Chapter 277 Lady Goddess, How about Trying My Taste

Elfa is a woman who cares about face.

When Marcus first approached Rowe Brook, she and the dwarf king had been friendly to him.

But he was prevaricated by all kinds of cold jokes of unknown meaning.

Now it turns out that Luo Wei is indeed a subordinate of the five princes of the Lion Garden, and she doesn't care about this, after all, everyone can see that this person doesn't want to deal with the forces in the open.


The dragon queen Vanessa who is also the lord of the face forces...

This is a bit unacceptable to her. It's not that she has any thoughts on Luo Wei, but that the balance within the alliance is broken. Doesn't it mean that she has completely lost to Vanessa in terms of femininity?

Even on the premise that I have actively contacted.


"Let's go."

Going down with them is also a precaution against accidents.

By the way, resist the humiliation of being ignored.

Ready to set off, looking at the unsteady water below, Elufa gave the four of them the protection of the lake.

Then jumped down one after another.


The structure under the water does not seem to be passable by people.

It was narrow and dark, with gears and metal connecting rods exposed casually, and there were some unused equipment on both sides, structural pipes and cables sunk in the bottom mud, everywhere.

"Are these equipment shaken down by the magic cannon, or were they placed here?" Ryan asked.

"Look ahead and you will know."

Luo Wei pointed in the direction calmly. The magic weapon was as big as a mountain, and the space inside would naturally not be small. The four of them were like a surprise inspection of the construction quality at this time, and the results would be obtained soon.

Drilling through the gaps of the gears and swaying away the metal plates blocking the way, the areas not affected by the magic cannon are also piled up randomly, and there are even mutants trapped in the mud at the bottom.

"It seems that they really didn't have time to finish the construction." Elufa shook his head.

She is not a craftsman, this place gives her the feeling of a half-built house with only a rough outline, and the roof and floor are not even finished.

Saya remained silent behind.

The culprit of all this is right next to you.

Luo Wei glanced back at her, saying that he should not blame him for everything, and that he didn't bring her down to show off how badly he made the enemy suffer.

"No, it's more than that," he said helplessly, pointing to a figure in the blue mud below, "Look at that mutant."

The three of them looked over there, and the hoofsmith was half stuck in the mud, his upper body and arms stretched out to the valve on the pillar with all his strength, but it seemed to be frozen there in the form of a monster at the furthest distance in the world.

Ryan thought about it.

"He seemed panicked."

"Well," Luo Wei nodded, "It should be some kind of emergency, and he is doing the only resistance he can think of."

Judging from the situation here, that valve may not have any effect.

Eluffa declined to comment, "I thought you were going to say that this is very similar to those sculptures in art exhibitions that can sell for sky-high prices."

Luo Wei: "..."

Then you are a devil.

"The magic weapon should have been activated without their knowledge," Luo Wei reminded, "That is to say, they should have been rushing to work normally at that time, but everything was ruined by a sudden accident, so it will appear here." Such a situation."

"You mean..." Ryan paused.


Rowe affirmed the answer.

It is not difficult to speculate on others with malice, but the crime to this extent is beyond the scope of normal thinking.

Ryan looked at the craftsman again, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"The Craftsman Association...!"

In other words, everything here was forced to happen under the arrangement of the Craftsman Association. Without any warning, the weapons were forcibly activated, and all craftsmen were transformed into mutants.

Since they don't know, how to explain the behavior of the Hooffire Empire to start a war?
Elfar raised the question.

"It's very simple," Luo Wei responded, "The person responsible for building the magic weapon is not the same marshal who is responsible for fighting the war."

"You mean... Marcus is just following orders?" Ryan said in amazement.

But in this way, everything makes sense.

Everything here should be kept secret, and it’s up to Marcus’s character to accept it or not, but since others are in Wucheng City, they will never interfere after they know about it, which will only increase the possibility of exposure.

After all, the opponent at the Lion Court is Randall.

Rowe didn't tell them that he imprisoned Felica. In fact, even if Marcus knew, it would be difficult to reach into the ruins of the God War with a large army. 200%?

"The artisans will take advantage of this with a high probability and send wrong information to the Hooffire Empire, making them think that the magic weapon has been made."

"This group of people... are really crazy."

