Chapter 285
Minoni turned her gaze and looked at him with the same expression as before.

Looking into those bright eyes, Luo Wei strengthened his inner thoughts even more.

He said: "Soon, this world will be completely destroyed. I don't have enough evidence to connect the clues, but I'm afraid it has something to do with the third world you mentioned."

In fact, Luo Wei still remembered the prophecy mentioned by the head of the temple before Lan.

"Second Worlds Convergence".

If the war between the ancient gods and the present gods 200 years ago was the "first meeting", then the formation of the third world now has indeed created the possibility of the "second meeting".

Now the world of the present gods has not been restored, and the world of the ancient gods is also extremely active after the end of the battle of the gods.

The consequences of doing it again are unimaginable.

Perhaps the words of the head of the temple cannot be fully believed, but the destruction of the world is something that Luo Wei has personally experienced. If no changes are made, this is the only thing that he is sure and will definitely happen.

Concisely expressing it to Minoni, the girl showed a slightly thoughtful expression.

"Your presumption is that they will return."

"Eltina's "Salvation Tea Party", I think it is also to prevent this situation, in fact..." Luo Wei paused, wondering if he should tell her what happened in the past 200 years, "They After that, I made a lot of efforts, and even paid the price of falling for it. "


"So, I think our purpose is the same," Rowe said in a deep voice, "I hope to prevent the destruction of the world, and you hope to find out who has failed all of this."

After he finished speaking, he added:
"I will find it."

Behind the craftsman's association, the "he" who can blind the vision of God, now it seems that the possibility of coming from the third world is quite high.

This can also explain why so many disputes have been caused, but they have never been able to stay behind the scenes and not show up.

But for this kind of thing involving the truth of the doomsday, Luo Wei does not intend to be so sure, so as to avoid wrong judgments caused by deviations in it.

"Are you looking for the first-level god who died in the past to prove your own guesses?"

"Do not……"

Luo Wei swallowed his throat, and the palm of the hand holding the divine power resister overflowed with sweat.

Are you coming?

The current information seems to be enough to constitute a negotiation condition.

"I want to ask first, you have indeed fallen, right?"

"Yes." Minoni nodded slightly.

"Then is your divine core still there?"


Rowe took a deep breath.

Being able to continue to exist in this way, it seems that she really has no concept of death.

"Then I want to make a deal with you," he said, looking at the demon god in front of him, "You know the characteristics of the "starless person" and understand that I have infinite possibilities. Things are not without hope. "

Minoni just looked at him unchanged.

"Go on."

"This is a contract. For you, this will not be a long sleep. During this period, I will find the truth and use my own possibility to find a way to separate and wake you up. And after that , and personally tell you the truth.”

After Luo Wei finished speaking, his gaze became serious.

"Now I don't have the ability to find out this answer. For this, I need to borrow the power of your god core."

Say what you want to say.

As long as there is a real interest relationship between each other, there is the possibility of negotiation.

He needs a powerful enough God Core, and Minoni needs to find someone who has failed the hard-won peace.What Luo Wei can give her is to find the answer she wants, and promise that one day in the future, he will find a way to separate her divine core and bring her back to life.

In addition, her former comrades-in-arms are also working hard for this, and the existence of the "Salvation Tea Party" makes this matter more convincing. He can definitely be the link that reconnects her with the Tea Party.

The atmosphere in the air became quiet.

Luo Wei is not sure that a first-level god will willingly hand over the god core, even if she has fallen.

Therefore, "borrowing" is the best choice.

"Is this the purpose you have been covering up?"


Is it still not working?
He figured out the cause and effect in order to let her know that he was indeed taking this matter seriously.

"There will be a heavy price to pay."

Not refusing directly proves that there is a chance. Luo Wei does not intend to give up, and takes a step forward, "I can find a way to reduce your price, and promise to make it worth it."

Minoni looked at him and shook her head.

"It's not my price, it's yours."


Luo Wei froze for a moment, his face slowly slowed down, and suddenly showed a self-deprecating expression.

"I would be too ignorant if I didn't know that there would be a price to pay."

Great power has a price.

The greater the power, the heavier the price.

The godheads that Luo Wei knew in history all accepted the god core of a first-level god by accident, and lost everything before they had time to prepare.

But he is different.

He took the initiative to borrow the God Core.

It would never be so easy for a mortal to become a god with a god core of a first-level god, but Minoni is still here. If she accepts her proposal, as the master of the god core, she can provide some relief to a large extent.

Even if her strength exceeds expectations, as long as she is fully prepared, it is not impossible to avoid the most unacceptable points.

