It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 271 I think you want to be trampled to death by me today!

Chapter 271 I think you want to be trampled to death by me today!
"Are you laughing, are you laughing!"

Untying the tie of her long hair, Luo Wei wanted to tie it up as soon as possible, but he couldn't stretch it halfway.

It's a bit too golden retriever.

Saya's temperament does not fit such a cute hairstyle. Strictly speaking, she is not a girl, and she is still far away from Yujie. This delicate balance makes her both inherently noble and girlish. Part of youth is flawless.

As an angel, getting used to this mentality can keep her at this point.

Let's tie her up for the time being, and Luo Wei goes around to the front.

On the surface, at first glance, she looks like a proud and charming lady Gao Jie from a noble family, but she also gives people a kind of... a second-year-old who is still pretending to be cute after her age.

Coupled with the dismissive but caring eyes, it is difficult for anyone to interpret this sense of contradiction so perfectly.

"You'd better tie me up seriously!"

"Yes, yes," Luo Wei waved his hand to let him get into the car, "You can wear any hairstyle with a pretty face."


Saya didn't catch the rainbow fart, and turned around while concealing it. Luo Wei came over and rode up from behind.

Then grabbed her twin ponytails.

The feeling of controlling an angel returned immediately.

Saya shook her head uncomfortably in front of her, as if restrained, said displeasedly:

"If you tear my hair off, just wait to be thrown down by me!"

"Have you ever seen anyone break the rein on a horse?"


Saya's forehead burst out with blue veins, she didn't bother to argue with him, she spread her wings and swung the air into the air.

Looking down from above, you can have a panoramic view of the city. According to the intelligence, the magic cannons of the empire were still concentrating their firepower, but now they are shooting in all directions.

The damage was lighter than expected.

West Avenue had already arranged for elves to guide them to take refuge when Ryan arrived, and the Prayer Church on South Street and Yingsu on East Street also made preparations in advance.In addition, the craftsmen of Wuguan City themselves like to dig underground facilities. The city also has underground waterways, and there are many places to hide. There is no sign of a large number of people being hit by magic cannons.

In a city that has undergone countless reconstructions, people already have a high sense of crisis.

Saya scattered the feathers and gave them to those who really needed help, but she didn't look at the results, and continued to drive Luo Wei up.

Far up in the sky, there seemed to be something wrong with the warship of the Fifth Princess.

"The altitude is decreasing, is this...?"

"I want to help deal with the magic artillery position of the empire." Luo Wei closed his eyes.

Judging from the situation, Lovely is currently the only force that can directly provide effective strikes.

Even if she was reminded of the risks, she couldn't be indifferent.

"Hurry up."

The two looked up, but there were many black spots in the covering clouds, which appeared and disappeared following the trajectory of the clouds.

It's a monster.

Luo Wei concentrated on it, feeling that something was missing. The research of the Artisan Association included a lot of research on the reproduction of crazy monsters.The space cracks used by mutants are essentially to push out the monsters that are crowded in the breeding space.

I'm afraid it borrowed some kind of artifact of breeding power.

The current situation is that most of these monsters cannot fly, and they are densely pushed out from the cracks in the clouds, like a rain of monsters.

The four-legged ghoul pulled the leg of the giant bat and was hit by a rock lizard that fell from behind, and the three fell together——

The result of this height is undoubtedly a dead end.

"This sacrifice is really convenient." Luo Wei said with cold eyes.

Falling from this distance saves even the effort of taking their lives.

"No, there are too many monsters," Saya looked around and said, "I can't find the mutant who tore the crack."

"Don't look for it. When we find it, we don't know how much it has fallen. The caster may not be here."

"Then we..."

"Rush to the battleship as soon as possible." Luo Wei affirmed.

This kind of situation will appear, indicating that the other party's half-baked plan has reached the implementation stage.

Lovely's battleship was already so conspicuous, but now it lowered its altitude and tried to fire at the Imperial Army's position. The probability of becoming the primary target was too high.

"Then you sit still."

Avoiding the monsters that tried to grab them, Saya stretched her wings, and spread eight wings behind her back, dyed crimson with power.

Luo Wei stepped forward and hugged her tightly with his arms crossed.


Saya paused, then raised her eyes, and the two jumped up in the red streamer, in stark contrast to the densely falling monsters around them, like a red shooting star.

Two minutes later, the two arrived on the deck of the battleship.

