Chapter 278 Avoiding Meeting the Goddess in the Future

"Rovi was swallowed?"

When he rushed over and learned of the situation, Ryan was shocked.

From Miss Angel's description, Luo Wei was even swallowed with open arms.

"What about the possibility of being controlled?" Elfar asked calmly.

"The protection of the godhead is still there, I... I don't know."

Although it was not mentioned, Elfa could also feel the anxiety on Saya, which was completely different from the haughty attitude in the impression.

"Don't be in a hurry," Elufa reassured, "Did he say anything before doing this?"

"He said that he easily killed the craftsman's guild in the opponent's guild," Saya said in a trance, "and what's more...he said that he seems to know the answer, who knows what he is thinking!!"

"Is that so..."

Elfa thought for a while, then raised her head.

"Do you trust his judgment?"

In fact, there is no need to ask this question. If you don’t believe it, this angel has already shot him.

In other words, Rowe Brook probably discovered something they had overlooked.

"Since you believe it, then leave this matter to her, and we will clear the external road."

Let me see if you really have the real stuff.


Ancient magic weapon, the center of the core area.

Luo Wei looked up at the living bones and flesh walls around him, avoiding the cables that wanted to bind him.

"Before I'm eaten, I still have a few last words to say."

"I won't convey, I won't convey, I won't convey to you!!"

Luo Wei smiled indifferently, "Really? Then if I say, this has something to do with you?"

Use the scabbard to shoot off the part that continues to attack, and withdraw to the side when surrounded, so that one can't be caught.

The goddess of mechanics is in a hurry.

"Become my sacrifice!!"

"Don't panic," Luo Wei said unhurriedly, "I just want to make sure that we won't meet another goddess in the future."


Looking at such an internal structure, Luo Wei already had the answer in his heart.

The Mechanic Goddess does not have any flesh and blood structure.

Otherwise, it cannot be called the goddess of mechanics.

In any case, Felica can't become a god in this way, so she needs to arrange her own magic puppet to perform it.

The current scene is closer to the original form of the God of Bone and Blood in Baigang Town. It must be an experiment that the craftsmen would use with the help of the God of Mechanics, and it is a deformed product.

Therefore, these flesh and blood are not the assistants of becoming a god.

Rather hinder.

The craftsman will avoid the real goddess of mechanics in front of him and cut off the possibility of her becoming a god.

"Stop, stop, stop!!"

The Mechanic Goddess was still trying to catch him, and while playing cat-and-mouse with the slippery cloak, Rovi opened his mouth to disturb with words—

"Do you really think you have a chance to get those sacrifices?"


"How did it become like this, have you ever thought about it?"


"Is there any other possibility?"


"For example, the fact that you, as a god, are becoming a sacrifice?"


The cable's tentacles stopped for a moment.

"I am not a sacrifice, I am not! The world is a sacrifice, and you are all sacrifices!"

Then he danced violently, even more violently than before.

Luo Wei avoided it calmly, and said coldly: "Oh? Then how do you explain that the sacrifice you want is out of reach? With such a weak nourishment like me, you may have to eat hundreds more to get there. ?”

"I will eat, I will eat everything, and I will eat you all and go there!"

"Then if I say—"

Luo Wei's patience also has a limit. The Qi Refining and Transforming God shook the cable away, and attached the power of the divine power imprint, giving the opponent a little human shock.

He fell to one side and slowly raised himself up.

"If I said, those sacrifices——were not prepared for you at all."


Although he is confused, he is not completely irrational. From the logic of the question and answer, he accepts the lowest level of language induction.

The dancing tentacles stopped.

Luo Wei is not afraid of what is in front of him, even if the negotiation fails, he will just kill her.

The possibility of becoming a god has been cut off, and the meager power born of twisted flesh and blood has already been exhausted in the cannonball against Wuguan City, and it is too weak to be weaker.

This is what a craftsman would want instead.

The reason is that everyone fell into a misunderstanding from the very beginning, thinking that the birth of the Goddess of Mechanics was to absorb the vitality of living beings, just like the God of Bone and Blood and Athetana in White Harbor Town.

actually not.

The sacrifice this time is not flesh and blood, but something more advanced——


The Hooffire Empire launched a war against the Crownless City for no reason, and forcibly attacked the city without any preparations and equipment, causing heavy losses.Compared with soldiers who obeyed orders and died tragically on the battlefield, those who survived were the sacrifices.

The death of comrades-in-arms, doubts about orders, and the inability to slaughter.

