Chapter 234 Lan God, you old sixth!

Weggis landed on his knees and landed heavily on the ground.

The divine power that erupted on his body blocked a lot of power, but his two arms were still cut off, his whole body was covered with cut marks, and his face was buried in darkness.

Luo Wei buffered and fell from the magic platform, looking at him coldly.

"Hehe...hahahaha!" Weggis suddenly laughed.

This movement tore at his wound, causing the blood to drip unceasingly.

He lowered his head and asked, "Why didn't you take the opportunity to kill me?"

Luo Wei frowned and responded to him: "Who are you trying to lie to, thinking that I don't know if you can recover?"

Weggis stood up slowly with support.

"It seems that I underestimated you. You are not insidious, but cautious."

The black breath filled his wound, and two brand new arms stretched out from the cut.

He raised his head and glanced at Luo Wei. All the cut marks on his body healed during this process, and he recovered in an instant.

"If you want to cut off my neck, I'm afraid you will have to work hard." Weggis said, tilting his neck.

"Who says it's not." Luo Wei responded holding the sword, and glanced at Ayining who was fighting on the other side from the corner of the eye, "But I still feel sorry for you."

He didn't have the magical power to launch the stunt again. The blow just now should have left a deep impression on the opponent, and now both of them need time to think about breaking the situation.

And Luo Wei's purpose is very simple.

When Vermeer comes back, he can't help the other party, no matter how many times you recover, he will send you on the road.

She had to stay there to prevent Saya and John from being eroded by taboos. If it wasn't for this consideration, she would be more suitable for the current occasion of dealing with multiple enemies.

"Poor?" Wiggis looked at him with folded arms, "The world has entered the timing of destruction, and now the gods cannot escape their fate. I can use this power to save more people, but you can only stay like bugs." Struggling here, who do you think is more pitiful?"

"God can't escape his fate now? What stupid things are you talking about?"

Luo Wei thinks the other party is pitiful, not only because he is being teased by him.

But Weggis was clearly guarding this kind of place, but he didn't get any information from the craftsmen's union at all, and he didn't even know who they were.

At this moment, he is talking about the destruction of the world and the powerlessness of gods, which gives people the feeling that they are not on the same line as the Artisan Association.

"Don't you believe it?" Weggis raised his head with disdain, "Then I'll prove it to you."

Rowe narrowed his eyes.

What do you mean, how to prove such a thing?

Weggis looked up at the sky in the rain, and suddenly roared loudly:


Luo Wei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he pulled back without any hesitation, crossed the defensive line without looking back, grabbed Ayining's hand, and then stared at the sky with frowning.

"Why, what's the matter?" Ayi Ning watched his every move and didn't recover for a moment.

What did he see?
Holding her hand, this was the first time I saw such a panicked look on Luo Wei's face.

"What he called just now was Lan God's real name." Luo Wei said solemnly.


Lan God.

One of the supreme gods who rule the world, the god of the light camp, the first-level god.

An existence that made great military exploits 200 years ago, and would tear the world apart just by coming.

Although I don't know if I will respond, but this kind of thing must be careful, if it is affected, it will be bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"Master Lanshen's real name...?"

For Moira, this was the first time she had heard of it.

And how dare Weggis speak out so bluntly?

This is absolute blasphemy.

As a human... no, even if you are a god, you must not call out these names lightly.

Weggis emerged from the ruined wall and walked in unhurriedly, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

"It seems that you know the name Banuhat," he said while staring at Luo Wei. "Could it be that you were sent by the main hall?"

Seeing the other party call out the name casually like a daily chat, Luo Wei didn't want to answer his words, let go of A Yining's hand to let her not follow, and walked forward bravely.

Weggis couldn't be allowed to get any closer.

Otherwise, not only them, but Vermier and Saya in the palace will also be in danger.


In front of the crack leading to the sea of ​​no return.

John's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he operated the arm clamp without blinking, covering the last layer of film smoothly.

"It's done." He breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground, his face and back were wet with sweat.

Vermier glanced back. During this period, there were only a few scattered guards chasing after them, and she knocked them down without much effort. Saya stayed inside without encountering any problems.

"Hurry up and pack your things, it's not over yet!"

While urging, Saya stuffed John's tools outside into the box, hastily.

Now, they were going back to the underground church where Maria was. The smell of taboo had stopped spilling out, and the situation had to be confirmed as soon as possible.

Saya covered the box indiscriminately, stuffed the things into John's arms, and looked at Vermeer quickly.

"Quick, send it!"

"it is good!"

John sat on the ground with a dazed expression, and was surrounded by the teleportation array. As soon as he realized it, he fell to the side of the exit with a bang.

The three of them appeared in the underground church, where the vortex was dissipating, and they couldn't see the situation clearly.

"Then I'll go to Luo Wei's place first, Saya, you have to be careful!"

"Okay, let's go, as long as I'm here."

Seeing Vermeer hurrying away, sitting on the staff with wind magic power and leaving, Saya ignored John who was on the ground, and grasped the spear to sense the surrounding movement.

"I'm coming for you, Maria."

She caught up again.

She couldn't meet each other so many times before, and couldn't recognize each other after meeting. She didn't want to let the same regret happen again.


On the open space in front of the palace, Weggis opened his hand towards Luo Wei who was coming.

"How? God Lan didn't respond at all. This is the god I have believed in for hundreds of years."

Luo Wei's face darkened, "It sounds like you have tried many times."

"Of course," Weggis sneered, "If it weren't for that, how could I believe what he said."


Weggis looked down, and instead of discussing this topic, he looked up at Rowe again.

