Chapter 272 Said that you have nothing to do with her! ?
Lovio crawled out of Lovely's skirt in a bit of a mess.

It can't be his fault, this arrogant brat stepped on his shoulder, wouldn't he slide in after the battleship shook?
It was almost a split on his forehead.

Lovely was hit hard for a while, but still leaning on the tactics table, he unconsciously put his legs together.

"Did you see that!?" she asked through gritted teeth.

Why is this guy's head so hard, it hurts...

In addition, the ligaments were not torn lightly, and her face was about to cry.

Luo Wei patted his body and straightened his broken hair.

"...It's too close, I can't see clearly."

It hit the face head and face, and I didn't remember anything else, only vaguely saw the small ribbon on the ice lace.

She didn't look at Saya's contemptuous eyes. If she hadn't supported Lovely's leg when she was attacked by seafood, she might not even be able to stand up now.

"Turn up the screen, what is attacking."

Hearing what Luo Wei said, Saya, who was supporting Lovely, froze for a moment, and immediately opened the magic panel to display the content recorded externally.

Saya maintained her resentment and glanced at the screen.

Then frowned.

"What it is?"


On the western outskirts of Wuguan City, the Hooffire Empire magic cannon position.

Vanessa, who was destroying the battlefield, spread out her dragon wings and stared blankly at the direction to the south.

Just now, the mountains were shaking, and a huge beam of light piercing the sky was released from the alert mountain, and hit the magic warship of the five princesses of the Lion Garden.

Over a distance of more than [-] meters, the roar can be heard clearly even here, like a thunder from heaven and earth.

"Lord Vanessa!"

The clansman came over clutching his injured arm, and conveyed the critical situation to the Cangqing Dragon King.

"I can see it." Vanessa's long eyes looked down coldly.

Different from the first two sets of magic cannons, the defensive strength here is completely beyond imagination. There are only five or six godheads whose strength is not inferior to his own, as if this is the backbone of the empire.

More than a dozen groups of magic cannons were still fired in turn, and the dragon clan alone could not stop them at all.

Under such circumstances, there was such a big movement in the alert mountain, which was a huge blow to the morale of the Dragon Clan.

Already on the verge of extinction once, they cannot afford to lose their home again.

"Bull, you take the clansmen back to the mountains."

"Master Vanessa, what about you!"

"I'll stay and take revenge."

The battleship of the five princesses of Shiyuan has been going up and down, and now it is hit again, so I am afraid it is hopeless.

The Hooffire Imperial Army here neither covered the siege army, nor attacked the main force of the Lion Garden. From Marcus's previous reaction, it can be seen that it may not be the army commanded by him, the East Marshal.

The North Marshal is the core of the empire's garrison, and the only ones left are the South Marshal of the Strategy School and the West Marshal of the Magic Research School.

There are so many magic cannons, whose army is self-evident.

"I will let them know the anger of the Dragon Clan!"

Vanessa lowered her gaze and let out a roar, her figure swelled in the dragon scale package.

Magical weapons should not exist in this world.


The huge blue dragon fell into the formation, splashing rocks and smoke, and the soldiers who were shocked by the dragon's power and were not as tall as the opponent's toes fired at Vanessa.

The dragon-shaped Vanessa turned her head, her long eyes condensed slightly.

Immediately, the pale blue breath ravaged the empire's position.


Wuguancheng, the central square of the city.

"The attack of the magic cannon has stopped?" Ryan held the holy sword, his body was burning with flames and looked at the sky.

After intercepting more than a dozen magic cannons here, there has been no sound of firing for 5 minutes.

"I'm afraid it's Vanessa's side..." Elf Queen put away her long staff and looked to the west, it was indeed so quiet that she didn't seem to stop voluntarily.

But now is not the time to worry about that side.

She looked at the sky, until now, there were still monsters falling from the sky one after another. She thought it was an attack from the sky, but the monsters died the moment they landed.

And beams of light piercing the sky.

Although the battleship of the five princesses of Shiyuan survived, these situations will not be unrelated.

"I'll go take a look."

Ryan pondered for a moment, and then jumped up a few steps to the crownless clock tower in the center of the square. This clock tower is the tallest building in the crownless city. The material of the white star bricks makes it still stand under the bombardment of the magic cannon.

Holding the spire with one hand, Ryan looked into the distance.

The warship of the Five Princes is parked at high altitude, the Lion Garden Army and the Hoof Fire Army are fighting outside the west gate, and the southwest direction...

"what is that?"

Ryan narrowed his eyes.

Pay attention to the direction of the mountains, there is a huge creation trapped in the valley, even bigger than the surrounding mountains.

Moreover, it is moving, even though it moves unbelievably slow, but with its huge body, the distance of one step may be beyond imagination.

Ryan's eyes gradually widened, and a tremor surged behind him.

An answer came to his mind——

Ancient magic weapons.

And the moving direction of this thing is Wuguancheng.


The magical battleship, Sky Wings.

"This is the magic weapon of the Hooffire Empire?" Lovely looked at the screen displayed on the panel, and the pain in his pubic bone dissipated a little.

