Chapter 223 The Night of Summer

Quiet summer night.

Insects could be faintly heard outside.

Four people were in the tent, three of them were watching him, but Luo Wei was secretly playing a small game with one of them.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Because they were sitting sideways and their knees were closer to his hands, Saya and Ayi focused on the situation on Luo Wei's face, but they were blocked by their bodies, so they should not be able to see the subtle movements of his fingers.

In front of the two of them, secretly...

She was embarrassed by only Saya before, but now there is another Ayining...

Vermier didn't want to wake up the beast at such a time, and the movement of wiping her hand was as slow as possible, to calm him down.

Saya looked at it and frowned.

"Why weren't you so careful when you painted me?"

"Because... Luo Wei is not like you who can purify by himself, so... you need to be more patient."

Luo Wei smiled secretly, and moved his finger up a little.

You say my face is not as clean as hers?

The thigh muscles tightened uncomfortably, and Vermier quickly realized that this... was also a kind of "punishment".

"Did you hear that? Do you really wash your face properly?" Saya on the opposite side looked disdainful.

Luo Wei was indifferent and did not argue with her.

He is a human male, isn't it normal that he doesn't have as good skin as hers?

Luo Wei doesn't know how to do maintenance, just keep it clean and comfortable. However, there are women all around him. Just like other women find it difficult to integrate into Ryan's side, he is also affected by their daily life here. .

Wei Mier will help him put away the littered things, and Saya and Aining will make complaints when they see them.

When taking a bath, Ryan may fetch a bucket of water from the river, and it takes 5 minutes per person to get it done. There is a bathroom and hot water here, and the bath will take longer if you go to the hot spring together.

Including like now, the face is carefully wiped by Vermeer with herbal essence water, and getting along with them, the living habits will inevitably integrate and affect each other.

"it is okay."

Vermeer finished cleaning her face, and Saya couldn't wait for the yellow mud to be applied to Luo Wei's face.

However, Vermeer took out another small bottle from her body.

"Isn't this an absorbent liquid that magnifies the maintenance effect? ​​Are you still planning to use this for him?" Saya thought for a while, "Oh, I see, it must be that his skin can't absorb the essence at all, right!"


Wei Mier bit her lip and said nothing, and after she wiped it on, her face suddenly revealed an exaggerated expression of shock.

"Hey! Luo Wei, your skin absorbs it so well! I've never seen such perfect skin!"


Ayi Ning's eyelids twitched.

Why are the two sentences contradicting each other?

This girl, did she take the wrong medicine?

Luo Wei also frowned, and slid up a palm distance.

Blow too much, start again.

Vermeer: ​​^
"What! You mean, his skin is better than mine!?" Saya said in amazement.

Luo Wei: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

have to.

You two deserve to be on the same track.

Vermier quickly finished a full set of pre-maintenance for him, and picked up the bowl of yellow clay.

"Do...don't move when you apply this, or you won't be able to guarantee the effect."

"How about a change of position?"

Luo Wei pulled her up and asked her to sit behind him with a bowl, while he rested on her stomach and pulled the quilt up.


I was just hinting to him not to go any further...I always feel like this is not the development I want...

"Then, then I started painting, okay?"

The two people on the side didn't react too much, Ayi Ning choked up, and suddenly thought it would be better not to look at them like this.

"Or I'd still..."

Saya grabbed her by the hand.

"Opportunity, the opportunity is rare, Ayining also come to learn."

what do i study...

Looking at her eyes, Ayining immediately realized that this was using the same method to repay what happened in the basement that day.

Why do I have to be a spectator again...

"The mask on the face should be washable off, it's not good to leave it on for too long." She said hesitantly, still wanting to get up.

"Ah, if this is the case, I can come."

As Vermier said, she used the magical power of dispelling to remove the nourishing mud on the faces of the three of them.

"Okay, the ingredients left on the face should be in contact with the air naturally, it will be very elastic~"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid...

The contest between each other, why do you bring me...

The faces of the three of them were immediately supple and smooth, as if they were in the posture of a watery lotus, and the remaining moisture evenly adhered to their faces, making each of them look beautiful and beautiful.

Then Vermeer felt her socks slipping down.


While smearing mud on her face, she buried her head low, pretending not to know what was going on underneath.

With uncoordinated limbs, she suddenly felt that her hands and feet were not enough, so she could only rub, squeeze, and rub gently to apply the mask on his face.

In the meantime, you have to communicate with the two.

"That's right... just like this, up and down, rubbing evenly a little bit, the effect will come out naturally."

Then her feet were grabbed.

I mean above, not below...!
But at the same time, she felt inexplicably coordinated and synchronized, as if her hands and feet were doing the same movements, and she couldn't tell the pain.

"Why are you accelerating?" Saya asked with a frown.

"Yes...that's how it is, here we need to speed have to actively adapt to understand the needs of the skin."