And the rest are lost.

As long as it is not irretrievable, you can get it back after you become a godhead.

Minoni closed her star-sea-like eyes.

"I understand your appeal, Starless Man."

She slowly faced her and raised a hand up.

In the boundless darkness, the pure white light in her hand turned into a star, as if it could illuminate the entire universe.

The space was stained with spirit, Luo Wei groaned under the pressure, and his knees fell heavily on the floor.

The pure white girl in a plain dress looked down at him coldly.

"I am the demon god of the outside world, the only pure white born in the boundless darkness. Rowe Brook, the starless man, do you want my god core?"

Luo Wei struggled to raise his head, under the power of the gods, he looked like a small speck of dust, and his cervical spine seemed to be crushed by a huge force.

He stood up tremblingly, even though he broke his legs, he took a heavy step forward.

"Yes, I want your divine core."

Some things, if you don't pay attention to try, there will never be results.

The strong wind blew off the girl's hair accessories, her long white hair was fluttering, and the starry sky of another world was reflected behind her, and the pure white light belt shone like a moon.

"Very good, I will give you my divine core, and be prepared to get involved in this power."

The statue of her body emitted light, and the surrounding space suddenly became darker, but the light in the center became more and more pure white, and even engulfed the entire space.

In the center of that pure white, a black sphere was born.

A dark thunderbolt burst out around, penetrating the boundaries of time and space, and the luminous interior of the black ball was incomparably pure white, as if the pure white core was condensed in the darkness of the boundless universe.

Luo Wei supported his knees and watched the sphere slowly approaching in front of him. In the pain of being unable to breathe, he felt a trace of inexplicable peace in turn.

Rust, rustle, rustle, rustle—

With the black lines forming a cube to surround the divine core, it fell from mid-air, and Luo Wei, who resumed his actions, quickly caught it.

The divine core was temporarily sealed by Minoni.

She closed her eyes slightly, looked at him again and said:

"I didn't expect you to ask me to borrow it."


The oppression in the air disappeared, and Luo Wei held the transparent box in both hands, panting in shock.

"Did you plan to give it to me long ago?" He wondered, "Is it because of the views of the "Supreme" on the "Starless Man"? "

"As a fallen demon god, I just want to satisfy your wish as much as possible," Minoni looked at him indifferently, "but I'm also a little curious now, what kind of path will human beings use my power to take."

"I don't intend to break my promise," Luo Wei responded to her intently, "I will definitely find a way to wake you up after I run out."

"That's not important, or... At this time, should I actually say thank you?"

Minoni raised her brows suddenly in the middle of speaking, which made Luo Wei smile with emotion.

She and her messenger still have something in common.

For her, this may just be a matter of closing and opening her eyes, or it may be the ending of never waking up with him. Luo Wei doesn't quite understand her thoughts. Existence, for her, is not something measured by self-worth.


Of course, there are also cases where he was revived after sending it, and the two coexisted in one body.

At least this is a goddess, and she is a very beautiful goddess, so it can't be considered a loss.

"If you think that's something to be thankful for, I'd like to know, what exactly is the price?"

Luo Wei didn't want to delay this matter, and had certain psychological expectations about it.

All in all, as long as it can be guaranteed that he is still him and does not cause irreparable harm to those around him, it doesn't matter what else.

"Then listen carefully, the price you need to pay is "■■". "


After listening to the detailed explanation, Luo Wei fell into a long silence.

Born in the darkness where there is nothing outside the world, Minoni's existence seems to be more unpredictable than he imagined. She seems to represent some kind of pure root law, not controlled by any restraint, and is a unique self-born product.If these costs are true, a person who accidentally destroys the world may be himself.

"Now that you know the price, it's up to you to choose how to mitigate the impact and what path to take to bear this power."

"...I will think about it carefully."

That's why I said why taking a first-level god's core to become a god is something that ordinary people dare not even think about. Even if they worked hard to get it, the price is really not affordable for ordinary people.

Luo Wei wasn't frightened, but the way to use this god core to become a god, I'm afraid I have to plan carefully, combined with the current situation of Wucheng City, maybe this chaotic situation can be taken advantage of.

He couldn't help but smiled wryly.

This... probably counts as planning his own god-making ceremony.

"Since that's the case, I don't need to guide the rest. I will open the passage outside the boundary and let you leave."

"Wait a minute."

Knowing that she would not last long in this state, Luo Wei temporarily put aside his thoughts on this matter, and stopped Minoni aloud.

"Before you fall asleep, I want to grant you another wish."


