Chapter 224 It Has to Be You, My Best Friend
God Wars Garden Meeting.

The focus of the discussion is how to explore reasonably and ensure the order of the courtyard.

Ryan’s point of view is that every team that arrives here is eligible to explore freely, and disputes between each other should not be resolved during exploration. When there is a problem that cannot be settled, it will be voted on by representatives of all parties. ruling.

He knew that this would not solve all problems.

When in the ruins, if one party actively attacks with malice, if the other party is unable to resist, I am afraid that the moment of voting will not be able to wait.

What's more, the traces are cleaned up, and the accident is not even known.

He just wanted to express a tendency.

"With all due respect," someone in the crowd said, "Your thinking is too naive. Most of the incidents that happened in the ruins were vicious. How could it be possible to expect those people to abide by the rules?"

"Maybe I'm naive," Ryan said, "Adventure is to meet all kinds of people, explore unknown ruins, and discover the unsolved mysteries of the world. From the beginning of the day, it burns in my chest and cannot be calmed."

There was laughter from the crowd.

Some of them have just arrived, and they may have heard of Ryan's fame in the Crownless City, but when they actually saw him, they never expected such a ridiculously naive person.

"So," Ryan's eyes sank, "if I know who is instigating all this behind the scenes, making the original adventure tainted with an evil conspiracy—"

He closed his eyes and turned to face the front of the square.

"I swear my sword will make him pay."

Gathering everyone's attention, Ryan pulled out the long sword at his waist, and the holy wave of fire in the lake was shining brightly, illuminating the entire dark courtyard, making it impossible to look directly at it for a while.

"The Holy Sword of the Lake, Alariye."

The treasure of the town of the elves on the lake, after Ryan found the asylum and resolved the dispute with the Demon Kingdom, under the guidance of Elfah, the queen of the elves on the lake, Ryan was recognized and protected by the old fire god in the lake.

The treasure of the third-level god.

It was better than Luo Wei's sword of Zhen Cangliu that alarmed the craftsmen, but the victory was not too much.

The main thing is that the protagonist is hanging out. Holding this sword in the hands of others is not at the same level as holding it in the hands of Ryan, and non-third-level gods cannot lift it. It can only be said that Ryan is an exception.

The same is true for Luo Wei, with the Cangliu Sword in his hands, he is also very different from other people.


As long as it is a sword, there are differences in varying degrees between what he holds and what others hold.

Rowe was not surprised by Ryan's response.

He is very naive, and he can't let go of the longing for adventure in his bones, but it would be a big mistake to think that he is a person with indecision and unrealistic delusions because of this.

For his own belief, Ryan is absolutely merciless when he strikes, and Luo Wei thinks that this kind of guy is the most difficult to deal with.

Because he will seriously argue with you to the end.

Not only will you be fucked, but you will also be slapped. While being forced to suffer double torture, you will not stop dying. If you are temporarily repelled, I will immediately give you a sit-up, just ask you Are you scared.

What's more, he is so naive, doesn't forget his original intention, and likes pure adventure, is it wrong?

You can't blame him, and Ryan never claims to be righteous. Can you say that he stands on the commanding heights of morality and is a saint?
No, because he is just thinking of his partner, and he just wants to fuck you.

So insisting on classification, Luo Wei believes that Ryan belongs to the type that infects others with his personality charm, does not talk about big principles, but speaks with practical actions, that's why so many forces are willing to trust him.

The people present were probably a little stunned by this combination of punches, and then they realized that this is a naive but unbelievably frank guy, he does what he says, and his mobility is surprisingly high

I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat with this kind of person.

But someone still laughed.

It was a gloomy man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, sitting in the far seat, who looked like he had just entered the courtyard not long ago.

"Since you are so eager for peace, how about sharing the information about the exploration first?"

"Yes!" The people behind him echoed, "This will not only reduce casualties, but also allow the teams to explore more places, so it will be difficult for them to meet each other!"

Ryan slowly inserted the sword into the square.

