It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 276 He Blows, He Is Black, He Can't Fly With Wings

Chapter 276 He Blows, He Is Black, He Can't Fly With Wings

The bombardment of the magic cannon pushed the magic weapon to the ground.

Also a product of magic technology, Sky Wings achieved an effect that the ground troops had never achieved, and the giant beast whimpered and stopped the energy pouring.

And the city without a crown——

The barrier of the Crownless City shattered, and the blue light behind it only flickered for a moment, before canceling out the remaining power.

"Prepare for the second round of launch, and remind the ground army to avoid it again!"

Lovely gave orders in a spirited manner, her petite body could not conceal her leader's qualities, and she took the opportunity to launch a strong attack.

"Let the enemy know that the objective factor of heavy rain is not only available to them."

The craftsmen would use the heavy rain to cause chaos, and the warships would also use the heavy rain to complete the high-altitude concealment, and waited until the present time.

The knights lead the charge and prepare for the next round of filling.

Because of the reminder from Rowe's previous letter, sufficient energy reserves were prepared on the battleship.

Seeing that everything was in order, Lovely observed the situation of the panel in the direction of Wuguan City, and said: "I deliberately hid the key move. The first shot really relaxed our vigilance."

Possessing anti-city level weapons, the Sky Wing was chosen as the target from the very beginning.

But at that distance, it is very difficult to destroy a battleship. Lovely had expected that - if she was the enemy, she would fire a shot first to let the opponent think that there was no serious problem, and wait until she approached carelessly, and then use real fire. His hole card killed him with one hit.

Thus, the initial shelling was both a threat and a decoy.

Luo Wei gave her a meaningful look.

Didn't you say that's all there is to it? You think it through very thoroughly, so you just want to talk against me?
Lovely noticed the sight, turned around and snorted.

do you have any opinion?

I didn't fall for the enemy's tricks, the ultimate move of the weapon has just been used, and it takes a long time to fill up, so it will be completely unilaterally attacked by them.

The magic cannon roared and hit the giant mechanical beast one after another, burning the shell red, and the metal liquefied and gradually melted under the high temperature.

Lovely watched this scene in thought for a moment.

"Speaking of which, why did it suddenly fire at the Crownless City?"

Now the passive beating of this giant beast is entirely due to the sudden attack on Wuguan City as if it was nervous, otherwise it would not have waited for such a good opportunity.

"Its sacrifices are all there." Luo Wei said in a deep voice.

"It turned out to be like this..."

The Hooffire Empire suffered a great loss in this battle, coupled with the casualties caused by the wanton bombardment of the city, the Mechanic Goddess needed this sacrifice.

And the structure was dismantled by the ground army, so it had to use this method as a last resort?It seems a little unreasonable.

It is obviously far away from the Crownless City, so how can it receive sacrifices.

Seeing Loveli's doubts, Luo Wei shrugged: "That light beam has divine power, I'm afraid it is intended to use power to establish a channel and receive it remotely."

"I see." Lovely lowered his head, and soon realized again, "No, I don't need your reminder, I've already thought of it!"

Luo Wei held the umbrella and did not speak.

Randall probably expected this too. The prime minister doesn't need to deal with the magic weapons himself. Just guarding the Uncrowned City again is enough for him to secure his seat as an agent.

Sure enough, under any circumstances, he can get benefits.

Lovely naturally thought of it, and exchanged a few glances with Luo Wei, but don't worry about the future for now.

"His Royal Highness!"

The knight came to convey the information.

"During the last round of shelling, the shell of the giant beast has been blasted!"

"it is good."

Lovely nodded, avenging the bombardment of the battleship, but then——

They have to face the gods.

She turned her head to look at Luo Wei, "Are you sure?"

"...Can't I stand here and watch with an umbrella?"

"Think beautifully."

Hearing what she said, Luo Wei mercilessly removed the umbrella, and the delicate little princess was immediately drenched.

Not used to her.

"Damn it, how dare you...!" Lovely hugged her head and tried to grab the umbrella in his hand, but Luo Wei didn't make things difficult, but the height difference made her jump close to her several times to reach it.

After finishing the umbrella by himself, Lovely tidied up his hair and turned around emotionally, the knight stood there daring not to speak.

"Pass my order, after the next bombardment, we will fight as an allied army with the ground army."



The ground quickly received the news.

Ryan quickly completed the overall planning, dispatched all aspects according to the intention of the warship allied forces, and sent back his own demands.

Although it was different from the time in Baigang Town.

"But I didn't expect to be able to fight side by side again this time."

He couldn't help smiling, to a certain extent, this best friend of his was really a "lingering ghost".

The incident in Wuguancheng had never thought that Luo Wei would be involved, but it seemed like fate that they merged together again.

"Adventures are really interesting." Ryan smiled and pressed the hilt of his sword. He never forgot the original intention of setting off from Harry Village. "Let me show you my growth during this period, as well as your true strength."

After the intensive arrangement, the battleship's response was sent back again.

It seems that there is nothing to hesitate.

Arranged properly, the hovering point of the magic warship covered the rain at the breach, and everyone held their breath, staring at the dark main gun muzzle.

The bombardment of the magic cannon was heavy, and it fell straight into the magic weapon that had been blasted off the outside. In the shock, the giant beast stood upright, as if it had been directly hit into the core by this shot.

The moment the impact subsided, Ryan raised his sword.