"This is so difficult, how do you know what the needs are, and the face can't talk to you by itself."

" have to touch to feel..."

Wow, what am I talking about X﹏X
The corners of Ayi's mouth trembled, she didn't know the reason behind it, but Luo Wei seemed to enjoy it.

Just put on a mask, as for?

Did Vermeer's technique make him so comfortable?
At this moment, Luo Wei suddenly looked at her, their faces were only a few tens of centimeters apart, and Ayi Ning was slightly taken aback.

Why... you look at me with such a helpful expression.

"Are you in pain?" Saya looked at him puzzled, "Why are you frowning?"

Luo Wei didn't say anything, just looked at A Yining, and the two of them met each other's eyes, that moist face was as beautiful as a fairy who just came down to earth.

Ayi Ning's throat choked slightly, and then she saw a gleam of undisguised light flashing in the brown pupils, as if she was about to swallow her alive.


Accompanied by several consecutive brow tremblings, she looked at Luo Wei who was acting like this, opened her mouth and blinked her eyes.

A thought suddenly flashed in her mind, she turned to one side while maintaining a sluggish appearance, only glanced at it, then blinked in panic and turned back.


Should he not...

The two of them are...?
He looked at my face... out, out?

Ayi Ning's mind buzzed for three seconds, and her face was quickly stained with crimson from the inside out, brewing all the way to the roots of her ears.

Eh! ! ! ! ! ! ?
She was short of breath, her eyes flustered to avoid his sight, and her hands tightly held her heart.

I...he looked at me...he...

Ayi hesitated inwardly, not knowing how to deal with this situation at all, his eyes blinked left and right, and he felt that the top of his head was smoking.

He... I didn't expect them to pick this timing at all... Saya was still blocking the outside, I didn't notice at all...

Hasn't it been since just now...

Now I really don't have the face to face people, how could he treat me like that...I...

No wonder he still likes so many people while planning everything. Is this how time is squeezed out?
Is it because I didn't realize that I should have gotten up and left long ago, so he looked at me?
Or do you want to tell me that you don't have to worry about it tomorrow morning?

Or do you miss your long-lost sister and think of me as Anais?
Ayi Ning's heart became a pot of porridge, and she looked around in a panic, only the redness on her face never faded.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

She shouldn't... know it.

After applying the mask, Ayining hurriedly got up and walked out, but Saya who followed her up had a look of indifference.

"What's wrong, did you forget to do something else?"

Ayi Ning turned her head and looked at her with a puzzled face.

"You... don't you mind if they are in front of you like that?"

"Ah...?" Saya was stunned for a while, then looked aside and muttered, "Isn't it just hugging each other, there... what do you mind..."

This made Ayi Ning also stunned, blushing and sighing deeply.

It turns out that she...

I really don't know anything.

As the night gradually deepened, Saya returned to the tent and left Vermeer here, probably as compensation for what happened before.

Although she still revealed that she cared and was slightly upset.

Ayi Ning hid in her bed tent, sitting with her knees hugged, her mind was in a mess, she unconsciously looked in the direction of those two people, obviously when she hung up the two layers of gauze curtains, she never thought of borrowing Looking to peep at them like this, the look in Luo Wei's eyes at that time was lingering in his mind.

he to me...

What exactly do you mean?

It was a peaceful night, and Ayi Ning was not woken up by the wind and grass, but when she woke up in the morning, she saw the two hugging each other tightly.

She turned around silently, not to disturb them.

Vermier's dependent appearance gave her an indescribable mood.


Spend the time of the day separately.

Luo Wei accompanied Vermeer to the Church of Prayer, discussed the future with Shatis, and also stopped by the workshop of the Yin God Sect to give Sheila a surprise test, and other corresponding preparations.

Shaye is rarely willing to go shopping with A Yining with Luyi, and also went to the Yingsu stronghold on the East Street to exchange information, but it can be seen from the expression that the angel seems to be quite critical of someone who did not accompany her today .

Ilus reads in the courtyard, and Athetana guards the courtyard.

Ke Luoxi is still studying the machine girl.

Lovely was flying in the sky.

The day passed quickly, and when we returned to the courtyard at night, the various exploration teams gathered in the square in front of the Great Transfer Gate, which was unusually lively and noisy.

Luo Wei and his party were the last to arrive.

When they appeared, all eyes were on them, watching them enter the assigned seats, but no one sat on the bench.

Ryan and his companions were in the opposite position to Rowe, with only a vacant main seat in the middle.

Seeing everyone present, Ryan slowly stood up.

He glanced brightly at all the people seated in the circular square, and walked to the very center of the square.

"The gods of the past gathered here and made many efforts for the peace of 200 years ago. Although most of us sitting here are mere mortals, the things we have to do are still the same."

"Then let's begin."

"The first discussion meeting in the Courtyard of Gods War."

(End of this chapter)

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