Chapter 233
Ayining and Moira are dealing with other godheads.

Glancing at Luo Wei, Ayining shook her head, and has been restraining her in an irritating way. Once she is careless, she will be backlashed. It is really not an easy thing to kill him.

Even in battle, he is using his psychology, and even retains his strength.

In this regard, it really makes people feel reliable.

Avoiding the wave of swords that spread after being swung, she froze in the air, pinched out the sword to raise the sword mound, and then flashed her arrogance.

"Hua Gui Luan Wu——"

Shen Shen entered between the sword mounds, and there were more than a dozen sword cuts splashed in an instant, Ayi Ning retracted the sword and swung it horizontally, and the huge cut marks on the brown soil swept forward.


Provoke the other party with words, and deal with the enemy's general by yourself, do you just look down on me like this?

With a wave of the sword, the huge slash burst into pieces, and the sword energy of the brown soil shot up into the sky, and the body of the godhead who was precisely hit was blurred in the explosion of magic power.

Obviously, I'm not too far behind my sister.

Moira twitched the corners of her mouth aside, not to mention the temple master who could hold back that state, what is going on with this oriental girl, the control of magic power and precise beheading are simply amazing.

Now mortals can casually surpass the godheads?
"Huagui Sword Ling Shan"

Pulling out the distance suddenly, bringing the scattered sword lights along the road, Ayining flashed to defeat the monsters squeezed out of the cracks along the road, and arrived in front of the summoner.


Dodging to avoid the attack of the godhead, the attack from the other side also came one after another. Ayi lowered his gaze, sank the sword into the ground, burst out successive sword ridges, and jumped back to Moira before being destroyed.

"It's still a bit reluctant to break through, try to defend as much as possible, time is in our favor."

"Understood." Moira said in a deep voice, the feather spear shot a rain of guns to defeat the monster, and at the same time took the time to glance to one side.

Weggis, why...

At this moment on the eaves, Luo Wei was forced to the arch of the palace gate, and there was no way to retreat behind him. Weggis's offensive became much more cautious.

Is it up or down.

"Ripple Sword Sparkle"

With a sound of swish, Luo Wei suddenly broke through from the front. Although Weggis blocked the blow, he was extremely upset at being teased.

The other party is like a cunning fox. He is only a teenager, and he doesn't know how he learned these tricks.


At the moment of turning around, Luo Wei, who was flashing across the blue afterimage, suddenly turned around and cut, and a flashing ring spread from the inside to the outside.

Weggis blocked with both arms, was pushed out by the force of the slash, and hit hard on the arch of the eaves.


The sword skills are still connected, and the dead end that was originally intended to force him into, but now he bumped into it.

Weggis stood up from the gravel, forced himself to remain calm, and understood that the other party was taking advantage of his impatience, so he must not lose his ability to think.

"I guess, you don't know our strength." Luo Wei stood there and patted his shoulder with the back of his sword.

Weggis narrowed his eyes, "You have no strength at all, but you can run."

"That's why I said you are pitiful." Luo Wei shook his head, "So what if you gain power, you still can't help me."


Where on earth did Moira get such a disgusting fellow.

Weggis frowned faintly, the black wind pressure enveloped his whole body like a solid body, trapped in an indistinct shadow.

Luo Wei's expression sank and he clenched his sword tightly.

coming soon.

"Just wait for me to crush all your bones..."

"Cangyan Wave Sword!"

With a bang, the surging stream of flames interrupted Weggis' words, and the torrent of sword energy plowed through the ground, hitting the body in the shadows directly.


With a roar, Weggis burst out with his divine power and thrust out his fists. The black fists roared out, continuing to block the approaching power.

His body moved back slightly under the impact, but his footsteps stood firm, crushing the stone slabs on the ground and leaving dragging marks on the soil.

When the last trace of Cang Yan was torn apart, Weggis roared again and swung his fists away to prevent that insidious villain from waiting for an opportunity to attack.

But nothing.

Not only was there no raid, even the people were gone.


He raised his head subconsciously, but he saw that Luo Wei was jumping up the magic platform step by step, moving away from the battlefield quickly.

The veins on Weggis' forehead moved faintly.

