Chapter 209 Direct Formation of a Mother-Daughter Group
What appeared before the eyes of the believers was a huge eggshell.

A small piece of it was broken off.

Through this gap, a black ocean can be seen.

Return to no sea.

Also known as the Sea of ​​Forbidden Consciousness.

If you walk on the sea, the sea water often only covers the upper, and you can move forward without a boat.

This is because the contents of the sea are almost filled with all kinds of sleeping taboos - sunken old warships, evil cities destroyed by ancient gods, unclean holy mountains, eccentric churches, and even some living s things.

Walking on the surface is equivalent to stepping on the heads of these things through a glass-like barrier.

Well, a large curiosity aquarium.

Luo Wei wasn't too surprised. After all, in the normal process, the final boss didn't just appear out of nowhere, and there was always a certain degree of connection in the details.

He just didn't expect that after Saya and Vermeer, Iluth would also be involved in this matter.

Then things will be clear.

The "eggshell" is equivalent to a passage leading to the sea of ​​nothingness. After a crack appears, an endless stream of taboo aura leaks out, forming the abyss-like black hole in the church outside.

There is a high probability that Mary is in that church.

After all, the black line points to the Temple of Lan, not to Gui Wuhai.

Just knowing this is enough.


Luo Wei couldn't help sneering.

In order to repair the cracks on the "eggshell", the Temple of Lan probably sent several commissions to the Craftsman Association. After all, the shell-like portal is not like a magic creation, and the city of Wuguan has gathered excellent craftsmen in the world.

Count on craftsmen to meet?
Then I am afraid that this hole will never be filled in this life.

Throwing a few chess pieces that need to be discarded is regarded as "trying your best". In Luo Wei's view, the crack is probably made by the craftsman himself.

"Entrust me to repair what I deliberately broke."

Such a joke was probably planned by the Artisan Association, after all, it made full use of their camp advantage.

Wei Mier stood aside, couldn't help scratching the bandage on her head with her staff.


What did he see again...

At this time, Luo Wei turned to the believers: "It's nothing to do with you here. You did a good job this time. I will reward you when you go back."

"Good... good!"

The believers saluted the two respectively, and then went down the mountain silently.

Without the slightest ambiguity, Luo Wei asked Vermier to take him back to the workshop, and after removing the disguise, he went to the courtyard of silence and immediately called everyone together.

When Luyi appeared riding on Saya's neck, Luo Wei and Vermeer were stunned at the same time.

Saya at the bottom looked like she wanted to stab someone.

"Why do I have to accompany this do this kind of thing!"

"Aren't you interested in children?" Accompanied by the voice, Ayining calmly followed behind them, "Now I'm getting used to it in advance."

Saya: "..."

Rowe could see it.

One pestered her to ask about having a baby, and the other pestered her to go shopping. A Yining knew that the news of Lan Temple might come back at any time, so she simply let these two...

Directly form a mother-daughter combination.


Let Saya play with Lu Yi, kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay! Hehehe~" Luyi rode on Saya's neck, straightened her hands like flying, "Luyi can fly without magic~ Saya, hurry up~"

Saya couldn't take it anymore.

"She's older than me next year!! I've never heard of a child being older than my mother!"

Vermier froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed.


Lu Yi lowered her head without thinking, "Then... Saya riding on my neck?"

"Go, go...!"

Just as Luo Wei imagined it, he showed a troubled expression.

That picture is too hot for the eyes.

Vermeer tugged at his sleeve, "I...I want it too."

Seeing Iluth come out at the end, Luo Wei withdrew his expression and gave her a serious look.

Iluth: "..."

After several people sat down, Luo Wei still looked at her and said slowly: "I don't intend to hide something from you, but I hope you can seriously consider it after listening."

Iluth just smiled slightly, "I don't agree to everything."

"I found the crack of Gui Wuhai in Lan Temple."


Elise's eyes visibly twitched.

The news came so suddenly that even she couldn't keep calm.

"You think... this is not the clue I want?"


"Then can I think that the share in your hand is more important?"


Ilus closed her eyes lightly, lost in thought.

He really knew what he was looking for.

Can say that name directly, has he also come into contact with other entrances?
Should it be said that fate tricks people?

Some people searched for 1000 years without any clues, and some people intersected with it twice in their teens.

Luo Wei looked at her and continued: "By the way, if you insist on going your own way, I will stop you at all costs."

The few people on the side were confused.

Return to no sea?
Stop Elus at all costs?
Vermeer thought, could this refer to the world with black sea water behind that eggshell?
"I see." Iluth opened her psychedelic eyes and said slowly.

Then, Luo Wei stopped talking about this topic, and told what he and Vermier saw, and speculated that Maria's body was in the underground church of Lan Temple.

This is undoubtedly what Saya is most concerned about.

"What are you going to do?" She asked, but when she finished speaking, several people looked at her at the same time, especially Vermeer, who seemed to have never thought that Saya would ask for Luo Wei's opinion.

Saya suddenly turned pale.

"I'm just... just listening to what kind of conspiracy he has! I didn't say that I would definitely use it!!"

Luo Wei smiled and shook his head. After what happened last time, Saya has really become obedient in this matter.

