Chapter 208 Why, Are You So Urgent To Give birth to Her?

The next morning, when Vermeer woke up, she found Ahu Lily in her arms.

And Rowe was gone.

She couldn't remember what happened last night, and she didn't even know when Lily came up.


Seeing the uneasy look on the dog girl's face, she patted her on the back lightly, and followed her long yellow hair.

She knew that Lily didn't get anything, and maybe it was fine now.

Vermier thought about it, and hugged Ahu Lily into her arms, hoping to give her some care that she couldn't get from Luo Wei.


At this time, in Luo Wei's tent.

"Where did you go last night?" Ayi Ning asked while standing at the door with her hips akimbo.


Luo Wei gave her a complicated look.

With this tone and expression, it seems like he doesn't trust her husband who hasn't come home all night...

"Don't you prepare the washboard first?" he said.


A Yining choked for a moment, and soon realized that he was teasing herself secretly again, and turned around with a little dissatisfaction.

"Vermier came to see me," Luo Wei said, "If you..."

Just as he was talking, another person suddenly barged in at the door.

Saya came in angrily.

"Well, you bastard! Lied to me that there is Rosalia, but Athetana said that there will be no kiss like that in 100 years!"

"Why, you are in a hurry to give birth to her?" Luo Wei said calmly.


Saya suddenly stopped.

Urgently give birth to her... Urgently... to give birth to...

"I didn't mean that at all, okay!!"

"So what's the problem with this?" Luo Wei said naturally, "Didn't I also say that there is no way to give birth so soon, or are you ready?"

be ready……

What do I do to prepare...

"So how did the baby come about?"

Luo Wei: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

A Yining clutched her forehead and sighed helplessly, being disturbed by Saya, she didn't feel like questioning him at all.

So, Saya went to find Athetana last night.

And the mother goddess only answered to a certain extent, and didn't tell her more knowledge?
Think about it too.

Seeing Saya's level, it is basically hopeless, let her experience it slowly.

"If you want to know, I can simulate it with A Yining."


The heart that had just been put down suddenly lifted up, and Ayining stared at him in horror, the meaning was all written in her eyes.

"Of course I'm talking about wearing clothes," Luo Wei smiled. "It's a simulation, just like those plots in the novel. What's the front leg, only one knee is injured or something."


Ayi Ning blushed, and threw the pillow at his side viciously at him, "You idiot!"

Saya looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Then let's begin."

Ayi Ning: "...?"

start……? ? ?
How can you make such a serious statement!
She can probably understand Athetana's mood now. To some extent, this is harder to teach than Vermeer, and it is definitely not the teacher's problem...

"What's wrong?" Saya was thinking, and suddenly took a step back vigilantly, "Could it be possible to give birth to a baby while wearing clothes?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Ayining lost her temper, got up and walked out.

"It's time for me to prepare for today's action." Luo Wei also left with a dark face.

Saya: "...?"

She stood there, looking back at the raised and closed door curtain, her face full of confusion.

"What are you going for?"

Why is no one willing to tell me! !


Near noon, Luo Wei and Vermeer, who were disguised, went to the Yinshen cultist's workshop.

On the way, Vermeer kept asking about what happened last night.

It wasn't that Luo Wei was guilty, but he was too lazy to tell her that this guy passed out without ambiguity, and he couldn't make eye contact with Ahu Lily in person, so he had to do his crafts separately.


Why am I so concerned about her.

When I came to the workshop, I asked the disciples who were performing the task to make some preparations. By the way, I gave Sheila a set of surprise tests. Now she can adapt to it and release the restraint as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the two led their disciples to the Lan Temple and stopped at a hidden place on the Broken Ridge Plateau.

Further up is the monitoring range of the temple.

"I've said everything I need to say, let's go."

"Yes!" the believer replied.

Watching the believers go up the mountain, Luo Wei led Vermier around the mountain from the other side, and stopped not far from the entrance of the Lan Temple, arriving earlier than walking the long snow-covered steps.

"That's it," Luo Wei said, leaning against the sunken rock mass, "I hope he can bring news."


It was already almost June, and there was still a biting cold wind blowing under this plateau. Vermeer pulled up her hood, and couldn't help shrinking back.

Lan Temple.

Different from church-like organizations, the temple power is more like a corps that only accepts elites and exists to resolve continental disputes. There are also certain living facilities and merchants in the temple territory, but they basically only accept fixed objects, and the assessment standards are very strict. high.

God is now in the camp of the world.

You can try to understand it this way.

"Can that believer really get in smoothly?"

"I don't know." Luo Wei looked at the direction of the mountain and shook his head. It is impossible for Lan Temple to collude with the artisans, and there will be no exchange of information between them. If they get some clues to solve the problem, if they are rejected, it means that the situation inside is different from what they thought, and all information must be re-deduced.

But if you get in because of these contents...

After waiting for a while, the two saw the believers slowly coming up from one side, and did not notice that they were hiding here. They came to the gate of Lan Temple and talked with the angel who was on duty at the gate.