Luo Wei walked forward quickly, and the knight on duty was about to draw out his weapon in fear, but he was taken aback when he saw it was him.

"Luo, chief Luo Wei?"


Who is this called.

The last time I came to the battleship was the last time, that is, at the banquet in Baigang Town, I didn't expect that the members of the Royal Knights still remembered me.

"Notify the whole ship, prepare for the impact, don't leave anyone on the deck, just use the magic panel to monitor."

"Uh..." The knights glanced at each other.

"I will tell the fifth princess, time is running out, don't cause trouble for her if she falls later."


The knights still remembered that when the warship was controlled by the Mechanic God Cult, it was Luo Wei who rescued the five princesses from the Demon God, and fought all the way to the command room to regain control.

Her Royal Highness and Qiaogong Jiniang have been chanting his name from time to time recently. Since they are so sure, there may indeed be something wrong later.

But to be on the safe side, the knights still sent two people to follow them.

Taking Saya to the command room with ease, the door opened from the inside before talking to the guard at the door.

"Who made you go AWOL?"

Hearing this voice, Luo Wei inexplicably felt a trace of nostalgia.

A petite figure walked out of the door, her light golden and nearly white long hair was delicately braided, and she was wearing a pure white and complicated fluffy gauze skirt that fit her identity, and the embellished blue ribbon was a stroke of genius, which made it look exquisite and lovely , as bright as a treasure in the world.

Looking up and seeing him, the other party froze there.

"What's the matter, my lord princess? Why are you standing there..." Saya floated out of it, and when she turned around, she was so frightened that her limbs straightened on the spot.

Luo Wei: "..."

Lovely: "..."

Saya: "..."

"Perverted, perverted human!!" Sai Ya screamed out in shock.

Luo Wei squinted his eyes, stepped forward and grabbed the back of the machine girl's neck like a cat, and the latter didn't dare to move at all.

"I told them to do it, go in and talk."

He carried Saya into the command room.

Lovely paused for two seconds, then followed in one step, looked sideways at Saya, and frowned slightly at her long hair.

How did this angel keep such a cute hairstyle.

The door of the command room was closed again, and Luo Wei let go of Sai Ya, turned around and said, "Let the battleship go back into the air."

Lovely watched him impassively.

"Why should I listen to you."

Can't you see what's going on on the ground right now?

Moreover, he came here out of nowhere just to say this?
"I'm not joking," Ro Wei gave Saya a cold look, "Hurry up and take off."

The warnings and threats in his words were almost overflowing, Saya trembled subconsciously, and quickly opened the magic panel.

"No promotion." Lovely retorted.


"No promotion!"

Saya hung there, looking left and right, not knowing who to listen to for a moment.

Lovely's face was filled with sullenness. In fact, she found that the knight had left her post. Just in case, she had already operated the battleship to ascend.But when did this battleship and his own machine girl become his property?
My own words are useless, and even the royal knights are at his command?

This is not the first time, she hates this without explaining anything, just arranges her to do this and that.

"Isn't this battleship on the rise?" Saya frowned and looked at them, and somehow the two started to quarrel.

"Hurry up." Luo Wei said seriously.

Lovely didn't refute this time, but turned her head with her arms folded, Saya swallowed her throat, and hurriedly operated.

Only you and the princess have the right to ascend, which means that the princess has already operated and ascended just now...

Obviously, I have always wanted to see him, whether I want to see him or not...

Luo Wei walked up to Lovely, "You can punish me."

"This is not the lion garden," Lovely didn't look at him, "you'd better never go back to the lion garden."

"You seem to be very dissatisfied with me."

"You're overthinking, you are such a small character, I have so many people around me, you just come and go when you call."

"Oh? Let's recruit one to see?"

Lovely was silent for a moment, and did not answer his words.

Then she lowered her arms and looked at Saya and Saya, "Let's be alone for a while, I have something to ask him."


Saya went out in a levitation.

Saya frowned and followed, and glared at Rowe when he passed by.

Came outside the door.

The knight on duty was still there, watching the two of them come out, his eyes were slightly subtle for a moment.

Saya thought that it would end up like this. The two quarreled with each other, obviously they still cared about each other.

She covered her mouth and smiled, but suddenly felt a chill.

Turning her head, Saya shuddered involuntarily as she faced Saya's gaze.



Why is she looking at me with such terrible eyes?


inside the door.

"Don't you have anything to explain to me?" Lovely asked with her chin raised.