Even after hearing the appalling information once, Elfa was still surprised by what happened now.

On the surface, he cooperates with his allies to act, but secretly betrays them without hesitation.

The behavior of the Hooffire Empire secretly creating world-destroying weapons is not worthy of sympathy, but it can only be said to be embarrassing when it comes to this end.

"What do they want?" Ryan looked at Luo Wei in a deep voice.

"I'm not entirely sure yet."

Luo Wei closed his eyes. He originally thought that the craftsmen would try to delay them as much as possible, but now it seems that the price is too high.

It is said that killing one thousand enemies will harm eight hundred.

What is the plan for killing one hundred enemies and self-defeating ten thousand?
The movement of Marshal Nan of the Empire is also of concern. Rowe doesn't think that Tifas didn't expect the artisans to betray, and he still does it. Apart from getting rid of the two constraints of Marcus and Felika, there may be other things. intention.


Walking along the narrow passage, a cable-like tentacle suddenly stretched out.

Saya turned away, but found that the thing was not coming towards her.


With a sound reminder, the three of them took precautions, and the tentacles passed Rowe and Ryan, and stretched straight towards Elfah.


Before the Elf Queen used her spell, the thing was cut off by Rowe and Ryan at the same time, and it fell powerlessly into the mud.

Elufa was stunned.

Why are you rushing at me?

"Probably took a fancy to your wisdom." Luo Wei said, "That god is thirsty for all nourishment now."


Does this mean that my intelligence is the best of the four?
"After all, you are older." Luo Wei emphasized.

Elfa: "..."

She glanced at Saya at the back of the team. Aren't angels also a long-lived race, with a lifespan even longer than elves with a lifespan of 6000 years.

Luo Wei shrugged for Saya indifferently.

He is just a baby in his tens of years. He has been isolated in the temple since he was a child and has never been in contact with the world. Except for combat and command ability, other places are like blank paper. If he is not going to fight, he may even maintain his 20-year-old state. less than.

Saya snorted arrogantly, and at this moment, there was an extreme scream from around——


The sound continued, and the four of them unconsciously covered their ears, and the extreme resentment could be heard from it.

There is a kind of hatred that I don't understand why I don't give her.

The sound lasted for tens of seconds before stopping.

"What's that?" Elufa looked around vigilantly, it sounded too scary.

"It seems that we are not far from her." Luo Wei collected himself.

Think of it as the machinist goddess complaining.

It is understandable to have such extreme resentment when one should have become a god but has fallen to this end.

Swim in the direction of the oscillating water, push aside the hose that looks like water plants in front of you, and a relatively open space appears in front of you.


Dense cable tentacles attacked several people. Underwater combat is not Luo Wei's strong point, but he is a water attribute awakener after all, and his strength loss is very slight.

A sword cut through the ripples, and under the water, the trajectory of his sword path was clear, and the ring-shaped water waves swayed away, spreading forward like ultrasonic waves.

The cable was cut open in circles, broken into small pieces and fell down, but soon there were follow-up supplements, and the road was tightly blocked.

"It seems that the goddess is quite shy."

"Then let's go to the other side." Ryan pointed to the partition on one side. It was also the first time that he could fully see the trajectory of Luo Wei's sword slash. Although he felt unbelievable, he didn't bother to marvel, "Pinch her."

When Ryan and Elfa passed by, Luo Wei looked back at Saya.

The latter stepped forward impatiently, understood what he meant, and alternately launched combat skills with him, constantly tearing the road in front of him apart.

During the period, the screams from inside were almost uninterrupted, making people upset.

After being betrayed, God also went crazy.

Artisans would be the worst offenders.

"Ripple Sword Shining Flash"——

Taking advantage of the moment when the tentacles slowed down, Luo Wei flashed his sword and passed through the pass first. The dense tentacles attacked him again, and he raised his hand and swung his sword to cut it off.

I don't have so many holes for you to drill.

Saya and the two people on the other side used this to break in. This is a large circular area with large equipment that has been built in the middle, and those cables come from there.

It seems to be the core area.

The four of them looked up at the work with the pinnacle of craftsmanship. There was a faint divinity in the water, and the goddess of mechanics might be inside.

"go out--"

A not-so-intelligent voice came from inside.

Unsurprisingly, it was the voice of Marshal Felica of Hooffire West.