Then, the door was closed again, and the believers waited at the door.

After about ten minutes, the door opened again, and the angel took a look outside and led the disciples in.

"Go in..." Vermeer murmured.

Luo Wei squinted his eyes. Being able to enter successfully was already the first piece of information he had obtained.

As for the result, it depends on whether the believers can come out alive.


The waiting time is quite long.

In the distance, Lovely's battleship could be vaguely seen in the air, and the two of them were focused on business and did not chat too much.

Mainly, Luo Wei once warned the believers not to stay inside too much, but it seems that more than two hours have passed.

He took out the resonator and took a look.

There is still only one black wire.

I once heard Saya mention the chief combat officer here, Moira, who is the fourth main angel, should be a relatively cold and arrogant person from the description.

For such a person, there is a high possibility that sand cannot be tolerated in their eyes. What Luo Wei considers is whether the other party knows the truth about Maria.

There are several possibilities.

It is the most concise and clear solution to let them go in without reporting what they know.

But I'm afraid it won't be that simple.


The sound of the horn suddenly came from the direction of the temple, and the two raised their heads, and saw multiple angels flying up to the sky inside.

"This is……?"

"The horn of the expedition." Luo Wei concentrated his attention and glanced down the mountain.

The obvious situation in Wuguan City should not cause the temple to take action, and there was no similar development in the last round.

In other words.

Didn't they go for Wuguan City?
Looking up to identify the direction of the angels, you can see that they are obviously going north, and according to the general judgment, the northernmost part of the situation circle of Wuguan City is already the Temple of Lan on the Broken Ridge Plateau.

Further north...?
Luo Wei thought about it calmly. It wasn't necessarily a coincidence that they encountered the angel going out, but something that happened from time to time, but the angel's going out didn't leave anything in the current situation.

In other words, it is not an expedition for the purpose of war.

Just as he was thinking, the gate of the temple slowly opened.

"Look, Luo Wei! That cultist has come out!"

Luo Wei looked in the direction of the gate. Guided by the warriors of the temple, the believers bowed to each other and watched the gate of the temple close again.

"Go." He said in a deep voice.

Not only did the believers come out, but he also noticed one thing.

In the expedition to the temple, only angels were dispatched, and none of the flightless godheads and temple warriors came out of the gate.

When he was more than ten meters away from the opponent, Luo Wei held down his staff and dodged over.

"Ripple Sword Sparkle"

Approaching the believer's side, Luo Wei threw it in the direction of Vermeer, who had already prepared for it, and Vermeer had already chanted the great purification magic, and the holy light bathed the believer.


The believer fell down in the snow and hadn't recovered from it at all. Just as he was about to turn around, a black-red evil phantom floated up from him, and quickly dissolved in the holy light before disappearing.

Luo Wei quickly picked him up and dragged him to the hidden place of the rock.

"Just, that was just now..." The believer's face was livid with fright.

"It seems that you have saved your life." Luo Wei said coldly.

At the same time, he took out the resonator and took a look. There were no black lines on the believers, which meant that they had not been copied to deceive them.

Although a little unclear, the believers knelt on the ground immediately.

"Thank you priest and priestess for saving me!"

"Don't worry," Luo Wei said coldly, "tell me what you found inside."

Sitting in the crevice under the rock, the believer told what he saw in detail.

After entering the interior of the temple, the angel was very polite to him, but for some reason he kept advising him not to try it, which made him feel a little flattered.

Later, following the guidance, he met the blue-haired angel who claimed to be the chief combat officer, and asked him again whether he wanted to do so.

He didn't enter the temple until he nodded and said something about the scene of the Lovi Sect.

There is a labyrinth-like structure underneath, and the believers don't remember how long they walked, and finally stopped in front of a building that looked like an underground church.

Underground church?

This caught Vermeer's attention a little bit, after all, her sainthood ceremony was also carried out in the underground church of the Church of Wishing in the Crownless City.

Rowe thought of it too.

But what the believer said next surprised him a little.

"In there, it's like a black hole in the abyss, and there's nothing..."

"You didn't go in?" Luo Wei asked with a frown.

"No, I went in." The believer replied with a trembling voice, "Accompanied by the chief angel, I went in, as if I had arrived in another world."

You are very brave.

Rowe was slightly amazed.

But compared to bringing nothing out and still facing a dead end, it can be considered a chance to survive, not to mention having the chief angel by his side.

The believer slowly untied the machine from his shoulders.

It was a magical surveillance projection that Luo Wei deliberately disguised and asked Crocy to transform for him.

"It took a long time to reach the deepest point, and as for the last thing I saw... I, I took pictures."


Luo Wei is very satisfied with the achievements of the believers.

But when he saw the content described in the picture, his eyes widened imperceptibly.

What is on the screen is nothing else.

It's what Iluth has been looking for... The witch has guarded the Silent Night Forest for generations, where the devil king is—

Return to no sea.

(End of this chapter)

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