In the picture, in the deep valley of the warning mountains, a huge mechanical creation breaks out of the ground, stepping on the surrounding ridges, looking like a four-legged beast, trying to crawl out cumbersomely.

It's really a poor design.

She put her hips on her hips and shook her head, "It's hidden in such a place, no wonder I can't find it no matter how hard I look."

It seems that after the relics of the God War were discovered, the Hooffire Empire moved the magic weapon to the gap where the Vigilance Mountain was once bombarded.It's not that Lovely has not negotiated about this, but the Dragon Clan obviously doesn't allow the Sky Wing, which is also a magical creation, to come in and investigate.

Unexpectedly, the dragon clan's territory, which is most taboo against magic weapons, has instead become a sanctuary for magic weapons.

"They really dare to do it. In this way, the blood feud between the Dragon Clan and the Empire will be completely inseparable."

"I also expected that the Dragon Clan would obstruct it, so let's go all the way to the dark," Luo Wei watched the screen and responded, "Dragon Queen Vanessa is not easy to mess with."

"You seem to know her very well?" Lovely squinted behind him.

Saya also looked over with a look of disgust.

Luo Wei: "..."

Good conscience...

His forehead was black, and he changed the subject to Saya, "What about the damage report of the battleship, are you so inefficient?"

Saya: "???"

Obviously asking you, why did you throw it on me?
"It's coming out," Saya reluctantly opened the window, "24% of the magic shell plate was lost, and the hit point was burned, and the rest of the parts were not affected."

"But that's it." Lovely was more than confident, "Isn't it a big problem if you don't go into the air?"

"What if."

Luo Wei didn't go to see her, but said these three words coldly.

Lovely was slightly stunned behind him, then lowered her head to one side.

" don't need to care about it." She muttered in a small voice.

"This is not the intensity it should be," Luo Wei didn't hear what she said, and stared at the clumsy mechanical giant in the picture, "As I thought, the artisans would betray the Hooffire Empire and throw out a semi-finished product. "

Saya looked at him with disdain.

It's not because of you.

The enemy originally dreamed of completing the weapon building secretly, but you repeatedly blocked it, and the person in charge is still locked in the tent.

Although it is a hostile relationship, it can't help but make people feel a little sympathy.

What happened to the Hooffire Empire and the artisans for a guy like you.

Of course, they deserved it for making a series of crazy moves.

"So," Lovely raised his gaze again, "you've pushed him to this point, what's your next idea?"

"Don't make it sound like I'm the villain."

Luo Wei rubbed the corners of his eyes and looked at the pictures displayed on other panels.

"The bombardment has stopped, and all forces should have noticed the situation of the mechanical giant beast, and they will act after they get back the first-hand information."

It's not just magical weapons that need attention.

If Felika's decision is correct, there may still be a birth... No, the half-born goddess of mechanics is also accepting sacrifices in the direction of the Crownless City.

There is only such a battleship, and the power of the main gun of the Sky Wing is still very important. If the information is insufficient, it is tantamount to giving the opponent an advantage for nothing.

"As expected, it was your plan, with your usual stealthy style." Lovely complained, crossing his arms.

But given the lessons learned, she trusted the guy's judgment in these matters.

"Then we don't do anything?" Saya asked with a frown.

"No," Luo Wei shook his head, "It takes a long time to refill the energy cannon of that weapon, let's save the Dragon Queen."

Lovely: "..."

Saya: "..."

And said you have nothing to do with her! ?
Feeling their resentment again, Luo Wei patted his forehead.

"Can you think about it carefully, if you really want to intercept the magic weapon near the Jieyi Mountain, shouldn't you first gain the trust of the local master?"

"All right, all right, why do you lack a reason?"


Lovely also knew that she had already shown an inclination to deal with the magic field. Since he was so sure that the energy cannon would need time to recharge, now is undoubtedly a good time to clear up the troubles, and she can also sell the Dragon Queen as a favor, which will be convenient later. Take action on the Mountain of Alertness.

But just inexplicably upset.

Wait, why is Saya also looking upset?

Is she...

Are you so firmly supporting Vermeer?

Vanessa breathed flames, bit the erected cannon, and threw the soldier off the platform with her neck.

Transformed into a giant dragon, she undoubtedly has powerful destructive power, but at the moment, she also doesn't care about the attacks of the other godheads, and is indifferent to their behavior of distracting her.

No matter how hard the dragon scales were, in the face of a powerful person who used the power of a demigod, blood would flow from his body, staining the blue scales red.

But she will never die until her mission is completed.

Dragging his wounded leg forward, he roared angrily with all his strength, Longwei made the soldiers tremble with fear.

The last two positions remain.

Vanessa's eyes were stained red with blood, her breathing became heavy and she walked forward, failing to notice that the godheads behind her were accumulating moves.

He also failed to notice that the battleship in the sky had dropped to a distance that could cast a shadow.

The five godheads activated their god cores and concentrated the power endowed by the gods on their weapons, causing the air to vibrate for a while.

And at this moment, a shadow flew across the sky, and a figure fell between them and Vanessa.

Luo Wei straightened up slowly, putting the sword of Cang Liu on his shoulder.

Then he turned his eyes sideways and looked at the five people coldly.

"Want to play with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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