"Based on your performance, I think you are worthy of a spot," Wiggis said, "how about it, should you leave the temple and join us, and you can see the truth of the world."

Luo Wei was silent for a moment.

The other party said that he was sent by the main hall, obviously trying to raise his value on purpose, and wooing him is the best choice.

But what puzzled Luo Wei was why Lanshen really didn't move?In the last round, during the Continental War, it was clearly still...

He didn't believe in the statement that Lanshen himself could not protect himself. The biggest possibility was that the people behind Weggis used some method to shield the first continent's perception.

Originally thought that Weggis was just betrayed by the artisans, but now it seems that there is an inside story behind it.

"Tell me first, what do you mean by the so-called destruction of the world?" Rowe asked.

He was a little curious, whether the destruction that the other party said was the same thing as the destruction he knew.

"It's very simple," Weggis smiled, "Do you know how the ancient gods died?"

"The war of gods 200 years ago?"

"No," Weggis shook his head, "It was the first time the worlds converged, and the intersection of the two worlds led to the gods having to decide the winner."

Luo Wei showed a surprised expression.

In fact, he had already learned about this from Minoni and the Angel Creator.

But there seems to be something hidden in the other party's statement at the moment.

the first time?
Luo Wei's expression sank, "You mean, the two worlds will meet for the second time?"

It doesn't make sense.

Even if they meet again, both sides are ruled by the present god, and even if they are destroyed, they will be destroyed here. The present god is doing well in his hometown, so how can it be difficult for him to protect himself.

Weggis shook his head and smiled again.

" will know this when you join."

Do you put bait in key places?

This old guy, the head of the temple for so many years is really not for nothing.


Vermeer's shout came from behind, and Luo Wei looked at it vigilantly, and made a blocking gesture.

A Yining also held her back. In this situation, anyone who goes up will become his burden.

Trust his judgment.

Luo Wei turned his head back and thought for a moment.

"What if I say no?"

"You seem to be here for that lord," Weggis glanced towards the palace. "Actually, it doesn't matter if you save her. As long as I am willing, the angels in the entire temple will fall."

"You mean, become a fallen angel?"

"Hehe, otherwise, I can test it for you now."

After speaking, Weggis stretched out his hand in Moira's direction.

"As long as that lord exists, it will be—"

With his clenched hands, Moira, who was standing at the entrance, suddenly fell to her knees, and there was a heart-piercing pain from the base of her wings.

Black Fire drilled out.


Moira screamed while clutching her shoulder blades, the pain was unimaginable, Vermeer and Ayining beside them took a step back, and saw the angel's white wings starting from the root, and gradually dyed a pitch black color .

She is transforming into a fallen angel.

Not voluntary fall.

Instead, he absorbed the source of the taboo from Maria, and forcibly turned into Black Feather who burned himself.

"I see." Luo Wei nodded, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that my initial guess was correct."


Weggis looked at him suspiciously.

Luo Wei maintained his expression and squinted his eyes meaningfully, "You really want to use angels, and by the way, you plan to transform other temple warriors into the same as you. In this way, the entire temple leader will belong to you, the temple chief." gone."

No wonder the last round.

Wuguan City blew up the temple and did not respond.


Weggis' eyes jumped, and he sensed something was wrong.

He looked at the angel who was suffering from the black fire in the distance, and the little girl who had just come out of the palace at the side had water-blue divine power in her hands.

Vermeer crouched beside Moira.

"Hold on, I will purify you now."

Covering her shoulders with both hands, the water-blue soft light soaked into the angel's body, Moira's face was still pale, but she didn't cry out in pain, and the black fire quickly stopped.

Weggis couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Stopped the process of corruption?

Who the hell is she to be able to do this?

"Don't underestimate his expertise in the field of purification." As the water-blue sword light approached, Luo Wei sneered and slashed at Weggis, and retreated quickly before the opponent raised his hand, opening the distance.

"You—!" Wiggis glared at him while clutching the wound on his chest.

"I'm sorry," Luo Wei said coldly, "Since you don't want to talk about the important thing, and you can't be arrested and tortured if you become this kind of virtue, then I can only ask you to rest in peace."

Vermeer can't purify the source of Maria's black fire, can't she also purify ordinary angels?

Deliberately procrastinating until this moment, waiting for Vermeer's return, even if Weggis is going to transform the entire temple, the angel will not become his pawn.

With the addition of magic power, it is only a matter of time before Wiggis is wiped out.

"Suffer to death."

Raising the sword and walking towards the opponent, something suddenly flashed before Luo Wei's eyes.

He frowned and stopped, a row of hidden runes flickering in blue light jumped in his mind, and quickly changed into words.

In a flash it read:
"Son of man, get out of the way. 』


Luo Wei was startled suddenly, flew back without any hesitation, put his left and right arms around Ayining and Weimir, and jumped towards the inside of the barrier.

The cyan Mang Ray struck Weggis who was standing on the open ground in an instant, his horrified look raised his head before he even had time to think.

Boom——————! ! !
Unrivaled power arrived, and Vermeer's barrier burst in an instant. Luo Wei hugged the two girls and was slammed into the depths of the palace with great force. There was only one thought left in his mind——

Lan God, you old sixth! !

Saya heard the rumbling movement above her head, and the entire underground church shook.


The ground was cracked, and she raised her head while leaning on the spear while shaking violently. The ceiling was crumbling, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.


What exactly happened above?
She drew her gun, turned around and was about to leave, looked back again, and suddenly fell into an extremely difficult decision.

On one side is Maria who is close in front of my eyes, and on the other side is the safety of Luo Wei and the three of them.

what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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