"It's very simple, let's go straight in," he said.

"Go in directly..." Saya was stunned, as if she didn't expect this answer at all, "How direct?"

Luo Wei closed his eyes and hugged his chest slowly.

"Just ask the craftsman to go in," he opened his eyes and said, "We will fix things that the craftsmen can't fix, and let's solve the problems that the craftsmen can't solve."

This thing is actually not complicated.

The purpose of the Artisan Association is to maintain the cracks, and the purpose of the Lan Temple is to repair, but the latter has been kept in the dark by the former.

Then just push it in the middle.

Once they plug the cracks, the conspiracy of the Artisan Association will die, and the only thing left is how to wake Maria up.

"Who are you going to invite?" A Yining asked.

She knew that Ke Luoxi was so busy recently that she often didn't even have time to eat, and had to be brought into the workshop.

"Well..." Luo Wei smiled, "Of course he's the one who won't blow things up."

Gathered outside, Luo Wei took a few people to the underground workshop built by Ryan and the others, and found John in the middle of a pile of wood and stones.

After asking him for help, John held the hammer and untied the cloth strips tied around his head.

"We still have to hide it from Ryan this time, right?"

"That's right," Luo Wei also smiled helplessly. In the past, when the seal of the Silent Garden was lifted, John had been hiding it from Ryan. .”

John's eyes lit up immediately.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

He couldn't help but put on the craftsman's bag, and the will to defeat Ke Luoxi was about to emerge. The group of people teleported to the place where Luo Wei and Vermeer had returned first, and the cold wind immediately shivered them.

At this time, it was less than an hour before we went back to gather.

Coming out from under the hidden rock, the towering gate of the temple stood in front of him, and Luo Wei nodded to Saya.

The latter stepped forward and knocked on the door without any hesitation.

When she came last time, she was full of apprehension, and she didn't want people to see that she was a war officer of the temple.

But this time it was completely different.

Facing the angel who opened the door, Saya raised her head in a haughty manner and made him look stupid, subconsciously her aura weakened.

"you are?"

"Holy Fire Plateau Temple leader, the fourth angel."


The other party doesn't seem to remember her, but Saya remembers it clearly. When she came last time, she didn't lose their eyes. At this moment, it's like getting all the bills back at once, and she feels extremely happy in her heart.

"The Lord of the Temple and the Chief War Officer are not in the temple at the moment, you can come in first, but who are these?"

"My friend, what, do you have a problem?"

"Don't dare..."

Seeing Saya's high-spirited appearance, Luo Wei folded his arms and shook his head for a while.

When this guy is arrogant, he really doesn't care about other people's feelings.

A group of people entered the temple. Based on Saya's visit last time and the Yinshen believers also said the route, they walked straight to the inside of the temple.

"That... Lord Angel," the leading angel hesitated, "The core area of ​​our temple is right ahead."

"Okay, then it's none of your business, go down."


Wei Mier choked aside.

This way of handling...

I always feel that Saya is imitating Luo Wei's language...

The angel stood there frozen for a moment, a flash of light suddenly fell in front of them, the angel with short blue hair spread his white wings, and walked slowly out of the light curtain coldly.

It seems that the message was received and sent back directly.

"It's you again?" Seeing Saya, the blue-haired angel showed extreme impatience on his face, "Break into our temple without authorization and disrupt our expedition plan. You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

"Oh?" Saya looked at the other party nonchalantly. She had long been unhappy with the old woman in her heart, and she didn't intend to leave any sympathy for the other party at this moment. "You are still kept in the dark, how pitiful."

Anyway, Luo Wei said that she can negotiate as she pleases.

Moira, who was the chief combat officer of the Broken Ridge Plateau, frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, I can't stand it anymore because you are not good at doing things," Saya said sarcastically, "It is too insulting to the title of "Chief War Officer", and I am ashamed to be side by side with you. "


Moira's face turned livid.

What is this woman talking about, she is the chief war officer of another temple leader?Are we doing badly?What kind of trouble is this.

She didn't believe the angel's nonsense at all.

Now that he knows the title of chief combat officer, how could he not be clear, this is only responsible for the position of the temple leader to which he belongs, what does cross-temple law enforcement mean?
You, the officer of the Holy Fire Plateau, are in charge of my affairs on the Broken Ridge Plateau?

There is even a whole lion garden in the middle!
"Remember to make up a slightly logical lie next time," Moira's face turned cold, and she called out the winged spear from behind, "But I don't think there will be a next time, I will arrest you for the crime of disrupting the temple conquest, and I am ready to accept The judgment of the main hall."

With an arrogant expression on her face, Saya ignored the other party's words.

The next moment, a majestic crimson air pressure surged in the open space in front of the main hall, suppressing and concentrating around the body in the red and white battle suit.

God core?

Moira's eyes froze. Is the other party the fourth angel?Why didn't you see it last time?

And the next moment, her eyes widened in disbelief.

From behind Saya, four pairs of incomparably gorgeous wings spread out, a total of eight wings stretched outward, occupying most of the open space.

For a moment, all the angels with wings were overshadowed by this scene.

Because of those wings,
Has a unique blush.

(End of this chapter)

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