They have not lost to the enemy, if they do it again with well-equipped and complete tactics, they will definitely not lose so badly.

How can the soldiers not resent.

In addition, the bombardment of the magic cannon was irregular. While hitting civilian areas, it did not aim at the population gathering places, scattered flowers and even bombed the territories of surrounding forces at will.

Did they want the blood of living beings?

What they want is the resentment of living beings.

Lost their homes, their houses were destroyed, and most people survived, but those who were not in it, how could they realize how hopeless and absurd it all is.

Everything that was built in the past was destroyed in front of my eyes just like that.

How can the victim not resent.

But at this moment, the magic weapon was humiliated and fell to the ground under the siege of the coalition army. The god who should have looked down upon all beings was clearly only one step away, but he couldn't get the sacrifice right in front of him.

How can the gods not resent.

This kind of extreme hatred even engulfed the god's rationality, even if it was a sacrifice that could make him advance one meter, he would not let it go.

So actually—

The Hooffire Empire was tricked into launching a war, and the one who will be resurrected in the end is not the goddess of mechanics from the empire at all.

Rather, artisans will make their own.

That's why the sacrifice was placed where she couldn't get it, and the possibility of her becoming a god was cut off.

These lunatics.

How dare even the gods use it as a backstop.

"Do you really hate Felica so much?" Luo Wei said in silence, "I know that she would rather sacrifice herself than entrust her wish to create a goddess of mechanics to you."


In this way, it can explain why the craftsmen are willing to pay such a high price in order to hold them back.

Take one of the gods and a lot of grudges as an offering.

To ensure the birth of another god.

It's really amazing, relying on being able to blind God's eyes, he is not afraid of God's punishment at all.


The puppet murmured the name.

Luo Wei reminded: "If you want, you might as well look at your own face."

Filica's magic doll is completely based on herself.

Although, he is not sure whether the puppet has the original appearance at this time, everything here is just a possibility.

It is best to be able to convince the other party, and it is one point to obstruct the craftsman.

If he can't be persuaded, then he can only say sorry and won't hesitate here.

After all, there are still people waiting for him to go back.


The puppet inside let out a short breathing sound.

Luo Wei looked in that direction calmly, "I don't know how much you understand, but it's obvious that the long-cherished wish you were entrusted to was also used by others as obsession."

"Filica...Filica..." The puppet's voice continued to repeat, as if it would be forgotten if I didn't do it, "Those craftsmen, Chris...are all dead?"

"Irreversibly transforming people into irrational black flame bodies," Luo Wei responded without thinking, "You should know who did it, right?"


The puppet's voice was filled with tears.

Do dolls cry too?

Luo Wei didn't know, he didn't explain the situation to her in detail, but judging from the reaction, the other party didn't have no doubts about all this.

He was just throwing stones into the pool.

Although tiny.

It was enough to make a ripple.

"Do you know... where Felika is..."

"I know," Luo Wei looked up, "but I'm afraid you won't be able to go now."

Without enough nourishment, she couldn't live without the cradle that gave birth to her, and she couldn't stay awake for too long.

The mechanical body at the core emits a faint golden light.

The wheel turned, and the figure in the cylindrical cabin was pushed out.

There are countless cables behind her, and the ends of her limbs have been integrated with the structure. The white tights outline a body that is no different from a human being, but without the characteristics of the body surface, and her long green hair flutters in the water curtain.

His eyes slowly opened, and his sanity was still there for a while in the red.

"I...I want to entrust you with a wish."

The doll with the appearance of Felika said, and slowly took out a ball from behind.

"This is... Felica's memory, please give it to her."

A colorless glass box appeared, and the puppet let go of its hand, allowing it to slowly fall into Luo Wei's hands.

Luo Wei nodded coldly, "I will bring it."

The puppet smiled weakly.

"Although I failed to live up to Felica's wish, I am still very grateful to her. It is enough to bring me to this world."

Have this thought.

It seems that there is no need to worry, and I will see her in another goddess.

Luo Wei stopped to think about it, and gestured twice with his hand, "Do you have any memory, or a data chip?"

He also doesn't understand the specific techniques of craftsmen in this world, and he doesn't know what the corresponding nouns are.

I can't ask you if you have a U disk.

"If possible, maybe Felica can store you."

The puppet was stunned when he heard that.

She bowed her head in thought for two seconds, and seemed to be a little puzzled.

"You really... don't look like the one who patted Felica's ass and took her away."


How did she remember this...

You don't have to be sober.