Still have this hand?
Run to a place that can't be reached except by flying, to avoid his offensive with full power?
This is too shameless.

And... you underestimate me too! !

Weggis clenched his fists and burst into anger, his facial features squeezed together ferociously, the surrounding floor tiles shattered and rose under his aura, and cracks appeared on the ground.


Luo Wei jumped up in the air with the help of the magic platform, and looked down intently.

Seeing the other party's constipation-like movements, it seems that he has the ability to reach this distance.

Then there's no way.

Originally, I wanted to hide for a while longer, but if I worried about preserving my strength, I was afraid that I would really fall into crisis.

——In the past few months, in addition to supplementing basic sword skills, Luo Wei also tried to develop sword skills in a deeper field of the Ripple Sword.

On the surface, his ultimate move is "Cangyan Wave Sword".

But in fact, for some reason of stealing his master, he secretly developed two tricks, the power of which is incomparable, and the existing magic power reserve is only enough to activate one of them.

The immediate choice is undoubtedly that move.

I hope Ai Ning doesn't mind...

After calming down, Luo Wei began to refine Qi and transform into a god, and suddenly pinched out the sword formula with his left hand.

Ayi Ning: "...?"

Seeing this scene in the sky, her eyes froze slightly, although she had asked about this aspect of knowledge...

But when did I teach him sword art?

This guy……

The same goes for holding your breath and probing, how much did he steal from her?Is it from the incomprehensible combat experience, based on the difference in use?
Using gestures to guide the sword energy, Luo Wei held his breath, turned all the magic power in his body into sword intent, restrained its sharpness, and suppressed it as much as possible.

Weggis is also accumulating on the ground, but compared to the method of blindly accumulating strength to obtain higher impact, the technique of using sword tactics to restrain Qi is obviously much more subtle.

If Luo Wei hadn't fully mastered Qi Refining and Transforming God, even if Luo Wei stole his master, he wouldn't be able to perform it at all.

Therefore, most of this trick is due to my sister, and the source of inspiration is the idea of ​​using the "Cangyan Wave Sword" to beat out the Qi Refining God in the battle with Maria.

But for this move, he didn't intend to just recklessly release the magic power.

Weggis on the ground moved.

At the moment when his body sank and was about to bounce up, Luo Wei closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Only the method taught by Anining can perfectly display my own swordsmanship that is neither east nor west.

Boom-! ! !
The ground was crushed by Weggis, and his figure was like a jet-black wave, rumbling through the surrounding buildings and shooting straight at him like a cannonball.

Luo Wei slowly opened his eyes.


Put the sword of Cangliu on the side, just put it lightly, and all the strings are cleverly put together in one place.

Don't move, but want to send a hundred shots.

Gazing coldly at the pitch-black Liebo rushing straight up, Weggis's face was ferocious and full of killing intent.

Rowe's footsteps turned.


With a flash of lightness, his figure moved earlier than the sword, and a drop of water splashed from Wubo's sword.

The two approached in an instant. Compared with the solid black divine pressure on Weggis, there was nothing on Luo Wei.

A Yining who retreated to the entrance of the temple looked up at this scene.

The two sides collided in an instant.

Are--! ! !
The sound of the sword resounded in the entire sky, and a water-blue moon appeared coldly according to the sound, so gorgeous that it didn't seem like anything in the world.


Ayi concentrated slightly, and then discovered that the flawless moonlight was essentially composed of circles of beheading rings, closely arranged, forming this scene like a dream.

With one blow, he actually cut out a full blue moon?
The two passed by each other, Luo Wei's expression turned cold, and embers and flames were flowing on the blade of the sword, and he swiped down.

Weggis, who was hitting upwards, was trapped in the moonlight, and the surroundings were all blue.

"Damn it!!"

When approaching from the front, he could see clearly that the other party didn't directly collide with him at all, but drew a curved arc on the side strangely, missing him like a crescent moon.

Even this kind of place...! !

And Luo Wei's sword stopped for a moment at this moment. Although it was not necessary, he still whispered it out because of the successful calculation.

""Stunt Skill: Water Full Congealing Moon". "

Weggis, caught in this scene, was chopped off by the overflowing moonlight in a split second of shattered cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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