"The whole army, attack!!"

"Oh oh oh!!"

The elite fighters of various forces jumped up, and the rest attacked other discovered weaknesses, and while attracting attention, they destroyed the magic weapons in all directions.

Ryan drew his sword and rushed forward, surrounded by his familiar teammates - Jas, Joey, Jutman, and Jinlisi.

The debt that caused Xie Londe to be seriously injured should be paid by the culprit.

The giant dragon soared in the sky, accompanied by waiting, the light and shadow of the solo dance was filled with pure white color, it was an angel swooping down from the deck of the battleship, the slender wings intertwined with the dragon's wings, this is a rare sight that is difficult to see in normal times.

The temple warriors appeared around the giant beast under the magic transmission, and the Royal Knights who directly reached the ground began to set up small magic cannons. Under the arrangement in advance, the two sides quickly found an opportunity to cooperate and began to attack the weakness of the giant beast.

And something was "squeezed" out of the huge hole that was pierced by the magic cannon.

It was hard to imagine what it was, like a mass of bloated meat paste, a human figure was pushed out, with purple skin and sharp horns on the top of the head.

"It's a mutant!" Ryan shouted in a deep voice.

If it wasn't clear what it was at first, it became clear after seeing these things reach out and tear open the cracks to summon monsters.

This is the monster that Luo Wei has fought many times, from the black flame body modification technology of the craftsman.

"Avoid monsters as much as possible, and give priority to killing summoners!"

Swinging the sword to cut through the fire, causing fatal injuries to him without mercy, Ryan watched the opponent fall, his eyes froze for a short time.

These mutants were wearing the military uniforms of the Hooffire Empire.

And the various equipment on his back are the craftsman's stuff.


Without thinking too much, I dealt with it as soon as possible to avoid the accumulation of monsters. For a while, the magical weapons were full of attacking members, distributed in various parts like occupying a mountain as king, and waving the weapons in their hands like cutting down trees.

The mutants fell one after another.

Although summoning monsters and healing abilities are very troublesome, it seems a bit unsightly in front of the elites united by various forces.

Ryan rushed to the vicinity of the breach first, and looked down. The crack opened by the battleship was filled with light blue mud, bulging bubbles, and filled with an uncomfortable smell.

He tried to find clues, but his eyes sunk in unconsciously.


At this time, someone patted his shoulder from behind.

"Don't stare, you are not a godhead."

Ryan turned around as if waking up from a dream. Luo Wei stood there with a calm expression, and not far behind was the indifferent Miss Angel holding a gun.


"Well, I'm here." Luo Wei smiled lightly, and whispered, "Although I'm reluctant..."

Seeing Ryan's teammates catching up, Rowe let go of his shoulders and glanced down slightly.

This situation was originally intended to be handled by Ryan, but seeing his situation, he decided to check it out.

Sigh... The protagonist should grow up, and overcoming difficulties is naturally one of them. With so many helpers by his side right now, all the necessary arrangements have been made, and it should be foolproof.

"Is there something wrong?" Ryan asked Rowe.

This move immediately made the surrounding godheads look over.

Luo Wei sighed to himself, "It's probably the obsession with not being born and not being able to get the sacrifice."

Originally, I was curious about where the weak divine power came from without the sacrifice, but seeing the corpses of soldiers from the Hooffire Empire around me, everything became logical.

The craftsmen who made magic weapons and created the goddess of mechanics have become nourishment and food.

It is self-evident who made the move to become a mutant.

Craftsmen will betray the Hooffire Empire, and even use the gods they created. If they really want to help the Empire create, they should feed the sacrifices into their mouths.

Instead of hanging like it is now.

"That is to say, the other party is currently in the worst condition?" Elf Queen Elfah asked.

"It should be said that it has never been better." Luo Wei shook his head helplessly.

Although to a certain extent, he is responsible for a large part of it, the essence is still due to the betrayal of the Craftsman Association, not the result of his delay in progress.

"So what should we do now?" A person with divine status asked.

They all looked at Ryan and Luo Wei, and saw that Ryan had been looking at Luo Wei, so they all followed him.

Luo Wei: "..."

Hey Hey hey……

Originally, he didn't want to come down to avoid this situation. If he ran away, it would damage the morale of the Temple Army and the Royal Knights.In fact, all the arrangements that should be done have been done, and all threats have been removed, and the rest is just a matter of smooth sailing.

"I'll accompany you down." He sighed, now that he has reached this point, there is no need to delay any longer.

Or solve it as soon as possible to prevent variables.

Seeing that this sentence was said to himself, Ryan suddenly smiled: "Okay, there is nothing to be afraid of when you are together."


Don't blow me up.

Luo Wei felt that the personality of the owner of the Ansheng Living Workshop could hardly be maintained.

He looked back at Saya, "I entrust the protection of the godhead to you, is it okay?"

There is no shortage of godheads on the field, which is why Luo Wei decided to let go, but since he wants to jump into the goddess's culture fluid, how can he not drag her into the water together.

"If that's the case, then I'll go too."

Elf Queen Elfah said from the side, and looked at Rovi with a little dissatisfaction.

"I heard that you plan to give Vanessa a baby dragon?"

Saya: "!??"

Luo Wei: "...?"

Sensing Saya's gaze of contempt and questioning, Luo Wei leaned back slightly and frowned deeply.

Who is blackmailing me?
Ryan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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