"Master Felika's taste, is it not bad?"

"...It's okay." Luo Wei's face was black.

The two sides are hostile.

This was based on the private collusion between the Hooffire Empire and the Artisans. Now that the empire has been betrayed, Felika's plan has come to naught, and the positions are no longer contradictory. The enemy's enemies may not be able to take advantage of it.

What's more, he really doesn't have any grudge against the Hooffire Empire.

"That's fine..."

The puppet said with emotion, and suddenly pinched the core of Cui Yao on his chest.

There was obvious pain on her face, and she seemed to be enduring the most painful behavior as a magic doll. Multiple magic panels jumped out of the surrounding space densely, and then it was frozen into a time.


Luo Wei concentrated his attention and shook his head slightly.

It seems that he doesn't need to do it anymore.

A magic cube appeared in the puppet's left hand, and its right hand pulled out its own core, gradually transforming into a Cui Yao short blade.

"Take it... this dagger... just treat it..."

Just what, courier fee?
Watching her head drooping, unable to finish the rest of the sentence, the memory and the dagger that she had dropped slowly fell into the water.

Luo Wei reached out and caught the two things.

It is sympathetic to be entrusted with the wish of a world-destroying weapon, but to be reduced to this end.

He turned around and stopped looking, and used the short blade that transformed her core to stab at the flesh and blood on the outer wall of the space.

The flesh and blood receded as if dissolving.

But the outer space afterwards was much thinner than Luo Wei had imagined.

Even when Saya's face appeared there, Luo Wei was slightly taken aback.


you are...

Stripped her shell off?

"Your dog's life is really good!!" Saya said angrily there.

Luo Wei smiled, "Don't complain, I'm afraid that you will be a part of the goddess in the future."


Pulled out by several people from the crack, Luo Wei interrupted solemnly without waiting for Ryan to say anything: "Get out first, this place is going to self-destruct."

Ryan was slightly startled, then lowered his gaze, and also used the sound transmission jewelry to notify the troops above to evacuate.

The four quickly went out along the way they came, jumped up from the breach, and stayed away from the prostrate magic weapon in the heavy rain.

On the ground, Elfa took a deep look at Luo Wei.

He knew what that meant and didn't want to respond.

The Mechanic Goddess didn't blew himself up just by talking about it, but they chose to form an alliance with the Craftsman Association, which was a mistake in itself.

In this end, even if you ignore it, the ending has already been decided.

It's just that now, the craftsman will lose such an important sacrifice.

"What happened inside?" Shaye turned her head and asked.

The giant mechanical beast was still washed by the rain, calm as if it had fallen asleep.

"One good news and one bad news."

Rowe spoke in a low voice.

"The good news is that the card from the Craftsman's Guild has been released."

"The bad news is—"

He looked in the direction of Wuguan City.

"Another card has taken effect."

Accompanied by the voice, there was an astonishing explosion sound from inside the giant mechanical beast, and the roaring sparks lit up the night, drowning in the heavy rain like scattered meteors, and the two suns of the giant beast went out.

Subsequent inspection and recycling will be handed over to Ryan.

It's just that it's not over.

The only thing to get rid of is the sacrifices. The more complete magic weapons and the goddess of mechanics in the artisan's conspiracy, I'm afraid they won't be as easy to deal with as they are now.

But there is no need to be pessimistic.

By delaying their day, the craftsmen will completely lose the trust of the Hooffire Empire, and lose the gods as sacrifices. All of this is caused by the war. It is hard to say who will lose and who will gain.

One thing was confirmed once again.

Luo Wei looked in the direction of Wuguan City, his eyes turned cold.

These people are demons.

Betrayed and used, even the basic ethics and morals are trampled on without hesitation in order to achieve their goals, and even the gods dare to wantonly blaspheme.

It's hard to say whether God's punishment is not God's punishment.

But they will pay for it.

"We won?" Someone in the legion broke the calm.

People turned to the source of the sound, and after a brief moment of stupefaction, the atmosphere in the heavy rain gradually developed in the direction of relief.

After the first cheers, the current war finally came to an end on the plain that had caused huge trauma.

Luo Wei closed his eyes, temporarily ignoring the question that it was actually a comma, smiled, and turned to Saya.

The angel of rain stared blankly at him.

Luo Wei approached slowly and grabbed her twin tails from behind.

"Let's go, let's take the news back."


Luo Wei jumped on her body, Saya understood, and turned her head annoyed.

"You go back by yourself through the magic device!!"

(End of this chapter)

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