"Of course," he closed his eyes and said, "this is what I'm going to say next. I've compiled an adventure guide, which combines the information shared by many teams, and will provide it free of charge to those who are willing to promise to abide by the order in the courtyard." Team."

"Oh?" The man held a skeptical attitude, "I heard that before you came in, someone had been exploring here for several months, right?"

The other party looked at Luo Wei without concealment.

"Is there such a large amount of important information in it?"

Ryan's eyes sank, feeling a sense of malice coming to his face, and the atmosphere in the air was a little stiff for a moment.

He didn't ask Luo Wei about it.

Although I don't know the specific reason, but since I told him such important information as "Be careful of the craftsmen's association", Luo Wei and his party must be doing something in secret, and they can't tell it in the open.

Sometimes Ryan feels weird.

Mingming grew up together and got along with him for more than ten years, but what impressed him the most was the nearly one year since the start of the adventure journey, as if the Luo Wei he knew before and the Luo Wei now were not the same person.

But they have the same quality—that is, an understanding of themselves.

Compared with the negative attitude that always poured cold water on him in the past, Ryan recognizes the current Luo Wei more. The eyes that always calmly analyze the situation are not self-complaining, but can see the key to the incident in advance and work hard for it secretly with.

Therefore, there is no trust or distrust at all.

Ryan could feel from Luo Wei's eyes that those eyes would definitely not be enemies, and they would never be in this life from now on.But on a certain level, they don't get along directly, but they are extremely reliable partners.

Whether it was the beast tide in Baigang Town or the support the workshop received after coming to Wuguan City, it all proved this point.

Therefore, he will not ask him anything.

Along with the discussion, the voices of the crowd gradually became noisy:
"Yeah...! This is the most important thing!"

"Let us know what's in the depths, so we won't die easily!"

"The information must be handed over!"

Some people even suggested that Luo Wei should lead everyone to walk around again.

Luo Wei smiled indifferently, but he didn't expect to enter his own link so soon.

I thought it was going to be delayed.

Several people standing beside him looked at him at the same time. Although they said it was settled casually during the discussion yesterday, the way they were smiling at the moment always made people feel a little chilled.

It's as if... instead, he was expecting someone to speak sooner, so as not to make him feel bored.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

"You're right," Luo Wei stood up and spread his hands, "but it's a pity that we don't plan to participate in the exploration for a while."

"What do you mean, plan to hide the information?" The sharp-mouthed man questioned, "Or are you saying that the things that happened recently were actually done by you to monopolize the resources of the relics?"

Ryan turned around and looked at Luo Wei, he had thought about this situation in advance.

But looking at Luo Wei's appearance at the moment, it seems that he doesn't need to worry.

It made him laugh out loud.

It has to be you, my best friend.

Voices of doubt sounded one after another. Luo Wei stretched out his hands and listened, as if he was enjoying a grand performance, as if he thought that the foreshadowing was not warm enough, and let these people vent their emotions to the fullest.

Saya silently gritted her teeth behind her back: "Shameless people are invincible in the world."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Several power lords who were watching were a little confused.

what style is this?
Although I knew that Ryan's infectious power was extraordinary, but as Ryan's best friend, the boss of the workshop who had been specially taken care of by Marcus seemed to have another unique aura.

This made several lords look at Marcus at the same time.

Marcus: "..."

Apart from the one sitting in the courtyard, Marshal Dong was the only third-level god present.

At this moment, she was as motionless as a clock, and did not express any opinions. The red-haired machine girl who was holding her was poking her head out from behind, as if she was afraid of something.

When everyone's voices gradually faded away, Luo Wei showed an expression of "Is it over?", as if he was still a little regretful.

He pointed to himself with both hands.

"It's my turn?"

No one wanted to answer him.

Seeing no objection, Luo Wei took two steps forward and stepped over the long stone bench in front of him.

Then he stopped there, propped his hips with one hand, and looked at everyone leisurely and helplessly.

"Did you get the wrong person?"

"I plan to take the girls to the beach to play next time, and ask me to attend the meeting. What does your exploration have to do with me?"