Obviously there is a big difference in height, but it gives people a feeling of looking down and questioning.

Luo Wei said calmly: "The war and the magic cannon are just the beginning, and there are more serious things to come. The battleship cannot be easily damaged by the opponent."

"So, you came here to tell me this obvious thing, to persuade me to live on?"

Luo Wei pursed his lips slightly.

This guy speaks with anger.

I can sense her dissatisfaction, but if things go on like this, it might be impossible for her to speak out by herself.

"Are you ashamed of calling me Mr. Luo Wei?"


Lovely's face changed, and she came over and stomped him hard.

I stomped my foot and still didn't feel relieved, so I stomped again.

"Kneel down!" she ordered.

Luo Wei smiled helplessly in his heart, then knelt down in front of her on one knee.

As a royal and aristocrat, this brat is also intellectual, so maybe he actually has a desire to control.

It's just that he seemed to be emotionally affected a lot, and he didn't sneer in front of him, nor provoke him in any way.

"Don't pretend to be a fool for this princess, you think the crooked idea in your head is perfect?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"It's your size! I should tie you back to the Lion Garden, and then give you a big sentence and let you sit in prison!"


"Executing you is cheap, you bastard, you are only worthy of lying on the ground and licking my princess' shoes!"

"Then you have to lift up your skirt first."


Lovely was taken aback for a moment, then came over with the hem of her skirt, raised her slender legs, and stomped hard on his feet, stomping over and over again, wishing she could jump up and stomp down.

Luo Wei just knelt there on one knee, watching her clean and shiny little boots go up and down again, and the weight was so light that it didn't even count as scraping.

It's called a massage at best.

After dozens of blows in a row, he was fine, but Lovely was very tired, and retreated to the side panting.

Seeing her relieved and won, Luo Wei nodded empathetically.

Yes, you win.


"You still dare to speak, dare to speak!" Lovely jumped up again, "You are not allowed to speak without my princess' permission!"


This time, her delicate body was exhausted within a few strokes, panting with her throat akimbo.




I think you want to be trampled to death by me today!
Lovely lifted her little foot with great effort, and stepped on his shoulder with her boot.

Luo Wei: "..."

Looks like the guy is finally getting a little carried away.

But I don't plan to punish her at the moment, and I will punish her severely after she is completely let go, so let's focus on the topic first.

"What do you think is wrong with me?"

"You're so embarrassed to say it, stinky fish," Lovely shook him with his feet, "Don't you know what you did to my princess?"

"I know it well, so why don't you come and ask me."

" actually plan to let this princess come to you to ask this in person?"

"Could it be that I came to look for you?" Luo Wei asked back.

"Why can't it be you?"

"But you're not quite sure of your mind, are you?"


Loveli's feet stopped moving, and her petite body froze there.

Think carefully.

If he came to him specifically because of this, no matter what the explanation was or nothing, to her, wouldn't it be equivalent to acknowledging the relationship or setting aside the relationship?

And overshadowed her own judgment.

"Then why didn't you say it in your letter?"

"Isn't the answer the same?" Luo Wei closed his eyes and replied.

Lovely choked up, mentioning this in the letter made it more formal.

He...doesn't want her judgment to be determined by this matter?If you get stuck unconsciously because of this, wouldn't it be the same as when you were in the tent in the valley?
'Please don't forget to face up to your own heart. '

What Athetana said was vivid in my memory.

After walking around for a long time, I thought I could get something out, but I didn't expect to go back to the original point.

why this kind of thing...

But I can only figure it out by myself, and I can only go to him after I think about it.

This is not fair.

She raised her head, and was about to say something, when the roar hit her ears, the entire battleship suddenly shook violently, and the sound of shattering shook people's heart.

Boom-! !

"You guys, are you alright!"

The floor tilted to one side, and Saya and Saya hurried in. Judging from the shaking, it seemed that the battleship had been attacked.

Lovely leaned on the tactical table with a painful expression, and everything in the room was tilted.

"Where's Luo Wei?" Saya looked around but saw no one.

Saya also looked around but couldn't find it. The command room was not broken open, so it should be impossible to fall outside. Only the princess was still supporting herself by the table with a painful expression on her face.

"……I am here."

Luo Wei waved outside under Lovely's tutu skirt.

Saya: "..."

(▼ヘ▼#)! !
You two really have an affair!
(End of this chapter)

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