Her magic doll is inside.

"go out--!"

All kinds of sharp metals suddenly rose from the ground, trying to pierce them like spears, but the two godheads and two SSS-levels present were not vegetarians. Flame burst out from Ryan's sword, and he forcibly burst into the water, scorching The high temperature once made the nutrient solution boil.

Dragging the fiery red streamer forward across the long spear array, Ryan slashed on the core surface with a sword, and the broken part of the blade was burned, showing the red color of molten metal.

The cable immediately trapped him.

Without needing Elfar to save him, Ryan exploded the flames, shaking everything away, and swiped his sword again.

But this time, an airtight cabin popped up from inside, and he was locked inside violently.


Through the transparent glass cover, Ryan was trying to break through it with his sword, when suddenly there was a shock in the water waves, and the golden light spread out, pushing him out with the cabin——

With the burst of divine power, the entire hall burst into explosions.

Luo Wei and Saya on the other side were also pushed tens of meters away, and the voice of "Filica" was paranoid and crazy.

"Get out and kill you, kill you, kill you——!"

I couldn't see what was going on inside, but it was hard for Luo Wei to believe that the thing inside was still Filica's magic doll.

In fact, she is a bit different from herself.

"Everyone must die! Felika, the Artisan Association of the Lion Garden Kingdom of the Hooffire Empire, I will kill you!!"

Stepping on the water waves to stop the retreat, Luo Wei sank and drew closer again, grabbed Saya's hand and threw her over.

Lance, piercing—

Saya's spear pierced through the shell, and the inside was harder than she imagined. Judging from the size of the facility, if the goddess of mechanics was in the center, there might still be quite a distance.

But right now.


A large amount of red gushed out from the part pierced by her.

"This is……"

With the shelter of the lake of Elfah, these things will not affect them, but they are not a small obstacle to the vision.


On the other side of the two who broke through the shell, a lot of red also gushed out.

"What's going on?" Elfa frowned visibly.

If they hit the Machinist, why both ends?Is it possible that the figure of the goddess of mechanics is wider than a house?
Rowe lowered his gaze.

It stands to reason that the goddess of mechanics is a complete magical creation, and there is no such thing as blood.

In other words, even the magical dolls that are used as carriers have been tampered with by artisans.

He thought of something, rushed up from one side, and thrust the tip of the sword into the gap made by Saya.

"Ripple Sword Ringing Bell"

Accompanied by the ringing, there was an extremely resentful pain from inside.

"Why did you kill Felica?" Luo Wei asked calmly.

"Ah! Kill you!"

Can't communicate?

It's hard to imagine what this is. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a heresy, but its strength hasn't changed much.

Craftsmen will make these arrangements, what's the point?
"Kill you guys, kill Felika! No need for a reason! Kill everyone!"

Luo Wei paused slightly.

Close your eyes, listen to the emotion in the other person's horrifying scream, and try to feel that feeling.


The most obvious emotion appearing on the Filica doll right now is the unrelenting resentment, wanting to use everyone as a sacrifice.


"I seem to know the answer."

Luo Wei lowered his face in the shadows and said in a low voice.

It turned out to be this kind of plan.

The craftsmen's union is really insane.

"What nonsense are you talking about, come out!" Saya urged him from behind.

"Don't do it," Luo Wei suddenly turned around and said, the voice was heard by the two people on the other side, "If you kill her easily here, you will fall into the scheme of the Craftsman Association."

"What?" Ryan didn't back away from there, and was taken aback when he heard Luo Wei's words.

Elfa frowned there.

What did he think of?

She seemed to understand Ryan's trust in him now. To be honest, it was difficult to guess what this man was thinking. Not only was his clear mind and thinking ability, but his understanding of the inside story seemed to be far beyond ordinary people.

In addition to the fact that he personally facilitated this matter, it also gives people a feeling that they can learn from the secrets other than the obvious to reason.

This point, if you don't know the development trajectory of this world well, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Saya's voice suddenly came from the other end.

From the perspective of Ryan and Elfa, they couldn't see what happened there.

Immediately they heard Rowe's calm ridicule.

"Aren't you very eager to get the sacrifice?"

"Come on, Lady Goddess—"

"Try how it tastes to me."

(End of this chapter)

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