me."


"I wanted to give you a surprise..." Vermier said aggrievedly.

However, it doesn't have to be powered very hard.

"Then I have a surprise for you too."


of course.

He came to the church to look for Vermier because he had something to do.

Pulling her into a side alley, Vermier glanced out in a panic, subconsciously thinking that she was about to be pushed against the wall.

But Luo Wei began to wrap the black bandage in front of her.


Why did he suddenly start changing clothes?Do you want to use that look?
In less than 5 minutes, Luo Wei disguised himself as a black monster with a height of more than two meters and an astonishing shoulder width. Normally, Vermeer had already disappeared when he saw this appearance, and he didn't move when he knew it was him inside.

"It's your turn next." Luo Wei said in a gloomy voice that had changed.


This is, a new punishment method?
It can't be explained that Luo Wei also wrapped black bandages around her body, alternating with white ones, especially around her chest.


Vermeer was dazed and didn't dare to speak, but she felt that this was quite novel, even when she was strangled, she still felt a little uncomfortable...

"Drink it." Luo Wei took out a bottle of voice-changing potion and said.

Vermeer gulped down the drink, a tickle in her throat, and her voice became a hoarse duck voice when she spoke again.

"That... um! Is this really me? Ah—ah—"

Luo Wei: "..."

Looks like she needs to be given a drink.

"Listen, your current identity is the Great Priest Mother of the Yin God."


Vermier scratched her head, only scratching a circle of bandages.

Luo Wei explained: "I'm going to take you to the Yinshen sect's place now. This time it's just a drill. You do as I tell you, and don't speak during the whole process."

"Don't open your mouth... um—then why did you make me drink voice-changing medicine..."


"Aw! Aww! Hey...why does this sound sound like a duck barking like a dog? Bark!"

Don't go crazy here.

Luo Wei covered his face in grief, and asked her to pretend to be the High Priestess of the Yin God, not the High Priest Mother of the Mad God...

If I don't come here for a bottle, I really don't know what to do.

Letting Vermier go there is mainly for the operation of Lan Temple, and when the time comes to send someone over there, it will be meaningless if he burps after getting in for a long time.

Therefore, it is necessary for Vermeer to maintain the purification process outside to prevent the black fire from burning the believers to death.

Considering her exaggerated acting skills last time, Luo Wei decided to rehearse first to give her a chance to adapt.

"...So, I am your superior now!?"

After listening to Luo Wei's description, Vermier suddenly became excited about this kind of acting, she had never tried it before!And you have to fool the real believers!

"I made it up randomly. They don't know the job status above. Just do as I say."

"Good good!"

The little Erwuzi is eager to try.

However, Luo Wei felt that the future was difficult. You, the fake high priest, why did you say so without a face...

Taking advantage of the evening sky to go to the workshop of the Yin God disciples, Vermeer lifted one shoulder, walking like a poker player.

"Please be normal."

He was obviously a cult cadre, but he was so arrogant when he walked, Luo Wei couldn't help but want to hit someone when he saw it.

Is there no one in the Knights who bully me?

The whole street was provoked.


Vermeer has never imagined that on the first day he became a saint, he became a high-ranking cult member. As expected, there are all kinds of miraculous developments by his side~!
That's right, I am the Great Priest Mother of the Yin God, I am the Great Priest Mother of the Yin God!

Wanting to devote herself to such a performance, her steps became arrogant again unknowingly.

Zizizizizi——! !


You are a mere high priest, how dare you treat me like this!
Luo Wei covered his face deeply.

It seems that the usual power is low.

The two crossed the last section of the road in a concealed way, and arrived at the side door of the workshop. Luo Wei asked Vermier to wait outside, and went in first to confirm.

"My lord priest."

Seeing his disciples all bow their heads, Luo Wei responded coldly and asked them about their progress in the past few days.

Through the synthesis technique of the prisoner's secret code, the fake certificate of the group has been promoted to the sixth level "elementary craftsman".

It is quite satisfactory.

After all, there are so many people supporting a certificate, and the technology, funds, and materials are all in place. It can only be said that not everyone can become John and Chloe.

"By the way, sir, Sheila is waiting for you in the room."

"Okay, I got it." Luo Wei replied in a deep voice, but it felt a little strange, why did this sound a bit ambiguous?

He turned around and walked towards the room specially vacated for Sheila. After checking with his breath, he smiled and knocked on the door.

"come in……"

Luo Wei opened the door and walked in. Sheila, who was wearing a black gauze dress, was studying at the table. When she saw him, she stood up immediately, and the book in her hand read "Basic Guide to Artisans".