Luo Wei took a breath slowly, smiled and said:
"You shouldn't have forgotten the wish you made to the demon king in the past, right?"



Crownless City, South Craftsman Street.

The streets that used to be orderly and orderly, now have experienced the baptism of war and magic cannons, and ruins can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

People are doing rush repair work, because of the disaster caused by the collapse of the building, there are still many people trapped in the ruins.

"Come on, hurry up! Help!"

"Has the magic crane been delivered yet?"

"The road here has not been paved for a long time, and it is already rushing here!"

For this reason, this street looks busier than before, with people in a hurry everywhere, and the army of the Lion Garden is on patrol.

It seems that Randall took the initiative to promote security work.

"Why are they looking at us?"

Asked the pure white girl walking beside Luo Wei on the newly laid stone bricks.

Luo Wei twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing whether to choose a teasing answer or tell her the truth directly.

"Do you want me to tell you in the way I usually communicate with people, or tell the truth?"

"Is there any difference?" Minoni asked, putting her hand on her chin.

Originally, she couldn't leave the God War Ruins.

But at this moment, the divine core is on Luo Wei, and she also has the opportunity to breathe the outside air for a short time.

When Minoni cast the pure white land in this world, she made a wish to the ancient king of demons—"I hope to observe the way of human existence."

The information obtained from the Godhead of the Demon Race, Luo Wei originally planned to use it as the last means to persuade her, now that she has given the God Core to him, he thought about it, and decided to fulfill this wish before the other party fell asleep .

Then there is the conversation today.

Thinking about it carefully, going shopping with a first-level god... probably scares people to death.

"Let's go your way."

Hearing what she said, Luo Wei looked down and shrugged helplessly.

"Obviously, you are clean, but you have no shoes on."

How could it be possible for a pure white girl like her, wearing a spotless dress, to walk barefoot on the post-war streets without attracting attention.

Minoni lowered her head and thought for a while.

"You mean... I should get a little dirty, or wear shoes like them?"

To analyze it objectively.

Luo Wei's face trembled, and he turned to her slightly and said, "At this time, if you say 'then where can we buy a pair of shoes', it will be more like an expression in the human world."

"Then where do we go to buy a pair of shoes?"

Sounds a bit dry.

Forget it, Luo Wei doesn't think that this time alone will allow her to learn cognition. According to her, she has existed in the darkness outside the boundary for an unknown amount of time.

Tens of thousands of years?Hundreds of millions of years?She has no concept of time at all there.

"There's a clothing workshop open over there, let's go and have a look."

"Okay... listen to you."

Minoni didn't show nervousness, but a kind of bewilderment that she didn't know how to communicate with others, and followed him while observing.

Hmm... If at this time she said, "Hey, do you want my brother to buy me nice shoes?"

Uh, it's better not to die in strange places.

Open the door and go in. In order to help the reconstruction work, the major workshops have not closed their business, but they will not accept customized services after inquiries, and only sell the spot goods displayed in the store.The craftsman himself is rushing to make rescue supplies such as stretchers and bandages.

"Has there been a war just now?" Minoni asked suddenly.

Facing the clerk's suspicious gaze, Luo Wei pointed at the pure white girl with a black face.

"Distant cousin, just arrived today."

Then he quickly took her to look at the shoes.

Minoni was not outspoken, but after a little doubt, she stopped thinking about it and focused on those products.

"You mean, these things can be chosen by me?"

"Well... But there are some contractual costs to pay, but don't worry, my contract in this regard is sufficient."

The girl was caught in a difficult choice for a while, and Luo Wei didn't intend to waste time here, and turned to look at the clerk.

"Pack it all up for me."

The clerk looked at him even more suspiciously.

Carrying the packed shoes and returning to the street, Minoni wore a pair of carved short shoes with the same color as her dress. For her, it was not uncomfortable for her to walk.

"Those people are still looking at us, but their eyes are not the same as before, and they don't look at us for as long as before."

" normal, because your appearance is pleasing to human beings, so they can't help but take a little look at you."

"is it?"

More than that, her temperament and appearance are a bit too otherworldly, and Luo Wei feels pressure when walking beside her.

It's not that they are prettier than Vermil Saya and the others, it's just that they still know a little bit how to communicate with people, and Saya at most just ignores them, and Minoni responds to those eyes with an attitude that is all about human beings.

"Then how do I respond to those stares?"

"Just look at the ones that you think look good, and don't worry about the ones that don't look good."

"I see."

Then Minoni glanced at him.

Luo Wei: "...?"

(End of this chapter)

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