The scene was silent for a while.

This is not the same as saying that there is an injustice and a debtor. I was excited here for a long time just now. Who should I go to? What's the point of telling him.

I don't know you guys either.


Through inquiries, I have heard more or less that this group of people has no contact with any forces, and has no corresponding position. There are no conditions to restrain them, and indeed there is no intersection with the vast majority of them.

Doesn't his attitude show that he is not familiar with these people? There is nothing to restrict him, and he doesn't intend to take care of the things in the ruins. Don't get involved with him if you have nothing to do.

Who are you sending it to?

As for the murderer, he is a workshop owner who earns a lot of money. He rushed to go to the beach with the girls for vacation. He is not at the same level as those who are still thinking about how to save their lives in the ruins. Shallow layer, intercept those new exploration teams?What is the picture?


Joey stood beside Jutman in a daze for several seconds, then suddenly looked at the archer.

"I didn't make a sound just now, is it too late to scold him now?"

"It's late." Jutman shook his head helplessly.

"This god damn could I not have his life!"

While everyone was discussing how to coexist peacefully in the ruins, this bastard actually thought about taking the girls to the beach!

Is this how people live! ?
What on earth did he do in his previous life to have such a blessing! !
The others didn't seem to expect such an answer, they looked at each other for a while, and were speechless.

Ai Ning let out a long sigh.

Here it comes again... The style of painting is not on the normal level as soon as I open my mouth.

However, she also roughly guessed Luo Wei's thoughts. Based on the previous attitude of not knowing each other, this matter can indeed be resolved casually, but there is a very important premise——

That is the other exploration teams, unable to meet them in the ruins of the battle of the gods.

For the few people in the deep hidden passage, this is naturally nothing to worry about, so it doesn’t matter how irrelevant Rowe said, and no one can prove whether they have explored or not. Athetana’s beast god domain directly The possibility of monitoring is blocked.

You think I'm not exploring?Actually I went.

You thought I was exploring?Maybe it's a vacation by the sea...

Ayi covered his forehead in desperation, why this kind of thing can be an advantage... It even made his statement reasonable to a certain extent, after all, they really planned to go to the beach to play.

"This guy... didn't lie?" Saya suddenly felt a little surprised.

For some reason, it sounded like a lie when it was clearly telling the truth.

"Saya." Vermeer stopped her, her magic power could sense that someone was trying to eavesdrop on their situation.


Even if you eavesdrop on this sentence, it will only make people more confused...

There was a slight smile on Wei Mier's face, looking at the back standing there, she shook her head helplessly.

Not intertwined with the bright side, it is precisely for the sake of being free from taboos like now.

After recovering from the initial bewilderment, the crowd was pulled a little far away by his seaside vacation plan. After a small discussion, some people gradually began to react.

"It doesn't affect you to hand over the information, right! And since you don't plan to explore, how about giving up the location of the courtyard? I don't think the current geographical distribution is reasonable at all!"

"Yes! Come out! Why do you occupy such a large area with only a few people!"

"Hand over the information too!"

Luo Wei slowly let go of the hand supporting his waist, and stood there with a cold smile in his eyes.

"That is to say, you have taken a fancy to the area I chose when I first came in, right?"

Suddenly, no one dared to answer on the scene.

For some reason, there is always a feeling that he is setting up a trap.

The sharp-mouthed man slowly leaned forward.

"So what?"

Luo Wei looked at him with a slight smile, but left a chilling sentence in his mouth.

"Then, I'm looking at your life."

"Hehe..." the sharp-mouthed man laughed, as if he had expected this to a certain extent, "Are you planning to kill me at the seminar just to ensure peace?"

"How is it possible, you are too good at joking."

Luo Wei's expression was still smiling, but the surrounding air swayed with ripples, and the chilling atmosphere immediately filled the entire square area, making even the godhead feel like a light on his back.

With deep meaning in his eyes, he smiled slowly and said:

"How could I do anything at the meeting?"

(End of this chapter)

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