At the same time, a cold voice appeared behind him.

"Which priest are you sent?"

Feeling that there was a sharp object against the aura of his bodyguard, Luo Wei slowly raised his hand, knowing without thinking that the person behind him might be the new priest who came to take over.

The real deal.

"I am not sent by anyone, but I have a heavy responsibility, and I am passing here. Didn't they tell you?"

"Oh? Show me your priest card."

"No, I have a special mission, and you have the initiative," Luo Wei shook his head coldly, "I need to confirm your identity first."

There was a moment of silence behind him, and a special priest's coat of arms slowly stretched out in front of him.

Rowe nodded.

"I won't confirm it inside. It seems that you are indeed the successor here."

"Where's yours?" The other party asked coldly.

Luo Wei raised his hands, slowed down his movements so that the opponent could see his state clearly, and slowly took out Ramon's priest card from his arms.

"Ripple Sword·Waterfall"

Having anticipated this situation, she asked Ke Luoxi to expand the priest card in advance, so that there was a blade attached to the second half.

At this moment, he activated his sword skill and covered the activation of "Shui Luo" with a slow posture. The water-blue sword light flashed past, and half of the high priest behind him flew out, blood splashing everywhere in the room.


Luo Wei watched coldly as the remaining half collapsed.

Looks like they'll have to find another replacement.

He took out the medicine powder from his arms and poured it on the corpse. Luo Wei turned his head and looked at Sheila who was standing there in a daze.

"Remember, when you are convinced that the person who is intimidating you is the enemy, who will pose a serious threat to your life and cannot hide the past, kill him before the other party makes a move."

"Okay, okay..." Sheila swallowed her throat, "But you, my lord priest..."

She actually didn't understand at all, why did the high priest kill the high priest?When the man who claimed to be the successor appeared today, he learned that there was already a priest in charge of them, so he ordered them to cooperate and lead him into the room.

And let her, who is said to be cared for, attract attention.

Judging from the results, the priest noticed that she had replaced the book of the Prisoner's Secret Code with the book related to the craftsman, so she took precautions.

But she never expected that the priest said three words, and did it without the slightest hesitation.

"Because I am an exiled priest," Luo Wei said grimly. "This is actually the same as you. If found, I will be executed."

"So that's how it is..."

Sheila was stunned, but at the same time she was a little puzzled, isn't the priest going to praise me for reminding me properly?
Could it be because I was embarrassed to speak because my life was saved, heh.

"Also, don't do that kind of thing," Luo Wei said coldly, "You are holding the book too deliberately, if I didn't know there was someone behind the door and blocked his sight with my body, I would be the first to die in this situation It could be you."

Sheila: "..."

Her face suddenly became uncomfortable.

I can't wait to swallow all those embarrassing thoughts in my heart just now.

I've been thinking for a long time before I figured this out...

"Have you ever heard that Qian donkeys are poor?" Luo Wei raised his head and probed with his breath, and continued, "When you are not capable enough, don't easily expose yourself."


Sheila held her face, feeling an inexplicable grievance in her heart.

He actually called me a donkey...

"You didn't tell him about the dual elements and learning the secret code?" Luo Wei asked again.

Although Sheila's behavior was clumsy, it was not completely useless, at least it was obvious at a glance that she had not betrayed herself.

There are stupid people who are stupid.

"Of course not. Didn't the letter say to keep it a secret from anyone?" Sheila said dejectedly, "and we all vaguely know that without you, the high priest just now might have come to deal with us."

"Very good," Luo Wei nodded, "Based on your performance, I decided to let you meet our Yin God Priest Mother."

Sheila suspected for a moment that she had heard wrong.

Yin god... big stepmother?

Accompanied by a burst of deep gloom, another bandaged figure appeared in the room, not only in black, but also wrapped in grayish white bandages, making it look even more unclean and evil.

Luo Wei took a step back, and gave a yin god salute to Vermeer who appeared.


The blood in the room and the corpse being processed made Vermier suddenly yell out, the voice sounded very weird.

Sheila: "?"

Vermier froze.

Why come in like this...

I didn't say anything before!
She paused there for two seconds, feeling that both Luo Wei and the girl in black were looking at her, and twisted stiffly like a doll.

"This is really fresh and delicious--"

Luo Wei: "..."

Sheila on the other side was startled, and knelt down with a snort.

"Step-mother, stepmother!"

Luo Wei: "..."

Does this work too?
One dares to speak, one dares to believe.

You guys...

I'm afraid it wasn't two idiots bumping into each other.

(End of this chapter)

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